view src/sbdd/ @ 109:31278b74094b

*** empty log message ***
author kono
date Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:58:12 +0900
parents b508608e3cce
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line source

package sbdd;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;

//import parser.ExecutorInterface;
import parser.ITLNodeParser;

import lite.BDDSolver;
import lite.Backtrack;
import lite.ChoicePointList;
import lite.ITLNodeFactory;
import lite.ITLSatisfier;
import lite.ITLSolver;
import lite.Next;

public class BDDSatisfier extends ITLSatisfier {

	public ITLNodeParser<ITLSolver> p;
	public SBDDFactory sf;

	public  LinkedList<SBDDEntry> queue;
	public  SBDDSet state;
	public SBDDEntry currentState;
	public SBDDEntry last;
	boolean falsifiable,satisfiable;
	int edge;

	 * Tableau expansion verifier for ITL with Subterm BDD.
	 * develop() try to find satisfiable choice point list for the ITL
	 * formula. allNext() stores generated next time ITL formula in
	 * a queue and SBDD Hash table ( SBDDEntry ). verify() repeats
	 * develop() over the queue, until no more new states are generated.
	 * If we have no true in SBDD Hash, the formula is unsatisfiable.
	 * These are checked by BDDDiagnosis.
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	public void init() {
		p = new ITLNodeParser<ITLSolver>(new ITLNodeFactory());
		sf = new SBDDFactory();
		edge = 0;
	public BDDSatisfier() {
		lf = sf; // this is strange.
		// the parser uses ITLNodeFactory for syntax tree, but in Satisfier,
		// SBDDFactory have be used. 
		true_ = SBDDFactory.trueSolver;
		false_ = SBDDFactory.falseSolver;
		state = sf.set();
		state.getEntry(SBDDFactory.trueSolver).expanded = true;
		state.getEntry(SBDDFactory.falseSolver).expanded = true;
		state.getEntry((empty=SBDDFactory.emptySolver)).expanded = true;

	public void showAllNext(String s) {
		ITLSolver n = p.parse(s);
		BDDSolver b = n.toSBDD(sf);
		develop(b, new Print());
		// System.out.println(sf.hash);
	class Print implements Next {

		public ITLSolver next(ITLSatisfier sat, ITLSolver value) throws Backtrack {
			System.out.println("  "+sat.choicePoint()+" -> "+value);
			throw sat.backtrack;

	public void showVerify(String s) {
		ITLSolver n = p.parse(s);
		BDDSolver b = n.toSBDD(sf);

	class AllNext implements Next {

		public ITLSolver next(ITLSatisfier sat, ITLSolver value) throws Backtrack {
			if (value!=null) {
				if (value==true_) satisfiable = true;
				SBDDEntry e = state.getEntry(value);
				if (e.expanded) {
				} else 	{
					queue.add(e); e.expanded = true;
					System.out.print(" ");
			} else {
				System.out.print("f"); falsifiable = true;
			throw sat.backtrack;

	class AllNextVerbose implements Next {

		public ITLSolver next(ITLSatisfier sat, ITLSolver value) throws Backtrack {
			String s = "null";
			System.out.print(" "+sat.choicePoint()+" -> ");
			if (value!=null) {
				if (value==true_) {
					s="true";satisfiable = true;
				} else {
					SBDDEntry e = state.getEntry(value);
					s = value.toString(); s = Integer.toString(":"+s;
					if (e.expanded) {
						// skip
					} else 	{
						queue.add(e); e.expanded = true;
						s = "!"+s;
			} else {
				falsifiable = true;
			throw sat.backtrack;

	 * Do tableau expansion on an ITL formula
	 *     use develop to find out all possible next
	 *     store them in SBDDSet. If no more new next
	 *     states, all done. 
	public void verify(ITLSolver n) {
		Date start = new Date();
		queue = new LinkedList<SBDDEntry>();
		Next allNext = verbose? new AllNextVerbose() : new AllNext();
		SBDDEntry b = state.getEntry(n);
		last = b;
		if (b.expanded) {
			// already checked
			System.out.println("   already checked.");
		queue.add(b); b.expanded = true;
		for(SBDDEntry e;(e = queue.poll())!=null; ) {
			currentState = e; falsifiable=false; satisfiable = false;
			cp.clear();                           // all choice point is searched and removed
			//develop(e.key, allNext);
			try {
				e.key.sat(this, allNext);
			} catch (Backtrack e1) {
				// all end
			// this flag is work on current state
			// to check validity/unsatisfiability, full check is required.
			e.falsifiable = falsifiable; e.satisfiable = satisfiable;
			if (!verbose) System.out.println();
		Date end = new Date();
		String time = Long.toString(end.getTime()-start.getTime());
		if (!verbose) System.out.println("done in "+time+"msec");

	public SBDDEntry getEntry(ITLSolver key) {
		return sf.hash.getEntry(key);

	/* SBDDEntry does not contains choice point set
	 * i.e. transition condition represented by true/false combination of
	 * variables. Choice point have to be generated on the fly. Condition
	 * Edge is 2^(number of variable), so it is not good to have all in
	 * memory. findNext generate choice point on the fly.
	class FindOne implements Next {
		SBDDEntry dest;
		public ChoicePointList<ITLSolver> cp;
		public FindOne(SBDDEntry next) {
			this.dest = next;
		public ITLSolver next(ITLSatisfier sat, ITLSolver value) throws Backtrack {
			if (value!=null && state.getEntry(value)==dest) {
				cp = sat.cp; return null;
			throw sat.backtrack;

	public ChoicePointList<ITLSolver> findNext(SBDDEntry now, SBDDEntry next) {
		FindOne findOne = new FindOne(next);
		develop(now.key, findOne);
		return findOne.cp;

//  Find all possible choice points
//	public ChoicePointList<ITLSolver> copy(ChoicePointList<ITLSolver> cplist) {
//		ChoicePointList<ITLSolver> newcp = new ChoicePointList<ITLSolver>();
//		for(ITLSolver cp : cplist) {
//			newcp.add(new VariableSolver(cp.toString(),cp.value));
//		}
//		return newcp;
////	}
//	class FindNext extends LinkedList<ChoicePointList<ITLSolver>> implements Next  {
//		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
//		public SBDDEntry dest;
//		FindNext(SBDDEntry dest) { this.dest = dest; }
//		public ITLSolver next(ITLSatisfier sat, Continuation next, ITLSolver value) throws Backtrack {
//			if (value!=null&&value!=true_) {
//				SBDDEntry e = state.getEntry(value);
//				if (e.expanded) {
//					add(copy(sat.cp));
//				} 
//			} 
//			throw sat.backtrack;
//		}
//	}