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author | Shinji KONO <> |
date | Fri, 22 Apr 2016 16:47:13 +0900 |
parents | 07d6c4c5654b |
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/* Copyright (C) 1991, Shinji Kono, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Inc. The University, Newcastle upton Tyne Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also use this wording to make the terms for other programs. send your comments to $Id:,v 1.4 2007/08/30 05:16:36 kono Exp $ */ % develop Local ITL formula into state diagram % % Mon May 20 17:24:23 BST 1991 % require([chop]). ex :- ex1(_). ex(N) :- number(N),!,ex1(N). ex(demo(N)) :- number(N),!,ex1(N). ex(X) :- verbose,!,time(deve(X)),itl_statistics,diag,!. ex(X) :- time(deve(X)),itl_statistics. ex1(N) :- ex(N,P),nl,write(P),write('.'),nl,ex(P),fail. ex1(_) :- told. exex :- verbose(off),tell(ex),( ex(_,P),nl,write(P),write('.'),nl,ex(P),itl_statistics,fail; told ). % cputime(X):-statistics(runtime,[X1,_]),!,X is X1/1000. % cputime(X):-X is cputime. % for cprolog time(X):- r_cputime(T0),call(X),r_cputime(T1), T is T1-T0, nl,write(T),write(' sec.'). state :- listing(state/3),lising(state/4). % diagnosis diag :- diag(X), (X = counter_example(_), write('counter example:'),nl; true),!, write_diag(X). diag(X) :- number(X), % at most X length solution links(false,_), % search false diag_l(false,[],H,X), make_hist(H,Hist), write_diag(counter_example(Hist)). diag(valid) :- \+(links(false,_)),!. diag(counter_example(Hist)) :- diag_l(false,[],H,0), make_hist(H,Hist). % execution exapmle. exe :- exe(Z), (Z=unsatisfiable, nl,write('unsatisfiable'),nl,!,fail; nl,write('execution:'),nl,write_diag(Z)). exe(X) :- number(X), % at most X length solution possible_root(R), diag_l(R,[],H,X), make_hist(H,Hist), write_diag(execution(Hist)). exe(unsatisfiable) :- \+(possible_root(_)),!. exe(execution(Hist)) :- possible_root(R), diag_l(R,[],H,0), make_hist(H,Hist). % possible root is non looping true or 0 node. possible_root(true) :- possible_root1(true). possible_root(0) :- possible_root1(0). possible_root1(R) :- links(R,N),\+(N = true),!. % Log order search make_hist(S,C) :- detailed,!, S = [P|L],itl_state(P1,P), make_hist1(L,P,P1,[],_,C). make_hist(S,C) :- S = [P|L], make_hist0(L,P,C). make_hist0([],_,[]):-!. make_hist0([D|L],*,[*|L1]):-!, make_hist0(L,D,L1). make_hist0([*|L],S,[*|L1]):-!, make_hist0(L,S,L1). make_hist0([D|L],S,[(D->Cond)|L1]):-!, % step by step state(S,Cond,D), !, % make_hist0(L,D,L1). % trace 2variable renamings make_hist1([],_,_,R,R,[]):-!. make_hist1([*|L],S,P,R,R1,[*|L1]):-!, make_hist1(L,S,P,R,R1,L1). make_hist1([SN|L],S,P,R,R1,[(SN->Cond)|L1]):-!, % step by step state(S,Cond,SN,P,P1,R,R0), !, make_hist1(L,SN,P1,R0,R1,L1). diag(Hist,P) :- diag_l(P,[],Hist,0). % try to find interesting example % reverse order back track diag_ls(Ps,L,L1,D):-member(P,Ps),diag_l(P,L,L1,D). % one minimum solution diag_l(1,L,[1|L],D):-!,D=<0. % Initial State? Enough depth? diag_l(E,L,L1,D) :- setof(P,links(E,P),P1), % must be minimum first order D1 is D-1, member(P0,P1), diag_l(P0,[E|L],L1,D1). write_diag(counter_example(Hist)) :-!,write_ce(Hist,0). write_diag(execution(Hist)) :-!,write_ce(Hist,0). write_diag(R):-!,write(R),nl. write_ce([],_):-!. write_ce([(*)|T],I) :- !, write(*),nl, write_ce(T,I). write_ce([(S->[E|L])|T],I) :- (E=more,L=L1;E=empty,L=L1;[E|L]=L1),!, write(I),write(:),write_cond(L1),put(9),write(S),nl, J is I+1, write_ce(T,J). % condition print write_cond(X) :- sortC(X,Y),write_cond1(Y). write_cond1([]):-!. write_cond1([H|T]):-!,write_cond1(H),write_cond1(T). write_cond1(not(P)):-!,put(45), % "-" write(P). write_cond1(P):- !,put(43), % "+" write(P). % bubble sort sortC([],[]). sortC([H|T],[Min|Y]):- min(T,H,Min,Rest), sortC(Rest,Y). min([],X,X,[]). min([H|T],X,Y,[H|S]) :- ord(H,X),!,min(T,X,Y,S). min([H|T],X,Y,[X|S]) :- min(T,H,Y,S). ord(not(X),not(Y)) :- !,X @> Y. ord(X,not(Y)) :- !,X @> Y. ord(not(X),Y) :- !,X @> Y. ord(X,Y) :- !,X @> Y. rev([],X,X). rev([H|T],X,Y) :- rev(T,[H|X],Y). not_member(_,[]):-!. not_member(H,[H|_]):-!,fail. not_member(H,[_|T]):-not_member(H,T). count(A) :- count(A,X),write(X),nl. count(A, _) :- init_var(tmp, 0), call(A), inc_var(tmp, _), fail. count(_, A) :- retract(tmp(A)). user_help :- write('?-ex(2).'),nl, write('?-ex( [](p) -> <> p ).'),nl, write(' Verify numbered examples or ITL formula.'),nl, write('?-diag.'),nl, write(' shows a counter example.'),nl, write('?-exe.'),nl, write(' This shows an execution of ITL formula.'),nl, write('?-diag(N) or ?-exe(N) '),nl, write(' shows at least N length examples. '),nl, write(' 1: +p-q means "at clock 1, p is true and q is false". '),nl, write('?-verbose(off). '),nl, write(' generates one character per state transition condition.'),nl, write(' e empty / t true / f false'),nl, write(' 123. newly genrated state number'),nl, write(' . transition to a registerd state'),nl, write('?-verbose(on).'),nl, write(' show ITL formula for each state. (Can be Very large)'),nl, write('?-start, display.'),nl, write(' starts X-Window Interface.'),nl, write('?-ex. runs all examples in But it takes several hours.'),nl, write(' Some of the examples are quite large.'),nl, write('?-kiss.'),nl, write(' generates KISS2 format for SIS.'),nl, write('?-tgen.'),nl, write(' generates Tokio language.'),nl, write('?-read_kiss(File,In,Out,Empty).'),nl, write(' reads KISS2 format. In and Out are list of variables in the order'),nl, write(' of the KISS2 file. '),nl, write('?-read_kiss(File).'),nl, write(' => read_kiss(File,_,_,empty)'),nl, write('?-read_kiss(File,Empty).'),nl, write(' => read_kiss(File,_,_,Empty) '),nl, true. /* end */