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view wiki.cgi @ 0:a2f0a2c135cf
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author | Shoshi TAMAKI <> |
date | Sun, 06 Jun 2010 22:00:38 +0900 |
parents | |
children | d67370516d8c |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/perl -X #!perl -X # # wiki.cgi - YukiWiki on Cassandra # Shoshi TAMAKI # ############################## # # wiki.cgi - This is YukiWiki, yet another Wiki clone. # # Copyright (C) 2000-2004 by Hiroshi Yuki. # <> # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # ############################## # Libraries. use strict; use lib qw(.); use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Yuki::RSS; use Yuki::DiffText qw(difftext); use Yuki::YukiWikiDB; use Yuki::PluginManager; use Cassandra::CassHash; require ''; # use Jcode; use Fcntl; # Check if the server can use 'AnyDBM_File' or not. # eval 'use AnyDBM_File'; # my $error_AnyDBM_File = $@; my $version = '2.1.3'; ############################## # # You MUST modify following '$modifier_...' variables. # my $modifier_mail = ''; my $modifier_url = ''; my $modifier_name = 'Hiroshi Yuki'; my $modifier_dir_data = '.'; # Your data directory (not URL, but DIRECTORY). my $modifier_url_data = '.'; # Your data URL (not DIRECTORY, but URL). my $modifier_rss_title = "YukiWiki $version"; my $modifier_rss_link = ''; my $modifier_rss_about = ''; my $modifier_rss_description = 'This is YukiWiki, yet another Wiki clone'; my $modifier_rss_timezone = '+09:00'; ############################## # # You MAY modify following variables. # #my $modifier_dbtype = 'YukiWikiDB'; my $modifier_dbtype = 'Cassandra::CassHash'; my $modifier_sendmail = ''; # my $modifier_sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -n'; my $modifier_dir_plugin = './plugin'; ############################## # # You MAY modify following variables. # my $file_touch = "$modifier_dir_data/touched.txt"; my $file_resource = "$modifier_dir_data/resource.txt"; my $file_FrontPage = "$modifier_dir_data/frontpage.txt"; my $file_conflict = "$modifier_dir_data/conflict.txt"; my $file_format = "$modifier_dir_data/format.txt"; my $file_rss = "$modifier_dir_data/rss.xml"; my $url_cgi = 'wiki.cgi'; my $url_stylesheet = "$modifier_url_data/wiki.css"; my $icontag = qq(<img src="$modifier_url_data/icon40x40.gif" alt="*" width="40" height="40" />); my $maxrecent = 50; my $max_message_length = 500_000; # -1 for unlimited. my $cols = 80; my $rows = 20; ############################## # # You MAY modify following variables. # my $dataname = "$modifier_dir_data/wiki"; my $infoname = "$modifier_dir_data/info"; my $diffname = "$modifier_dir_data/diff"; my $editchar = '?'; my $subject_delimiter = ' - '; my $use_autoimg = 1; # automatically convert image URL into <img> tag. my $use_exists = 0; # If you can use 'exists' method for your DB. my $use_FixedFrontPage = 0; ############################## my $InterWikiName = 'InterWikiName'; my $RecentChanges = 'RecentChanges'; my $AdminChangePassword = 'AdminChangePassword'; my $CompletedSuccessfully = 'CompletedSuccessfully'; my $FrontPage = 'FrontPage'; my $IndexPage = 'IndexPage'; my $SearchPage = 'SearchPage'; my $CreatePage = 'CreatePage'; my $ErrorPage = 'ErrorPage'; my $RssPage = 'RssPage'; my $AdminSpecialPage = 'Admin Special Page'; # must include spaces. ############################## my $wiki_name = '\b([A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+)+)\b'; my $bracket_name = '\[\[(\S+?)\]\]'; my $embedded_name = '\[\[(#\S+?)\]\]'; my $interwiki_definition = '\[\[(\S+?)\ (\S+?)\]\]'; my $interwiki_name = '([^:]+):([^:].*)'; # Sorry for wierd regex. my $inline_plugin = '\&(\w+)\((([^()]*(\([^()]*\))?)*)\)'; ############################## my $embed_comment = '[[#comment]]'; my $embed_rcomment = '[[#rcomment]]'; ############################## my $info_ConflictChecker = 'ConflictChecker'; my $info_LastModified = 'LastModified'; my $info_IsFrozen = 'IsFrozen'; my $info_AdminPassword = 'AdminPassword'; ############################## my $kanjicode = 'euc'; my $charset = 'euc-jp'; my $lang = 'ja'; my %fixedpage = ( $IndexPage => 1, $CreatePage => 1, $ErrorPage => 1, $RssPage => 1, $RecentChanges => 1, $SearchPage => 1, $AdminChangePassword => 1, $CompletedSuccessfully => 1, $FrontPage => $use_FixedFrontPage, ); my %form; my %database; my %infobase; my %diffbase; my %resource; my %interwiki; my $plugin_manager; my $plugin_context = { debug => 0, database => \%database, infobase => \%infobase, resource => \%resource, form => \%form, interwiki => \%interwiki, url_cgi => $url_cgi, }; ############################## my %page_command = ( $IndexPage => 'index', $SearchPage => 'searchform', $CreatePage => 'create', $RssPage => 'rss', $AdminChangePassword => 'adminchangepasswordform', $FrontPage => 'FrontPage', ); my %command_do = ( read => \&do_read, edit => \&do_edit, adminedit => \&do_adminedit, adminchangepasswordform => \&do_adminchangepasswordform, adminchangepassword => \&do_adminchangepassword, write => \&do_write, index => \&do_index, searchform => \&do_searchform, search => \&do_search, create => \&do_create, createresult => \&do_createresult, FrontPage => \&do_FrontPage, comment => \&do_comment, rss => \&do_rss, diff => \&do_diff, ); ############################## # &test_convert; &main; exit(0); ############################## sub main { &init_resource; # &check_modifiers; &open_db; &init_form; &init_InterWikiName; &init_plugin; if ($command_do{$form{mycmd}}) { &{$command_do{$form{mycmd}}}; } else { &do_FrontPage; } &close_db; } sub do_read { &print_header($form{mypage}); &print_content($database{$form{mypage}}); &print_footer($form{mypage}); } sub do_edit { my ($page) = &unarmor_name(&armor_name($form{mypage})); &print_header($page); if (not &is_editable($page)) { &print_message($resource{cantchange}); } elsif (&is_frozen($page)) { &print_message($resource{cantchange}); } else { &print_editform($database{$page}, &get_info($page, $info_ConflictChecker), admin=>0); } &print_footer($page); } sub do_adminedit { my ($page) = &unarmor_name(&armor_name($form{mypage})); &print_header($page); if (not &is_editable($page)) { &print_message($resource{cantchange}); } else { &print_message($resource{passwordneeded}); &print_editform($database{$page}, &get_info($page, $info_ConflictChecker), admin=>1); } &print_footer($page); } sub do_adminchangepasswordform { &print_header($AdminChangePassword); &print_passwordform; &print_footer($AdminChangePassword); } sub do_adminchangepassword { if ($form{mynewpassword} ne $form{mynewpassword2}) { &print_error($resource{passwordmismatcherror}); } my ($validpassword_crypt) = &get_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword); if ($validpassword_crypt) { if (not &valid_password($form{myoldpassword})) { &send_mail_to_admin(<<"EOD", "AdminChangePassword"); myoldpassword=$form{myoldpassword} mynewpassword=$form{mynewpassword} mynewpassword2=$form{mynewpassword2} EOD &print_error($resource{passworderror}); } } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time); my (@token) = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'); my $salt1 = $token[(time | $$) % scalar(@token)]; my $salt2 = $token[($sec + $min*60 + $hour*60*60) % scalar(@token)]; my $crypted = crypt($form{mynewpassword}, "$salt1$salt2"); &set_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword, $crypted); &print_header($CompletedSuccessfully); &print_message($resource{passwordchanged}); &print_footer($CompletedSuccessfully); } sub do_index { &print_header($IndexPage); print qq(<ul>); foreach my $page (sort keys %database) { if (&is_editable($page)) { print qq(<li><a href="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($page)]}">@{[&escape($page)]}</a>@{[&escape(&get_subjectline($page))]}</li>); # print qq(<li>@{[&get_info($page, $info_IsFrozen)]}</li>); # print qq(<li>@{[0 + &is_frozen($page)]}</li>); } } print qq(</ul>); &print_footer($IndexPage); } sub do_write { if (&keyword_reject()) { return; } if (&frozen_reject()) { return; } if (&length_reject()) { return; } if (not &is_editable($form{mypage})) { &print_header($form{mypage}); &print_message($resource{cantchange}); &print_footer($form{mypage}); return; } if (&conflict($form{mypage}, $form{mymsg})) { return; } # Making diff if (1) { &open_diff; my @msg1 = split(/\r?\n/, $database{$form{mypage}}); my @msg2 = split(/\r?\n/, $form{mymsg}); $diffbase{$form{mypage}} = &difftext(\@msg1, \@msg2); &close_diff; } if ($form{mymsg}) { $database{$form{mypage}} = $form{mymsg}; &send_mail_to_admin($form{mypage}, "Modify"); &set_info($form{mypage}, $info_ConflictChecker, '' . localtime); if ($form{mytouch}) { &set_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified, '' . localtime); &update_recent_changes; } &set_info($form{mypage}, $info_IsFrozen, 0 + $form{myfrozen}); &print_header($CompletedSuccessfully); &print_message($resource{saved}); &print_content("$resource{continuereading} @{[&armor_name($form{mypage})]}"); &print_footer($CompletedSuccessfully); } else { &send_mail_to_admin($form{mypage}, "Delete"); delete $database{$form{mypage}}; delete $infobase{$form{mypage}}; if ($form{mytouch}) { &update_recent_changes; } &print_header($form{mypage}); &print_message($resource{deleted}); &print_footer($form{mypage}); } } sub do_searchform { &print_header($SearchPage); &print_searchform(""); &print_footer($SearchPage); } sub do_search { my $word = &escape($form{mymsg}); &print_header($SearchPage); &print_searchform($word); my $counter = 0; foreach my $page (sort keys %database) { next if $page =~ /^$RecentChanges$/; if ($database{$page} =~ /\Q$form{mymsg}\E/ or $page =~ /\Q$form{mymsg}\E/) { if ($counter == 0) { print qq|<ul>|; } print qq(<li><a href ="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($page)]}">@{[&escape($page)]}</a>@{[&escape(&get_subjectline($page))]}</li>); $counter++; } } if ($counter == 0) { &print_message($resource{notfound}); } else { print qq|</ul>|; } &print_footer($SearchPage); } sub do_create { &print_header($CreatePage); print <<"EOD"; <form action="$url_cgi" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="edit"> <strong>$resource{newpagename}</strong><br> <input type="text" name="mypage" value="" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="$resource{createbutton}"><br> </form> EOD &print_footer($CreatePage); } sub do_FrontPage { if ($fixedpage{$FrontPage}) { open(FILE, $file_FrontPage) or &print_error("($file_FrontPage)"); my $content = join('', <FILE>); &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode); close(FILE); &print_header($FrontPage); &print_content($content); &print_footer($FrontPage); } else { $form{mycmd} = 'read'; $form{mypage} = $FrontPage; &do_read; } } sub print_error { my ($msg) = @_; &print_header($ErrorPage); print qq(<p><strong class="error">$msg</strong></p>); &print_plugin_log; &print_footer($ErrorPage); exit(0); } sub print_header { my ($page) = @_; my $bodyclass = "normal"; my $editable = 0; my $admineditable = 0; if (&is_frozen($page) and $form{mycmd} =~ /^(read|write)$/) { $editable = 0; $admineditable = 1; $bodyclass = "frozen"; } elsif (&is_editable($page) and $form{mycmd} =~ /^(read|write)$/) { $admineditable = 1; $editable = 1; } else { $editable = 0; } my $cookedpage = &encode($page); my $escapedpage = &escape($page); print <<"EOD"; Content-type: text/html; charset=$charset <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html lang="$lang"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="$lang"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$charset"> <title>$escapedpage @{[&escape(&get_subjectline($page))]}</title> <link rel="index" href="$url_cgi?$IndexPage"> <link rev="made" href="mailto:$modifier_mail"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$url_stylesheet"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="$modifier_rss_about" /> </head> <body class="$bodyclass"> <div class="tools"> @{[ $admineditable ? qq(<a title="$resource{admineditthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=adminedit&mypage=$cookedpage">$resource{admineditbutton}</a> | ) : qq() ]} @{[ $editable ? qq(<a title="$resource{editthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit&mypage=$cookedpage">$resource{editbutton}</a> | ) : qq() ]} @{[ $admineditable ? qq(<a href="$url_cgi?mycmd=diff&mypage=$cookedpage">$resource{diffbutton}</a> | ) : qq() ]} <a href="$url_cgi?$CreatePage">$resource{createbutton}</a> | <a href="$url_cgi?$IndexPage">$resource{indexbutton}</a> | <a href="$modifier_rss_about">$resource{rssbutton}</a> | <a href="$url_cgi?$FrontPage">$FrontPage</a> | <a href="$url_cgi?$SearchPage">$resource{searchbutton}</a> | <a href="$url_cgi?$RecentChanges">$resource{recentchangesbutton}</a> </div> <h1 class="header"><a title="$resource{searchthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=search&mymsg=$cookedpage">@{[&escape($page)]}</a>@{[&escape(&get_subjectline($page))]}</h1> EOD } sub print_footer { my ($page) = @_; print <<"EOD"; <hr> <address class="footer"> Powered by <a href="">YukiWiki</a> $version <br /> Modified by <a href="$modifier_url">$modifier_name</a>. </address> <p class="footer"> <a href="">$icontag</a> </p> </body> </html> EOD } sub escape { my $s = shift; $s =~ s|\r\n|\n|g; $s =~ s|\&|&|g; $s =~ s|<|<|g; $s =~ s|>|>|g; $s =~ s|"|"|g; return $s; } sub unescape { my $s = shift; # $s =~ s|\n|\r\n|g; $s =~ s|\&|\&|g; $s =~ s|\<|\<|g; $s =~ s|\>|\>|g; $s =~ s|\"|\"|g; return $s; } sub print_content { my ($rawcontent) = @_; print &text_to_html($rawcontent, toc=>1); } sub text_to_html { my ($txt, %option) = @_; my (@txt) = split(/\r?\n/, $txt); my (@toc); my $verbatim; my $tocnum = 0; my (@saved, @result); unshift(@saved, "</p>"); push(@result, "<p>"); foreach (@txt) { chomp; # verbatim. if ($verbatim->{func}) { if (/^\Q$verbatim->{done}\E$/) { undef $verbatim; push(@result, splice(@saved)); } else { push(@result, $verbatim->{func}->($_)); } next; } # non-verbatim follows. push(@result, shift(@saved)) if (@saved and $saved[0] eq '</pre>' and /^[^ \t]/); if (/^(\*{1,3})(.+)/) { # $hn = 'h2', 'h3' or 'h4' my $hn = "h" . (length($1) + 1); push(@toc, '-' x length($1) . qq( <a href="#i$tocnum">) . &remove_tag(&inline($2)) . qq(</a>\n)); push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<$hn><a name="i$tocnum"> </a>) . &inline($2) . qq(</$hn>)); $tocnum++; } elsif (/^(-{2,3})\($/) { if ($& eq '--(') { $verbatim = { func => \&inline, done => '--)', class => 'verbatim-soft' }; } else { $verbatim = { func => \&escape, done => '---)', class => 'verbatim-hard' }; } &back_push('pre', 1, \@saved, \@result, " class='$verbatim->{class}'"); } elsif (/^----/) { push(@result, splice(@saved), '<hr>'); } elsif (/^(-{1,3})(.+)/) { &back_push('ul', length($1), \@saved, \@result); push(@result, '<li>' . &inline($2) . '</li>'); } elsif (/^:([^:]+):(.+)/) { &back_push('dl', 1, \@saved, \@result); push(@result, '<dt>' . &inline($1) . '</dt>', '<dd>' . &inline($2) . '</dd>'); } elsif (/^(>{1,3})(.+)/) { &back_push('blockquote', length($1), \@saved, \@result); push(@result, &inline($2)); } elsif (/^$/) { push(@result, splice(@saved)); unshift(@saved, "</p>"); push(@result, "<p>"); } elsif (/^(\s+.*)$/) { &back_push('pre', 1, \@saved, \@result); push(@result, &escape($1)); # Not &inline, but &escape } elsif (/^\,(.*?)[\x0D\x0A]*$/) { &back_push('table', 1, \@saved, \@result, ' border="1"'); ####### # This part is taken from Mr. Ohzaki's Perl Memo and Makio Tsukamoto's WalWiki. # XXXXX my $tmp = "$1,"; my @value = map {/^"(.*)"$/ ? scalar($_ = $1, s/""/"/g, $_) : $_} ($tmp =~ /("[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*"|[^,]*),/g); my @align = map {(s/^\s+//) ? ((s/\s+$//) ? ' align="center"' : ' align="right"') : ''} @value; my @colspan = map {($_ eq '==') ? 0 : 1} @value; for (my $i = 0; $i < @value; $i++) { if ($colspan[$i]) { while ($i + $colspan[$i] < @value and $value[$i + $colspan[$i]] eq '==') { $colspan[$i]++; } $colspan[$i] = ($colspan[$i] > 1) ? sprintf(' colspan="%d"', $colspan[$i]) : ''; $value[$i] = sprintf('<td%s%s>%s</td>', $align[$i], $colspan[$i], &inline($value[$i])); } else { $value[$i] = ''; } } push(@result, join('', '<tr>', @value, '</tr>')); # XXXXX ####### } elsif (/^\#(\w+)(\((.*)\))?/) { # BlockPlugin. my $original_line = $_; my $plugin_name = $1; my $argument = &escape($3); my $result = $plugin_manager->call($plugin_name, 'block', $argument); if (defined($result)) { push(@result, splice(@saved)); } else { $result = $original_line; } push(@result, $result); } else { push(@result, &inline($_)); } } push(@result, splice(@saved)); if ($option{toc}) { # Convert @toc (table of contents) to HTML. # This part is taken from Makio Tsukamoto's WalWiki. my (@tocsaved, @tocresult); foreach (@toc) { if (/^(-{1,3})(.*)/) { &back_push('ul', length($1), \@tocsaved, \@tocresult); push(@tocresult, '<li>' . $2 . '</li>'); } } push(@tocresult, splice(@tocsaved)); # Insert "table of contents". if (@tocresult) { unshift(@tocresult, qq(<h2>$resource{table_of_contents}</h2>)); } return join("\n", @tocresult, @result); } else { return join("\n", @result); } } sub back_push { my ($tag, $level, $savedref, $resultref, $attr) = @_; while (@$savedref > $level) { push(@$resultref, shift(@$savedref)); } if ($savedref->[0] ne "</$tag>") { push(@$resultref, splice(@$savedref)); } while (@$savedref < $level) { unshift(@$savedref, "</$tag>"); push(@$resultref, "<$tag$attr>"); } } sub remove_tag { my ($line) = @_; $line =~ s|\<\/?[A-Za-z][^>]*?\>||g; return $line; } sub inline { my ($line) = @_; $line = &escape($line); $line =~ s|'''([^']+?)'''|<i>$1</i>|g; # Italic $line =~ s|''([^']+?)''|<b>$1</b>|g; # Bold $line =~ s|(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \(\w\w\w\) \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)|<span class="date">$1</span>|g; # Date $line =~ s! ( ((mailto|http|https|ftp):([^\x00-\x20()<>\x7F-\xFF])*) # Direct http://... | ($bracket_name) # [[likethis]], [[#comment]], [[Friend:remotelink]] | ($interwiki_definition) # [[Friend http://somewhere/?q=sjis($1)]] | ($wiki_name) # LocalLinkLikeThis | ($inline_plugin) # &user_defined_plugin(123,hello) ) ! &make_link($1) !gex; return $line; } sub make_link { my $chunk = shift; if ($chunk =~ /^(http|https|ftp):/) { if ($use_autoimg and $chunk =~ /\.(gif|png|jpeg|jpg)$/) { return qq(<a href="$chunk"><img src="$chunk"></a>); } else { return qq(<a href="$chunk">$chunk</a>); } } elsif ($chunk =~ /^(mailto):(.*)/) { return qq(<a href="$chunk">$2</a>); } elsif ($chunk =~ /^$interwiki_definition$/) { return qq(<span class="InterWiki">$chunk</span>); } elsif ($chunk =~ /^$embedded_name$/) { return &embedded_to_html($chunk); } elsif ($chunk =~ /^$inline_plugin$/) { # InlinePlugin. my $plugin_name = $1; my $argument = $2; my $result = $plugin_manager->call($plugin_name, 'inline', $argument); if (defined($result)) { return $result; } else { return $chunk; } } else { $chunk = &unarmor_name($chunk); $chunk = &unescape($chunk); # To treat '&' or '>' or '<' correctly. my $cookedchunk = &encode($chunk); my $escapedchunk = &escape($chunk); if ($chunk =~ /^$interwiki_name$/) { my ($intername, $localname) = ($1, $2); my $remoteurl = $interwiki{$intername}; if ($remoteurl =~ /^(http|https|ftp):\/\//) { # Check if scheme if valid. $remoteurl =~ s/\b(euc|sjis|ykwk|asis)\(\$1\)/&interwiki_convert($1, $localname)/e; return qq(<a href="$remoteurl">$escapedchunk</a>); } else { return $escapedchunk; } } elsif ($database{$chunk}) { my $subject = &escape(&get_subjectline($chunk, delimiter => '')); return qq(<a title="$subject" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk">$escapedchunk</a>); } elsif ($page_command{$chunk}) { return qq(<a title="$escapedchunk" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk">$escapedchunk</a>); } else { return qq($escapedchunk<a title="$resource{editthispage}" class="editlink" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit&mypage=$cookedchunk">$editchar</a>); } } } sub print_message { my ($msg) = @_; print qq(<p><strong>$msg</strong></p>); } sub init_form { if (param()) { foreach my $var (param()) { $form{$var} = param($var); } } else { $ENV{QUERY_STRING} = $FrontPage; } my $query = &decode($ENV{QUERY_STRING}); if ($page_command{$query}) { $form{mycmd} = $page_command{$query}; $form{mypage} = $query; } elsif ($query =~ /^($wiki_name)$/) { $form{mycmd} = 'read'; $form{mypage} = $1; } elsif ($database{$query}) { $form{mycmd} = 'read'; $form{mypage} = $query; } # mypreview_edit -> do_edit, with preview. # mypreview_adminedit -> do_adminedit, with preview. # mypreview_write -> do_write, without preview. foreach (keys %form) { if (/^mypreview_(.*)$/) { $form{mycmd} = $1; $form{mypreview} = 1; } } # # $form{mycmd} is frozen here. # $form{mymsg} = &code_convert(\$form{mymsg}, $kanjicode); $form{myname} = &code_convert(\$form{myname}, $kanjicode); } sub update_recent_changes { my $update = "- @{[&get_now]} @{[&armor_name($form{mypage})]} @{[&get_subjectline($form{mypage})]}"; my @oldupdates = split(/\r?\n/, $database{$RecentChanges}); my @updates; foreach (@oldupdates) { /^\- \d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d \(...\) \d\d:\d\d:\d\d (\S+)/; # date format. my $name = &unarmor_name($1); if (&is_exist_page($name) and ($name ne $form{mypage})) { push(@updates, $_); } } if (&is_exist_page($form{mypage})) { unshift(@updates, $update); } splice(@updates, $maxrecent + 1); $database{$RecentChanges} = join("\n", @updates); if ($file_touch) { open(FILE, "> $file_touch"); print FILE localtime() . "\n"; close(FILE); } if ($file_rss) { &update_rssfile; } } sub get_subjectline { my ($page, %option) = @_; if (not &is_editable($page)) { return ""; } else { # Delimiter check. my $delim = $subject_delimiter; if (defined($option{delimiter})) { $delim = $option{delimiter}; } # Get the subject of the page. my $subject = $database{$page}; $subject =~ s/\r?\n.*//s; return "$delim$subject"; } } sub send_mail_to_admin { my ($page, $mode) = @_; return unless $modifier_sendmail; my $message = <<"EOD"; To: $modifier_mail From: $modifier_mail Subject: [Wiki/$mode] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -------- MODE = $mode REMOTE_ADDR = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} REMOTE_HOST = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST} -------- $page -------- $database{$page} -------- EOD &code_convert(\$message, 'jis'); open(MAIL, "| $modifier_sendmail"); print MAIL $message; close(MAIL); } sub open_db { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmopen(%database, $dataname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $dataname"); dbmopen(%infobase, $infoname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $infoname"); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { tie(%database, "AnyDBM_File", $dataname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $dataname"); tie(%infobase, "AnyDBM_File", $infoname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $infoname"); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'Cassandra::CassHash') { #use cassandra tie(%database, "Cassandra::CassHash","localhost",9161,"Keyspace1","Standard1","yukiwiki3") or &print_error("(tie Cassandra::CassHash) $dataname"); tie(%infobase, "Cassandra::CassHash","localhost",9161,"Keyspace1","Standard1","yukiwiki5") or &print_error("(tie Cassandra::CassHash) $infoname"); } else { tie(%database, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $dataname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $dataname"); tie(%infobase, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $infoname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $infoname"); } } sub close_db { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmclose(%database); dbmclose(%infobase); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { untie(%database); untie(%infobase); } else { untie(%database); untie(%infobase); } } sub open_diff { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmopen(%diffbase, $diffname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $diffname"); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { tie(%diffbase, "AnyDBM_File", $diffname) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $diffname"); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'Cassandra::CassHash') { #use cassandra tie(%diffbase, "Cassandra::CassHash","localhost",9161,"Keyspace1","Standard1","yukiwiki4") or &print_error("(tie Cassandra::CassHash) $diffname"); } else { tie(%diffbase, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $diffname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $diffname"); } } sub close_diff { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmclose(%diffbase); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { untie(%diffbase); } else { untie(%diffbase); } } sub print_searchform { my ($word) = @_; print <<"EOD"; <form action="$url_cgi" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="search"> <input type="text" name="mymsg" value="$word" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="$resource{searchbutton}"> </form> EOD } sub print_editform { my ($mymsg, $conflictchecker, %mode) = @_; my $frozen = &is_frozen($form{mypage}); if ($form{mypreview}) { if ($form{mymsg}) { unless ($mode{conflict}) { print qq(<h3>$resource{previewtitle}</h3>\n); print qq($resource{previewnotice}\n); print qq(<div class="preview">\n); &print_content($form{mymsg}); print qq(</div>\n); } } else { print qq($resource{previewempty}); } $mymsg = &escape($form{mymsg}); } else { $mymsg = &escape($mymsg); } my $edit = $mode{admin} ? 'adminedit' : 'edit'; my $escapedmypage = &escape($form{mypage}); my $escapedmypassword = &escape($form{mypassword}); print <<"EOD"; <form action="$url_cgi" method="post"> @{[ $mode{admin} ? qq($resource{frozenpassword} <input type="password" name="mypassword" value="$escapedmypassword" size="10"><br>) : "" ]} <input type="hidden" name="myConflictChecker" value="$conflictchecker"> <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$escapedmypage"> <textarea cols="$cols" rows="$rows" name="mymsg"> $mymsg</textarea><br> @{[ $mode{admin} ? qq( <input type="radio" name="myfrozen" value="1" @{[$frozen ? qq(checked="checked") : ""]}>$resource{frozenbutton} <input type="radio" name="myfrozen" value="0" @{[$frozen ? "" : qq(checked="checked")]}>$resource{notfrozenbutton}<br>) : "" ]} @{[ $mode{conflict} ? "" : qq( <input type="checkbox" name="mytouch" value="on" checked="checked">$resource{touch}<br> <input type="submit" name="mypreview_$edit" value="$resource{previewbutton}"> <input type="submit" name="mypreview_write" value="$resource{savebutton}"><br> ) ]} </form> EOD unless ($mode{conflict}) { # Show the format rule. open(FILE, $file_format) or &print_error("($file_format)"); my $content = join('', <FILE>); &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode); close(FILE); print &text_to_html($content, toc=>0); } unless ($mode{conflict}) { # Show plugin information. my $plugin_usage = <<"EOD"; *$resource{available_plugins} EOD foreach my $usage (@{$plugin_manager->usage}) { $plugin_usage .= <<"EOD"; ** $usage->{name} ---( $resource{plugin_usage_name}: $usage->{name} $resource{plugin_usage_version}: $usage->{version} $resource{plugin_usage_author}: $usage->{author} $resource{plugin_usage_syntax}: $usage->{syntax} $resource{plugin_usage_description}: $usage->{description} $resource{plugin_usage_example}: $usage->{example} ---) EOD } &code_convert(\$plugin_usage, $kanjicode); print &text_to_html($plugin_usage, toc=>0); } } sub print_passwordform { print <<"EOD"; <form action="$url_cgi" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="adminchangepassword"> $resource{oldpassword} <input type="password" name="myoldpassword" size="10"><br> $resource{newpassword} <input type="password" name="mynewpassword" size="10"><br> $resource{newpassword2} <input type="password" name="mynewpassword2" size="10"><br> <input type="submit" value="$resource{changepasswordbutton}"><br> </form> EOD } sub is_editable { my ($page) = @_; if (&is_bracket_name($page)) { return 0; } elsif ($fixedpage{$page}) { return 0; } elsif ($page =~ /\s/) { return 0; } elsif ($page =~ /^\#/) { return 0; } elsif ($page =~ /^$interwiki_name$/) { return 0; } elsif (not $page) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } # armor_name: # WikiName -> WikiName # not_wiki_name -> [[not_wiki_name]] sub armor_name { my ($name) = @_; if ($name =~ /^$wiki_name$/) { return $name; } else { return "[[$name]]"; } } # unarmor_name: # [[bracket_name]] -> bracket_name # WikiName -> WikiName sub unarmor_name { my ($name) = @_; if ($name =~ /^$bracket_name$/) { return $1; } else { return $name; } } sub is_bracket_name { my ($name) = @_; if ($name =~ /^$bracket_name$/) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub decode { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ tr/+/ /; $s =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; return $s; } # Thanks to WalWiki for [better encode]. sub encode { my ($encoded) = @_; $encoded =~ s/(\W)/'%' . unpack('H2', $1)/eg; return $encoded; } sub init_resource { open(FILE, $file_resource) or &print_error("(resource)"); while (<FILE>) { chomp; next if /^#/; my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2); $resource{$key} = &code_convert(\$value, $kanjicode); } close(FILE); } sub conflict { my ($page, $rawmsg) = @_; if ($form{myConflictChecker} eq &get_info($page, $info_ConflictChecker)) { return 0; } open(FILE, $file_conflict) or &print_error("(conflict)"); my $content = join('', <FILE>); &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode); close(FILE); &print_header($page); &print_content($content); &print_editform($rawmsg, $form{myConflictChecker}, frozen=>0, conflict=>1); &print_footer($page); return 1; } sub get_now { my (@week) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; $mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10; $day = "0$day" if $day < 10; $hour = "0$hour" if $hour < 10; $min = "0$min" if $min < 10; $sec = "0$sec" if $sec < 10; $weekday = $week[$weekday]; return "$year-$mon-$day ($weekday) $hour:$min:$sec"; } # [[YukiWiki$1)]] sub init_InterWikiName { my $content = $database{$InterWikiName}; while ($content =~ /\[\[(\S+) +(\S+)\]\]/g) { my ($name, $url) = ($1, $2); $interwiki{$name} = $url; } } sub interwiki_convert { my ($type, $localname) = @_; if ($type eq 'sjis' or $type eq 'euc') { &code_convert(\$localname, $type); return &encode($localname); } elsif ($type eq 'ykwk') { # for YukiWiki1 if ($localname =~ /^$wiki_name$/) { return $localname; } else { &code_convert(\$localname, 'sjis'); return &encode("[[" . $localname . "]]"); } } elsif ($type eq 'asis') { return $localname; } else { return $localname; } } sub get_info { my ($page, $key) = @_; my %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/\n/, $infobase{$page}); return $info{$key}; } sub set_info { my ($page, $key, $value) = @_; my %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/\n/, $infobase{$page}); $info{$key} = $value; my $s = ''; for (keys %info) { $s .= "$_=$info{$_}\n"; } $infobase{$page} = $s; } sub frozen_reject { my ($isfrozen) = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_IsFrozen); my ($willbefrozen) = $form{myfrozen}; if (not $isfrozen and not $willbefrozen) { # You need no check. return 0; } elsif (valid_password($form{mypassword})) { # You are admin. return 0; } else { &print_error($resource{passworderror}); return 1; } } sub length_reject { if ($max_message_length < 0) { return 0; } if ($max_message_length < length($form{mymsg})) { &print_error($resource{toolongpost} . $max_message_length); return 1; } return 0; } sub valid_password { my ($givenpassword) = @_; my ($validpassword_crypt) = &get_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword); if (crypt($givenpassword, $validpassword_crypt) eq $validpassword_crypt) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub is_frozen { my ($page) = @_; if (&get_info($page, $info_IsFrozen)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub do_comment { my ($content) = $database{$form{mypage}}; my $datestr = &get_now; my $namestr = $form{myname} ? " ''[[$form{myname}]]'' : " : " "; if ($content =~ s/(^|\n)(\Q$embed_comment\E)/$1- $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}\n$2/) { ; } else { $content =~ s/(^|\n)(\Q$embed_rcomment\E)/$1$2\n- $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}/; } if ($form{mymsg}) { $form{mymsg} = $content; $form{mytouch} = 'on'; &do_write; } else { $form{mycmd} = 'read'; &do_read; } } sub embedded_to_html { my ($embedded) = @_; my $escapedmypage = &escape($form{mypage}); if ($embedded eq $embed_comment or $embedded eq $embed_rcomment) { my $conflictchecker = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_ConflictChecker); return <<"EOD"; <form action="$url_cgi" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="comment"> <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$escapedmypage"> <input type="hidden" name="myConflictChecker" value="$conflictchecker"> <input type="hidden" name="mytouch" value="on"> $resource{yourname} <input type="text" name="myname" value="" size="10"> <input type="text" name="mymsg" value="" size="40"> <input type="submit" value="$resource{commentbutton}"> </form> EOD } else { return $embedded; } } sub code_convert { my ($contentref, $kanjicode) = @_; # &Jcode::convert($contentref, $kanjicode); # for &jcode::convert($contentref, $kanjicode); # for return $$contentref; } sub test_convert { my $txt = &text_to_html(<<"EOD", toc=>1); *HEADER1 **HEADER1-1 -ITEM1 -ITEM2 -ITEM3 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1''BOLD''PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2'''ITALIC'''PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 **HEADER1-2 :TERM1:DESCRIPTION1 AND ''BOLD'' PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1''BOLD''PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 :TERM2:DESCRIPTION2 :TERM3:DESCRIPTION3 ---- *HEADER2 **HEADER2-1 **HEADER2-2 [[YukiWiki2]] PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1'''''BOLD ITALIC'''''PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1PAR1 >PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 >PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2'''ITALIC'''PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 >PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2PAR2 LEVEL0LEVEL0LEVEL0LEVEL0LEVEL0LEVEL0LEVEL0 >LEVEL1 >LEVEL1 >LEVEL1 >>LEVEL2 >>LEVEL2 >>LEVEL2 >>>LEVEL3 -HELLO-1 --HELLO-2 (HELLO-2, HELLO-2, HELLO-2) ---HELLO-3 (HELLO-3, HELLO-3, HELLO-3) --HELLO-2 ---HELLO-3 --HELLO-2 ---HELLO-3 >>>LEVEL3 >>>LEVEL3 >>>LEVEL3 >>>LEVEL3 EOD print $txt; exit; } sub do_diff { if (not &is_editable($form{mypage})) { &do_read; return; } &open_diff; my $title = $form{mypage}; &print_header($title); $_ = &escape($diffbase{$form{mypage}}); &close_diff; print qq(<h3>$resource{difftitle}</h3>); print qq($resource{diffnotice}); print qq(<pre class="diff">); foreach (split(/\n/, $_)) { if (/^\+(.*)/) { print qq(<b class="added">$1</b>\n); } elsif (/^\-(.*)/) { print qq(<s class="deleted">$1</s>\n); } elsif (/^\=(.*)/) { print qq(<span class="same">$1</span>\n); } else { print qq|??? $_\n|; } } print qq(</pre>); print qq(<hr>); &print_footer($title); } sub do_rss { if ($file_rss) { print <<"EOD"; Status: 301 Moved Permanently Location: $modifier_rss_about EOD return; } } sub is_exist_page { my ($name) = @_; if ($use_exists) { return exists($database{$name}); } else { return $database{$name}; } } # sub check_modifiers { # if ($error_AnyDBM_File and $modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { # &print_error($resource{anydbmfileerror}); # } # } # Initialize plugins. sub init_plugin { $plugin_manager = new Yuki::PluginManager($plugin_context, $modifier_dir_plugin); } sub print_plugin_log { if ($plugin_context->{debug}) { print "<pre>(print_plugin_log)\n", join("\n", @{$plugin_manager->{log}}), "</pre>"; } } sub keyword_reject { my $s = $form{mymsg}; my @reject_words = qw( ); for (@reject_words) { if ($s =~ /\Q$_\E/) { &send_mail_to_admin($form{mypage}, "Rejectword: $_"); sleep(30); return 1; } } return 0; } # Thanks to Makio Tsukamoto for dc_date. sub update_rssfile { my $rss = new Yuki::RSS( version => '1.0', encoding => $charset, ); $rss->channel( title => $modifier_rss_title, link => $modifier_rss_link, about => $modifier_rss_about, description => $modifier_rss_description, ); my $recentchanges = $database{$RecentChanges}; my $count = 0; foreach (split(/\n/, $recentchanges)) { last if ($count >= 15); /^\- (\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d) \(...\) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\S+)/; # date format. my $dc_date = "$1T$2$modifier_rss_timezone"; my $title = &unarmor_name($3); my $escaped_title = &escape($title); my $link = $modifier_rss_link . '?' . &encode($title); my $description = $escaped_title . &escape(&get_subjectline($title)); $rss->add_item( title => $escaped_title, link => $link, description => $description, dc_date => $dc_date, ); $count++; } open(FILE, "> $file_rss") or &print_error("($file_rss)"); print FILE $rss->as_string; close(FILE); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME wiki.cgi - This is YukiWiki, yet another Wiki clone. =head1 DESCRIPTION YukiWiki is yet another Wiki clone. YukiWiki can treat Japanese WikiNames (enclosed with [[ and ]]). YukiWiki provides 'InterWiki' feature, RDF Site Summary (RSS), and some embedded commands (such as [[#comment]] to add comments). =head1 AUTHOR Hiroshi Yuki <> =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2000-2006 by Hiroshi Yuki. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut