1 /* refile.c - file messages away */
2 #ifndef lint
3 static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
4 #endif /* lint */
6 #include "../h/mh.h"
7 #include <errno.h>
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #include <sys/stat.h>
11 #ifdef LOCALE
12 #include <locale.h>
13 #endif
15 /* */
17 static struct swit switches[] = {
18 #define DRAFTSW 0
19 "draft", 0,
21 #define LINKSW 1
22 "link", 0,
23 #define NLINKSW 2
24 "nolink", 0,
26 #define PRESSW 3
27 "preserve", 0,
28 #define NPRESSW 4
29 "nopreserve", 0,
31 #define SRCSW 5
32 "src +folder", 0,
34 #define FILESW 6
35 "file file", 0,
37 #define RPROCSW 7
38 "rmmproc program", 0,
39 #define NRPRCSW 8
40 "normmproc", 0,
42 #define HELPSW 9
43 "help", 4,
45 NULL, 0
46 };
48 /* */
50 extern int errno;
53 static char maildir[BUFSIZ];
56 struct st_fold {
57 char *f_name;
58 struct msgs *f_mp;
59 };
61 static opnfolds(), clsfolds(), removeit();
62 /* */
64 /* ARGSUSED */
66 main (argc, argv)
67 int argc;
68 char **argv;
69 {
70 int linkf = 0,
71 prsrvf = 0,
72 filep = 0,
73 foldp = 0,
74 msgp = 0,
75 isdf = 0,
76 i,
77 msgnum;
78 char *cp,
79 *folder = NULL,
80 buf[100],
81 **ap,
82 **argp,
83 *arguments[MAXARGS],
84 *filevec[NFOLDERS + 2],
85 **files = &filevec[1], /* leave room for removeit:vec[0] */
86 *msgs[MAXARGS];
87 struct st_fold folders[NFOLDERS + 1];
88 struct msgs *mp;
90 #ifdef LOCALE
91 setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
92 #endif
93 #ifdef JAPAN
94 ml_init();
95 #endif /* JAPAN */
96 invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/');
97 if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) {
98 ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
99 ap = copyip (ap, arguments);
100 }
101 else
102 ap = arguments;
103 (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap);
104 argp = arguments;
106 /* */
108 while (cp = *argp++) {
109 if (*cp == '-')
110 switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
111 case AMBIGSW:
112 ambigsw (cp, switches);
113 done (1);
114 case UNKWNSW:
115 adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown\n", cp);
116 case HELPSW:
117 (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [msgs] [switches] +folder ...",
118 invo_name);
119 help (buf, switches);
120 done (1);
122 case LINKSW:
123 linkf++;
124 continue;
125 case NLINKSW:
126 linkf = 0;
127 continue;
129 case PRESSW:
130 prsrvf++;
131 continue;
132 case NPRESSW:
133 prsrvf = 0;
134 continue;
136 case SRCSW:
137 if (folder)
138 adios (NULLCP, "only one source folder at a time!");
139 if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
140 adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
141 folder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp,
142 *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
143 continue;
144 case DRAFTSW:
145 if (filep > NFOLDERS)
146 adios (NULLCP, "only %d files allowed!", NFOLDERS);
147 isdf = 0;
148 files[filep++] = getcpy (m_draft (NULLCP, NULLCP, 1, &isdf));
149 continue;
150 case FILESW:
151 if (filep > NFOLDERS)
152 adios (NULLCP, "only %d files allowed!", NFOLDERS);
153 if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
154 adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
155 files[filep++] = path (cp, TFILE);
156 continue;
158 case RPROCSW:
159 if (!(rmmproc = *argp++) || *rmmproc == '-')
160 adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
161 continue;
162 case NRPRCSW:
163 rmmproc = (char *)0;
164 continue;
165 }
166 if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') {
167 if (foldp > NFOLDERS)
168 adios (NULLCP, "only %d folders allowed!", NFOLDERS);
169 folders[foldp++].f_name =
170 path (cp + 1, *cp == '+' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
171 }
172 else
173 msgs[msgp++] = cp;
174 }
176 /* */
178 if (!m_find ("path"))
179 free (path ("./", TFOLDER));
180 if (foldp == 0)
181 adios (NULLCP, "no folder specified");
183 #ifdef WHATNOW
184 if (!msgp && !foldp && !filep && (cp = getenv ("mhdraft")) && *cp)
185 files[filep++] = cp;
186 #endif /* WHATNOW */
188 if (filep > 0) {
189 if (folder || msgp)
190 adios (NULLCP, "use -file or some messages, not both");
191 opnfolds (folders, foldp);
192 for (i = 0; i < filep; i++)
193 if (m_file (files[i], folders, foldp, prsrvf))
194 done (1);
195 if (!linkf)
196 removeit (NULLMP, filep, filevec);
197 done (0);
198 }
200 if (!msgp)
201 msgs[msgp++] = "cur";
202 if (!folder)
203 folder = m_getfolder ();
204 (void) strcpy (maildir, m_maildir (folder));
206 if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK)
207 adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to");
208 if (!(mp = m_gmsg (folder)))
209 adios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", folder);
210 if (mp -> hghmsg == 0)
211 adios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", folder);
213 for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++)
214 if (!m_convert (mp, msgs[msgnum]))
215 done (1);
216 m_setseq (mp);
218 opnfolds (folders, foldp);
219 for (msgnum = mp -> lowsel; msgnum <= mp -> hghsel; msgnum++)
220 if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & SELECTED) {
221 cp = getcpy (m_name (msgnum));
222 if (m_file (cp, folders, foldp, prsrvf))
223 done (1);
224 free (cp);
225 if (!linkf) {
226 #ifdef notdef
227 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= DELETED;
228 #endif /* notdef */
229 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~EXISTS;
230 }
231 }
232 if (!linkf)
233 mp -> msgflags |= SEQMOD;
234 clsfolds (folders, foldp);
236 m_replace (pfolder, folder);
237 if (mp -> hghsel != mp -> curmsg
238 && (mp -> numsel != mp -> nummsg || linkf))
239 m_setcur (mp, mp -> hghsel);
240 m_sync (mp);
241 m_update ();
243 if (!linkf)
244 removeit (mp, filep, filevec);
246 done (0);
247 }
249 /* */
251 static opnfolds (folders, nfolders)
252 register struct st_fold *folders;
253 int nfolders;
254 {
255 register char *cp;
256 char nmaildir[BUFSIZ];
257 register struct st_fold *fp,
258 *ep;
259 register struct msgs *mp;
260 struct stat st;
262 for (ep = (fp = folders) + nfolders; fp < ep; fp++) {
263 (void) chdir (m_maildir (""));
264 (void) strcpy (nmaildir, m_maildir (fp -> f_name));
266 if (stat (nmaildir, &st) == NOTOK) {
267 if (errno != ENOENT)
268 adios (nmaildir, "error on folder");
269 cp = concat ("Create folder \"", nmaildir, "\"? ", NULLCP);
270 if (!getanswer (cp))
271 done (1);
272 free (cp);
273 if (!makedir (nmaildir))
274 adios (NULLCP, "unable to create folder %s", nmaildir);
275 }
277 if (chdir (nmaildir) == NOTOK)
278 adios (nmaildir, "unable to change directory to");
279 if (!(mp = m_gmsg (fp -> f_name)))
280 adios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", fp -> f_name);
281 mp -> curmsg = 0;
283 fp -> f_mp = mp;
285 (void) chdir (maildir);
286 }
287 }
289 /* */
291 static clsfolds (folders, nfolders)
292 register struct st_fold *folders;
293 int nfolders;
294 {
295 register struct st_fold *fp,
296 *ep;
297 register struct msgs *mp;
299 for (ep = (fp = folders) + nfolders; fp < ep; fp++) {
300 mp = fp -> f_mp;
301 m_setseq (mp);
302 m_sync (mp);
303 }
304 }
306 /* */
308 static removeit (mp, filep, files)
309 register struct msgs *mp;
310 register int filep;
311 register char **files;
312 {
313 register int i,
314 vecp;
315 register char *cp,
316 **vec;
318 if (rmmproc) {
319 if (filep > 0) {
320 vec = files++; /* filevec[1] */
321 files[filep] = NULL;
322 }
323 else {
324 if (mp -> numsel > MAXARGS - 2)
325 adios (NULLCP, "more than %d messages for %s exec",
326 MAXARGS - 2, rmmproc);
327 vec = (char **) calloc ((unsigned) (mp -> numsel + 2), sizeof *vec);
328 if (vec == NULL)
329 adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate exec vector");
330 vecp = 1;
331 for (i = mp -> lowsel; i <= mp -> hghsel; i++)
332 if (mp -> msgstats[i] & SELECTED)
333 vec[vecp++] = getcpy (m_name (i));
334 vec[vecp] = NULL;
335 }
337 (void) fflush (stdout);
338 vec[0] = r1bindex (rmmproc, '/');
339 execvp (rmmproc, vec);
340 adios (rmmproc, "unable to exec");
341 }
343 if (filep > 0) {
344 files++; /* filevec[1] */
345 for (i = 0; i < filep; i++)
346 if (unlink (files[i]) == NOTOK)
347 admonish (files[i], "unable to unlink");
348 }
349 else
350 for (i = mp -> lowsel; i <= mp -> hghsel; i++)
351 if (mp -> msgstats[i] & SELECTED)
352 if (unlink (cp = m_name (i)) == NOTOK)
353 admonish (cp, "unable to unlink");
354 }
356 /* */
358 m_file (msg, folders, nfolders, prsrvf)
359 register char *msg;
360 struct st_fold *folders;
361 int nfolders,
362 prsrvf;
363 {
364 int in,
365 out,
366 linkerr,
367 msgnum;
368 register char *nmsg;
369 char newmsg[BUFSIZ];
370 register struct st_fold *fp,
371 *ep;
372 register struct msgs *mp;
373 struct stat st,
374 s1;
376 for (ep = (fp = folders) + nfolders; fp < ep; fp++) {
377 mp = fp -> f_mp;
378 if (prsrvf && (msgnum = m_atoi (nmsg = msg)) > 0) {
379 if (msgnum >= mp -> hghoff)
380 if (mp = m_remsg (mp, 0, msgnum + MAXFOLDER))
381 fp -> f_mp = mp;
382 else
383 adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
384 if (!(mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS)) {
385 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= EXISTS;
386 #ifdef notdef
387 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~DELETED;
388 #endif /* notdef */
389 mp -> nummsg++;
390 }
391 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= SELECTED;
392 if (msgnum > mp -> hghmsg)
393 mp -> hghmsg = msgnum;
394 }
395 else {
396 if (mp -> hghmsg >= mp -> hghoff)
397 if (mp = m_remsg (mp, 0, mp -> hghoff + MAXFOLDER))
398 fp -> f_mp = mp;
399 else
400 adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
402 nmsg = m_name (msgnum = ++mp -> hghmsg);
403 mp -> nummsg++;
404 mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= EXISTS | SELECTED;
405 }
406 if (mp -> lowmsg == 0)
407 mp -> lowmsg = msgnum;
408 if (mp -> lowsel == 0 || msgnum < mp -> lowsel)
409 mp -> lowsel = msgnum;
410 if (msgnum > mp -> hghsel)
411 mp -> hghsel = msgnum;
413 /* */
415 (void) sprintf (newmsg, "%s/%s", mp -> foldpath, nmsg);
416 if (link (msg, newmsg) == NOTOK) {
417 #ifndef EISREMOTE
418 linkerr = errno;
419 #else /* EISREMOTE */
420 if ((linkerr = errno) == EISREMOTE)
421 linkerr = EXDEV;
422 #endif /* EISREMOTE */
423 if (linkerr == EEXIST
424 || (linkerr == EXDEV && stat (newmsg, &st) != NOTOK)) {
425 if (linkerr != EEXIST
426 || stat (msg, &s1) == NOTOK
427 || stat (newmsg, &st) == NOTOK
428 || s1.st_ino != st.st_ino) {
429 advise (NULLCP, "message %s:%s already exists",
430 fp -> f_name, newmsg);
431 return 1;
432 }
433 continue;
434 }
435 if (linkerr == EXDEV) {
436 if ((in = open (msg, 0)) == NOTOK) {
437 advise (msg, "unable to open message %s");
438 return 1;
439 }
440 (void) fstat (in, &st);
441 if ((out = creat (newmsg, (int) st.st_mode & 0777))
442 == NOTOK) {
443 advise (newmsg, "unable to create");
444 (void) close (in);
445 return 1;
446 }
447 cpydata (in, out, msg, newmsg);
448 (void) close (in);
449 (void) close (out);
450 }
451 else {
452 advise (newmsg, "error linking %s to", msg);
453 return 1;
454 }
455 }
456 }
458 return 0;
459 }