diff zotnet/mts/mts.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children a6481689f99c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zotnet/mts/mts.c	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+/* mts.c - definitions for the mail transport system */
+#ifndef	lint
+static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
+#endif /* lint */
+#undef	NETWORK
+#if	defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD42) || defined(SOCKETS)
+#define	NETWORK
+#include "../h/strings.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mts.h"
+#ifdef	NETWORK
+#if	defined(BSD42) || defined(SOCKETS)
+#include <netdb.h>
+#else	/* NETWORK */
+#ifndef SYS5
+#include <whoami.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+#endif /* NETWORK */
+#include <pwd.h>
+#define	NOTOK	(-1)
+#define	OK	0
+#define	NULLCP	((char *) 0)
+#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
+#include <errno.h>
+extern int  errno;
+static char   *tailor_value ();
+#if defined(SYS5) && !defined(_AIX)
+#define	index	strchr
+#define	rindex	strrchr
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
+char   *index (), *malloc (), *mktemp (), *rindex (), *strcpy ();
+#ifdef	SYS5
+struct passwd  *getpwuid ();
+#endif /* !__STDC__ */
+/*  */
+   *mmdfldir and *uucpldir are the maildrop directories.  If maildrops
+   are kept in the user's home directory, then these should be empty
+   strings.  In this case, the appropriate ...lfil array should contain
+   the name of the file in the user's home directory.  Usually, this is
+   something like ".mail".
+ */
+static char *mtstailor = "/usr/local/mh/lib/mtstailor";
+static char    *localname = "";
+static char    *localdomain = "";
+static char    *systemname = "";
+#ifdef	MF
+static char    *UUCPchan = "";
+#endif /* MF */
+char    *mmdfldir = "/var/mail";
+char    *mmdflfil = "";
+#ifdef MF
+char    *uucpldir = "/usr/spool/mail";
+#else /* MF */
+char    *uucpldir = "";
+#endif /* MF */
+char    *uucplfil = "";
+char    *mmdlm1 = "\001\001\001\001\n";
+char    *mmdlm2 = "\001\001\001\001\n";
+static int  MMailids = 0;
+static char *mmailid = "0";
+#ifdef	MF
+char   *umincproc = "/usr/local/mh/lib/uminc";
+#else /* MF */
+char   *umincproc = NULL;
+#endif /* MF */
+int	lockstyle = LOK_UNIX;
+static char *lkstyle = "0";
+char   *lockldir = "";
+/*  */
+/* MTS specific variables */
+#ifdef	MHMTS
+char   *Mailqdir = "/usr/spool/netmail";
+char   *TMailqdir = "/usr/tmp";
+int     Syscpy = 1;
+static char *syscpy = "1";
+char   *Overseer = "root";
+char   *Mailer = "root";
+char   *Fromtmp = "/tmp/rml.f.XXXXXX";
+char   *Msgtmp = "/tmp/rml.m.XXXXXX";
+char   *Errtmp = "/tmp/rml.e.XXXXXX";
+int     Tmpmode = 0600;
+static char *tmpmode = "0600";
+char   *Okhosts = "/usr/local/mh/lib/Rmail.OkHosts";
+char   *Okdests = "/usr/local/mh/lib/Rmail.OkDests";
+#endif /* MHMTS */
+#ifdef	MMDFMTS
+#endif /* MMDFMTS */
+#ifdef	SENDMTS
+char   *hostable = "/usr/local/mh/lib/hosts";
+char   *sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
+#endif /* SENDMTS */
+/* SMTP/POP stuff */
+char   *clientname = (char *)0;
+char   *servers = "localhost \01localnet";
+char   *pophost = "";
+#ifdef MH_PLUS
+char   *rpop_default = "";
+#endif /* MH_PLUS */
+/* BBoards-specific variables */
+char   *bb_domain = "";
+/* POP BBoards-specific variables */
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+char    *popbbhost = "";
+#endif /* BPOP || NNTP */
+#ifdef	BPOP
+char    *popbbuser = "";
+char    *popbblist = "/usr/local/mh/lib/hosts.popbb";
+#endif /* BPOP */
+/* MailDelivery */
+char   *maildelivery = "/usr/local/mh/lib/maildelivery";
+/* Aliasing Facility (doesn't belong here) */
+int	Everyone = NOTOK;
+static char *everyone = "-1";
+char   *NoShell = "";
+#ifdef MH_PLUS
+int LocalUser = 0;
+static char *localuser = "0";
+#endif /* MH_PLUS */
+/*  */
+/* customize the MTS settings for MH by reading /usr/local/mh/lib/mtstailor */
+static  struct bind {
+    char   *keyword;
+    char  **value;
+}       binds[] = {
+    "localname", &localname,
+    "localdomain", &localdomain,
+    "systemname", &systemname,
+#ifdef	MF
+    "uucpchan", &UUCPchan,
+#endif /* MF */
+    "mmdfldir", &mmdfldir,
+    "mmdflfil", &mmdflfil,
+    "uucpldir", &uucpldir,
+    "uucplfil", &uucplfil,
+    "mmdelim1", &mmdlm1,
+    "mmdelim2", &mmdlm2,
+    "mmailid", &mmailid,
+    "umincproc", &umincproc,
+    "lockstyle", &lkstyle,
+    "lockldir", &lockldir,
+#ifdef	MHMTS
+    "mailqdir", &Mailqdir,
+    "tmailqdir", &TMailqdir,
+    "syscpy", &syscpy,
+    "overseer", &Overseer,
+    "mailer", &Mailer,
+    "fromtmp", &Fromtmp,
+    "msgtmp", &Msgtmp,
+    "errtmp", &Errtmp,
+    "tmpmode", &tmpmode,
+    "okhosts", &Okhosts,
+    "okdests", &Okdests,
+#endif /* MHMTS */
+#ifdef	MMDFMTS
+#endif /* MMDFMTS */
+#ifdef	SENDMTS
+    "hostable", &hostable,
+    "sendmail", &sendmail,
+#endif /* SENDMTS */
+    "clientname",  &clientname,
+    "servers", &servers,
+    "pophost", &pophost,
+#ifdef MH_PLUS
+    "rpop", &rpop_default,
+#endif /* MH_PLUS */
+    "bbdomain", &bb_domain,
+#ifdef	BPOP
+    "popbbhost", &popbbhost,
+    "popbbuser", &popbbuser,
+    "popbblist", &popbblist,
+#endif /* BPOP */
+#ifdef	NNTP
+    "nntphost", &popbbhost,
+#endif /* NNTP */
+    "maildelivery", &maildelivery,
+    "everyone", &everyone,
+    "noshell", &NoShell,
+#ifdef MH_PLUS
+    "localuser", &localuser,
+#endif /* MH_PLUS */
+    NULL
+/*  */
+/* I'd like to use m_getfld() here, but not all programs loading mts.o may be
+   MH-style programs... */
+mts_init (name)
+char    *name;
+    register char  *bp,
+                   *cp;
+    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    register struct bind   *b;
+    register    FILE *fp;
+    static int  inited = 0;
+    if (inited++ || (fp = fopen (mtstailor, "r")) == NULL)
+	return;
+    while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) {
+	if ((cp = index (buffer, '\n')) == NULL)
+	    break;
+	*cp = 0;
+	if (*buffer == '#' || *buffer == '\0')
+	    continue;
+	if ((bp = index (buffer, ':')) == NULL)
+	    break;
+	*bp++ = 0;
+	while (isspace (*bp))
+	    *bp++ = 0;
+	for (b = binds; b -> keyword; b++)
+	    if (strcmp (buffer, b -> keyword) == 0)
+		break;
+	if (b -> keyword && (cp = tailor_value (bp)))
+	    *b -> value = cp;
+    }
+    (void) fclose (fp);
+    MMailids = atoi (mmailid);
+    if ((lockstyle = atoi (lkstyle)) < LOK_UNIX || lockstyle > LOK_MMDF)
+	lockstyle = LOK_UNIX;
+#ifdef	MHMTS
+    Syscpy = atoi (syscpy);
+    (void) sscanf (tmpmode, "0%o", &Tmpmode);
+#endif /* MHMTS */
+    Everyone = atoi (everyone);
+#ifdef MH_PLUS
+    LocalUser = atoi (localuser);
+#endif /* MH_PLUS */
+/*  */
+#define	QUOTE	'\\'
+static char *tailor_value (s)
+register char   *s;
+    register int    i,
+                    r;
+    register char  *bp;
+    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    for (bp = buffer; *s; bp++, s++)
+	if (*s != QUOTE)
+	    *bp = *s;
+	else
+	    switch (*++s) {
+#define	grot(y,z) case y: *bp = z; break;
+		grot ('b', '\b');
+		grot ('f', '\f');
+		grot ('n', '\n');
+		grot ('t', '\t');
+#undef	grot
+		case 0: s--;
+		case QUOTE: 
+		    *bp = QUOTE;
+		    break;
+		default: 
+		    if (!isdigit (*s)) {
+			*bp++ = QUOTE;
+			*bp = *s;
+		    }
+		    r = *s != '0' ? 10 : 8;
+		    for (i = 0; isdigit (*s); s++)
+			i = i * r + *s - '0';
+		    s--;
+		    *bp = toascii (i);
+		    break;
+	    }
+    *bp = 0;
+    bp = malloc ((unsigned) (strlen (buffer) + 1));
+    if (bp != NULL)
+	(void) strcpy (bp, buffer);
+    return bp;
+/*  */
+struct hostent *mh_gethostbyname();
+char   *LocalName () {
+#ifdef	BSD41A
+    char  *myname;
+#endif /* BSD41A */
+#if	defined(BSD42) || defined(SOCKETS)
+    register struct hostent *hp;
+#endif /* BSD42 or SOCKETS */
+#if	defined(SYS5) && !defined(NETWORK)
+    struct utsname name;
+#endif /* SYS5 and not NETWORK */
+    static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = "";
+    if (buffer[0])
+	return buffer;
+    mts_init ("mts");
+    if (*localname)
+	strcpy (buffer, localname);
+    else {
+#ifdef	locname
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, locname);
+#else /* not locname */
+#ifdef	NETWORK
+#ifdef	BSD41A
+    myname = "myname";
+    if (rhost (&myname) == -1)
+	(void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer);
+    else {
+	(void) strcpy (buffer, myname);
+	free (myname);
+    }
+#endif /* BSD41A */
+#if	defined(BSD42) || defined(SOCKETS)
+    (void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer);
+#ifndef	BIND
+    sethostent (1);
+    if (hp = mh_gethostbyname (buffer))
+	(void) strcpy (buffer, hp -> h_name);
+#endif /* BSD42 or SOCKETS */
+#else /* not NETWORK */
+#ifndef	SYS5
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, SystemName ());
+#else /* SYS5 */
+    (void) uname (&name);
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, name.nodename);
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+#endif /* not NETWORK */
+#endif /* not locname */
+    }
+    if (*localdomain) {
+	strcat (buffer, ".");
+	strcat (buffer, localdomain);
+    }
+    return buffer;
+/*  */
+char *SystemName () {
+#if	defined(SYS5) && !defined(NETWORK)
+    struct utsname name;
+#endif /* SYS5 and not NETWORK */
+    static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = "";
+    if (buffer[0])
+	return buffer;
+    mts_init ("mts");
+    if (*systemname)
+	return strcpy (buffer, systemname);
+#ifdef	sysname
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, sysname);
+#else /* sysname */
+#if	!defined(SYS5) || defined(NETWORK)
+    (void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer);
+#else /* SYS5 and not NETWORK */
+#ifdef	SYS5
+    (void) uname (&name);
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, name.nodename);
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+#endif /* SYS5 and not NETWORK */
+#endif /* sysname */
+    return buffer;
+/*  */
+char   *UucpChan () {
+#ifdef	MF
+    static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = "";
+#endif /* MF */
+#ifndef	MF
+    return NULL;
+#else /* MF */
+    if (buffer[0])
+	return buffer;
+    mts_init ("mts");
+    if (*UUCPchan)
+	return strcpy (buffer, UUCPchan);
+#ifdef	uucpchan
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, uucpchan);
+#else /* uucpchan */
+    (void) strcpy (buffer, "uucp");
+#endif /* uucpchan */
+    return buffer;
+#endif /* MF */
+/*  */
+#ifdef	ALTOS
+gethostname (name, len)
+register char   *name;
+register int     len;
+    register char  *cp;
+    register FILE  *fp;
+    if (fp = fopen ("/etc/systemid", "r")) {
+	if (fgets (name, len, fp)) {
+	    if (cp = index (name, '\n'))
+		*cp = 0;
+	    (void) fclose (fp);
+	    return OK;
+	}
+	(void) fclose (fp);
+    }
+    (void) strncpy (name, "altos", len);
+    return OK;
+#endif /* ALTOS */
+/*  */
+static char username[BUFSIZ];
+static char fullname[BUFSIZ];
+char   *getusr () {
+    register char  *cp,
+                   *np;
+#ifdef KPOP
+    int uid;
+#endif /* KPOP */
+    register struct passwd *pw;
+    if (username[0])
+	return username;
+#ifndef KPOP
+#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
+    if ((cp = getenv ("USERNAME")) != NULL
+	&& (pw = getpwnam (cp)) != NULL)
+      strcpy (username, cp);
+    else if ((pw = getpwuid (getuid ())) == NULL
+	    || pw -> pw_name == NULL
+	    || *pw -> pw_name == '\0') {
+#else /* __CYGWIN32__ */
+    if ((pw = getpwuid (getuid ())) == NULL
+	    || pw -> pw_name == NULL
+	    || *pw -> pw_name == '\0') {
+#endif /* __CYGWIN32__ */
+#else /* KPOP */
+    uid = getuid ();
+    if (uid == geteuid () && (cp = getenv ("USER")) != NULL
+	&& (pw = getpwnam (cp)) != NULL)
+      strcpy (username, cp);
+    else if ((pw = getpwuid (uid)) == NULL
+	     || pw -> pw_name == NULL
+	     || *pw -> pw_name == '\0') {
+#endif /* KPOP */
+	(void) strcpy (username, "unknown");
+	(void) sprintf (fullname, "The Unknown User-ID (%d)", getuid ());
+	return username;
+    }
+    np = pw -> pw_gecos;
+#ifndef	GCOS_HACK
+    for (cp = fullname; *np && *np != (MMailids ? '<' : ','); *cp++ = *np++)
+	continue;
+    for (cp = fullname; *np && *np != (MMailids ? '<' : ','); )
+	if (*np == '&')	{	/* blech! */
+	    (void) strcpy(cp, pw -> pw_name);
+	    *cp = toupper(*cp);
+	    while (*cp)
+		cp++;
+	    np++;
+	}
+	else
+	    *cp++ = *np++;
+    *cp = '\0';
+    if (MMailids) {
+	if (*np)
+	    np++;
+	for (cp = username; *np && *np != '>'; *cp++ = *np++)
+	    continue;
+	*cp = '\0';
+    }
+    if (MMailids == 0 || *np == '\0')
+	(void) strcpy (username, pw -> pw_name);
+    if ((cp = getenv ("SIGNATURE")) && *cp) {
+	if (strlen(cp) > BUFSIZ / 4) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "SIGNATURE envariable too long\n");
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+	(void) strcpy (fullname, cp);
+    }
+    if (index(fullname, '.')) {		/*  quote any .'s */
+	  char tmp[BUFSIZ];
+      sprintf (tmp, "\"%s\"", fullname);/* should quote "'s too */
+      strcpy (fullname, tmp);
+    }
+    return username;
+char   *getfullname () {
+    if (username[0] == '\0')
+	(void) getusr ();
+    return fullname;
+/*  */
+#ifdef	SYS5
+#ifndef	notdef			/* Supposedly this works, I prefer the
+				   recursive solution... */
+#include <fcntl.h>
+int     dup2 (d1, d2)
+register int    d1,
+                d2;
+    int     d;
+    if (d1 == d2)
+	return OK;
+    (void) close (d2);
+    if ((d = fcntl (d1, F_DUPFD, d2)) == NOTOK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    if (d == d2)
+	return OK;
+    errno = 0;
+    return NOTOK;
+#else /* notdef */
+int     dup2 (d1, d2)
+register int    d1,
+                d2;
+    if (d1 == d2)
+	return OK;
+    (void) close (d2);
+    return dup2aux (d1, d2);
+static int  dup2aux (d1, d2)
+register int    d1,
+                d2;
+    int     d,
+            i,
+            eindex;
+    if ((d = dup (d1)) == NOTOK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    if (d == d2)
+	return OK;
+    i = dup2aux (d1, d2);
+    eindex = errno;
+    (void) close (d);
+    errno = eindex;
+    return i;
+#endif /* notdef */
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+struct hostent *
+	char *name;
+	struct hostent *xx;
+#if (defined(SOLARIS) && SOLARIS < 20400) || (defined(sony_news) && defined(__svr4))
+# if SOLARIS == 20300
+	static struct hostent hp;
+	static char buf[1000];
+	extern struct hostent *_switch_gethostbyname_r();
+	xx = _switch_gethostbyname_r(name, &hp, buf, sizeof(buf), &h_errno);
+# else
+	extern struct hostent *__switch_gethostbyname();
+	xx = __switch_gethostbyname(name);
+# endif /* Solaris 2.3 */
+#else /* SOLARIS */
+	xx = gethostbyname(name);
+#endif /* SOLARIS */
+	return xx;
+#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
+void	sethostent(x)
+int	x;