1 ! { dg-do run }
2 !
3 ! Test the fix for PR78990 in which the scalarization of the assignment
4 ! in the main program failed for two reasons: (i) The conversion of 'v1'
5 ! into a class actual was being done after the call to 'return_t1', giving
6 ! rise to the ICE reported in comment #1; and (ii) The 'info' descriptor,
7 ! required for scalarization was not set, which gave rise to the ICE noted
8 ! by the contributor.
9 !
10 ! Contributed by Chris Macmackin <cmacmackin@gmail.com>
11 !
12 module test_type
13 implicit none
15 type t1
16 integer :: i
17 contains
18 procedure :: assign
19 generic :: assignment(=) => assign
20 end type t1
22 contains
24 elemental subroutine assign(this,rhs)
25 class(t1), intent(inout) :: this
26 class(t1), intent(in) :: rhs
27 this%i = rhs%i
28 end subroutine assign
30 function return_t1(arg)
31 class(t1), dimension(:), intent(in) :: arg
32 class(t1), dimension(:), allocatable :: return_t1
33 allocate(return_t1(size(arg)), source=arg)
34 end function return_t1
36 function return_t1_p(arg)
37 class(t1), dimension(:), intent(in), target :: arg
38 class(t1), dimension(:), pointer :: return_t1_p
39 return_t1_p => arg
40 end function return_t1_p
41 end module test_type
43 program test
44 use test_type
45 implicit none
47 type(t1), dimension(3) :: v1, v2
48 v1%i = [1,2,3]
49 v2 = return_t1(v1)
50 if (any (v2%i .ne. v1%i)) STOP 1
52 v1%i = [4,5,6]
53 v2 = return_t1_p(v1)
54 if (any (v2%i .ne. v1%i)) STOP 2
55 end program test