1 ! { dg-do compile }
2 ! { dg-options "-std=gnu" }
3 ! PR fortran/34133
4 !
5 ! The compiler should accept internal procedures with BIND(c) attribute
6 ! for STD GNU / Fortran 2008.
7 !
8 subroutine foo() bind(c)
9 contains
10 subroutine bar() bind (c)
11 end subroutine bar
12 end subroutine foo
14 subroutine foo2() bind(c)
15 use iso_c_binding
16 contains
17 integer(c_int) function barbar() bind (c)
18 barbar = 1
19 end function barbar
20 end subroutine foo2
22 function one() bind(c)
23 use iso_c_binding
24 integer(c_int) :: one
25 one = 1
26 contains
27 integer(c_int) function two() bind (c)
28 two = 1
29 end function two
30 end function one
32 function one2() bind(c)
33 use iso_c_binding
34 integer(c_int) :: one2
35 one2 = 1
36 contains
37 subroutine three() bind (c)
38 end subroutine three
39 end function one2
41 program main
42 use iso_c_binding
43 implicit none
44 contains
45 subroutine test() bind(c)
46 end subroutine test
47 integer(c_int) function test2() bind (c)
48 test2 = 1
49 end function test2
50 end program main