comparison gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/equiv_7.f90 @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:561a7518be6b 111:04ced10e8804
1 ! { dg-do run }
2 ! { dg-options "-std=gnu" }
3 ! Tests the fix for PR29786, in which initialization of overlapping
4 ! equivalence elements caused a compile error.
5 !
6 ! Contributed by Bernhard Fischer <>
7 !
8 block data
9 common /global/ ca (4)
10 integer(4) ca, cb
11 equivalence (cb, ca(3))
12 data (ca(i), i = 1, 2) /42,43/, ca(4) /44/
13 data cb /99/
14 end block data
16 integer(4), parameter :: abcd = ichar ("a") + 256_4 * (ichar("b") + 256_4 * &
17 (ichar ("c") + 256_4 * ichar ("d")))
18 logical(4), parameter :: bigendian = transfer (abcd, "wxyz") .eq. "abcd"
20 call int4_int4
21 call real4_real4
22 call complex_real
23 call check_block_data
24 call derived_types ! Thanks to Tobias Burnus for this:)
25 !
26 ! This came up in PR29786 comment #9 - Note the need to treat endianess
27 ! Thanks Dominique d'Humieres:)
28 !
29 if (bigendian) then
30 if (d1mach_little (1) .ne. transfer ((/0_4, 1048576_4/), 1d0)) call abort ()
31 if (d1mach_little (2) .ne. transfer ((/-1_4,2146435071_4/), 1d0)) call abort ()
32 else
33 if (d1mach_big (1) .ne. transfer ((/1048576_4, 0_4/), 1d0)) call abort ()
34 if (d1mach_big (2) .ne. transfer ((/2146435071_4,-1_4/), 1d0)) call abort ()
35 end if
36 !
37 contains
38 subroutine int4_int4
39 integer(4) a(4)
40 integer(4) b
41 equivalence (b,a(3))
42 data b/3/
43 data (a(i), i=1,2) /1,2/, a(4) /4/
44 if (any (a .ne. (/1, 2, 3, 4/))) call abort ()
45 end subroutine int4_int4
46 subroutine real4_real4
47 real(4) a(4)
48 real(4) b
49 equivalence (b,a(3))
50 data b/3.0_4/
51 data (a(i), i=1,2) /1.0_4, 2.0_4/, &
52 a(4) /4.0_4/
53 if (sum (abs (a - &
54 (/1.0_4, 2.0_4, 3.0_4, 4.0_4/))) > 1.0e-6) call abort ()
55 end subroutine real4_real4
56 subroutine complex_real
57 complex(4) a(4)
58 real(4) b(2)
59 equivalence (b,a(3))
60 data b(1)/3.0_4/, b(2)/4.0_4/
61 data (a(i), i=1,2) /(0.0_4, 1.0_4),(2.0_4,0.0_4)/, &
62 a(4) /(0.0_4,5.0_4)/
63 if (sum (abs (a - (/(0.0_4, 1.0_4),(2.0_4, 0.0_4), &
64 (3.0_4, 4.0_4),(0.0_4, 5.0_4)/))) > 1.0e-6) call abort ()
65 end subroutine complex_real
66 subroutine check_block_data
67 common /global/ ca (4)
68 equivalence (ca(3), cb)
69 integer(4) ca
70 if (any (ca .ne. (/42, 43, 99, 44/))) call abort ()
71 end subroutine check_block_data
72 function d1mach_little(i) result(d1mach)
73 implicit none
74 double precision d1mach,dmach(5)
75 integer i
76 integer*4 large(4),small(4)
77 equivalence ( dmach(1), small(1) )
78 equivalence ( dmach(2), large(1) )
79 data small(1),small(2) / 0, 1048576/
80 data large(1),large(2) /-1,2146435071/
81 d1mach = dmach(i)
82 end function d1mach_little
83 function d1mach_big(i) result(d1mach)
84 implicit none
85 double precision d1mach,dmach(5)
86 integer i
87 integer*4 large(4),small(4)
88 equivalence ( dmach(1), small(1) )
89 equivalence ( dmach(2), large(1) )
90 data small(1),small(2) /1048576, 0/
91 data large(1),large(2) /2146435071,-1/
92 d1mach = dmach(i)
93 end function d1mach_big
94 subroutine derived_types
95 TYPE T1
96 sequence
97 character (3) :: chr
98 integer :: i = 1
99 integer :: j
101 TYPE T2
102 sequence
103 character (3) :: chr = "wxy"
104 integer :: i = 1
105 integer :: j = 4
107 TYPE(T1) :: a1
108 TYPE(T2) :: a2
109 EQUIVALENCE(a1,a2) ! { dg-warning="mixed|components" }
110 if (a1%chr .ne. "wxy") call abort ()
111 if (a1%i .ne. 1) call abort ()
112 if (a1%j .ne. 4) call abort ()
113 end subroutine derived_types
114 end