1 //===--- GlobalCompilationDatabase.cpp ---------------------------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "GlobalCompilationDatabase.h"
10 #include "FS.h"
11 #include "Logger.h"
12 #include "Path.h"
13 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
14 #include "clang/Tooling/ArgumentsAdjusters.h"
15 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
24 #include <string>
25 #include <tuple>
26 #include <vector>
28 namespace clang {
29 namespace clangd {
30 namespace {
32 // Runs the given action on all parent directories of filename, starting from
33 // deepest directory and going up to root. Stops whenever action succeeds.
34 void actOnAllParentDirectories(PathRef FileName,
35 llvm::function_ref<bool(PathRef)> Action) {
36 for (auto Path = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(FileName);
37 !Path.empty() && !Action(Path);
38 Path = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(Path))
39 ;
40 }
42 } // namespace
44 tooling::CompileCommand
45 GlobalCompilationDatabase::getFallbackCommand(PathRef File) const {
46 std::vector<std::string> Argv = {"clang"};
47 // Clang treats .h files as C by default and files without extension as linker
48 // input, resulting in unhelpful diagnostics.
49 // Parsing as Objective C++ is friendly to more cases.
50 auto FileExtension = llvm::sys::path::extension(File);
51 if (FileExtension.empty() || FileExtension == ".h")
52 Argv.push_back("-xobjective-c++-header");
53 Argv.push_back(std::string(File));
54 tooling::CompileCommand Cmd(llvm::sys::path::parent_path(File),
55 llvm::sys::path::filename(File), std::move(Argv),
56 /*Output=*/"");
57 Cmd.Heuristic = "clangd fallback";
58 return Cmd;
59 }
61 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::
62 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase(
63 llvm::Optional<Path> CompileCommandsDir)
64 : CompileCommandsDir(std::move(CompileCommandsDir)) {}
66 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::
67 ~DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase() = default;
69 llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand>
70 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::getCompileCommand(PathRef File) const {
71 CDBLookupRequest Req;
72 Req.FileName = File;
73 Req.ShouldBroadcast = true;
75 auto Res = lookupCDB(Req);
76 if (!Res) {
77 log("Failed to find compilation database for {0}", File);
78 return llvm::None;
79 }
81 auto Candidates = Res->CDB->getCompileCommands(File);
82 if (!Candidates.empty())
83 return std::move(Candidates.front());
85 return None;
86 }
88 // For platforms where paths are case-insensitive (but case-preserving),
89 // we need to do case-insensitive comparisons and use lowercase keys.
90 // FIXME: Make Path a real class with desired semantics instead.
91 // This class is not the only place this problem exists.
92 // FIXME: Mac filesystems default to case-insensitive, but may be sensitive.
94 static std::string maybeCaseFoldPath(PathRef Path) {
95 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)
96 return Path.lower();
97 #else
98 return std::string(Path);
99 #endif
100 }
102 static bool pathEqual(PathRef A, PathRef B) {
103 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)
104 return A.equals_lower(B);
105 #else
106 return A == B;
107 #endif
108 }
110 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::CachedCDB &
111 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::getCDBInDirLocked(PathRef Dir) const {
112 // FIXME(ibiryukov): Invalidate cached compilation databases on changes
113 // FIXME(sammccall): this function hot, avoid copying key when hitting cache.
114 auto Key = maybeCaseFoldPath(Dir);
115 auto R = CompilationDatabases.try_emplace(Key);
116 if (R.second) { // Cache miss, try to load CDB.
117 CachedCDB &Entry = R.first->second;
118 std::string Error;
119 Entry.CDB = tooling::CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(Dir, Error);
120 Entry.Path = std::string(Dir);
121 if (Entry.CDB)
122 log("Loaded compilation database from {0}", Dir);
123 }
124 return R.first->second;
125 }
127 llvm::Optional<DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::CDBLookupResult>
128 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::lookupCDB(
129 CDBLookupRequest Request) const {
130 assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Request.FileName) &&
131 "path must be absolute");
133 bool ShouldBroadcast = false;
134 CDBLookupResult Result;
136 {
137 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
138 CachedCDB *Entry = nullptr;
139 if (CompileCommandsDir) {
140 Entry = &getCDBInDirLocked(*CompileCommandsDir);
141 } else {
142 // Traverse the canonical version to prevent false positives. i.e.:
143 // src/build/../a.cc can detect a CDB in /src/build if not canonicalized.
144 // FIXME(sammccall): this loop is hot, use a union-find-like structure.
145 actOnAllParentDirectories(removeDots(Request.FileName),
146 [&](PathRef Path) {
147 Entry = &getCDBInDirLocked(Path);
148 return Entry->CDB != nullptr;
149 });
150 }
152 if (!Entry || !Entry->CDB)
153 return llvm::None;
155 // Mark CDB as broadcasted to make sure discovery is performed once.
156 if (Request.ShouldBroadcast && !Entry->SentBroadcast) {
157 Entry->SentBroadcast = true;
158 ShouldBroadcast = true;
159 }
161 Result.CDB = Entry->CDB.get();
162 Result.PI.SourceRoot = Entry->Path;
163 }
165 // FIXME: Maybe make the following part async, since this can block retrieval
166 // of compile commands.
167 if (ShouldBroadcast)
168 broadcastCDB(Result);
169 return Result;
170 }
172 void DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::broadcastCDB(
173 CDBLookupResult Result) const {
174 assert(Result.CDB && "Trying to broadcast an invalid CDB!");
176 std::vector<std::string> AllFiles = Result.CDB->getAllFiles();
177 // We assume CDB in CompileCommandsDir owns all of its entries, since we don't
178 // perform any search in parent paths whenever it is set.
179 if (CompileCommandsDir) {
180 assert(*CompileCommandsDir == Result.PI.SourceRoot &&
181 "Trying to broadcast a CDB outside of CompileCommandsDir!");
182 OnCommandChanged.broadcast(std::move(AllFiles));
183 return;
184 }
186 llvm::StringMap<bool> DirectoryHasCDB;
187 {
188 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
189 // Uniquify all parent directories of all files.
190 for (llvm::StringRef File : AllFiles) {
191 actOnAllParentDirectories(File, [&](PathRef Path) {
192 auto It = DirectoryHasCDB.try_emplace(Path);
193 // Already seen this path, and all of its parents.
194 if (!It.second)
195 return true;
197 CachedCDB &Entry = getCDBInDirLocked(Path);
198 It.first->second = Entry.CDB != nullptr;
199 return pathEqual(Path, Result.PI.SourceRoot);
200 });
201 }
202 }
204 std::vector<std::string> GovernedFiles;
205 for (llvm::StringRef File : AllFiles) {
206 // A file is governed by this CDB if lookup for the file would find it.
207 // Independent of whether it has an entry for that file or not.
208 actOnAllParentDirectories(File, [&](PathRef Path) {
209 if (DirectoryHasCDB.lookup(Path)) {
210 if (pathEqual(Path, Result.PI.SourceRoot))
211 // Make sure listeners always get a canonical path for the file.
212 GovernedFiles.push_back(removeDots(File));
213 // Stop as soon as we hit a CDB.
214 return true;
215 }
216 return false;
217 });
218 }
220 OnCommandChanged.broadcast(std::move(GovernedFiles));
221 }
223 llvm::Optional<ProjectInfo>
224 DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase::getProjectInfo(PathRef File) const {
225 CDBLookupRequest Req;
226 Req.FileName = File;
227 Req.ShouldBroadcast = false;
228 auto Res = lookupCDB(Req);
229 if (!Res)
230 return llvm::None;
231 return Res->PI;
232 }
234 OverlayCDB::OverlayCDB(const GlobalCompilationDatabase *Base,
235 std::vector<std::string> FallbackFlags,
236 tooling::ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster)
237 : Base(Base), ArgsAdjuster(std::move(Adjuster)),
238 FallbackFlags(std::move(FallbackFlags)) {
239 if (Base)
240 BaseChanged = Base->watch([this](const std::vector<std::string> Changes) {
241 OnCommandChanged.broadcast(Changes);
242 });
243 }
245 llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand>
246 OverlayCDB::getCompileCommand(PathRef File) const {
247 llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand> Cmd;
248 {
249 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
250 auto It = Commands.find(removeDots(File));
251 if (It != Commands.end())
252 Cmd = It->second;
253 }
254 if (!Cmd && Base)
255 Cmd = Base->getCompileCommand(File);
256 if (!Cmd)
257 return llvm::None;
258 if (ArgsAdjuster)
259 Cmd->CommandLine = ArgsAdjuster(Cmd->CommandLine, Cmd->Filename);
260 return Cmd;
261 }
263 tooling::CompileCommand OverlayCDB::getFallbackCommand(PathRef File) const {
264 auto Cmd = Base ? Base->getFallbackCommand(File)
265 : GlobalCompilationDatabase::getFallbackCommand(File);
266 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
267 Cmd.CommandLine.insert(Cmd.CommandLine.end(), FallbackFlags.begin(),
268 FallbackFlags.end());
269 if (ArgsAdjuster)
270 Cmd.CommandLine = ArgsAdjuster(Cmd.CommandLine, Cmd.Filename);
271 return Cmd;
272 }
274 void OverlayCDB::setCompileCommand(
275 PathRef File, llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand> Cmd) {
276 // We store a canonical version internally to prevent mismatches between set
277 // and get compile commands. Also it assures clients listening to broadcasts
278 // doesn't receive different names for the same file.
279 std::string CanonPath = removeDots(File);
280 {
281 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
282 if (Cmd)
283 Commands[CanonPath] = std::move(*Cmd);
284 else
285 Commands.erase(CanonPath);
286 }
287 OnCommandChanged.broadcast({CanonPath});
288 }
290 llvm::Optional<ProjectInfo> OverlayCDB::getProjectInfo(PathRef File) const {
291 {
292 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
293 auto It = Commands.find(removeDots(File));
294 if (It != Commands.end())
295 return ProjectInfo{};
296 }
297 if (Base)
298 return Base->getProjectInfo(File);
300 return llvm::None;
301 }
302 } // namespace clangd
303 } // namespace clang