1 ! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
2 ! Pointer assignment constraints (see also assign02.f90)
4 module m
5 interface
6 subroutine s(i)
7 integer i
8 end
9 end interface
10 type :: t
11 procedure(s), pointer, nopass :: p
12 real, pointer :: q
13 end type
14 contains
15 ! C1027
16 subroutine s1
17 type(t), allocatable :: a(:)
18 type(t), allocatable :: b[:]
19 a(1)%p => s
20 !ERROR: Procedure pointer may not be a coindexed object
21 b[1]%p => s
22 end
23 ! C1028
24 subroutine s2
25 type(t) :: a
26 a%p => s
27 !ERROR: In assignment to object pointer 'q', the target 's' is a procedure designator
28 a%q => s
29 end
30 ! C1029
31 subroutine s3
32 type(t) :: a
33 a%p => f() ! OK: pointer-valued function
34 !ERROR: Subroutine pointer 'p' may not be associated with function designator 'f'
35 a%p => f
36 contains
37 function f()
38 procedure(s), pointer :: f
39 f => s
40 end
41 end
43 ! C1030 and - procedure names as target of procedure pointer
44 subroutine s4(s_dummy)
45 procedure(s), intent(in) :: s_dummy
46 procedure(s), pointer :: p, q
47 procedure(), pointer :: r
48 integer :: i
49 external :: s_external
50 p => s_dummy
51 p => s_internal
52 p => s_module
53 q => p
54 r => s_external
55 contains
56 subroutine s_internal(i)
57 integer i
58 end
59 end
60 subroutine s_module(i)
61 integer i
62 end
64 !
65 subroutine s5
66 procedure(f_pure), pointer :: p_pure
67 procedure(f_impure), pointer :: p_impure
68 !ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p_elemental' may not be ELEMENTAL
69 procedure(f_elemental), pointer :: p_elemental
70 p_pure => f_pure
71 p_impure => f_impure
72 p_impure => f_pure
73 !ERROR: PURE procedure pointer 'p_pure' may not be associated with non-PURE procedure designator 'f_impure'
74 p_pure => f_impure
75 contains
76 pure integer function f_pure()
77 f_pure = 1
78 end
79 integer function f_impure()
80 f_impure = 1
81 end
82 elemental integer function f_elemental()
83 f_elemental = 1
84 end
85 end
87 !
88 subroutine s6
89 procedure(s), pointer :: p, q
90 procedure(), pointer :: r
91 external :: s_external
92 !ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p' with explicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 's_external' with implicit interface
93 p => s_external
94 !ERROR: Procedure pointer 'r' with implicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 's_module' with explicit interface
95 r => s_module
96 end
98 !
99 subroutine s7
100 procedure(real) :: f_external
101 external :: s_external
102 procedure(), pointer :: p_s
103 procedure(real), pointer :: p_f
104 p_f => f_external
105 p_s => s_external
106 !ERROR: Subroutine pointer 'p_s' may not be associated with function designator 'f_external'
107 p_s => f_external
108 !ERROR: Function pointer 'p_f' may not be associated with subroutine designator 's_external'
109 p_f => s_external
110 end
112 ! C1017: bounds-spec
113 subroutine s8
114 real, target :: x(10, 10)
115 real, pointer :: p(:, :)
116 p(2:,3:) => x
117 !ERROR: Pointer 'p' has rank 2 but the number of bounds specified is 1
118 p(2:) => x
119 end
121 ! bounds-remapping
122 subroutine s9
123 real, target :: x(10, 10), y(100)
124 real, pointer :: p(:, :)
125 ! C1018
126 !ERROR: Pointer 'p' has rank 2 but the number of bounds specified is 1
127 p(1:100) => x
128 !
129 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
130 p(1:5,1:5) => x(1:10,::2)
131 !
132 !ERROR: Pointer bounds require 25 elements but target has only 20
133 p(1:5,1:5) => x(:,1:2)
134 !OK - rhs has rank 1 and enough elements
135 p(1:5,1:5) => y(1:100:2)
136 end
138 subroutine s10
139 integer, pointer :: p(:)
140 type :: t
141 integer :: a(4, 4)
142 integer :: b
143 end type
144 type(t), target :: x
145 type(t), target :: y(10,10)
146 integer :: v(10)
147 p(1:16) => x%a
148 p(1:8) => x%a(:,3:4)
149 p(1:1) => x%b ! We treat scalars as simply contiguous
150 p(1:1) => x%a(1,1)
151 p(1:1) => y(1,1)%a(1,1)
152 p(1:1) => y(:,1)%a(1,1) ! Rank 1 RHS
153 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
154 p(1:4) => x%a(::2,::2)
155 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
156 p(1:100) => y(:,:)%b
157 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
158 p(1:100) => y(:,:)%a(1,1)
159 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
160 !ERROR: An array section with a vector subscript may not be a pointer target
161 p(1:4) => x%a(:,v)
162 end
164 subroutine s11
165 complex, target :: x(10,10)
166 complex, pointer :: p(:)
167 real, pointer :: q(:)
168 p(1:100) => x(:,:)
169 q(1:10) => x(1,:)%im
170 !ERROR: Pointer bounds remapping target must have rank 1 or be simply contiguous
171 q(1:100) => x(:,:)%re
172 end
174 ! Check is_contiguous, which is usually the same as when pointer bounds
175 ! remapping is used. If it's not simply contiguous it's not constant so
176 ! an error is reported.
177 subroutine s12
178 integer, pointer :: p(:)
179 type :: t
180 integer :: a(4, 4)
181 integer :: b
182 end type
183 type(t), target :: x
184 type(t), target :: y(10,10)
185 integer :: v(10)
186 logical, parameter :: l1 = is_contiguous(x%a(:,:))
187 logical, parameter :: l2 = is_contiguous(y(1,1)%a(1,1))
188 !ERROR: Must be a constant value
189 logical, parameter :: l3 = is_contiguous(y(:,1)%a(1,1))
190 !ERROR: Must be a constant value
191 logical, parameter :: l4 = is_contiguous(x%a(:,v))
192 !ERROR: Must be a constant value
193 logical, parameter :: l5 = is_contiguous(y(v,1)%a(1,1))
194 end
195 subroutine test3(b)
196 integer, intent(inout) :: b(..)
197 !ERROR: Must be a constant value
198 integer, parameter :: i = rank(b)
199 end subroutine
202 end