1 ! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
2 ! Confirm enforcement of constraints and restrictions in
3 ! and C733, C734 and C779, C780, C781, C782, C783, C784, and C785.
5 module m
6 !ERROR: An ABSTRACT derived type must be extensible
7 type, abstract, bind(c) :: badAbstract1
8 end type
9 !ERROR: An ABSTRACT derived type must be extensible
10 type, abstract :: badAbstract2
11 sequence
12 real :: badAbstract2Field
13 end type
14 type, abstract :: abstract
15 contains
16 !ERROR: DEFERRED is required when an interface-name is provided
17 procedure(s1), pass :: ab1
18 !ERROR: Type-bound procedure 'ab3' may not be both DEFERRED and NON_OVERRIDABLE
19 procedure(s1), deferred, non_overridable :: ab3
20 !ERROR: DEFERRED is only allowed when an interface-name is provided
21 procedure, deferred, non_overridable :: ab4 => s1
22 end type
23 type :: nonoverride
24 contains
25 procedure, non_overridable, nopass :: no1 => s1
26 end type
27 type, extends(nonoverride) :: nonoverride2
28 end type
29 type, extends(nonoverride2) :: nonoverride3
30 contains
31 !ERROR: Override of NON_OVERRIDABLE 'no1' is not permitted
32 procedure, nopass :: no1 => s1
33 end type
34 type, abstract :: missing
35 contains
36 procedure(s4), deferred :: am1
37 end type
38 !ERROR: Non-ABSTRACT extension of ABSTRACT derived type 'missing' lacks a binding for DEFERRED procedure 'am1'
39 type, extends(missing) :: concrete
40 end type
41 type, extends(missing) :: intermediate
42 contains
43 procedure :: am1 => s7
44 end type
45 type, extends(intermediate) :: concrete2 ! ensure no false missing binding error
46 end type
47 type, bind(c) :: inextensible1
48 end type
49 !ERROR: The parent type is not extensible
50 type, extends(inextensible1) :: badExtends1
51 end type
52 type :: inextensible2
53 sequence
54 real :: inextensible2Field
55 end type
56 !ERROR: The parent type is not extensible
57 type, extends(inextensible2) :: badExtends2
58 end type
59 !ERROR: Derived type 'real' not found
60 type, extends(real) :: badExtends3
61 end type
62 type :: base
63 real :: component
64 contains
65 !ERROR: Procedure bound to non-ABSTRACT derived type 'base' may not be DEFERRED
66 procedure(s2), deferred :: bb1
67 !ERROR: DEFERRED is only allowed when an interface-name is provided
68 procedure, deferred :: bb2 => s2
69 end type
70 type, extends(base) :: extension
71 contains
72 !ERROR: A type-bound procedure binding may not have the same name as a parent component
73 procedure :: component => s3
74 end type
75 type :: nopassBase
76 contains
77 procedure, nopass :: tbp => s1
78 end type
79 type, extends(nopassBase) :: passExtends
80 contains
81 !ERROR: A passed-argument type-bound procedure may not override a NOPASS procedure
82 procedure :: tbp => s5
83 end type
84 type :: passBase
85 contains
86 procedure :: tbp => s6
87 end type
88 type, extends(passBase) :: nopassExtends
89 contains
90 !ERROR: A NOPASS type-bound procedure may not override a passed-argument procedure
91 procedure, nopass :: tbp => s1
92 end type
93 contains
94 subroutine s1(x)
95 class(abstract), intent(in) :: x
96 end subroutine s1
97 subroutine s2(x)
98 class(base), intent(in) :: x
99 end subroutine s2
100 subroutine s3(x)
101 class(extension), intent(in) :: x
102 end subroutine s3
103 subroutine s4(x)
104 class(missing), intent(in) :: x
105 end subroutine s4
106 subroutine s5(x)
107 class(passExtends), intent(in) :: x
108 end subroutine s5
109 subroutine s6(x)
110 class(passBase), intent(in) :: x
111 end subroutine s6
112 subroutine s7(x)
113 class(intermediate), intent(in) :: x
114 end subroutine s7
115 end module