1 ! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
2 ! 15.5.1 procedure reference constraints and restrictions
4 subroutine s01(elem, subr)
5 interface
6 elemental real function elem(x)
7 real, intent(in), value :: x
8 end function
9 subroutine subr(dummy)
10 procedure(sin) :: dummy
11 end subroutine
12 subroutine badsubr(dummy)
13 import :: elem
14 !ERROR: A dummy procedure may not be ELEMENTAL
15 procedure(elem) :: dummy
16 end subroutine
17 end interface
18 call subr(cos) ! not an error
19 !ERROR: Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure 'elem' may not be passed as an actual argument
20 call subr(elem) ! C1533
21 end subroutine
23 module m01
24 procedure(sin) :: elem01
25 interface
26 elemental real function elem02(x)
27 real, value :: x
28 end function
29 subroutine callme(f)
30 external f
31 end subroutine
32 end interface
33 contains
34 elemental real function elem03(x)
35 real, value :: x
36 end function
37 subroutine test
38 call callme(cos) ! not an error
39 !ERROR: Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure 'elem01' may not be passed as an actual argument
40 call callme(elem01) ! C1533
41 !ERROR: Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure 'elem02' may not be passed as an actual argument
42 call callme(elem02) ! C1533
43 !ERROR: Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure 'elem03' may not be passed as an actual argument
44 call callme(elem03) ! C1533
45 !ERROR: Non-intrinsic ELEMENTAL procedure 'elem04' may not be passed as an actual argument
46 call callme(elem04) ! C1533
47 contains
48 elemental real function elem04(x)
49 real, value :: x
50 end function
51 end subroutine
52 end module
54 module m02
55 type :: t
56 integer, pointer :: ptr
57 end type
58 type(t) :: coarray[*]
59 contains
60 subroutine callee(x)
61 type(t), intent(in) :: x
62 end subroutine
63 subroutine test
64 !ERROR: Coindexed object 'coarray' with POINTER ultimate component '%ptr' cannot be associated with dummy argument 'x='
65 call callee(coarray[1]) ! C1537
66 end subroutine
67 end module