diff lldb/test/API/macosx/nslog/TestDarwinNSLogOutput.py @ 150:1d019706d866

author anatofuz
date Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:10:13 +0900
children c4bab56944e8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lldb/test/API/macosx/nslog/TestDarwinNSLogOutput.py	Thu Feb 13 15:10:13 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Test DarwinLog "source include debug-level" functionality provided by the
+StructuredDataDarwinLog plugin.
+These tests are currently only supported when running against Darwin
+import lldb
+import platform
+import re
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbtest_config
+class DarwinNSLogOutputTestCase(TestBase):
+    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+    @skipUnlessDarwin
+    @skipIfRemote   # this test is currently written using lldb commands & assumes running on local system
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Call super's setUp().
+        TestBase.setUp(self)
+        self.child = None
+        self.child_prompt = '(lldb) '
+        self.strict_sources = False
+        # Source filename.
+        self.source = 'main.m'
+        # Output filename.
+        self.exe_name = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
+        self.d = {'OBJC_SOURCES': self.source, 'EXE': self.exe_name}
+        # Locate breakpoint.
+        self.line = line_number(self.source, '// break here')
+    def tearDown(self):
+        # Shut down the process if it's still running.
+        if self.child:
+            self.runCmd('process kill')
+            self.expect_prompt()
+            self.runCmd('quit')
+        # Let parent clean up
+        super(DarwinNSLogOutputTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    def run_lldb_to_breakpoint(self, exe, source_file, line,
+                               settings_commands=None):
+        # Set self.child_prompt, which is "(lldb) ".
+        prompt = self.child_prompt
+        # So that the child gets torn down after the test.
+        import pexpect
+        import sys
+        if sys.version_info.major == 3:
+          self.child = pexpect.spawnu('%s %s %s' % (lldbtest_config.lldbExec,
+                                                    self.lldbOption, exe))
+        else:
+          self.child = pexpect.spawn('%s %s %s' % (lldbtest_config.lldbExec,
+                                                   self.lldbOption, exe))
+        child = self.child
+        # Turn on logging for what the child sends back.
+        if self.TraceOn():
+            child.logfile_read = sys.stdout
+        # Disable showing of source lines at our breakpoint.
+        # This is necessary for the logging tests, because the very
+        # text we want to match for output from the running inferior
+        # will show up in the source as well.  We don't want the source
+        # output to erroneously make a match with our expected output.
+        self.runCmd("settings set stop-line-count-before 0")
+        self.expect_prompt()
+        self.runCmd("settings set stop-line-count-after 0")
+        self.expect_prompt()
+        # Run any test-specific settings commands now.
+        if settings_commands is not None:
+            for setting_command in settings_commands:
+                self.runCmd(setting_command)
+                self.expect_prompt()
+        # Set the breakpoint, and run to it.
+        child.sendline('breakpoint set -f %s -l %d' % (source_file, line))
+        child.expect_exact(prompt)
+        child.sendline('run')
+        child.expect_exact(prompt)
+        # Ensure we stopped at a breakpoint.
+        self.runCmd("thread list")
+        self.expect(re.compile(r"stop reason = .*breakpoint"))
+    def runCmd(self, cmd):
+        if self.child:
+            self.child.sendline(cmd)
+    def expect_prompt(self, exactly=True):
+        self.expect(self.child_prompt, exactly=exactly)
+    def expect(self, pattern, exactly=False, *args, **kwargs):
+        if exactly:
+            return self.child.expect_exact(pattern, *args, **kwargs)
+        return self.child.expect(pattern, *args, **kwargs)
+    def do_test(self, expect_regexes=None, settings_commands=None):
+        """ Run a test. """
+        self.build(dictionary=self.d)
+        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=self.d)
+        exe = self.getBuildArtifact(self.exe_name)
+        self.run_lldb_to_breakpoint(exe, self.source, self.line,
+                                    settings_commands=settings_commands)
+        self.expect_prompt()
+        # Now go.
+        self.runCmd("process continue")
+        self.expect(expect_regexes)
+    def test_nslog_output_is_displayed(self):
+        """Test that NSLog() output shows up in the command-line debugger."""
+        self.do_test(expect_regexes=[
+            re.compile(r"(This is a message from NSLog)"),
+            re.compile(r"Process \d+ exited with status")
+        ])
+        self.assertIsNotNone(self.child.match)
+        self.assertGreater(len(self.child.match.groups()), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "This is a message from NSLog",
+            self.child.match.group(1))
+    def test_nslog_output_is_suppressed_with_env_var(self):
+        """Test that NSLog() output does not show up with the ignore env var."""
+        # This test will only work properly on macOS 10.12+.  Skip it on earlier versions.
+        # This will require some tweaking on iOS.
+        match = re.match(r"^\d+\.(\d+)", platform.mac_ver()[0])
+        if match is None or int(match.group(1)) < 12:
+            self.skipTest("requires macOS 10.12 or higher")
+        self.do_test(
+            expect_regexes=[
+                re.compile(r"(This is a message from NSLog)"),
+                re.compile(r"Process \d+ exited with status")
+            ],
+            settings_commands=[
+                "settings set target.env-vars "
+                "\"IDE_DISABLED_OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE=1\""
+            ])
+        self.assertIsNotNone(self.child.match)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.child.match.groups()), 0)