view flang/module/ieee_arithmetic.f90 @ 173:0572611fdcc8 llvm10 llvm12

reorgnization done
author Shinji KONO <>
date Mon, 25 May 2020 11:55:54 +0900
children 2e18cbf3894f
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!===-- module/ieee_arithmetic.f90 ------------------------------------------===!
! Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
! See for license information.
! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

! See Fortran 2018, clause 17.2
module ieee_arithmetic

  type :: ieee_class_type
    integer(kind=1) :: which = 0
  end type ieee_class_type

  type(ieee_class_type), parameter :: &
    ieee_signaling_nan = ieee_class_type(1), &
    ieee_quiet_nan = ieee_class_type(2), &
    ieee_negative_inf = ieee_class_type(3), &
    ieee_negative_normal = ieee_class_type(4), &
    ieee_negative_denormal = ieee_class_type(5), &
    ieee_negative_zero = ieee_class_type(6), &
    ieee_positive_zero = ieee_class_type(7), &
    ieee_positive_subnormal = ieee_class_type(8), &
    ieee_positive_normal = ieee_class_type(9), &
    ieee_positive_inf = ieee_class_type(10), &
    ieee_other_value = ieee_class_type(11)

  type(ieee_class_type), parameter :: &
    ieee_negative_subnormal = ieee_negative_denormal, &
    ieee_positive_denormal = ieee_negative_subnormal

  type :: ieee_round_type
    integer(kind=1) :: mode = 0
  end type ieee_round_type

  type(ieee_round_type), parameter :: &
    ieee_nearest = ieee_round_type(1), &
    ieee_to_zero = ieee_round_type(2), &
    ieee_up = ieee_round_type(3), &
    ieee_down = ieee_round_type(4), &
    ieee_away = ieee_round_type(5), &
    ieee_other = ieee_round_type(6)

  interface operator(==)
    module procedure class_eq
    module procedure round_eq
  end interface operator(==)
  interface operator(/=)
    module procedure class_ne
    module procedure round_ne
  end interface operator(/=)

  ! See Fortran 2018, 17.10 & 17.11
  interface ieee_class
    module procedure ieee_class_a2
    module procedure ieee_class_a3
    module procedure ieee_class_a4
    module procedure ieee_class_a8
    module procedure ieee_class_a10
    module procedure ieee_class_a16
  end interface ieee_class

  interface ieee_copy_sign
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a2
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a3
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a4
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a8
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a10
    module procedure ieee_copy_sign_a16
  end interface ieee_copy_sign

  ! TODO: more interfaces (_fma, &c.)

  private :: classify


  elemental logical function class_eq(x,y)
    type(ieee_class_type), intent(in) :: x, y
    class_eq = x%which == y%which
  end function class_eq

  elemental logical function class_ne(x,y)
    type(ieee_class_type), intent(in) :: x, y
    class_ne = x%which /= y%which
  end function class_ne

  elemental logical function round_eq(x,y)
    type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: x, y
    round_eq = x%mode == y%mode
  end function round_eq

  elemental logical function round_ne(x,y)
    type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: x, y
    round_ne = x%mode /= y%mode
  end function round_ne

  elemental type(ieee_class_type) function classify( &
    integer, intent(in) :: expo, maxExpo
    logical, intent(in) :: negative, significandNZ, quietBit
    if (expo == 0) then
      if (significandNZ) then
        if (negative) then
          classify = ieee_negative_denormal
          classify = ieee_positive_denormal
        end if
        if (negative) then
          classify = ieee_negative_zero
          classify = ieee_positive_zero
        end if
      end if
    else if (expo == maxExpo) then
      if (significandNZ) then
        if (quietBit) then
          classify = ieee_quiet_nan
          classify = ieee_signaling_nan
        end if
        if (negative) then
          classify = ieee_negative_inf
          classify = ieee_positive_inf
        end if
      end if
      if (negative) then
        classify = ieee_negative_normal
        classify = ieee_positive_normal
      end if
    end if
  end function classify

  type(ieee_class_type) elemental function ieee_class_a##RKIND(x); \
    real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x; \
    integer(kind=IKIND) :: raw; \
    integer, parameter :: significand = PREC - IMPLICIT; \
    integer, parameter :: exponentBits = TOTALBITS - 1 - significand; \
    integer, parameter :: maxExpo = shiftl(1, exponentBits) - 1; \
    integer :: exponent, sign; \
    logical :: negative, nzSignificand, quiet; \
    raw = transfer(x, raw); \
    exponent = ibits(raw, significand, exponentBits); \
    negative = btest(raw, TOTALBITS - 1); \
    nzSignificand = ibits(raw, 0, significand) /= 0; \
    quiet = btest(raw, significand - 1); \
    ieee_class_a##RKIND = classify(exponent, maxExpo, negative, nzSignificand, quiet); \
  end function ieee_class_a##RKIND
#undef _CLASSIFY

  ! TODO: This might need to be an actual Operation instead
  real(kind=RKIND) elemental function ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND(x,y); \
    real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x, y; \
    integer(kind=IKIND) :: xbits, ybits; \
    xbits = transfer(x, xbits); \
    ybits = transfer(y, ybits); \
    xbits = ior(ibclr(xbits, BITS-1), iand(ybits, shiftl(1_##IKIND, BITS-1))); \
    ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND = transfer(xbits, x); \
  end function ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND
#undef _COPYSIGN

end module ieee_arithmetic