view clang/utils/ @ 176:de4ac79aef9d

author Shinji KONO <>
date Mon, 25 May 2020 17:13:11 +0900
parents 1d019706d866
children 1f2b6ac9f198
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile


class DeltaAlgorithm(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = set()

    def test(self, changes):


    def getTestResult(self, changes):
        # There is no reason to cache successful tests because we will
        # always reduce the changeset when we see one.

        changeset = frozenset(changes)
        if changeset in self.cache:
            return False
        elif not self.test(changes):
            return False
            return True

    def run(self, changes, force=False):
        # Make sure the initial test passes, if not then (a) either
        # the user doesn't expect monotonicity, and we may end up
        # doing O(N^2) tests, or (b) the test is wrong. Avoid the
        # O(N^2) case unless user requests it.
        if not force:
            if not self.getTestResult(changes):
                raise ValueError('Initial test passed to delta fails.')

        # Check empty set first to quickly find poor test functions.
        if self.getTestResult(set()):
            return set()
            return, self.split(changes))

    def split(self, S):
        """split(set) -> [sets]

        Partition a set into one or two pieces.

        # There are many ways to split, we could do a better job with more
        # context information (but then the API becomes grosser).
        L = list(S)
        mid = len(L)//2
        if mid==0:
            return L,
            return L[:mid],L[mid:]
    def delta(self, c, sets):
        # assert(reduce(set.union, sets, set()) == c)

        # If there is nothing left we can remove, we are done.
        if len(sets) <= 1:
            return c
        # Look for a passing subset.
        res =, sets)
        if res is not None:
            return res

        # Otherwise, partition sets if possible; if not we are done.
        refined = sum(map(list, map(self.split, sets)), [])
        if len(refined) == len(sets):
            return c
        return, refined)

    def search(self, c, sets):
        for i,S in enumerate(sets):
            # If test passes on this subset alone, recurse.
            if self.getTestResult(S):
                return, self.split(S))

            # Otherwise if we have more than two sets, see if test
            # pases without this subset.
            if len(sets) > 2:
                complement = sum(sets[:i] + sets[i+1:],[])
                if self.getTestResult(complement):
                    return, sets[:i] + sets[i+1:])


class Token(object):
    def __init__(self, type, data, flags, file, line, column):
        self.type   = type   = data
        self.flags  = flags
        self.file   = file
        self.line   = line
        self.column = column
kTokenRE = re.compile(r"""([a-z_]+) '(.*)'\t(.*)\tLoc=<(.*):(.*):(.*)>""",
                      re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)

def getTokens(path):
    p = subprocess.Popen(['clang','-dump-raw-tokens',path],
    out,err = p.communicate()

    tokens = []
    collect = None
    for ln in err.split('\n'):
        # Silly programmers refuse to print in simple machine readable
        # formats. Whatever.
        if collect is None:
            collect = ln
            collect = collect + '\n' + ln
        if 'Loc=<' in ln and ln.endswith('>'):
            ln,collect = collect,None

    return tokens


class TMBDDelta(DeltaAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, testProgram, tokenLists, log):
        def patchName(name, suffix):
            base,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
            return base + '.' + suffix + ext
        super(TMBDDelta, self).__init__()
        self.testProgram = testProgram
        self.tokenLists = tokenLists
        self.tempFiles = [patchName(f,'tmp')
                            for f,_ in self.tokenLists]
        self.targetFiles = [patchName(f,'ok')
                            for f,_ in self.tokenLists]
        self.log = log
        self.numTests = 0

    def writeFiles(self, changes, fileNames):
        assert len(fileNames) == len(self.tokenLists)
        byFile = [[] for i in self.tokenLists]
        for i,j in changes:

        for i,(file,tokens) in enumerate(self.tokenLists):
            f = open(fileNames[i],'w')
            for j in byFile[i]:

        return byFile

    def test(self, changes):
        self.numTests += 1

        byFile = self.writeFiles(changes, self.tempFiles)

        if self.log:
            print('TEST - ', end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
            if self.log > 1:
                for i,(file,_) in enumerate(self.tokenLists):
                    indices = byFile[i]
                    if i:
                        sys.stderr.write('\n      ')
                    sys.stderr.write('%s:%d tokens: [' % (file,len(byFile[i])))
                    prev = None
                    for j in byFile[i]:
                        if prev is None or j != prev + 1:
                            if prev:
                                sys.stderr.write('%d][' % prev)
                        prev = j
                    if byFile[i]:
                    sys.stderr.write('] ')
                print(', '.join(['%s:%d tokens' % (file, len(byFile[i]))
                                               for i,(file,_) in enumerate(self.tokenLists)]), end=' ', file=sys.stderr)

        p = subprocess.Popen([self.testProgram] + self.tempFiles)
        res = p.wait() == 0

        if res:
            self.writeFiles(changes, self.targetFiles)

        if self.log:
            print('=> %s' % res, file=sys.stderr)
            if res:
                print('\nSUCCESS (%d tokens)' % len(changes))

        return res

    def run(self):
        res = super(TMBDDelta, self).run([(i,j)
                                          for i,(file,tokens) in enumerate(self.tokenLists)
                                          for j in range(len(tokens))])
        self.writeFiles(res, self.targetFiles)
        if not self.log:
        return res

def tokenBasedMultiDelta(program, files, log):            
    # Read in the lists of tokens.
    tokenLists = [(file, [ for t in getTokens(file)])
                  for file in files]

    numTokens = sum([len(tokens) for _,tokens in tokenLists])
    print("Delta on %s with %d tokens." % (', '.join(files), numTokens))
    tbmd = TMBDDelta(program, tokenLists, log)

    res =

    print("Finished %s with %d tokens (in %d tests)." % (', '.join(tbmd.targetFiles),
def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
    parser = OptionParser("%prog <test program> {files+}")
    parser.add_option("", "--debug", dest="debugLevel",
                     help="set debug level [default %default]",
                     action="store", type=int, default=0)
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) <= 1:
        parser.error('Invalid number of arguments.')
    program,files = args[0],args[1:]

    md = tokenBasedMultiDelta(program, files, log=opts.debugLevel)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('Interrupted.', file=sys.stderr)
        os._exit(1) # Avoid freeing our giant cache.