// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics // ----- func @location_missing_l_paren() { ^bb: return loc) // expected-error {{expected '(' in inline location}} } // ----- func @location_missing_r_paren() { ^bb: return loc(unknown // expected-error@+1 {{expected ')' in inline location}} } // ----- func @location_invalid_instance() { ^bb: return loc() // expected-error {{expected location instance}} } // ----- func @location_name_missing_r_paren() { ^bb: return loc("foo"(unknown]) // expected-error {{expected ')' after child location of NameLoc}} } // ----- func @location_name_child_is_name() { ^bb: return loc("foo"("foo")) // expected-error {{child of NameLoc cannot be another NameLoc}} } // ----- func @location_callsite_missing_l_paren() { ^bb: return loc(callsite unknown // expected-error {{expected '(' in callsite location}} } // ----- func @location_callsite_missing_callee() { ^bb: return loc(callsite( at ) // expected-error {{expected location instance}} } // ----- func @location_callsite_missing_at() { ^bb: return loc(callsite(unknown unknown) // expected-error {{expected 'at' in callsite location}} } // ----- func @location_callsite_missing_caller() { ^bb: return loc(callsite(unknown at ) // expected-error {{expected location instance}} } // ----- func @location_callsite_missing_r_paren() { ^bb: return loc(callsite( unknown at unknown // expected-error@+1 {{expected ')' in callsite location}} } // ----- func @location_fused_missing_greater() { ^bb: return loc(fused' after fused location metadata}} } // ----- func @location_fused_missing_metadata() { ^bb: // expected-error@+1 {{expected non-function type}} return loc(fused<) // expected-error {{expected valid attribute metadata}} } // ----- func @location_fused_missing_l_square() { ^bb: return loc(fusedunknown]) // expected-error {{expected '[' in fused location}} } // ----- func @location_fused_missing_r_square() { ^bb: return loc(fused[unknown) // expected-error {{expected ']' in fused location}} }