view b11.s @ 850:c5168702f00e a

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author Shinji KONO <>
date Sat, 24 Sep 2011 02:01:33 +0900
parents d35df41eac69
line wrap: on
line source

	.file "mc-nop-386.c"
	.version	"01.01"
# /* Micro-C Code Generatation Part for intel386 */
# #define EXTERN extern
# #include "mc.h"
# /* Micro-C header file */
# #define DEBUG	error(-1)
# /*#include "CCLIB.TXT" */
# #include "stdio.h"
# #define const 
# typedef	struct {
# 	/* this is all wrong, but so what? */
# 	char	pad[96];	
# } FILE;
# extern FILE __sstdin;
# extern FILE __sstdout;
# extern FILE __sstderr;
# #define	stdin	(&__sstdin)
# #define	stdout	(&__sstdout)
# #define	stderr	(&__sstderr)
# #define	BUFSIZ	1024		/* size of buffer used by setbuf */
# #define	EOF	(-1)
# #define	NULL	0
# typedef int size_t;
# typedef /*long*/ int fpos_t;
# typedef void *__gnuc_va_list;
# void	 clearerr(FILE *);
# clearerr
# 0
# int	 fclose(FILE *);
# fclose
# 0
# int	 feof(FILE *);
# feof
# 0
# int	 ferror(FILE *);
# ferror
# 0
# int	 fflush(FILE *);
# fflush
# 0
# int	 fgetc(FILE *);
# fgetc
# 0
# int	 fgetpos(FILE *, fpos_t *);
# fgetpos
# 0
# 0
# int	 fileno(FILE *);
# fileno
# 0
# void	 flockfile();
# int	 fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...);
# fprintf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 fpurge();
# int	 fputc(int, FILE *);
# fputc
# 0
# 0
# int	 fputs(const char *, FILE *);
# fputs
# 0
# 0
# size_t	 fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
# fread
# 0
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 fscanf(FILE *, const char *, ...);
# fscanf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# /* int	 fseek(FILE *, long int, int); */
# int	 fsetpos(FILE *, const fpos_t *);
# fsetpos
# 0
# 0
# long	 ftell(FILE *);
# ftell
# 0
# int	 ftrylockfile();
# void	 funlockfile();
# size_t	 fwrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
# fwrite
# 0
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 getc(FILE *);
# getc
# 0
# int	 getc_unlocked();
# int	 getchar(void);
# getchar
# 0
# int	 getchar_unlocked();
# int	 getw(FILE *);
# getw
# 0
# int	 pclose(FILE *);
# pclose
# 0
# void	 perror(const char *);
# perror
# 0
# int	 printf(const char *, ...);
# printf
# 0
# 0
# int	 putc(int, FILE *);
# putc
# 0
# 0
# int	 putc_unlocked();
# int	 putchar(int);
# putchar
# 0
# int	 putchar_unlocked();
# int	 puts(const char *);
# puts
# 0
# int	 putw(int, FILE *);
# putw
# 0
# 0
# int	 remove(const char *);
# remove
# 0
# int	 rename (const char *, const char *);
# rename
# 0
# 0
# void	 rewind(FILE *);
# rewind
# 0
# int	 scanf(const char *, ...);
# scanf
# 0
# 0
# void	 setbuf(FILE *, char *);
# setbuf
# 0
# 0
# void	 setbuffer();
# int	 setlinebuf();
# int	 setvbuf(FILE *, char *, int, size_t);
# setvbuf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 snprintf();
# int	 sprintf(char *, const char *, ...);
# sprintf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 sscanf(const char *, const char *, ...);
# sscanf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 ungetc(int, FILE *);
# ungetc
# 0
# 0
# int	 vfprintf(FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
# vfprintf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 vfscanf();
# int	 vprintf(const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
# vprintf
# 0
# 0
# int	 vscanf();
# int	 vsnprintf();
# int	 vsprintf(char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
# vsprintf
# 0
# 0
# 0
# int	 vsscanf();
# char	*ctermid(char *);
# ctermid
# 0
# FILE	*fdopen(int, const char *);
# fdopen
# 0
# 0
# char	*fgetln();
# char	*fgets(char *, int, FILE *);
# fgets
# 0
# 0
# 0
# FILE	*fopen(const char *, const char *);
# fopen
# 0
# 0
# FILE	*freopen(const char *, const char *, FILE *);
# freopen
# 0
# 0
# 0
# FILE	*funopen();
# char	*gets(char *);
# gets
# 0
# FILE	*popen(const char *, const char *);
# popen
# 0
# 0
# char	*tempnam(const char *, const char *);
# tempnam
# 0
# 0
# FILE	*tmpfile(void);
# tmpfile
# 0
# char	*tmpnam(char *);
# tmpnam
# 0
# #define SIZE_INT   4
# #define INT	(-1)
# #define CHAR	(-2)
# #define UNSIGNED	(-3)
# #define POINTER (-4)
# #define ARRAY	(-5)
# #define STRUCT	(-6)
# #define UNION	(-7)
# #define FUNCTION	(-8)
# #define EMPTY	(-9)
# #define STATIC	(-10)
# #define GOTO	(-11)
# #define RETURN	(-12)
# #define BREAK	(-13)
# #define CONTINUE	(-14)
# #define IF	(-15)
# #define ELSE	(-16)
# #define FOR	(-17)
# #define DO	(-18)
# #define WHILE	(-19)
# #define SWITCH	(-20)
# #define CASE	(-21)
# #define DEFAULT (-22)
# #define RESERVE (-23)
# #define TAG	(-24)
# #define FIELD	(-25)
# #define IDENT	(-26)
# #define STRING	(-27)
# #define MACRO	(-28)
# #define BLABEL	(-29)
# #define FLABEL	(-30)
# #define TYPEDEF (-31)
# #define SIZEOF	(-32)
# #define TYPE	(-33)
# #define LONG	(-34)
# #define SHORT	(-35)
# #define EXTRN	(-36)
# #define VOID	(-37)
# #define REGISTER	(-38)
# #define CODE	(-39)
# #define ENVIRONMENT	(-40)
# #define TOP	0
# #define GDECL	1
# #define GSDECL	2
# #define GUDECL	3
# #define ADECL	4
# #define LDECL	5
# #define LSDECL	6
# #define LUDECL	7
# #define STADECL 8
# #define STAT	9
# #define GTDECL	10
# #define LTDECL	11
# #define GVAR	1
# #define RGVAR	2
# #define CRGVAR	3
# #define LVAR	4
# #define RLVAR	5
# #define CRLVAR	6
# #define CONST	7
# #define FNAME	8
# #define INDIRECT	9
# #define RINDIRECT	10
# #define CRINDIRECT	11
# #define ADDRESS 12
# #define MINUS	13
# #define LNOT	14
# #define BNOT	15
# #define INC	16
# #define POSTINC 17
# #define PREINC	18
# #define CPOSTINC	19
# #define CPREINC 20
# #define DEC	21
# #define CPOSTDEC	22
# #define CPREDEC 23
# #define MUL	24
# #define UMUL	25
# #define DIV	26
# #define UDIV	27
# #define MOD	28
# #define UMOD	29
# #define ADD	30
# #define SUB	31
# #define RSHIFT	32
# #define URSHIFT 33
# #define LSHIFT	34
# #define ULSHIFT 35
# #define GT	36
# #define UGT	37
# #define GE	38
# #define UGE	39
# #define LT	40
# #define ULT	41
# #define LE	42
# #define ULE	43
# #define EQ	44
# #define NEQ	45
# #define BAND	46
# #define EOR	47
# #define BOR	48
# #define LAND	49
# #define LOR	50
# #define COND	51
# #define ASS	52
# #define CASS	53
# #define ASSOP	54
# #define CASSOP	55
# #define COMMA	56
# #define LPAR	57
# #define RPAR	58
# #define LBRA	59
# #define RBRA	60
# #define LC	61
# #define RC	62
# #define COLON	63
# #define SM	64
# #define PERIOD	65
# #define ARROW	66
# #define CNAME	67
# #define SASS	68
# #define DOTS	69
# #define US	1
# #define AS	100
# #define FILERR	1
# #define DCERR	2
# #define STERR	3
# #define EXERR	4
# #define CNERR	5
# #define CHERR	6
# #define GSERR	7
# #define LSERR	8
# #define STRERR	9
# #define LNERR	10
# #define EOFERR	11
# #define MCERR	12
# #define INCERR	13
# #define HPERR	14
# #define TYERR	15
# #define LVERR	16
# #define UDERR	17
# #define OPTION	18
# #define REG_ERR	19
# #define CODE_ERR	20
# #define GSYMS	9000
# #define LSYMS	500
# #define HEAPSIZE	10000
# /* #define CHEAPSIZE	3000 */
# #define CHEAPSIZE	256000
# #define LBUFSIZE	4096
# #define FILES 3
# #define OUTPUT_FILE_NAME "mcout.s"
# EXTERN int sym,ch,chsave,type,mode,stmode,gfree,lfree,mflag,lineno,glineno;
# EXTERN int labelno,gpc,disp,reg_var,debug;
# EXTERN int symval,args,init_vars,heap[HEAPSIZE];
# EXTERN int blabel,clabel,dlabel,cslabel,ilabel,control,ac,ac2,lsrc,chk,asmf;
# EXTERN unsigned hash;
# EXTERN char linebuf[LBUFSIZE],namebuf[LBUFSIZE],*chptr,*chptrsave;
# EXTERN char *name,*cheapp,**av,/*obuf[320],*/*sptr,escape(void);
# escape
# 0
# EXTERN int arg_offset,stat_no,int_size,disp_offset,endian,csvalue,csvalue1;
# EXTERN int code_arg_offset;
# EXTERN int retlabel,retpending,retcont;
# EXTERN FILE *obuf;
# typedef struct nametable {
# 	char *nm;
# 	int sc,ty,dsp; } NMTBL;
# EXTERN NMTBL ntable[GSYMS+LSYMS],*nptr,*gnptr,*decl0(void),*decl1(void),*lsearch(char *name),*gsearch(void);
# decl0
# 0
# decl1
# 0
# lsearch
# 0
# gsearch
# 0
# EXTERN NMTBL *fnptr;
# EXTERN struct {int fd,ln;/*char fcb[320]*/FILE *fcb;} *filep,filestack[FILES];
# EXTERN char cheap[CHEAPSIZE];
# #define REGISTERS6   0
# void code_init(void);
# code_init
# 0
# void free_register(int i);
# free_register
# 0
# void emit_init(void);
# emit_init
# 0
# void emit_push(void);
# emit_push
# 0
# void gexpr(int e1);
# gexpr
# 0
# void g_expr(int e1);
# g_expr
# 0
# void bexpr(int e1, char cond, int l1);
# bexpr
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void b_expr(int e1, char cond, int l1);
# b_expr
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void string(int e1);
# string
# 0
# void function(int e1);
# function
# 0
# void machinop(int e1);
# machinop
# 0
# void rindirect(int e1);
# rindirect
# 0
# void assign(int e1);
# assign
# 0
# void sassign(int e1);
# sassign
# 0
# void assop(int e1);
# assop
# 0
# void tosop(int op);
# tosop
# 0
# char *div_setup(int oreg) ;
# div_setup
# 0
# void shift(char *op, int reg) ;
# shift
# 0
# 0
# void ld_indexx(int byte, int n, char *xrn);
# ld_indexx
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void st_indexx(int byte, int n, char *xrn);
# st_indexx
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void indexy(char *op, char *gvar);
# indexy
# 0
# 0
# void cmpdimm(int e, int csreg);
# cmpdimm
# 0
# 0
# void global_table(void) ;
# global_table
# 0
# void local_table(void) ;
# local_table
# 0
# void opening(char *filename);
# opening
# 0
# void closing(void);
# closing
# 0
# void gen_gdecl(char *n, int gpc) ;
# gen_gdecl
# 0
# 0
# void jmp_label(int l);
# jmp_label
# 0
# void jmp_eq_label(int l);
# jmp_eq_label
# 0
# void rexpr(int e1, int l1, char *s);
# rexpr
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void jcond(int l, char cond);
# jcond
# 0
# 0
# void jmp(int l);
# jmp
# 0
# void def_label(int cslabel, int dlabel) ;
# def_label
# 0
# 0
# void gen_comment(char *s);
# gen_comment
# 0
# void gen_source(char *s);
# gen_source
# 0
# void code_enter(char *name) ;
# code_enter
# 0
# void code_leave(char *name) ;
# code_leave
# 0
# void enter(char *name) ;
# enter
# 0
# void enter1(int disp) ;
# enter1
# 0
# void ret(void);
# ret
# 0
# void emit_data(int e, int t, NMTBL *n);
# emit_data
# 0
# 0
# 0
# void    text_mode(void);
# text_mode
# 0
# void    data_mode(char *name);
# data_mode
# 0
# int  get_register_var(void);
# get_register_var
# 0
# void	jump(int e1, int env);
# jump
# 0
# 0
# int	lvar(int l);
# lvar
# 0
# int cadr(int e);
# cadr
# 0
# int car(int e);
# car
# 0
# int caddr(int e);
# caddr
# 0
# int fwdlabel(void);
# fwdlabel
# 0
# void fwddef(int l);
# fwddef
# 0
# int cadddr(int e);
# cadddr
# 0
# int backdef(void);
# backdef
# 0
# int error(int n);
# error
# 0
# int size(int t);
# size
# 0
# int list3(int e1, int e2, int e3);
# list3
# 0
# 0
# 0
# #define TEXT_EMIT_MODE 0
# #define DATA_EMIT_MODE 1
# #define RODATA_EMIT_MODE 2
# static output_mode = TEXT_EMIT_MODE;
.globl	output_mode
	.type	output_mode,@object
	.long 0
	.size	output_mode,_2-output_mode
# static data_alignment = 0;
.globl	data_alignment
	.type	data_alignment,@object
	.long 0
	.size	data_alignment,_3-data_alignment
# /*
#          local1 <----24 local variable
#         %esi        -20  <- disp_offset
#         %edi        -16
#         %edx        -12
#         %ecx         -8
#         %ebx         -4
#         %ebp = %esp   0
#         %eip          4   <- arg_offset
#           arg1        8
#             see enter/enter1/leave
#  */
# int arg_offset = 8;
.globl	arg_offset
	.type	arg_offset,@object
	.long 8
	.size	arg_offset,_4-arg_offset
# int disp_offset = -20;
.globl	disp_offset
	.type	disp_offset,@object
	.long -20
	.size	disp_offset,_5-disp_offset
# int func_disp_offset = -20;
.globl	func_disp_offset
	.type	func_disp_offset,@object
	.long -20
	.size	func_disp_offset,_6-func_disp_offset
# int code_disp_offset = 0;
.globl	code_disp_offset
	.type	code_disp_offset,@object
	.long 0
	.size	code_disp_offset,_7-code_disp_offset
# int int_size = 4;
.globl	int_size
	.type	int_size,@object
	.long 4
	.size	int_size,_8-int_size
# int endian = 0;
.globl	endian
	.type	endian,@object
	.long 0
	.size	endian,_9-endian
# int MAX_REGISTER=6;         /* intel386のレジスタを4つまで使う*/
	.type	MAX_REGISTER,@object
	.long 6
# int REAL_MAX_REGISTER=8;    /* intel386のレジスタが8つということ*/
	.type	REAL_MAX_REGISTER,@object
	.long 8
# int MAX_DATA_REG=4;    
	.type	MAX_DATA_REG,@object
	.long 4
# int MAX_POINTER=3;    
	.type	MAX_POINTER,@object
	.long 3
# int MAX_REGISTGER_VAR=2;    
	.type	MAX_REGISTGER_VAR,@object
	.long 2
# static int  creg;     /* current register */
# static char *crn;     /* current register name */
# static int  lreg;     /* operand register */
# static char *lrn;     /* operand register name */
# static int  dreg;     /* temporary register */
# static char *drn;     /* temporary register name */
# static int  xreg;     /* pointer register */
# static int  reg_sp;   /* REGister Stack-Pointer */
# #define REG_EAX   0
# #define REG_EBX   1
# #define REG_ECX   2
# #define REG_EDX   3
# #define REG_ESI   4
# #define REG_EDI   5
# #define REG_EBP   6
# #define REG_ESP   7
# #define DATA_REG 0    
# #define POINTER_REG 3    
# static char *reg_name[8]; 
# static char *reg_name_l[4];
# /*
#     creg   currrent virtual register
#     lreg   operand virtual register
#     dreg   spare virtual register
#     rname[creg]   currrent real register
#     rname[lreg]   operand real register
#     rname[dreg]   spare real register
#     regs[]        virtual register usage
#     reg_name[rname[creg]]
#  */
# #define MAX_MAX 10
# static int rname[MAX_MAX];
# static int regs[MAX_MAX];       /* 使われているレジスタを示すフラグ */
# static int reg_stack[MAX_MAX];  /* 実際のレジスタの領域 */
# void
# code_init(void)
# code_init
# 474
# {
	.align 2
	.align 2
.globl code_init
	.type	code_init,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (REGISTERS6) {
	jmp	_16
# 	arg_offset = 8;
	movl $8,%eax
	movl %eax,arg_offset
# 	func_disp_offset = -20;
	movl $-20,%eax
	movl %eax,func_disp_offset
# 	int_size = 4;
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,int_size
# 	endian = 0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,endian
	movl $6,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_REGISTER
# 	MAX_DATA_REG=4;    
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_DATA_REG
# 	MAX_POINTER=3;    
	movl $3,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_POINTER
#     } else {
# 	arg_offset = 8;
	movl $8,%eax
	movl %eax,arg_offset
# 	func_disp_offset = -12;
	movl $-12,%eax
	movl %eax,func_disp_offset
# 	int_size = 4;
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,int_size
# 	endian = 0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,endian
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_REGISTER
# 	MAX_DATA_REG=4;    
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_DATA_REG
# 	MAX_POINTER=1;    
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,MAX_POINTER
#     }
#     MAX_REGISTER_VAR=2;    
	movl $2,%eax
#     reg_name[REG_EAX] = "%eax";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%eax"
	lea _17,%eax
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl %eax,(%edx)
	movl %eax,%edx
#     reg_name[REG_EBX] = "%ebx";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%ebx"
	lea _18,%edx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
#     reg_name[REG_ECX] = "%ecx";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%ecx"
	lea _19,%ecx
	movl $8,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl %ecx,(%edx)
	movl %ecx,%edx
#     reg_name[REG_EDX] = "%edx";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%edx"
	lea _20,%edx
	movl $12,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
#     reg_name[REG_ESI] = "%esi";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%esi"
	lea _21,%ecx
	movl $16,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl %ecx,(%edx)
	movl %ecx,%edx
#     reg_name[REG_EDI] = "%edi";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%edi"
	lea _22,%edx
	movl $20,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
#     reg_name[REG_EBP] = "%ebp";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%ebp"
	lea _23,%ecx
	movl $24,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl %ecx,(%edx)
	movl %ecx,%edx
#     reg_name[REG_ESP] = "%esp";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%esp"
	lea _24,%edx
	movl $28,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
#     reg_name_l[REG_EAX] = "%al";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%al"
	lea _25,%ecx
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $reg_name_l,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl %ecx,(%edx)
	movl %ecx,%edx
#     reg_name_l[REG_EBX] = "%bl";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%bl"
	lea _26,%edx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $reg_name_l,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
#     reg_name_l[REG_ECX] = "%cl";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%cl"
	lea _27,%ecx
	movl $8,%eax
	movl $reg_name_l,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl %ecx,(%edx)
	movl %ecx,%edx
#     reg_name_l[REG_EDX] = "%dl";
.section	.rodata
	.string "%dl"
	lea _28,%edx
	movl $12,%eax
	movl $reg_name_l,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	code_init,_29-code_init
# char *
# register_name(int i)
# register_name
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl register_name
	.type	register_name,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     return reg_name[rname[i]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	register_name,_31-register_name
# int 
# get_register(void)
# get_register
# 0
# {    /* 使われていないレジスタを調べる */
	.align 2
.globl get_register
	.type	get_register,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     for(i=0;i<MAX_REGISTER;i++) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl MAX_REGISTER,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_33
# 	if (! regs[i]) {    /* 使われていないなら */
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	cmpl $0,%ecx
	jne	_36
# 	    regs[i]=1;      /* そのレジスタを使うことを宣言し */
	movl $1,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $regs,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
# 	    return i;       /* その場所を表す番号を返す */
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
# 	}
	jmp	_32
#     }
#     return -1;    /* 空いている場所がないなら、それを表す -1 を返す */
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_34
	movl $-1,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	get_register,_37-get_register
# void 
# free_register(int i) {    /* いらなくなったレジスタを開放 */
# free_register
# 479
	.align 2
.globl free_register
	.type	free_register,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     regs[i]=0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	free_register,_39-free_register
# int
# register_full(void)
# register_full
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl register_full
	.type	register_full,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     for(i=0;i<MAX_REGISTER;i++) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl MAX_REGISTER,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_41
# 	if (! regs[i]) { 
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	cmpl $0,%ecx
	jne	_44
# 	    return 0;  
	movl $0,%ecx
# 	}
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_40
#     }
#     return 1;    
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_42
	movl $1,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	register_full,_45-register_full
# void 
# gexpr_init(void)
# gexpr_init
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl gexpr_init
	.type	gexpr_init,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     while(reg_sp > 0) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl reg_sp,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jle	_47
# 	free_register(reg_stack[--reg_sp]);
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $reg_sp,%eax
	addl $-1,(%eax)
	movl (%eax),%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	free_register
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
#     text_mode();
	jmp	_48
	call	text_mode
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	gexpr_init,_49-gexpr_init
# void 
# emit_init(void)
# emit_init
# 484
# {
	.align 2
.globl emit_init
	.type	emit_init,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     for(i=0;i<REAL_MAX_REGISTER;i++) regs[i]=0;
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_51
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $regs,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
#     for(i=0;i<REAL_MAX_REGISTER;i++) rname[i]=i;
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_52
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl %ecx,-16(%ebp)
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jge	_54
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
#     creg = get_register();
	lea -16(%ebp),%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%eax
	addl $1,(%ecx)
	jmp	_55
	call	get_register
	movl %eax,creg
#     crn = reg_name[rname[creg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,crn
#     dreg = get_register();
	call	get_register
	movl %eax,dreg
#     drn = reg_name[rname[dreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl dreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,drn
#     reg_sp = 0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,reg_sp
#     text_mode();
	call	text_mode
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	emit_init,_57-emit_init
# void 
# set_crn(int i)
# set_crn
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl set_crn
	.type	set_crn,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     creg = i;
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl %eax,creg
#     crn = reg_name[rname[creg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,crn
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	set_crn,_59-set_crn
# void 
# set_drn(int i)
# set_drn
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl set_drn
	.type	set_drn,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     dreg = i;
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl %eax,dreg
#     drn = reg_name[rname[dreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl dreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,drn
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	set_drn,_61-set_drn
# int
# virtual(int real)
# virtual
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl virtual
	.type	virtual,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int real_v,i;
#     real_v = -1;
	subl $8,%esp
	movl $-1,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     for(i=0;i<MAX_REGISTER;i++) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	movl MAX_REGISTER,%eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_63
# 	if (rname[i]==real) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_66
# 	    real_v=i;
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	    break;
	jmp	_63
# 	}
#     }
#     if (real_v == -1)
	lea -20(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_64
	movl $-1,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_67
# 	error(-1);
	movl $-1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	error
	addl $4,%esp
#     return real_v;
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	virtual,_68-virtual
# void 
# use_register(int virt, int real, int move)
# use_register
# 0
# 0
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl use_register
	.type	use_register,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int real_v;
#     char *move_op;
#     if (rname[virt]==real)
	subl $8,%esp
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_70
# 	return;
#     real_v = virtual(real);
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_69
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	virtual
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     move_op = regs[real_v]?"\txchg %s,%s\n":"\tmovl %s,%s\n";
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $regs,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_71
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011xchg %s,%s\n"
	lea _72,%eax
	jmp	_73
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _74,%eax
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     if (move || regs[real_v]) {
	cmpl $0,16(%ebp)
	jne	_76
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $regs,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_75
# 	printf(move_op,reg_name[rname[virt]],reg_name[real]);
	movl $4,%eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#     } 
#     rname[real_v] = rname[virt];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
#     rname[virt] = real; 
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
#     crn = reg_name[rname[creg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,crn
#     drn = reg_name[rname[dreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl dreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,drn
#     lrn = reg_name[rname[lreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl lreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,lrn
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	use_register,_77-use_register
# void 
# use_pointer(int virt, int move)
# use_pointer
# 0
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl use_pointer
	.type	use_pointer,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     if (rname[virt]>=POINTER_REG)
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $3,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jl	_79
# 	return;
#     for(i=POINTER_REG;i<MAX_REGISTER;i++) {
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_78
	movl $3,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl MAX_REGISTER,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_80
# 	if (!regs[virtual(i)]) {
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	virtual
	addl $4,%esp
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	cmpl $0,%ecx
	jne	_83
# 	    use_register(virt,i,move);
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	}
	jmp	_78
#     }
#     /* we prefer EBX */
#     use_register(virt,REG_EBX,move);
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_81
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $1,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	use_pointer,_84-use_pointer
# void 
# use_data_reg(int virt, int move)
# use_data_reg
# 0
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl use_data_reg
	.type	use_data_reg,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     if (rname[virt]<MAX_DATA_REG)
	subl $4,%esp
	movl MAX_DATA_REG,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_86
# 	return;
#     for(i=0;i<MAX_DATA_REG;i++) {
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_85
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl MAX_DATA_REG,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_87
# 	if (!regs[virtual(i)]) {
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	virtual
	addl $4,%esp
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	cmpl $0,%ecx
	jne	_90
# 	    use_register(virt,i,move);
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	}
	jmp	_85
#     }
#     /* we prefer EBX */
#     use_register(virt,REG_EBX,move);
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_88
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $1,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	use_data_reg,_91-use_data_reg
# int 
# pop_register(void)
# pop_register
# 0
# {     /* レジスタから値を取り出す */
	.align 2
.globl pop_register
	.type	pop_register,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i,j;
#     j = creg;
	subl $8,%esp
	movl creg,%eax
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     i = reg_stack[--reg_sp];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $reg_sp,%ecx
	addl $-1,(%ecx)
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_stack,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if(i<0) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_93
# 	return i;
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
#     } else {
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_92
# 	free_register(i);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	free_register
	addl $4,%esp
# 	lreg = i;
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl %eax,lreg
# 	lrn = reg_name[rname[lreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl lreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,lrn
# 	regs[i]=0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
# 	return lreg;
	movl lreg,%ecx
#     }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_92
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	pop_register,_94-pop_register
# int
# stack_used(void) {
# stack_used
# 0
	.align 2
.globl stack_used
	.type	stack_used,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     return reg_stack[--reg_sp]<0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	addl $-1,(%edx)
	movl (%edx),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jl	_96
	xorl %ecx,%ecx
	jmp	_97
	movl $1,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	stack_used,_98-stack_used
# void 
# emit_push(void)
# emit_push
# 489
# {
	.align 2
.globl emit_push
	.type	emit_push,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int new_reg;
#     new_reg = get_register();
	subl $4,%esp
	call	get_register
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if(new_reg<0) {                     /* もうレジスタがない */
	movl $0,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_100
# 	reg_stack[reg_sp++] =  -1;
	movl $-1,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	pushl %edx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%edx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
# 	printf("\tpushl %s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _101,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } else {
	jmp	_102
# 	reg_stack[reg_sp++] = creg;     /* push するかわりにレジスタを使う */
	movl creg,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	pushl %edx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%edx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
# 	set_crn(new_reg);
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	set_crn
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	emit_push,_103-emit_push
# char *
# emit_pop(int type)
# emit_pop
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl emit_pop
	.type	emit_pop,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *xrn;
#     if (pop_register()==-1) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $-1,%eax
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	pop_register
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_105
# 	if (type==POINTER_REG)
	movl $3,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_106
# 	    use_pointer(dreg,0);
	movl $0,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl dreg,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_pointer
	addl $8,%esp
# 	else if (type==DATA_REG)
	jmp	_107
	movl $0,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_108
# 	    use_data_reg(dreg,0);
	movl $0,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl dreg,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_data_reg
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tpopl %s\n",drn);
	movl drn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %s\n"
	lea _109,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	xrn = drn;
	movl drn,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	xreg = dreg;
	movl dreg,%eax
	movl %eax,xreg
#     } else {
	jmp	_110
# 	xrn = lrn;
	movl lrn,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	xreg = lreg;
	movl lreg,%eax
	movl %eax,xreg
#     }
#     return xrn;
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	emit_pop,_111-emit_pop
# int
# get_register_var(void)
# get_register_var
# 691
# {
	.align 2
.globl get_register_var
	.type	get_register_var,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i;
#     for(i=REG_ESI;i<REG_ESP;i++) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $4,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl $7,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_113
# 	if (! regs[i]) {    /* 使われていないなら */
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	cmpl $0,%ecx
	jne	_116
# 	    regs[i]=1;      /* そのレジスタを使うことを宣言し */
	movl $1,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $regs,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
# 	    return i;       /* その場所を表す番号を返す */
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
# 	}
	jmp	_112
#     }
#     return -1;
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_114
	movl $-1,%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	get_register_var,_117-get_register_var
# void
# gexpr(int e1)
# gexpr
# 494
# {
	.align 2
.globl gexpr
	.type	gexpr,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     gexpr_init();
	call	gexpr_init
#     g_expr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     csvalue = rname[creg]; /* for siwtch value */
	movl $4,%eax
	movl creg,%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,csvalue
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	gexpr,_119-gexpr
# void
# g_expr(int e1)
# g_expr
# 499
# {
	.align 2
.globl g_expr
	.type	g_expr,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,e3,e4;
#     char *xrn;
#     NMTBL *n;
#     if (chk) return;
	subl $20,%esp
	cmpl $0,chk
	je	_121
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	jmp	_120
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     switch (car(e1)){
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
#     case GVAR:   
# 	/* use_pointer(creg,0); */
# 	printf("\tmovl $%s,%s\n",caddr(e1),crn);
	cmpl $1,%eax
	jne	_124
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl $%s,%s\n"
	lea _125,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RGVAR:
	jmp	_120
# 	/* use_pointer(creg,0); */
# 	printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",caddr(e1),crn);
	cmpl $2,%eax
	jne	_127
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _128,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CRGVAR:
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovsbl %s,%s\n",caddr(e1),crn);
	cmpl $3,%eax
	jne	_130
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl %s,%s\n"
	lea _131,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LVAR:
	jmp	_120
# 	/* use_pointer(creg,0); */
# 	printf("\tlea %d(%%ebp),%s\n",lvar(e2),crn);
	cmpl $4,%eax
	jne	_133
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %d(%%ebp),%s\n"
	lea _134,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case REGISTER:
	jmp	_120
# 	/* this is of course redundant... */
# 	printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(e2),crn);
	cmpl $-38,%eax
	jne	_136
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _137,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RLVAR:
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%s\n",lvar(e2),crn);
	cmpl $5,%eax
	jne	_139
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %d(%%ebp),%s\n"
	lea _140,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CRLVAR:
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovsbl %d(%%ebp),%s\n",lvar(e2),crn);
	cmpl $6,%eax
	jne	_142
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl %d(%%ebp),%s\n"
	lea _143,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case FNAME:
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovl $%s,%s\n",((NMTBL *)e2)->nm,crn);
	cmpl $8,%eax
	jne	_145
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl $%s,%s\n"
	lea _146,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CONST:  /* 代入する値が0でも特別な処理はしない */
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovl $%d,%s\n",e2,crn);
	cmpl $7,%eax
	jne	_148
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _149,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case STRING:
	jmp	_120
# 	string(e1);
	cmpl $-27,%eax
	jne	_151
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	string
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case FUNCTION:
	jmp	_120
# 	function(e1);
	cmpl $-8,%eax
	jne	_153
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	function
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CODE:
	jmp	_120
# 	jump(e2,caddr(e1));
	cmpl $-39,%eax
	jne	_155
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jump
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case INDIRECT:
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $9,%eax
	jne	_157
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RINDIRECT: case CRINDIRECT:
	jmp	_120
# 	rindirect(e1);
	cmpl $11,%eax
	je	_158
	cmpl $10,%eax
	jne	_159
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rindirect
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ADDRESS:
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $12,%eax
	jne	_161
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case MINUS:  /* レジスタに対し、neglを実行すれば実現可能 */
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $13,%eax
	jne	_163
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	/* use_data_reg(creg,1); */
# 	printf("\tnegl %s\n", crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011negl %s\n"
	lea _164,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case BNOT:   /* ~ */
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $15,%eax
	jne	_166
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	/* use_data_reg(creg,1); */
# 	printf("\tnotl %s\n", crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011notl %s\n"
	lea _167,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LNOT:   /* !  */
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $14,%eax
	jne	_169
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	use_data_reg(creg,1);
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_data_reg
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tcmpl $0,%s\n", crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $0,%s\n"
	lea _170,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tsete %s\n", reg_name_l[rname[creg]]);
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name_l,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011sete %s\n"
	lea _171,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovzbl %s,%s\n", reg_name_l[rname[creg]],crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name_l,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movzbl %s,%s\n"
	lea _172,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case PREINC:
	jmp	_120
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $18,%eax
	jne	_174
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_175
# 	    printf("\taddl $%d,%s\n",caddr(e1),register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _176,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _177,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\taddl $%d,(%s)\n",caddr(e1),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,(%s)\n"
	lea _178,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovl (%s),%s\n",crn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _179,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case POSTINC:
	jmp	_120
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $17,%eax
	jne	_181
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_182
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _183,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\taddl $%d,%s\n",caddr(e1),register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _184,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	emit_push();  
	call	emit_push
# /* in case of register full we should copy crn to drn */
# 	xrn = emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
# 	printf("\tmovl (%s),%s\n",xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _185,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\taddl $%d,(%s)\n",caddr(e1),xrn);
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,(%s)\n"
	lea _186,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CPOSTINC:
	jmp	_120
# 	/*   char *p; *p++ */
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $19,%eax
	jne	_188
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_189
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _190,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\taddl $%d,%s\n",caddr(e1),register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _191,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	emit_push(); /* in case of register full we should copy crn to drn */
	call	emit_push
# 	xrn = emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
# 	printf("\tmovsbl (%s),%s\n",xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _192,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tincl (%s)\n",xrn);
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011incl (%s)\n"
	lea _193,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CPREINC:
	jmp	_120
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $20,%eax
	jne	_195
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_196
# 	    printf("\taddl $%d,%s\n",caddr(e1),register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _197,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _198,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tincl (%s)\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011incl (%s)\n"
	lea _199,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovsbl (%s),%s\n",crn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _200,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CPOSTDEC:
	jmp	_120
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $22,%eax
	jne	_202
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_203
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _204,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\tdecl %s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011decl %s\n"
	lea _205,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovsbl (%s),%s\n",crn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _206,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tdecl (%s)\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011decl (%s)\n"
	lea _207,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CPREDEC:
	jmp	_120
# 	if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	cmpl $23,%eax
	jne	_209
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_210
# 	    printf("\tdecl %s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011decl %s\n"
	lea _211,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _212,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    return;
# 	} 
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	emit_push();
	call	emit_push
# 	xrn = emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
# 	printf("\tdecl (%s)\n",xrn);
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011decl (%s)\n"
	lea _213,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovsbl (%s),%s\n",xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movsbl (%s),%s\n"
	lea _214,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case MUL: case UMUL:
	jmp	_120
#     case DIV: case UDIV:	   
#     case MOD: case UMOD:
#     case LSHIFT: case ULSHIFT: case RSHIFT: case URSHIFT:
#     case ADD: case SUB: case BAND: case EOR: case BOR:
# 	machinop(e1);
	cmpl $48,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $47,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $46,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $31,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $30,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $33,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $32,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $35,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $34,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $29,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $28,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $27,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $26,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $25,%eax
	je	_215
	cmpl $24,%eax
	jne	_216
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	machinop
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case COND:
	jmp	_120
# 	e2=fwdlabel();
	cmpl $51,%eax
	jne	_218
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	b_expr(cadr(e1),0,e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	g_expr(caddr(e1));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	e4 = rname[creg];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl creg,%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
# 	jmp(e3=fwdlabel());
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
# 	fwddef(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	g_expr(cadddr(e1));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	use_register(creg,e4,1);
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	fwddef(e3);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case SASS: 
	jmp	_120
# 	sassign(e1);
	cmpl $68,%eax
	jne	_220
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	sassign
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ASS: case CASS:
	jmp	_120
# 	assign(e1);
	cmpl $53,%eax
	je	_221
	cmpl $52,%eax
	jne	_222
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	assign
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ASSOP: case CASSOP:
	jmp	_120
# 	assop(e1);
	cmpl $55,%eax
	je	_223
	cmpl $54,%eax
	jne	_224
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	assop
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case COMMA:
	jmp	_120
# 	g_expr(e2);
	cmpl $56,%eax
	jne	_226
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	g_expr(caddr(e1));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RETURN:
	jmp	_120
# 	n = (NMTBL *)e2;
	cmpl $-12,%eax
	jne	_228
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
# 	if (retcont==0)
	movl $0,%eax
	movl retcont,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_229
# 	    retcont=fwdlabel();
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,retcont
# 	printf("\tleal _%d,%s\n",retcont,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl retcont,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011leal _%d,%s\n"
	lea _230,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ENVIRONMENT:
	jmp	_120
# 	printf("\tmovl %%ebp,%s\n",crn);
	cmpl $-40,%eax
	jne	_232
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %%ebp,%s\n"
	lea _233,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     default:
	jmp	_120
# 	b_expr(e1,1,e2=fwdlabel());  /* including > < ... */
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\txorl %s,%s\n",crn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011xorl %s,%s\n"
	lea _235,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	jmp(e3=fwdlabel());
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
# 	fwddef(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovl $1,%s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl $1,%s\n"
	lea _236,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	fwddef(e3);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
# }
	jmp	_237
	jmp	_234
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	g_expr,_238-g_expr
# void
# bexpr(int e1, char cond, int l1)
# bexpr
# 504
# 504
# 504
# {
	.align 2
.globl bexpr
	.type	bexpr,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     gexpr_init();
	call	gexpr_init
#     b_expr(e1,cond,l1);
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	bexpr,_240-bexpr
# void
# b_expr(int e1, char cond, int l1)
# b_expr
# 509
# 509
# 509
# {
	.align 2
.globl b_expr
	.type	b_expr,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,l2;
#     if (chk) return;
	subl $8,%esp
	cmpl $0,chk
	je	_242
#     e2=cadr(e1);
	jmp	_241
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     switch(car(e1)) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
#     case LNOT:
# 	b_expr(e2,!cond,l1);
	cmpl $14,%eax
	jne	_245
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	cmpl $0,%eax
	sete %al
	movzbl %al,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case GT:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"g":"le");
	cmpl $36,%eax
	jne	_247
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_248
.section	.rodata
	.string "g"
	lea _249,%eax
	jmp	_250
.section	.rodata
	.string "le"
	lea _251,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case UGT:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"a":"be");
	cmpl $37,%eax
	jne	_253
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_254
.section	.rodata
	.string "a"
	lea _255,%eax
	jmp	_256
.section	.rodata
	.string "be"
	lea _257,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case GE:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"ge":"l");
	cmpl $38,%eax
	jne	_259
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_260
.section	.rodata
	.string "ge"
	lea _261,%eax
	jmp	_262
.section	.rodata
	.string "l"
	lea _263,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case UGE:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"ae":"b");
	cmpl $39,%eax
	jne	_265
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_266
.section	.rodata
	.string "ae"
	lea _267,%eax
	jmp	_268
.section	.rodata
	.string "b"
	lea _269,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LT:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"l":"ge");
	cmpl $40,%eax
	jne	_271
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_272
.section	.rodata
	.string "l"
	lea _273,%eax
	jmp	_274
.section	.rodata
	.string "ge"
	lea _275,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ULT:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"b":"ae");
	cmpl $41,%eax
	jne	_277
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_278
.section	.rodata
	.string "b"
	lea _279,%eax
	jmp	_280
.section	.rodata
	.string "ae"
	lea _281,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LE:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"le":"g");
	cmpl $42,%eax
	jne	_283
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_284
.section	.rodata
	.string "le"
	lea _285,%eax
	jmp	_286
.section	.rodata
	.string "g"
	lea _287,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case ULE:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"be":"a");
	cmpl $43,%eax
	jne	_289
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_290
.section	.rodata
	.string "be"
	lea _291,%eax
	jmp	_292
.section	.rodata
	.string "a"
	lea _293,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case EQ:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"e":"ne");
	cmpl $44,%eax
	jne	_295
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_296
.section	.rodata
	.string "e"
	lea _297,%eax
	jmp	_298
.section	.rodata
	.string "ne"
	lea _299,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case NEQ:
	jmp	_241
# 	rexpr(e1,l1,cond?"ne":"e");
	cmpl $45,%eax
	jne	_301
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_302
.section	.rodata
	.string "ne"
	lea _303,%eax
	jmp	_304
.section	.rodata
	.string "e"
	lea _305,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	rexpr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LAND:
	jmp	_241
# 	b_expr(e2,0,cond?(l2=fwdlabel()):l1);
	cmpl $49,%eax
	jne	_307
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_308
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	jmp	_309
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	b_expr(caddr(e1),cond,l1);
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	if(cond) fwddef(l2);
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_310
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case LOR:
	jmp	_241
# 	b_expr(e2,1,cond?l1:(l2=fwdlabel()));
	cmpl $50,%eax
	jne	_312
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_313
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	jmp	_314
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	b_expr(caddr(e1),cond,l1);
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	b_expr
	addl $12,%esp
# 	if(!cond) fwddef(l2);
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	jne	_315
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CRGVAR:
	jmp	_241
# 	printf("\tcmpb $0,%s\n",caddr(e1));
	cmpl $3,%eax
	jne	_317
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpb $0,%s\n"
	lea _318,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CRLVAR:
	jmp	_241
# 	printf("\tcmpb $0,%d(%%ebp)\n",lvar(e2));
	cmpl $6,%eax
	jne	_320
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpb $0,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _321,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RGVAR:
	jmp	_241
# 	printf("\tcmpl $0,%s\n",caddr(e1));
	cmpl $2,%eax
	jne	_323
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $0,%s\n"
	lea _324,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RLVAR:
	jmp	_241
# 	printf("\tcmpl $0,%d(%%ebp)\n",lvar(e2));
	cmpl $5,%eax
	jne	_326
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $0,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _327,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case REGISTER:
	jmp	_241
# 	printf("\tcmpl $0,%s\n",register_name(e2));
	cmpl $-38,%eax
	jne	_329
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $0,%s\n"
	lea _330,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case CONST:
	jmp	_241
# 	if((cond&&e2)||(!cond&&!e2)) jmp(l1);
	cmpl $7,%eax
	jne	_332
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_335
	cmpl $0,-16(%ebp)
	jne	_334
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	jne	_333
	cmpl $0,-16(%ebp)
	jne	_333
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     default:
	jmp	_241
# 	g_expr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tcmpl $0,%s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $0,%s\n"
	lea _337,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	jcond(l1,cond);
	movsbl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jcond
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     }
	jmp	_241
# }
	jmp	_336
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	b_expr,_338-b_expr
# void
# ascii(char *s)
# ascii
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl ascii
	.type	ascii,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     printf("\t.string \"");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.string \""
	lea _340,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     while(*s) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movsbl (%eax),%eax
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_341
# 	if (*s=='\n')
	movl $10,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	movsbl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_343
# 	    printf("%cn",92);
	movl $92,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "%cn"
	lea _344,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	else if (*s<' ')
	jmp	_345
	movl $32,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	movsbl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_346
# 	    printf("%c%03o",92,*s);
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	movsbl (%ecx),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $92,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "%c%03o"
	lea _347,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	else if (*s==34)
	jmp	_348
	movl $34,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	movsbl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_349
# 	    printf("%c%c",92,34);
	movl $34,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $92,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "%c%c"
	lea _350,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	else 
	jmp	_351
# 	    printf("%c",*s);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movsbl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "%c"
	lea _352,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	s++;
	lea 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
#     }
#     printf("%c\n",34);
	jmp	_342
	movl $34,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "%c\n"
	lea _353,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	ascii,_354-ascii
# void
# string(int e1)
# string
# 514
# {
	.align 2
.globl string
	.type	string,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *s;
#     int i,lb;
#     if (0) {
	subl $12,%esp
	jmp	_356
# 	s=(char *)cadr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	lb=fwdlabel();
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
# 	printf("\tjmp _%d\n",lb);
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011jmp _%d\n"
	lea _357,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	i=backdef();
	call	backdef
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
# 	ascii(s);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	ascii
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\t.align 2\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.align 2\n"
	lea _358,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	fwddef(lb);
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tlea _%d,%s\n",i,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea _%d,%s\n"
	lea _359,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#     } else {
# 	s=(char *)cadr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	printf(".section\t.rodata\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".section\011.rodata\n"
	lea _360,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	lb=fwdlabel();
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
# 	printf("_%d:\n",lb);
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _361,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	ascii(s);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	ascii
	addl $4,%esp
# 	if (output_mode==TEXT_EMIT_MODE) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl output_mode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_362
# 	    printf(".text\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".text\n"
	lea _363,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	} else {
	jmp	_364
# 	    text_mode();
	call	text_mode
# 	}
# 	printf("\tlea _%d,%s\n",lb,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea _%d,%s\n"
	lea _365,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	string,_366-string
# void
# function(int e1)
# function
# 519
# {
	.align 2
.globl function
	.type	function,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,e3,e4,e5,nargs;
#     NMTBL *n;
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	subl $24,%esp
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     nargs = 0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
#     for (e3 = caddr(e1); e3; e3 = cadr(e3)) {	
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	cmpl $0,-20(%ebp)
	je	_368
# 	n=(NMTBL *)(e5=(cadr(e4 = car(e3))));
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
	movl %eax,-36(%ebp)
# 	switch(car(e4)) {
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
# 	case FNAME:
# 	    printf("\tlea %s,%s\n",n->nm,crn);
	cmpl $8,%eax
	jne	_373
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %s,%s\n"
	lea _374,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    printf("\tpushl %s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _375,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    break;
	jmp	_371
# 	case ADDRESS:
# 	    g_expr(e5);
	cmpl $12,%eax
	jne	_377
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    printf("\tpushl %s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _378,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    break;
	jmp	_371
# 	default:g_expr(e4);
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    printf("\tpushl %s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _380,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	}
# 	++nargs;
	jmp	_381
	jmp	_379
	lea -32(%ebp),%eax
	addl $1,(%eax)
	movl (%eax),%eax
#     }
#     if (car(e2) == FNAME) {	
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	jmp	_369
	movl $8,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_382
# 	n=(NMTBL *)cadr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-36(%ebp)
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tcall\t%s\n",n->nm);
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011call\011%s\n"
	lea _383,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } else {	
	jmp	_384
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tcall\t*%s\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011call\011*%s\n"
	lea _385,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     }
#     if (nargs) printf("\taddl $%d,%%esp\n",4*nargs);
	cmpl $0,-32(%ebp)
	je	_386
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -32(%ebp),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $%d,%%esp\n"
	lea _387,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	function,_388-function
# void
# jump(int e1, int env)
# jump
# 696
# 696
# {
	.align 2
.globl jump
	.type	jump,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int i,e2,e3,e4,e5,nargs,regs;
#     NMTBL *n,*code0;
#     int new_disp;
#     char *xrn;
#     /* count number of args */
#     nargs = 0;
	subl $44,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-36(%ebp)
#     for (e3 = caddr(e1); e3;e3 =cadr(e3)) nargs++;
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
	cmpl $0,-24(%ebp)
	je	_390
	lea -36(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
#     new_disp = -(nargs-MAX_REGISTER_VAR)*int_size;
	movl -24(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
	jmp	_391
	movl int_size,%eax
	movl -36(%ebp),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	negl %edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl %edx,-52(%ebp)
#     if (new_disp > 0)
	movl $0,%edx
	movl -52(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %edx,%ecx
	jle	_393
# 	new_disp=0;
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl %ecx,-52(%ebp)
# /* printf("# new_disp %d,disp %d\n",new_disp,disp); */
#     if (new_disp < disp) {
	movl disp,%ecx
	movl -52(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jge	_394
# 	printf("\tlea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n",new_disp+disp_offset);
	movl -52(%ebp),%eax
	movl disp_offset,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n"
	lea _395,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     }
#     /* compute jump address */
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     if (car(e2) == FNAME) {	
	movl $8,%eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_396
# 	code0=(NMTBL *)cadr(e2);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-48(%ebp)
# 	if (code0->sc!=CODE) {
	movl $-39,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -48(%ebp),%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %eax,%edx
	je	_397
# 	    error(STERR); return;
	movl $3,%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	error
	addl $4,%esp
# 	}
	jmp	_389
#     } else {	/* indirect */
	jmp	_398
# 	g_expr(e2);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	emit_push();
	call	emit_push
#     }
#     /* compute arguments */
#     regs = nargs-1;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl -36(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	movl %ecx,-40(%ebp)
#     i=0;
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl %ecx,-16(%ebp)
#     for (e3 = caddr(e1); e3;e3 =cadr(e3),i++) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
	cmpl $0,-24(%ebp)
	je	_399
# 	n=(NMTBL *)(e5=(cadr(e4 = car(e3))));
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
	movl %eax,-44(%ebp)
# 	switch(car(e4)) {
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
# 	case FNAME:
# 	    printf("\tlea %s,%s\n",n->nm,crn);
	cmpl $8,%eax
	jne	_404
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -44(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %s,%s\n"
	lea _405,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    emit_push();
	call	emit_push
# 	    break;
	jmp	_402
# 	case ADDRESS:
# 	    g_expr(e5);
	cmpl $12,%eax
	jne	_407
	movl -32(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    emit_push();
	call	emit_push
# 	    break;
	jmp	_402
# /*
# printf("# cadr(e4) %d ==disp_offset+(-1-i)*int_size %d\n", cadr(e4), disp_offset+(-2-i)*int_size);
#  */
# 	case RLVAR:
# 	case CRLVAR:
# 	    if (env==0 && cadr(e4)==disp_offset+(-1-i)*int_size) {
	cmpl $6,%eax
	je	_408
	cmpl $5,%eax
	jne	_409
	movl $0,%eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%edx
	subl %eax,%edx
	jne	_410
	movl disp_offset,%edx
	movl int_size,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $-1,%ecx
	popl %ebx
	subl %ebx,%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_410
# 		/* Same positioned local variable. No need to copy */
# 		reg_stack[reg_sp++] = -2;
	movl $-2,%eax
	movl $4,%edx
	movl $reg_sp,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%ecx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %edx,%ecx
	movl $reg_stack,%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl %eax,(%edx)
	movl %eax,%edx
# 		--regs;
	lea -40(%ebp),%edx
	addl $-1,(%edx)
	movl (%edx),%edx
# 		continue;
	jmp	_401
# 	    }
# 	case REGISTER:
# 	    if (rname[cadr(e4)]==REG_ESI+regs) {
	jmp	_411
	cmpl $-38,%eax
	jne	_412
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -40(%ebp),%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -28(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %edx,%ecx
	jne	_413
# 		/* Same register variable. No need to copy */
# 		reg_stack[reg_sp++] = cadr(e4);
	movl -28(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl $4,%edx
	movl $reg_sp,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%ecx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %edx,%ecx
	movl $reg_stack,%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl %eax,(%edx)
	movl %eax,%edx
# 		--regs;
	lea -40(%ebp),%edx
	addl $-1,(%edx)
	movl (%edx),%edx
# 		continue;
	jmp	_401
# 	    }
# 	default:
# 	    g_expr(e4);
	movl -28(%ebp),%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    emit_push();
	call	emit_push
# 	}
# 	--regs;
	jmp	_415
	jmp	_414
	lea -40(%ebp),%eax
	addl $-1,(%eax)
	movl (%eax),%eax
#     }
#     /* save frame pointer before jump in fuction */
#     if (fnptr->sc==FUNCTION) {
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%edx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_400
	movl $-8,%edx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl fnptr,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %edx,%ecx
	jne	_416
# 	printf("\tmovl %%ebp,%d(%%ebp)\n",disp_offset);
	movl disp_offset,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %%ebp,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _417,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } 
#     if (env) {
	cmpl $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_418
# 	/* change frame pointer */
# 	g_expr(env);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovl %s,%%ebp\n",crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%%ebp\n"
	lea _419,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     }
#     /* copy arguments to destination environment if necessary */
#     for(i=0;i<nargs;i++) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_420
#     	if (i>=MAX_REGISTGER_VAR) {
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	jl	_423
# 	    if (reg_stack[reg_sp-1]== -2) {
	movl $-2,%edx
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl reg_sp,%eax
	popl %ebx
	subl %ebx,%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %edx,%ecx
	jne	_424
# 		/* same positioned variable */
# 		reg_sp--;
	movl $reg_sp,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%edx
	addl $-1,(%ecx)
# 	    } else {
	jmp	_425
# 		xrn=emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-56(%ebp)
# 		printf("\tmovl %s,%d(%%ebp)\n",xrn, 
# 		    disp_offset+(-(nargs-i))*int_size);
	movl disp_offset,%eax
	movl int_size,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	pushl %edx
	movl -36(%ebp),%edx
	popl %ebx
	subl %ebx,%edx
	negl %edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	pushl %edx
	movl -56(%ebp),%edx
	pushl %edx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _426,%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	    }
# 	} else if (reg_stack[--reg_sp]>=REG_ESI) {
	jmp	_427
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	addl $-1,(%edx)
	movl (%edx),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jl	_428
# 	    /* the same registger */
# 	    ;
# 	} else {
	jmp	_429
# 	    if(reg_stack[reg_sp]<0) {
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl $4,%edx
	movl reg_sp,%eax
	imull %edx,%eax
	movl $reg_stack,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	jge	_430
# 		printf("\tpopl %s\n",reg_name[rname[REG_ESI+i]]);
	movl $4,%edx
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	popl %ebx
	addl %ebx,%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %edx,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	pushl %edx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %s\n"
	lea _431,%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    } else {
	jmp	_432
# 		printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",
# 			reg_name[rname[reg_stack[reg_sp]]],
# 			reg_name[rname[REG_ESI+i]]);
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $4,%edx
	pushl %edx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	popl %ebx
	addl %ebx,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $4,%edx
	pushl %edx
	movl reg_sp,%edx
	popl %ebx
	imull %ebx,%edx
	pushl %edx
	movl $reg_stack,%edx
	popl %ebx
	addl %ebx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _433,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 		free_register(reg_stack[reg_sp]);
	movl $4,%eax
	movl reg_sp,%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_stack,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	free_register
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    }
# 	}
#     }
#     if (car(e2) != FNAME) {	
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
	jmp	_421
	movl $8,%ecx
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	je	_434
# 	xrn=emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-56(%ebp)
#     }
# /* printf("# new_disp %d,disp %d\n",new_disp,disp); */
#     if (new_disp>disp) {
	movl disp,%eax
	movl -52(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jle	_435
# 	/* shrink stack if necessary */
# 	printf("\tlea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n",new_disp+disp_offset);
	movl -52(%ebp),%ecx
	movl disp_offset,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n"
	lea _436,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } 
#     if (fnptr->sc==FUNCTION) {
	movl $-8,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl fnptr,%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %eax,%edx
	jne	_437
# 	/* link operation for leave, %ebp must point saved old %ebp */
# 	printf("\tlea %d(%%ebp),%%ebp\n",disp_offset);
	movl disp_offset,%edx
	pushl %edx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %d(%%ebp),%%ebp\n"
	lea _438,%edx
	pushl %edx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } 
#     if (car(e2) == FNAME) {	
	movl $8,%eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_439
# 	printf("\tjmp %s\n",code0->nm);
	movl -48(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011jmp %s\n"
	lea _440,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } else {
	jmp	_441
# 	printf("\tjmp *%s\n",xrn);
	movl -56(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011jmp *%s\n"
	lea _442,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	jump,_443-jump
# void
# machinop(int e1)
# machinop
# 524
# {
	.align 2
.globl machinop
	.type	machinop,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,e3,op;
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	subl $12,%esp
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     op = car(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
#     e3 = caddr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     g_expr(e3);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     emit_push();
	call	emit_push
#     g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     tosop(car(e1));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	tosop
	addl $4,%esp
#     return;
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	machinop,_445-machinop
# void
# rindirect(int e1)   /* *(p +5 ) */
# rindirect
# 529
# {
	.align 2
.globl rindirect
	.type	rindirect,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *op;
#     int e2,e3,byte;
#     op = ((byte = (car(e1) == CRINDIRECT)) ? "movsbl" : "movl");
	subl $16,%esp
	movl $11,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	je	_448
	xorl %eax,%eax
	jmp	_449
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_447
.section	.rodata
	.string "movsbl"
	lea _450,%eax
	jmp	_451
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _452,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     e3 = cadr(e2 = cadr(e1));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
#     g_expr(e2);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\t%s (%s),%s\n",op,crn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s (%s),%s\n"
	lea _453,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	rindirect,_454-rindirect
# void
# sassign(int e1)
# sassign
# 539
# {
	.align 2
.globl sassign
	.type	sassign,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,e3,e4,sz;
#     char *xrn;
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	subl $20,%esp
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     e3 = cadr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     e4 = caddr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
#     sz = size(cadr(e2));  /* cld rep movsb */
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	size
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
#     g_expr(e4);
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     emit_push();
	call	emit_push
#     g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     xrn = emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
#     return;
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	sassign,_456-sassign
# void
# assign(int e1)
# assign
# 534
# {
	.align 2
.globl assign
	.type	assign,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *op;
#     int e2,e3,e4,byte;
#     char *xrn;
#     op = ((byte=(car(e1) == CASS))? "movb" : "movl");
	subl $24,%esp
	movl $53,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	je	_459
	xorl %eax,%eax
	jmp	_460
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_458
.section	.rodata
	.string "movb"
	lea _461,%eax
	jmp	_462
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _463,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     /*    e2=e4 */
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     e3 = cadr(e2);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
#     e4 = caddr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
#     switch(car(e2)) {
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
#     case GVAR:      /*   i=3 */
#             g_expr(e4);
	cmpl $1,%eax
	jne	_466
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#             if (byte) use_data_reg(creg,1);
	cmpl $0,-32(%ebp)
	je	_467
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_data_reg
	addl $8,%esp
#             printf("\t%s %s,%s\n",op,crn,caddr(e2));
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%s\n"
	lea _468,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#             return;
#     case LVAR:
	jmp	_457
#             g_expr(e4);
	cmpl $4,%eax
	jne	_470
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#             if (byte) use_data_reg(creg,1);
	cmpl $0,-32(%ebp)
	je	_471
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_data_reg
	addl $8,%esp
#             printf("\t%s %s,%d(%%ebp)\n",op,crn,lvar(cadr(e2)));
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	lvar
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _472,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#             return;
#     case REGISTER:
	jmp	_457
#             g_expr(e4);
	cmpl $-38,%eax
	jne	_474
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    if (creg!=cadr(e2))
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl creg,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_475
# 		printf("\t%s %s,%s\n",op,crn,register_name(cadr(e2)));
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%s\n"
	lea _476,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#             return;
#     }
	jmp	_457
#     g_expr(e4);
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     emit_push();
	call	emit_push
#     g_expr(e2);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     xrn = emit_pop(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-36(%ebp)
#     if (byte) use_data_reg(creg,1);
	cmpl $0,-32(%ebp)
	je	_477
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_data_reg
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t%s %s,(%s)\n",op,xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,(%s)\n"
	lea _478,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#     printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _479,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#     return;
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	assign,_480-assign
# void
# assop(int e1)
# assop
# 544
# {
	.align 2
.globl assop
	.type	assop,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int e2,e3,byte,op,new_reg;
#     char *xrn;
#     /*   e2 op= e3 */
#     byte = (car(e1) == CASSOP);
	subl $24,%esp
	movl $55,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	je	_482
	xorl %eax,%eax
	jmp	_483
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,-24(%ebp)
#     e2 = cadr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if (car(e2)==INDIRECT) e2=cadr(e2);
	movl $9,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_484
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     e3 = caddr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     op = cadddr(e1);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadddr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-28(%ebp)
#     g_expr(e3);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     emit_push();
	call	emit_push
#     if (car(e2)==REGISTER) {
	movl $-38,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_485
# 	new_reg=creg;
	movl creg,%eax
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
# 	set_crn(cadr(e2));
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	set_crn
	addl $4,%esp
# 	tosop(op);
	movl -28(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	tosop
	addl $4,%esp
# 	set_crn(new_reg);
	movl -32(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	set_crn
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",register_name(cadr(e2)),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	register_name
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _486,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     }
	jmp	_481
#     g_expr(e2);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     xrn = emit_pop(0);                           /* pop e3 value */
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	emit_pop
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-36(%ebp)
#     printf("\tpushl %s   # assop \n",crn);      /* push e2 address */
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s   # assop \n"
	lea _487,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     ld_indexx(byte,0,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -24(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	ld_indexx
	addl $12,%esp
#     new_reg = get_register();
	call	get_register
	movl %eax,-32(%ebp)
#     /* push e3 value */
#     if(new_reg<0) {                     /* もうレジスタがない */
	movl $0,%eax
	movl -32(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_488
#         reg_stack[reg_sp++] =  -1;
	movl $-1,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	pushl %edx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%edx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl %ecx,(%eax)
	movl %ecx,%eax
#         printf("\tpushl %s\n",xrn);
	movl -36(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _489,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     } else {
	jmp	_490
#         reg_stack[reg_sp++] = xreg;     /* push するかわりにレジスタを使う */
	movl xreg,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $reg_sp,%edx
	pushl %edx
	popl %ebx
	movl (%ebx),%edx
	addl $1,(%ebx)
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $reg_stack,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
#     }
#     tosop(op);
	movl -28(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	tosop
	addl $4,%esp
#     if(new_reg>=0) free_register(new_reg);
	movl $0,%eax
	movl -32(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jl	_491
	movl -32(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	free_register
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpopl %s   # assop \n",drn);
	movl drn,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %s   # assop \n"
	lea _492,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t%s %s,(%s)\n",byte ? "movb" : "movl",crn,drn);
	movl drn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	cmpl $0,-24(%ebp)
	je	_493
.section	.rodata
	.string "movb"
	lea _494,%eax
	jmp	_495
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _496,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,(%s)\n"
	lea _497,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#     return;
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	assop,_498-assop
# void
# tosop(int op)
# tosop
# 549
# {
	.align 2
.globl tosop
	.type	tosop,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int oreg;
#     char *orn;
#     oreg = pop_register();
	subl $8,%esp
	call	pop_register
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     switch(op) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
#     case LSHIFT:
#     case ULSHIFT:
# 	shift("sall",oreg);
	cmpl $35,%eax
	je	_501
	cmpl $34,%eax
	jne	_502
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "sall"
	lea _503,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	shift
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case RSHIFT:
	jmp	_499
# 	shift("sarl",oreg);
	cmpl $32,%eax
	jne	_505
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "sarl"
	lea _506,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	shift
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     case URSHIFT:
	jmp	_499
# 	shift("shrl",oreg);
	cmpl $33,%eax
	jne	_508
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "shrl"
	lea _509,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	shift
	addl $8,%esp
# 	return;
#     }
	jmp	_499
#     if(oreg==-1) {
	movl $-1,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_510
#         printf("\tpopl %s\n",drn);
	movl drn,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %s\n"
	lea _511,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	oreg = dreg;
	movl dreg,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     }
#     orn = reg_name[rname[oreg]];
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     switch(op) {
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
#     case ADD:
# 	printf("\taddl %s,%s\n",orn,crn);
	cmpl $30,%eax
	jne	_514
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl %s,%s\n"
	lea _515,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case SUB:
	jmp	_499
# 	printf("\tsubl %s,%s\n",orn,crn);
	cmpl $31,%eax
	jne	_517
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011subl %s,%s\n"
	lea _518,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case BAND: 
	jmp	_499
# 	printf("\tandl %s,%s\n",orn,crn);
	cmpl $46,%eax
	jne	_520
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011andl %s,%s\n"
	lea _521,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case EOR: 
	jmp	_499
# 	printf("\txorl %s,%s\n",orn,crn);
	cmpl $47,%eax
	jne	_523
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011xorl %s,%s\n"
	lea _524,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case BOR:
	jmp	_499
# 	printf("\torl %s,%s\n",orn,crn);
	cmpl $48,%eax
	jne	_526
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011orl %s,%s\n"
	lea _527,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return;
#     case MUL:
	jmp	_499
#     case UMUL:
# 	/* use_register(dreg,REG_EDX,0); */
# 	printf("\t%s %s,%s\n","imull",orn,crn);
	cmpl $25,%eax
	je	_528
	cmpl $24,%eax
	jne	_529
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "imull"
	lea _530,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%s\n"
	lea _531,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
# 	return;
#     case DIV:
	jmp	_499
#     case UDIV:
# 	orn = div_setup(oreg);
	cmpl $27,%eax
	je	_532
	cmpl $26,%eax
	jne	_533
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	div_setup
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
# 	if (op==DIV)
	movl $26,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_534
# 	    printf("\tcltd\n\tdivl %s\n",orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cltd\n\011divl %s\n"
	lea _535,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	else 
	jmp	_536
# 	    printf("\txor %%edx,%%edx\n\tidivl %s\n",orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011xor %%edx,%%edx\n\011idivl %s\n"
	lea _537,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	div_cleanup(orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	div_cleanup
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     case MOD:
	jmp	_499
#     case UMOD:
# 	orn = div_setup(oreg);
	cmpl $29,%eax
	je	_538
	cmpl $28,%eax
	jne	_539
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	div_setup
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
# 	if (op==DIV)
	movl $26,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_540
# 	    printf("\tcltd\n\tdivl %s\n",orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cltd\n\011divl %s\n"
	lea _541,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	else 
	jmp	_542
# 	    printf("\txor %%edx,%%edx\n\tidivl %s\n",orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011xor %%edx,%%edx\n\011idivl %s\n"
	lea _543,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	rname[creg]=REG_EDX;
	movl $3,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl creg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
# 	crn=reg_name[REG_EDX];
	movl $12,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,crn
# 	rname[dreg]=REG_EAX;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl dreg,%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
# 	drn=reg_name[REG_EAX];
	movl $0,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,drn
# 	div_cleanup(orn);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	div_cleanup
	addl $4,%esp
# 	return;
#     }
	jmp	_499
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	tosop,_544-tosop
# static char *dvi_push = "(%esp)";
.globl	dvi_push
	.type	dvi_push,@object
	.long _545
.section	.rodata
	.string "(%esp)"
	.size	dvi_push,_546-dvi_push
# char *
# div_setup(int oreg)
# div_setup
# 556
# {
	.align 2
	.align 2
.globl div_setup
	.type	div_setup,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (oreg<0) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_548
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,1);
	movl $1,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $0,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl creg,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	use_register(dreg,REG_EDX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $3,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl dreg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return 0;
	movl $0,%eax
#     }
	jmp	_547
#     if (register_full()) {
	call	register_full
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_549
# 	printf("\tpushl %s\n",reg_name[rname[oreg]]);
	movl $4,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $rname,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	imull %eax,%ecx
	movl $reg_name,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %s\n"
	lea _550,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,1);
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	use_register(oreg,REG_EDX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $3,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	return dvi_push;
	movl dvi_push,%eax
#     }
	jmp	_547
#     regs[oreg]=1;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
#     use_register(creg,REG_EAX,1);
	movl $1,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $0,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl creg,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     use_register(dreg,REG_EDX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $3,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl dreg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     regs[oreg]=0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %ecx,%edx
	movl $regs,%ecx
	addl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,(%ecx)
	movl %eax,%ecx
#     return reg_name[rname[oreg]];
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	imull %eax,%edx
	movl $rname,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	imull %ecx,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	div_setup,_551-div_setup
# div_cleanup(char *orn)
# div_cleanup
# 9994
# {
	.align 2
.globl div_cleanup
	.type	div_cleanup,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (orn==dvi_push)
	movl dvi_push,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_553
# 	printf("\taddl $4,%%esp\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011addl $4,%%esp\n"
	lea _554,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	div_cleanup,_555-div_cleanup
# void
# shift(char *op, int reg)
# shift
# 561
# 561
# {
	.align 2
.globl shift
	.type	shift,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (reg>=0) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jl	_557
# 	use_register(lreg,REG_ECX,1);
	movl $1,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $2,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl lreg,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     } else {
	jmp	_558
# 	use_register(dreg,REG_ECX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $2,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl dreg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tpopl %%ecx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%ecx\n"
	lea _559,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
#     printf("\t%s %%cl,%s\n",op,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %%cl,%s\n"
	lea _560,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	shift,_561-shift
# void
# ld_indexx(int byte, int n, char *xrn)
# ld_indexx
# 566
# 566
# 566
# {	
	.align 2
.globl ld_indexx
	.type	ld_indexx,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *op;
#     op = byte ? "movsbl" : "movl";
	subl $4,%esp
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_563
.section	.rodata
	.string "movsbl"
	lea _564,%eax
	jmp	_565
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _566,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if (n) 
	cmpl $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_567
# 	    printf("\t%s %d(%s),%s\n",op,n,xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %d(%s),%s\n"
	lea _568,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $20,%esp
#     else
	jmp	_569
# 	    printf("\t%s (%s),%s\n",op,xrn,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s (%s),%s\n"
	lea _570,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	ld_indexx,_571-ld_indexx
# void
# st_indexx(int byte, int n, char *xrn)
# st_indexx
# 571
# 571
# 571
# {	
	.align 2
.globl st_indexx
	.type	st_indexx,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     char *op;
#     op = byte ? "movb" : "movl";
	subl $4,%esp
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_573
.section	.rodata
	.string "movb"
	lea _574,%eax
	jmp	_575
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _576,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if (n) 
	cmpl $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_577
# 	    printf("\t%s %s,%d(%s)\n",op,crn,n,xrn);
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%d(%s)\n"
	lea _578,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $20,%esp
#     else
	jmp	_579
# 	    printf("\t%s %s,(%s)\n",op,crn,xrn);
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,(%s)\n"
	lea _580,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	st_indexx,_581-st_indexx
# void
# indexy(char *op, char *gvar)
# indexy
# 576
# 576
# {
	.align 2
.globl indexy
	.type	indexy,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     printf("\t%s %s,%s\n",op,crn,gvar);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%s\n"
	lea _583,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	indexy,_584-indexy
# void
# cmpdimm(int e, int csreg)
# cmpdimm
# 581
# 581
# {
	.align 2
.globl cmpdimm
	.type	cmpdimm,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     /* used in dosiwtch() */
#     use_register(creg,csreg,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     printf("\tcmpl $%d,%s\n",e,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011cmpl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _586,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	cmpdimm,_587-cmpdimm
# void
# opening(char *filename)
# opening
# 596
# {
	.align 2
.globl opening
	.type	opening,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     printf("\t.file \"%s\"\n",filename);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.file \"%s\"\n"
	lea _589,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t.version\t\"01.01\"\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.version\011\"01.01\"\n"
	lea _590,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("gcc2_compiled.:\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "gcc2_compiled.:\n"
	lea _591,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf(".text\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".text\n"
	lea _592,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     emit_init();
	call	emit_init
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	opening,_593-opening
# void
# closing(void)
# closing
# 601
# {
	.align 2
.globl closing
	.type	closing,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     global_table();
	call	global_table
#     printf("\t.ident \"Micro-C compiled\"\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.ident \"Micro-C compiled\"\n"
	lea _595,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	closing,_596-closing
# void
# jmp_label(int l)
# jmp_label
# 611
# {
	.align 2
.globl jmp_label
	.type	jmp_label,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     printf("\tjmp\t_%d\n",l);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011jmp\011_%d\n"
	lea _598,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	jmp_label,_599-jmp_label
# void
# jmp_eq_label(int l)
# jmp_eq_label
# 616
# {
	.align 2
.globl jmp_eq_label
	.type	jmp_eq_label,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#      printf("\tje\t_%d\n",l);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011je\011_%d\n"
	lea _601,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	jmp_eq_label,_602-jmp_eq_label
# void
# rexpr(int e1, int l1, char *s)
# rexpr
# 621
# 621
# 621
# {       
	.align 2
.globl rexpr
	.type	rexpr,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     g_expr(list3(SUB,cadr(e1),caddr(e1)));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl $31,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	list3
	addl $12,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	g_expr
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tj%s\t_%d\n",s,l1);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011j%s\011_%d\n"
	lea _604,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	rexpr,_605-rexpr
# void
# jcond(int l, char cond)
# jcond
# 626
# 626
# {       
	.align 2
.globl jcond
	.type	jcond,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     printf("\tj%s\t_%d\n",cond?"ne":"e",l);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	cmpb $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_607
.section	.rodata
	.string "ne"
	lea _608,%eax
	jmp	_609
.section	.rodata
	.string "e"
	lea _610,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011j%s\011_%d\n"
	lea _611,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	jcond,_612-jcond
# void
# jmp(int l)
# jmp
# 631
# {       
	.align 2
.globl jmp
	.type	jmp,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     control=0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,control
#     printf("\tjmp\t_%d\n",l);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011jmp\011_%d\n"
	lea _614,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     /* align? */
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	jmp,_615-jmp
# int
# fwdlabel(void)
# fwdlabel
# 721
# {       
	.align 2
.globl fwdlabel
	.type	fwdlabel,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     return labelno++;
	movl $labelno,%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	fwdlabel,_617-fwdlabel
# void
# fwddef(int l)
# fwddef
# 726
# {       
	.align 2
.globl fwddef
	.type	fwddef,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     control=1;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,control
#     printf("_%d:\n",l);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _619,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	fwddef,_620-fwddef
# int
# backdef(void)
# backdef
# 736
# {       
	.align 2
.globl backdef
	.type	backdef,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     control=1;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,control
#     printf("_%d:\n",labelno);
	movl labelno,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _622,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     return labelno++;
	movl $labelno,%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	backdef,_623-backdef
# void
# def_label(int cslabel, int dlabel)
# def_label
# 636
# 636
# {
	.align 2
.globl def_label
	.type	def_label,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int fl;
#     fl = 0;
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
#     if (control) {
	cmpl $0,control
	je	_625
# 	jmp(fl=fwdlabel());
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
#     fwddef(cslabel);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
#     if (dlabel)
	cmpl $0,12(%ebp)
	je	_626
# 	jmp(dlabel);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
#     if (fl) {
	cmpl $0,-16(%ebp)
	je	_627
# 	fwddef(fl);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	def_label,_628-def_label
# void
# gen_comment(char *s)
# gen_comment
# 641
# {
	.align 2
.globl gen_comment
	.type	gen_comment,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#      printf("# %s",s);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "# %s"
	lea _630,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	gen_comment,_631-gen_comment
# void
# gen_source(char *s)
# gen_source
# 646
# {
	.align 2
.globl gen_source
	.type	gen_source,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#      printf("%s",s);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "%s"
	lea _633,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	gen_source,_634-gen_source
# void
# code_enter(char *name)
# code_enter
# 651
# {
	.align 2
.globl code_enter
	.type	code_enter,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     disp_offset = code_disp_offset;
	movl code_disp_offset,%eax
	movl %eax,disp_offset
#     emit_init();
	call	emit_init
#     printf("\t.align 4\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.align 4\n"
	lea _636,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     if (stmode!=STATIC)
	movl $-10,%eax
	movl stmode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_637
# 	printf(".globl %s\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string ".globl %s\n"
	lea _638,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t.type\t%s,@function\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.type\011%s,@function\n"
	lea _639,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("%s:\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "%s:\n"
	lea _640,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	code_enter,_641-code_enter
# void
# code_enter1(int disp)
# code_enter1
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl code_enter1
	.type	code_enter1,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if(disp) {
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_643
# 	printf("\tsubl $%d,%%esp\n",-disp);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	negl %eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011subl $%d,%%esp\n"
	lea _644,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	code_enter1,_645-code_enter1
# void
# code_leave(char *name)
# code_leave
# 656
# {
	.align 2
.globl code_leave
	.type	code_leave,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     local_table();
	call	local_table
#     printf("_%d:\n",labelno);
	movl labelno,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _647,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t.size\t%s,_%d-%s\n",name,labelno,name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl labelno,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.size\011%s,_%d-%s\n"
	lea _648,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#     labelno++;
	movl $labelno,%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	code_leave,_649-code_leave
# void
# enter(char *name)
# enter
# 661
# {
	.align 2
.globl enter
	.type	enter,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     disp_offset = func_disp_offset;
	movl func_disp_offset,%eax
	movl %eax,disp_offset
#     emit_init();
	call	emit_init
#     printf("\t.align 2\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.align 2\n"
	lea _651,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     if (stmode!=STATIC)
	movl $-10,%eax
	movl stmode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_652
# 	printf(".globl %s\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string ".globl %s\n"
	lea _653,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("%s:\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "%s:\n"
	lea _654,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t.type\t%s,@function\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.type\011%s,@function\n"
	lea _655,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\tpushl %%ebp\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%ebp\n"
	lea _656,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tmovl %%esp,%%ebp\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %%esp,%%ebp\n"
	lea _657,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpushl %%ebx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%ebx\n"
	lea _658,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpushl %%ecx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%ecx\n"
	lea _659,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpushl %%edx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%edx\n"
	lea _660,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     if (REGISTERS6) {
	jmp	_661
# 	printf("\tpushl %%edi\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%edi\n"
	lea _662,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tpushl %%esi\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011pushl %%esi\n"
	lea _663,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	enter,_664-enter
# void
# enter1(int disp)
# enter1
# 666
# {
	.align 2
.globl enter1
	.type	enter1,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if(disp) printf("\tsubl $%d,%%esp\n",-disp);
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_666
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	negl %eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011subl $%d,%%esp\n"
	lea _667,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	enter1,_668-enter1
# void
# leave(int control, char *name)
# leave
# 0
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl leave
	.type	leave,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (control)
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_670
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,1);
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     if (retcont) {
	cmpl $0,retcont
	je	_671
# 	if (control)
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_672
# 	    jmp(retlabel);
	movl retlabel,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
# 	fwddef(retcont);
	movl retcont,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
# 	use_register(creg,REG_EAX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
# 	printf("\tmovl %s,%s\n",reg_name[REG_ESI],crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $16,%eax
	movl $reg_name,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%s\n"
	lea _673,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	/* printf("\tleave\n"); */
#     }
#     fwddef(retlabel);
	movl retlabel,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	fwddef
	addl $4,%esp
#     use_register(creg,REG_EAX,0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     if (REGISTERS6) {
	jmp	_674
# 	printf("\tpopl %%esi\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%esi\n"
	lea _675,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\tpopl %%edi\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%edi\n"
	lea _676,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     }
#     /* if(disp) printf("\taddl $%d,%%esp\n",-disp);  */
#     printf("\tlea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n",disp_offset);
	movl disp_offset,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %d(%%ebp),%%esp\n"
	lea _677,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\tpopl %%edx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%edx\n"
	lea _678,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpopl %%ecx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%ecx\n"
	lea _679,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tpopl %%ebx\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011popl %%ebx\n"
	lea _680,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tleave\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011leave\n"
	lea _681,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     printf("\tret\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011ret\n"
	lea _682,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
#     local_table();
	call	local_table
#     printf("_%d:\n",labelno);
	movl labelno,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _683,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#     printf("\t.size\t%s,_%d-%s\n",name,labelno,name);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl labelno,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.size\011%s,_%d-%s\n"
	lea _684,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#     labelno++;
	movl $labelno,%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $1,(%eax)
# }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	leave,_685-leave
# void
# ret(void)
# ret
# 671
# {       
	.align 2
.globl ret
	.type	ret,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     use_register(creg,REG_EAX,1);
	movl $1,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl creg,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	use_register
	addl $12,%esp
#     jmp(retlabel); 
	movl retlabel,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	jmp
	addl $4,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	ret,_687-ret
# void
# gen_gdecl(char *n, int gpc)
# gen_gdecl
# 606
# 606
# {
	.align 2
.globl gen_gdecl
	.type	gen_gdecl,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     /*
#     if (stmode!=STATIC)
# 	printf(".globl %s\n",n); 
#      */
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	gen_gdecl,_689-gen_gdecl
# void 
# align(int t)
# align
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl align
	.type	align,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (t!=CHAR) {
	movl $-2,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_691
# 	if (data_alignment & 1)
	movl $1,%ecx
	movl data_alignment,%eax
	andl %ecx,%eax
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_692
# 	    printf("\t.align 2\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.align 2\n"
	lea _693,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	data_alignment = 0;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,data_alignment
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	align,_694-align
# void
# emit_data(int e, int t, NMTBL *n)
# emit_data
# 676
# 676
# 676
# {
	.align 2
.globl emit_data
	.type	emit_data,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int l;
#     char *name;
#     name = n->nm; 
	subl $8,%esp
	movl 16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	movl %eax,-20(%ebp)
#     if(mode==GDECL)  { /* global */
	movl $1,%eax
	movl mode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_696
# 	if (n->dsp != -1) {
	movl $-1,%ecx
	movl $12,%eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	je	_697
# 	    n->dsp = -1;   /* initiallized flag */
	movl $-1,%edx
	movl $12,%eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %edx,(%ecx)
	movl %edx,%ecx
# 	    printf(".globl\t%s\n",name);
	movl -20(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string ".globl\011%s\n"
	lea _698,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    data_mode(name);
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	data_mode
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    align(t);
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	align
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    printf("%s:\n",name); 
	movl -20(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "%s:\n"
	lea _699,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	} else {
	jmp	_700
# 	    data_mode(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	data_mode
	addl $4,%esp
# 	}
#         if(car(e)==CONST) {       
	movl $7,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_701
# 	    if (t==CHAR) {
	movl $-2,%eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jne	_702
# 		printf("\t.byte %d\n",cadr(e));
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.byte %d\n"
	lea _703,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 		if (data_alignment>0)
	movl $0,%eax
	movl data_alignment,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jle	_704
# 		    data_alignment++;
	movl $data_alignment,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%eax
	addl $1,(%ecx)
# 		gpc += 1;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl $gpc,%ecx
	pushl %ecx   # assop 
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	popl %ebx   # assop 
	movl %ecx,(%ebx)
# 	    } else {
	jmp	_705
# 		printf("\t.long %d\n",cadr(e));
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.long %d\n"
	lea _706,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 		gpc += int_size;
	movl int_size,%eax
	movl $gpc,%ecx
	pushl %ecx   # assop 
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	popl %ebx   # assop 
	movl %ecx,(%ebx)
# 	    }
#         } else if(t!=CHAR) {       
	jmp	_707
	movl $-2,%ecx
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	je	_708
# 	    gpc += int_size;
	movl int_size,%eax
	movl $gpc,%ecx
	pushl %ecx   # assop 
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	popl %ebx   # assop 
	movl %ecx,(%ebx)
# 	    if(car(e)==ADDRESS&&car(cadr(e))==GVAR) {
	movl $12,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_709
	movl $1,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_709
# 		printf("\t.long %s\n",caddr(cadr(e)));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.long %s\n"
	lea _710,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	    } else if(car(e)==FNAME) {
	jmp	_711
	movl $8,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_712
# 		printf("\t.long %s\n",((NMTBL *)cadr(e))->nm);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.long %s\n"
	lea _713,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
#             } else if(car(e)==STRING) {       
	jmp	_714
	movl $-27,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_715
# 		if (car(n->ty)!=ARRAY || cadr(n->ty)!=CHAR) {
	movl $-5,%eax
	movl $8,%ecx
	movl 16(%ebp),%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	pushl %edx
	xchg %edx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %edx,%eax
	jne	_717
	movl $-2,%eax
	movl $8,%ecx
	movl 16(%ebp),%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	pushl %edx
	xchg %edx,%eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %edx,%eax
	je	_716
# 		    l = fwdlabel();
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 		    printf("\t.long _%d\n",l);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.long _%d\n"
	lea _718,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 		    printf(".section\t.rodata\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".section\011.rodata\n"
	lea _719,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 		    printf("_%d:\n",l);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _720,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 		    output_mode = RODATA_EMIT_MODE;
	movl $2,%eax
	movl %eax,output_mode
# 		}
# 		ascii((char *)cadr(e));
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	ascii
	addl $4,%esp
# 	    } else error(TYERR);
	jmp	_721
	movl $15,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	error
	addl $4,%esp
#         }
#     } else {
	jmp	_722
# 	/* if (n->sc!=LVAR) { error(TYERR); return; } */
#         if(car(e)==CONST) {       
	movl $7,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_723
# 		printf("\tmovl $%d,%s\n",cadr(e),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl $%d,%s\n"
	lea _724,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 		printf("\t%s %s,%d(%%ebp)\n",t==CHAR?"movsbl":"movl",crn,n->dsp);
	movl $12,%eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl crn,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl $-2,%ecx
	movl 12(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_725
.section	.rodata
	.string "movsbl"
	lea _726,%eax
	jmp	_727
.section	.rodata
	.string "movl"
	lea _728,%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011%s %s,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _729,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#         } else if(t!=CHAR) {       
	jmp	_730
	movl $-2,%eax
	movl 12(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_731
# 		if(car(e)==ADDRESS&&car(cadr(e))==GVAR)
	movl $12,%ecx
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_732
	movl $1,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_732
# 		    printf("\tlea %s,%s\n",caddr(e),crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	caddr
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %s,%s\n"
	lea _733,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#                 else if(car(e)==FNAME)
	jmp	_734
	movl $8,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_735
# 		    printf("\tlea %s,%s\n",((NMTBL *)cadr(e))->nm,crn);
	movl crn,%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	cadr
	addl $4,%esp
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011lea %s,%s\n"
	lea _736,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 		else if(car(e)==STRING) {       
	jmp	_737
	movl $-27,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	xchg %ecx,%eax
	call	car
	addl $4,%esp
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jne	_738
# 		    string(e);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	string
	addl $4,%esp
#                 } else error(TYERR);
	jmp	_739
	movl $15,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	error
	addl $4,%esp
# 		printf("\tmovl %s,%d(%%ebp)\n",crn,n->dsp);
	movl $12,%eax
	movl 16(%ebp),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	movl crn,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011movl %s,%d(%%ebp)\n"
	lea _740,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
#         }
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	emit_data,_741-emit_data
# void
# emit_data_closing(NMTBL *n)
# emit_data_closing
# 0
# {
	.align 2
.globl emit_data_closing
	.type	emit_data_closing,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     int lb;
#     if (mode=GDECL) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,mode
	cmpl $0,%eax
	je	_743
# 	data_mode(0);
	movl $0,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	data_mode
	addl $4,%esp
# 	lb=fwdlabel();
	call	fwdlabel
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
# 	printf("_%d:\n",lb);
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "_%d:\n"
	lea _744,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# 	printf("\t.size\t%s,_%d-%s\n",n->nm,lb,n->nm);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.size\011%s,_%d-%s\n"
	lea _745,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $16,%esp
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	emit_data_closing,_746-emit_data_closing
# void
# global_table(void)
# global_table
# 586
# {
	.align 2
.globl global_table
	.type	global_table,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     NMTBL *n;
#     for(n=ntable;n < &ntable[GSYMS];n++) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $ntable,%eax
	movl %eax,-16(%ebp)
	movl $144000,%eax
	movl $ntable,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	subl %ecx,%eax
	jae	_748
# 	if (n->sc == GVAR && n->dsp != -1) {
	movl $1,%eax
	movl $4,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	addl %ecx,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %eax,%edx
	jne	_751
	movl $-1,%edx
	movl $12,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl (%ecx),%ecx
	subl %edx,%ecx
	je	_751
# 	    /* n->dsp = -1 means initialized global */
# 	    printf(".comm %s,%d\n",n->nm,size(n->ty));
	movl $8,%ecx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	size
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string ".comm %s,%d\n"
	lea _752,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	}
#     }
# }
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $16,(%eax)
	jmp	_749
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	global_table,_753-global_table
# void
# local_table(void)
# local_table
# 591
# {
	.align 2
.globl local_table
	.type	local_table,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     NMTBL *n;
#     /* static local variables */
#     for(n=ntable+GSYMS;n < &ntable[GSYMS+LSYMS];n++) {
	subl $4,%esp
	movl $144000,%eax
	movl $ntable,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
	movl %ecx,-16(%ebp)
	movl $152000,%ecx
	movl $ntable,%eax
	addl %ecx,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jae	_755
# 	if (n->sc == GVAR) {
	movl $1,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	jne	_758
# 	    printf(".lcomm %s,%d\n",n->nm,size(n->ty));
	movl $8,%edx
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	size
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %eax
	movl -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string ".lcomm %s,%d\n"
	lea _759,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $12,%esp
# 	}
#     }
# }
	lea -16(%ebp),%eax
	movl (%eax),%ecx
	addl $16,(%eax)
	jmp	_756
	movl %ecx,%eax
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	local_table,_760-local_table
# void
# text_mode(void)
# text_mode
# 681
# {
	.align 2
.globl text_mode
	.type	text_mode,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (output_mode!=TEXT_EMIT_MODE) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl output_mode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_762
# 	printf(".text\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".text\n"
	lea _763,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	printf("\t.align 2\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.align 2\n"
	lea _764,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	output_mode = TEXT_EMIT_MODE;
	movl $0,%eax
	movl %eax,output_mode
#     }
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	text_mode,_765-text_mode
# void
# data_mode(char *name)
# data_mode
# 686
# {
	.align 2
.globl data_mode
	.type	data_mode,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (output_mode!=DATA_EMIT_MODE) {
	movl $1,%eax
	movl output_mode,%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	je	_767
# 	printf(".data\n");
.section	.rodata
	.string ".data\n"
	lea _768,%ecx
	pushl %ecx
	call	printf
	addl $4,%esp
# 	output_mode = DATA_EMIT_MODE;
	movl $1,%eax
	movl %eax,output_mode
#     }
#     if (name)
	cmpl $0,8(%ebp)
	je	_769
# 	printf("\t.type\t%s,@object\n",name);
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	pushl %eax
.section	.rodata
	.string "\011.type\011%s,@object\n"
	lea _770,%eax
	pushl %eax
	call	printf
	addl $8,%esp
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	data_mode,_771-data_mode
# int
# lvar(int l)
# lvar
# 701
# {
	.align 2
.globl lvar
	.type	lvar,@function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	pushl %ebx
	pushl %ecx
	pushl %edx
#     if (l<0) {
	movl $0,%eax
	movl 8(%ebp),%ecx
	subl %eax,%ecx
	jge	_773
# 	if (fnptr->sc==CODE)
	movl $-39,%ecx
	movl $4,%eax
	movl fnptr,%edx
	addl %eax,%edx
	movl (%edx),%edx
	subl %ecx,%edx
	jne	_774
# 	    return l+code_disp_offset;
	movl 8(%ebp),%edx
	movl code_disp_offset,%eax
	addl %edx,%eax
# 	else
	jmp	_772
# 	    return l+disp_offset;
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl disp_offset,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
#     } else {
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_772
# 	return l+arg_offset;
	movl 8(%ebp),%eax
	movl arg_offset,%ecx
	addl %eax,%ecx
#     }
	movl %ecx,%eax
	jmp	_772
# }
	lea -12(%ebp),%esp
	popl %edx
	popl %ecx
	popl %ebx
	.size	lvar,_775-lvar
# /* end */
.comm glineno,4
.comm blabel,4
.comm retcont,4
.comm symval,4
.comm cslabel,4
.comm ntable,152000
.comm ac,4
.comm av,4
.comm ch,4
.comm fnptr,4
.comm ilabel,4
.comm gfree,4
.comm rname,40
.comm init_vars,4
.comm debug,4
.comm retpending,4
.comm filep,4
.comm __sstderr,96
.comm __sstdout,96
.comm filestack,36
.comm clabel,4
.comm stmode,4
.comm reg_stack,40
.comm mflag,4
.comm lfree,4
.comm labelno,4
.comm dlabel,4
.comm lrn,4
.comm gpc,4
.comm chptrsave,4
.comm chptr,4
.comm lineno,4
.comm lsrc,4
.comm crn,4
.comm reg_sp,4
.comm lreg,4
.comm cheap,256000
.comm ac2,4
.comm csvalue,4
.comm drn,4
.comm xreg,4
.comm chk,4
.comm chsave,4
.comm retlabel,4
.comm type,4
.comm __sstdin,96
.comm sptr,4
.comm mode,4
.comm sym,4
.comm obuf,4
.comm code_arg_offset,4
.comm reg_name_l,16
.comm name,4
.comm control,4
.comm gnptr,4
.comm creg,4
.comm linebuf,4096
.comm regs,40
.comm stat_no,4
.comm namebuf,4096
.comm reg_name,32
.comm nptr,4
.comm cheapp,4
.comm heap,40000
.comm hash,4
.comm reg_var,4
.comm asmf,4
.comm disp,4
.comm args,4
.comm dreg,4
.comm csvalue1,4
	.ident "Micro-C compiled"