
age author description
2012-02-07 kazz change ring calculate time unit, milli to nano
2012-02-05 kazz change connection wait time
2012-02-05 kazz move msgpack local val to static field;
2012-02-04 kazz change CommandMessage Constructor
2012-02-04 kazz change protocol header: remove an integer representing message length (work?)
2012-02-04 kazz bug fix for write() at OutboundTCPConnection
2012-02-04 kazz update msgpack 0.6.5 to 0.6.6
2012-02-04 kazz add ring experiment shell script
2012-02-04 kazz delete stdout message of ring
2012-02-04 kazz bug fix for time calculate
2012-02-04 kazz add to calculate the time of RingTopology required
2012-02-03 kazz fix peek api
2012-02-03 kazz add outbound close
2012-02-03 kazz implements close exception
2012-02-02 kazz add close api
2012-01-31 kazz add log viewer
2012-01-27 kazz add logger
2012-01-20 kazz add tree script
2012-01-20 kazz add fish scripts
2012-01-20 kazz DistributedFish share width each other (not work)
2012-01-19 kazz share width each other with tree
2012-01-19 kazz added method to OutputDataSegment and Receiver, to convert type from Value to Class<?> without MessagePack
2012-01-17 kazz change name of DataSegmentReceiver
2012-01-17 kazz change method to create DataSegmentReceiver
2012-01-17 kazz add ring script
2012-01-17 kazz implements RingTopology
2012-01-17 kazz add output dot file scripts
2012-01-16 kazz Configuration Manager work and implements reverseKey
2012-01-16 kazz topology manager work!
2012-01-16 kazz implements TopologyNode
2012-01-16 kazz implements TopologyNode
2012-01-16 kazz implements TopologyManager
2012-01-16 kazz change method to create RemoteDSM
2012-01-16 kazz implements outline of TopologyManager
2012-01-15 kazz run CodeSegment with ThreadPoolExecutor
2012-01-15 kazz set name to Thread
2012-01-15 kazz change execute() API
2012-01-15 kazz change InputDataSegment API
2012-01-15 kazz bug fix for take()
2012-01-15 kazz network bug fix
2012-01-14 kazz add build.xml
2012-01-14 kazz implements RemoteDataSegment
2012-01-13 one implements Alice daemon
2012-01-12 one unite Command and Reply
2012-01-12 one add OutputDataSegment
2012-01-12 one bug fix for wait command
2012-01-12 one execute() api
2012-01-12 one Local DS and CS work! maybe...
2012-01-12 one implements reply of LocalDataSegment
2012-01-12 one implements Reply
2012-01-11 one add update api
2012-01-10 one update version of msgpack from 0.6.4 to 0.6.5
2012-01-10 one add DataSegment API and CodeSegment
2011-12-10 one create outline of DataSegment model
2011-12-08 kazz prepared jar of msgpack and dependented jar
2011-12-08 kazz init project