Mercurial > hg > Database > Christie
add MessagePackDataGear2018-01-22, by Nozomi Teruya
working RemotePutTest by debug.rb2018-01-21, by Nozomi Teruya
waitList use Queue2018-01-21, by Nozomi Teruya
delete cgmName as String, add cgmID as int2018-01-18, by Nozomi Teruya
working RemotePutTest by 2 node2018-01-15, by Nozomi Teruya
change DataGearManager to abstract class for delete static dataGears2018-01-14, by Nozomi Teruya
RemotePutTest is working2018-01-11, by Nozomi Teruya
don't work MessagePack unconvert for remote put2018-01-10, by Nozomi Teruya
add RemotePutTest and that is working2018-01-09, by Nozomi Teruya
minor change2017-12-30, by Nozomi Teruya
add local repeat test2017-12-30, by Nozomi Teruya
minor change2017-12-28, by Nozomi Teruya
Implement Queue in DataGearManager2017-12-28, by Nozomi Teruya
add CodeGearExecutor2017-12-27, by Nozomi Teruya
set type to DataGear by Annotation2017-12-26, by Nozomi Teruya
StartCodeGear implements Runnable to wait InputDataGear2017-12-14, by Nozomi Teruya
change ods.put to dgm.put2017-12-13, by Nozomi Teruya
resolve Annotation error and TestCodeGear is working2017-12-13, by Nozomi Teruya
change StartCodeGear static2017-12-12, by Nozomi Teruya
add dependency proccess but not work2017-12-11, by Nozomi Teruya
make project2017-12-07, by Nozomi Teruya