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view SceneGraph/BlenderScript/ @ 1729:e9dc25836520 draft
fix gettime
author | Yuhi TOMARI <> |
date | Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:31:05 +0900 |
parents | 759798f134e3 |
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#!BPY """Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'Libps3 (.xml)' Blender: 240 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export to (.xml) for libps3' """ bl_info = { "name": "PS3 Cerium (.xml)", "author": "Shinji KONO", "version": (2, 0, 0), "blender": (2, 5, 8), "api": 37702, "location": "File > Import-Export", "description": "Export PS3 Cerium (.xml)", "warning": "", # "wiki_url": "", # "tracker_url": "", "category": "Import-Export"} ###################################################### # Importing modules ###################################################### import math import os import struct import base64 import bpy global anim anim = 0 global images, imageCount images = {} imageCount = 0 __author__ = ["Shinji KONO"] __url__ = ("") __version__ = "0.01a" __bpydoc__ = """\ Cerium XML converter """ ###################################################### # Data Structures ###################################################### ###################################################### # Functions ###################################################### def create_derived_objects(ob): if ob.parent and ob.parent.dupli_type != 'NONE': return False, None if ob.dupli_type != 'NONE': ob.create_dupli_list() return True, [(dob.object, dob.matrix_basis) for dob in ob.dupli_list] else: return False, [(ob, ob.matrix_basis)] # Which do we use basis, local or world for matrix? # also used by X3D exporter def free_derived_objects(ob): ob.free_dupli_list() #exporting an anime ###change def export_anime(object_name,file): startF = Blender.Get('staframe') endF = Blender.Get('endframe') #str = "" file.write("") file.write("\t\t<anim frame=\"{0:d}\">\n".format(endF)) for i in range (startF, endF+1): Blender.Set('curframe', i) Blender.Redraw() # time1 = Blender.sys.time() ##### XML header ###### #get all the objects in this scene activelayers = Window.ViewLayer() for i in range(len(activelayers)): activelayers[i] = 2**(activelayers[i]-1) object_list1 = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent().getChildren() object_list = [] matnames= [] for obj in object_list1: if obj.Layer in activelayers: object_list.append(obj) if obj.type == 'Mesh': materials_obj_list = [] materials_obj_list = obj.getData().materials for mat in materials_obj_list: if not in matnames: matnames.append( ##### Process Meshes ###### for obj in object_list: matrix = obj.getMatrix() if obj == object_name: file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2])) file.write("\t\t</anim>\n") #return str # exporting a mesh ##change def exportMesh(mesh, obj, file): vdata = [] # list of [ii0, ii1, ii2, ...] lists indexed by Blender-Vertex-index vlist = [] flist = [] tri_first = [] tri_second = [] tri_third = [] def addVertex(bvindex, coord, normal, uv): index = -1 if bvindex < len(vdata): for ivindex in vdata[bvindex]: v = vlist[ivindex] if (abs(v[0][0]-coord[0])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[0][1]-coord[1])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[0][2]-coord[2])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[1][0]-normal[0])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[1][1]-normal[1])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[1][2]-normal[2])<0.0001): if ((v[2]==[]) and (uv==[])) or \ ((abs(v[2][0]-uv[0])<0.0001) and \ (abs(v[2][1]-uv[1])<0.0001)): index = ivindex if index < 0: index = len(vlist) vlist.append([coord, normal, uv]) while bvindex >= len(vdata): vdata.append([]) vdata[bvindex].append(index) return index def addFace(mindex, index0, index1, index2): while mindex >= len(flist): flist.append([]) flist[mindex].append([index0, index1, index2]) ###change def getFaces(): ##change file.write("") # already calcurated? matrix = [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]] for mindex in range(len(flist)): fl = flist[mindex] if fl != []: parent_name = obj.parent if parent_name: parent_name = "{0:s}".format(parent_name) ###change file.write("\t<surface name=\"{0:s}\" size=\"{1:d}\" prim=\"Triangle\" parent={2:s}>\n".format(, len(fl)*3, parent_name[8:-1])) else: ###change file.write("\t<surface name=\"{0:s}\" size=\"{1:d}\" prim=\"Triangle\" parent=\"NULL\">\n".format(, len(fl)*3)) ###change file.write("\t\t<coordinate>\n") for f in fl: tri_first = vlist[f[0]] tri_second = vlist[f[1]] tri_third = vlist[f[2]] file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_first[0][0] + matrix[3][0], tri_first[0][1] + matrix[3][1], tri_first[0][2] + matrix[3][2] )) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_second[0][0] + matrix[3][0], tri_second[0][1] + matrix[3][1], tri_second[0][2] + matrix[3][2] )) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_third[0][0] + matrix[3][0], tri_third[0][1] + matrix[3][1], tri_third[0][2] + matrix[3][2])) file.write("\t\t</coordinate>\n") file.write("\t\t<normal>\n") for f in fl: tri_first = vlist[f[0]] tri_second = vlist[f[1]] tri_third = vlist[f[2]] file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_first[1][0], tri_first[1][1], tri_first[1][2])) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_second[1][0], tri_second[1][1], tri_second[1][2])) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(tri_third[1][0], tri_third[1][1], tri_third[1][2])) file.write("\t\t</normal>\n" ) file.write("\t\t<model>\n" ) ###parameter of translate file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f} {2:f}\n".format(matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2])) file.write("\t\t</model>\n") if tri_first[2] != []: file.write("\t\t<texture>\n") for f in fl: tri_first = vlist[f[0]] tri_second = vlist[f[1]] tri_third = vlist[f[2]] file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f}\n".format(tri_first[2][0], tri_first[2][1])) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {1:f}\n".format(tri_second[2][0], tri_second[2][1])) file.write("\t\t\t{0:f} {0:f}\n".format(tri_third[2][0], tri_third[2][1])) file.write("\t\t</texture>\n") else: file.write("\t\t<texture/>\n") ### get texture_image and change base64 data texture = None if mesh.uv_texture_stencil and != []: texture =[0].image if texture: file.write(loadTexture(texture)) else: file.write("\t\t<image name=\"{0:s}\">\n".format("sample_white.png")) #sample_whited = 0 #if (sample_whited == 0): file.write("\t\t\tiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAgAAAAICAAAAADhZOFXAAAAEElEQVQImWP8zwABTAwUMQBJQQEP\n") file.write("\t\t\tlYH+agAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\n") #sample_whited=1 file.write("\t\t</image>\n") vdata = [] vlist = [] flist = [] for face in mesh.faces: iis = [-1, -1, -1, -1] for vi in range(len(face.vertices)): # vert = face.vertices[vi] vert = mesh.vertices[face.vertices[vi]] if face.use_smooth: normal = vert.normal else: normal = face.normal uvs = [] if mesh.uv_texture_stencil and != []: uv_tex =[face.index] uvs = [uv_tex.uv1, uv_tex.uv2, uv_tex.uv3, uv_tex.uv4] if len(uvs) == len(face.vertices): uv = uvs[vi] else: uv = [] iis[vi] = addVertex(vert.index,, normal, uv) # MEMO: bpy.context.scene.objects['Cube'].data.uv_textures['UVTex'].data[0].uv1 addFace(face.material_index, iis[0], iis[1], iis[2]) if len(face.vertices) == 4: addFace(face.material_index, iis[2], iis[3], iis[0]) #str = "" #str += getFaces() getFaces(); #return str #sample_whited = 0 # don't call this method# #def make_material_chunk(material, image, file): # if image: # file.write(loadTexture(image)) # else: # file.write("\t\t<image name=\"{0:s}\">\n".format("sample_white.png")) # global sample_whited # if (sample_whited == 0): # file.write("\t\t\tiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAgAAAAICAAAAADhZOFXAAAAEElEQVQImWP8zwABTAwUMQBJQQEP\n"); # file.write("\t\t\tlYH+agAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\n"); # sample_whited=1 # # file.write("\t\t</image>\n") ###################################################### # EXPORT ###################################################### def save_xml(filename, context): '''Save the Blender scene to a Cerium xml file.''' # Time the export global MatSaved global anim MatSaved = 0 if not filename.lower().endswith('.xml'): filename += '.xml' print("Saving to '" + filename + "'...\n") file = open(filename, 'w') # XXX # if not BPyMessages.Warning_SaveOver(filename): # return # XXX # time1 = time.clock() # time1= Blender.sys.time() # Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) ##### XML header ###### file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n") file.write("<OBJECT-3D>\n") sce = context.scene # Get all the supported objects selected in this scene: # ob_sel= list(sce.objects.context) # mesh_objects = [ (ob, me) for ob in ob_sel for me in (BPyMesh.getMeshFromObject(ob, None, True, False, sce),) if me ] # empty_objects = [ ob for ob in ob_sel if ob.type == 'Empty' ] # Make a list of all materials used in the selected meshes (use a dictionary, # each material is added once): materialDict = {} mesh_objects = [] for ob in [ob for ob in context.scene.objects if ob.is_visible(bpy.context.scene)]: # for ob in sce.objects.context: # get derived objects free, derived = create_derived_objects(ob) if derived == None: continue for ob_derived, mat in derived: if ob.type not in ('MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'TEXT', 'META'): continue data = if data: data.transform(mat) mesh_objects.append((ob_derived, data)) mat_ls = data.materials mat_ls_len = len(mat_ls) # get material/image tuples. if len(data.uv_textures): if not mat_ls: mat = mat_name = None for f, uf in zip(data.faces, if mat_ls: mat_index = f.material_index if mat_index >= mat_ls_len: mat_index = f.mat = 0 mat = mat_ls[mat_index] if mat: mat_name = else: mat_name = None # else there alredy set to none img = uf.image if img: img_name = else: img_name = None materialDict.setdefault((mat_name, img_name), (mat, img) ) else: for mat in mat_ls: if mat: # material may be None so check its not. materialDict.setdefault((, None), (mat, None) ) # Why 0 Why! for f in data.faces: if f.material_index >= mat_ls_len: f.material_index = 0 # f.mat = 0 if free: free_derived_objects(ob) # Make material chunks for all materials used in the meshes: # for mat_and_image in materialDict.values(): # print("make material chunk {0:s}\n".format(mat_and_image[1])) # make_material_chunk(mat_and_image[0], mat_and_image[1], file) # Give all objects a unique ID and build a dictionary from object name to object id: """ name_to_id = {} for ob, data in mesh_objects: name_to_id[]= len(name_to_id) #for ob in empty_objects: # name_to_id[]= len(name_to_id) """ # Create object chunks for all meshes: for ob, blender_mesh in mesh_objects: print("export mesh {0:s}\n".format( exportMesh(blender_mesh,ob,file) if (anim): export_anime(obj,file) file.write("\t</surface>\n") # if not blender_mesh.users: # # # blender_mesh.verts = None file.write("</OBJECT-3D>\n") # Close the file: file.close() # reinitialize global images images = {} def loadTexture(texture): global images, imageCount name = if name in images: return "\t\t<image name=\"" + name + "\"/>\n" out = "\t\t<image name=\"" + name + "\">\n" imageCount += 1 images[name] = imageCount image_path = texture.filepath input = open(bpy.path.abspath(image_path), 'rb') output = open('output.txt', 'wb') base64.encode(input,output) input.close() output.close() input = open('output.txt', 'r') for b64 in input.readlines(): out += "\t\t\t{0:s}".format(b64) input.close() os.remove('output.txt') out += "\t\t</image>\n" return out from bpy.props import * class ExportPS3(bpy.types.Operator): '''Export to Cerium XML file format.''' bl_idname = "export.ps3cerium" bl_label = 'Export PS3 Cerium' filepath = StringProperty(subtype='FILE_PATH') # List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned # to the class instance from the operator settings before calling. def execute(self, context): save_xml(bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, ".xml"), context) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager wm.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} # Add to a menu def menu_func(self, context): default_path =".blend", ".xml") self.layout.operator(ExportPS3.bl_idname, text="PS3 Cerium (.xml)").filepath = default_path def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == "__main__": register() # end