Mercurial > hg > Gears > GearsAgda
Replace goto meta for SynchronizedQueue2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
Use main generate script for examples2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix extern cudainit parameter2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
Add cudaflag if Linux2017-12-29, by Tatsuki IHA
proof pop2 function in agda2017-12-29, by ryokka
pop2 and get2 in agda2017-12-29, by ryokka
Refactoring spawnTasks method2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Refactoring CUDAWorker.cbc2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Change loopCounter type from struct LoopCounter to Integer for TaskManagerImpl2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix segmentation fault if multithread2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
fix stack.agda2017-12-28, by ryokka
fix Stack.agda2017-12-28, by ryokka
add rbTreeTest remove2017-12-28, by ryokka
Merge2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Refactoring CPUWorker.cbc2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-12-28, by Tatsuki IHA
Replace "goto meta" for TaskManagerImpl2017-12-26, by Tatsuki IHA
remove error ' rbtree'.2017-12-27, by ryokka
remove error, RedBlackTree.cbc Deletion Code2017-12-27, by ryokka
add RedBlackTree.cbc insert Test2017-12-27, by ryokka
Change used interface syntax from #include to #interface2017-12-25, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix segmentation fault for calc.cbc2017-12-21, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix warning pointer type2017-12-21, by Tatsuki IHA
Running CUDA examples2017-12-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Rename from Time interface to Timer interface2017-12-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-12-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Running CPU examples2017-12-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Change Interface files from cbc to header2017-12-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Split RedBlackTree.cbc RedBlackTreeReWrite.cbc2017-12-19, by ryokka
Change taskManager parameter from context to task2017-12-15, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-12-13, by Tatsuki IHA
Refactor TaskManagerImpl2017-12-13, by Tatsuki IHA
Add TaskIterator2017-12-11, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix nodeStack2017-12-11, by innparusu
Debug RedBlackTree.cbc.2017-12-11, by ryokka
add rbTree_test.cbc2017-12-08, by ryokka
fix RedBlackTree.cbc Insert, debug now2017-12-08, by ryokka
Auto choice blockDim2017-12-04, by Tatsuki IHA
Delete USE_CUDA_MAIN_THREAD2017-12-03, by Tatsuki IHA
Using SynchornizedQueue in data gear wait list2017-12-01, by Tatsuki IHA
Merge2017-11-30, by Tatsuki IHA
Remove ALLOCATE_DATA_GEAR from par goto code gear arguments2017-11-30, by Tatsuki IHA
fix RedBlackTree.cbc Insert, printTree. but occur error2017-11-29, by ryokka
fix RedBlackTree.cbc Insertion2017-11-28, by ryokka
Using cas interface but occurred warning2017-11-25, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix segmentation fault of examples2017-11-21, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix goto implement method of generate_stub2017-11-21, by Tatsuki IHA
Add AtomicReference Implements of Atomic Interface2017-11-20, by Tatsuki IHA
Add worker shutdown2017-11-06, by Tatsuki IHA
Add printArray2017-11-06, by Tatsuki IHA
Work CUDAtwice2017-11-05, by Tatsuki IHA
Work CUDAbitonicSort by CUDAExecutor2017-11-03, by Tatsuki IHA
Fix CudaExecutor but not work2017-11-03, by Tatsuki IHA
Add CUDAExecutor2017-11-03, by Tatsuki IHA
Define Executor to context2017-10-31, by Tatsuki IHA
Refactoring cuda.c2017-10-17, by Tatsuki IHA
Work CudaExec2017-10-16, by Tatsuki IHA