view src/parallel_execution/RedBlackTree.cbc @ 434:b75badf42701

Define Executor to context
author Tatsuki IHA <>
date Tue, 31 Oct 2017 17:55:50 +0900
parents 02313bbfe900
children f02bd096af64
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdio.h>

#include "../context.h"

extern enum Relational compare(struct Node* node1, struct Node* node2);

Tree* createRedBlackTree(struct Context* context) {
    struct Tree* tree = new Tree();
    struct RedBlackTree* redBlackTree = new RedBlackTree();
    tree->tree = (union Data*)redBlackTree;
    redBlackTree->root = NULL;
    redBlackTree->nodeStack = (union Data*)createSingleLinkedStack(context);
    tree->put = C_putRedBlackTree;
    tree->get = C_getRedBlackTree;
    // tree->remove = C_removeRedBlackTree;
    // tree->clear = C_clearRedBlackTree;
    return tree;

void printTree1(union Data* data) {
    struct Node* node = &data->Node;
    if (node == NULL) {
    } else {
        printf("key = %d (", node->key);
        printTree1((union Data*)(node->right));
        printf("), (");
        printTree1((union Data*)(node->left));

void printTree(union Data* data) {

__code putRedBlackTree(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* node) {
    struct Node* newNode = &ALLOCATE(context, Node)->Node;
    struct Node* root = tree->root;
    printTree((union Data*)(tree->root));
    tree->newNode = newNode;
    tree->root = newNode; // this should done at stackClear
    tree->parent = NULL;
    if (root) {
        tree->current = root;
        tree->result = compare(tree->current, node);
        goto findNode(tree);
    goto insertNode(tree, node);

__code findNode(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    struct Node* oldNode = tree->current;
    struct Node* newNode = tree->newNode;
    tree->previous = newNode;
    *newNode = *oldNode;
    goto nodeStack->push(newNode, replaceNode1);

__code findNode1(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* node, __code next(...)) {
    struct Node* oldNode = tree->current;
    struct Node* newNode = tree->previous;
    struct Node* newnewNode = &ALLOCATE(context, Node)->Node;
    int result = tree->result;
    if (result == EQ) {
        newNode->value = node->value;
        // go to stack clear
        goto next(...);
    } else if (result == GT) {
        tree->current = oldNode->right;
        newNode->right = newnewNode;
    } else {
        tree->current = oldNode->left;
        newNode->left = newnewNode;
    tree->newNode = newnewNode;
    if (tree->current) {
        tree->result = compare(tree->current, node);
        goto findNode(tree);
    goto insertNode(tree, node);


__code insertNode(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* node) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    struct Node* newNode = tree->newNode;
    *newNode = *node;
    newNode->color = Red;
    tree->current = newNode;
    goto nodeStack->get2(insertCase1);

__code insertCase1(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node *parent, struct Node *grandparent) {
    if (parent != NULL) {
        tree->parent = parent;
        tree->grandparent = grandparent;
        goto insertCase2(tree);
    tree->root->color = Black;
    goto stackClear();

__code insertCase1_stub(struct Context* context) {
    goto insertCase1(context, 
        &Gearef(context, Tree)->tree->Tree.tree->RedBlackTree,

__code insertCase2(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    if (tree->parent->color == Black) {
        goto stackClear();
    goto insertCase3(tree);

__code insertCase3(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    struct Node* uncle;

    if (tree->grandparent->left == tree->parent)
        uncle = tree->grandparent->right;
        uncle = tree->grandparent->left;

    if (uncle && (uncle->color == Red)) {
        // do insertcase1 on grandparent, stack must be pop by two
        tree->parent->color = Black;
        uncle->color = Black;
        tree->grandparent->color = Red;
        tree->current = tree->grandparent;
        goto nodeStack->pop2(insertCase1);
    goto insertCase4();

__code insertCase4(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct RotateTree* rotateTree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;

    if ((tree->current == tree->parent->right) && (tree->parent == tree->grandparent->left)) {
        tree->current = tree->current->left;
        tree->parent = tree->grandparent;

        rotateTree->traverse = tree;
        rotateTree->next = C_insertCase5;

        goto nodeStack->pop(rotateLeft);
    } else if ((tree->current == tree->parent->left) && (tree->parent == tree->grandparent->right)) {
        tree->parent = tree->grandparent;
        tree->current = tree->current->right;

        rotateTree->traverse = tree;
        rotateTree->next = C_insertCase5;

        goto nodeStack->pop(rotateRight);

    goto insertCase5();

__code insertCase5(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    goto nodeStack->pop2(insertCase51);

__code insertCase51(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct RotateTree* rotateTree, struct Node* parent, struct Node* grandparent) {
    struct Node* current = tree->current;
    tree->parent = parent;
    tree->grandparent = grandparent;

    parent->color = Black;
    grandparent->color = Red;

    tree->current = grandparent;

    rotateTree->traverse = tree;
    rotateTree->next = C_stackClear;

    if ((current == parent->left) && (parent == grandparent->left))
        goto rotateRight();
        goto rotateLeft();

__code insertCase51_stub(struct Context* context) {
    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
    struct Node* grandparent = &context->data[D_Stack]->Stack.data1->Node;
    goto insertCase51(context,
                      &Gearef(context, Tree)->tree->Tree.tree->RedBlackTree,
                      Gearef(context, RotateTree),

__code rotateLeft(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    goto nodeStack->get(rotateLeft1);

__code rotateLeft_stub(struct Context* context) {
    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
    goto rotateLeft(context, traverse);
__code rotateLeft1(struct Node* node, struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* parent, struct RotateTree* rotateTree) {
    struct Node* tmp = node->right;

    if (parent) {
        if (node == parent->left)
            parent->left = tmp;
            parent->right = tmp;
    } else {
        tree->root = tmp;

    node->right = tmp->left;
    tmp->left = node;
    tree->current = tmp;
    goto meta(context, rotateTree->next);

__code rotateLeft1_stub(struct Context* context) {
    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
    goto rotateLeft1(context,
                    Gearef(context, RotateTree));

__code rotateRight(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
    goto nodeStack->get(rotateRight1);

__code rotateRight_stub(struct Context* context) {
    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
    goto rotateLeft(context, traverse);

__code rotateRight1(struct Node* node, struct RedBlackTree* traverse,struct Node *parent,struct RotateTree *rotateTree) {
    struct Node* tmp = node->left;
    if (parent) {
        if (node == parent->left)
            parent->left = tmp;
            parent->right = tmp;
    } else {
        traverse->root = tmp;

    node->left = tmp->right;
    tmp->right = node;
    traverse->current = tmp;
    goto meta(context, rotateTree->next);

__code rotateRight1_stub(struct Context* context) {
    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
    goto rotateRight1(context,
                     Gearef(context, RotateTree));

__code stackClear(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Stack* nodeStack, __code next(...)) {
    tree->current = 0;
    nodeStack->stack = (union Data*)tree->nodeStack;
    nodeStack->next = next;
    goto meta(context, tree->nodeStack->clear);

__code getRedBlackTree(struct RedBlackTree* tree, __code next(...)) {
    if (tree->root) {
        tree->current = tree->root;

        goto search();

    goto next(...);

__code search(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* node, __code next(...)) {
    // compare(context, traverse, traverse->current->key, node->key);
    tree->result = compare(tree->current, node);
    if (tree->result == EQ) {
        *node = *tree->current;
        goto meta(context, next);
    } else if (tree->result == GT) {
        tree->current = tree->current->right;
    } else {
        tree->current = tree->current->left;
    if (tree->current)
        goto meta(context, C_search);

    goto next(...);

/* /\* __code delete(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree) { *\/ */
/* /\*     if (tree->root) { *\/ */
/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
/* /\*         context->next = Delete1; *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, Get); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, context->next); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto delete(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Allocate* allocate) { *\/ */
/* /\*     allocate->size = sizeof(struct Node); *\/ */
/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* root = tree->root; *\/ */

/* /\*     tree->root = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
/* /\*     tree->current = root; *\/ */

/* /\*     compare(context, tree, tree->current->key, context->data[Node]->node.key); *\/ */
/* /\*     goto meta(context, Replace_d1); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto delete1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, &context->data[Allocate]->allocate); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete2(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current->color == Black) { *\/ */
/* /\*         struct Node* child = current->right == NULL ? current->left : current->right; *\/ */
/* /\*         current->color = child == NULL ? Black : child->color; *\/ */

/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase1); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto delete2(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete3(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* tmp = current->right == NULL ? current->left : current->right; *\/ */

/* /\*     if (current->parent) { *\/ */
/* /\*         if (current == current->parent->left) *\/ */
/* /\*             current->parent->left = tmp; *\/ */
/* /\*         else *\/ */
/* /\*             current->parent->right = tmp; *\/ */
/* /\*     } else { *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->root = tmp; *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     if (tmp) *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->parent = current->parent; *\/ */

/* /\*     if (current->parent == NULL && tmp) *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->color = Black; *\/ */

/* /\*     current == current->parent->left ? (current->parent->left = NULL) : (current->parent->right = NULL); *\/ */

/* /\*     stack_pop(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
/* /\*     goto meta(context, context->next); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code delete3_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto delete3(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode, int result) { *\/ */
/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */

/* /\*     if (result == EQ) *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, Replace_d2); *\/ */
/* /\*     else if (result == GT) *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->right; *\/ */
/* /\*     else *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->left; *\/ */

/* /\*     tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
/* /\*     if (tree->current->left == NULL && tree->current->right == NULL) *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
/* /\*     if (result == GT) *\/ */
/* /\*         newNode->right = context->heap; *\/ */
/* /\*     else if (result == LT) *\/ */
/* /\*         newNode->left = context->heap; *\/ */
/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*     compare(context, tree, tree->current->key, context->data[Node]->node.key); *\/ */
/* /\*     goto meta(context, Replace_d1); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto replaceNodeForDelete1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node, context->data[Tree]->tree.result); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
/* /\*     if (tree->current->left && tree->current->right) { *\/ */
/* /\*         newNode->left->parent = newNode; *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->left; *\/ */
/* /\*         newNode->left = context->heap; *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->deleted = newNode; *\/ */

/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax1); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto replaceNodeForDelete2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code findMax1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */

/* /\*     if (newNode->right) *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax2); *\/ */
/* /\*     tree->deleted->key = newNode->key; *\/ */
/* /\*     tree->deleted->value = newNode->value; *\/ */

/* /\*     tree->current = newNode; *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code findMax1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto findMax1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code findMax2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */

/* /\*     if (newNode->right->right) { *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->right; *\/ */
/* /\*         newNode->right = context->heap; *\/ */

/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax2); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     tree->deleted->key = newNode->right->key; *\/ */
/* /\*     tree->deleted->value = newNode->right->value; *\/ */

/* /\*     tree->current = newNode; *\/ */
/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */
/* /\* __code findMax2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto findMax2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase1(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current->parent) *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase2); *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase1(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
/* /\*     if ((sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Red) { *\/ */
/* /\*         current->parent->color = Red; *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->color = Black; *\/ */

/* /\*         current == current->parent->left ? (current->parent->left = context->heap) : (current->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling; *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase3; *\/ */
/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */

/* /\*         if (current == current->parent->left) *\/ */
/* /\*             goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
/* /\*         else *\/ */
/* /\*             goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase3); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase3(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current->parent->color == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */

/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase1); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase4); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase3_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase3(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase4(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current->parent->color == Red && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
/* /\*         current->parent->color = Black; *\/ */

/* /\*         goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase5); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase4_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase4(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase5(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
/* /\*     sibling->parent = current->parent; *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current == current->parent->left && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Red && *\/ */
/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->left->color = Black; *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
/* /\*         *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->parent = current; *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->left = context->heap; *\/ */
/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling->left; *\/ */
/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node.parent = tmp; *\/ */

/* /\*         tree->current = tmp; *\/ */
/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase6; *\/ */
/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */

/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
/* /\*     } else if (current == current->parent->right && *\/ */
/* /\*                (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*                (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
/* /\*                (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Red) { *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
/* /\*         sibling->right->color = Black; *\/ */

/* /\*         sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
/* /\*         *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->parent = current; *\/ */

/* /\*         tmp->right = context->heap; *\/ */
/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling->right; *\/ */
/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node.parent = tmp; *\/ */

/* /\*         tree->current = tmp; *\/ */

/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase6; *\/ */
/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */

/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase6); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase5_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase5(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase6(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */

/* /\*     sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
/* /\*     struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
/* /\*     *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
/* /\*     tmp->parent = current; *\/ */

/* /\*     tmp->color = current->parent->color; *\/ */
/* /\*     current->parent->color = Black; *\/ */
/* /\*     context->next = Delete3; *\/ */
/* /\*     stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
/* /\*     if (current == current->parent->left) { *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->right->color = Black; *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */

/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
/* /\*     } else { *\/ */
/* /\*         tmp->left->color = Black; *\/ */
/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */

/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
/* /\*     } *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */

/* /\* __code deleteCase6_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
/* /\*     goto deleteCase6(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
/* /\* } *\/ */