diff docs/extops.markdown @ 0:2cf249471370

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author Takahiro SHIMIZU <anatofuz@cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Tue, 08 May 2018 16:09:12 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/extops.markdown	Tue May 08 16:09:12 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+## Extensions and Extension Ops [proposed/tentative]
+#### The MoarVM Opcodes Overview
+The MoarVM interpreter uses 16-bit opcodes.  There are currently around 470
+built-in ops, and it'll probably be around 500 once Rakudo's bootstrapped and
+passing spectest. The interpreter loop currently dispatches by op number,
+either using switch/case or cgoto where available.
+Many opcodes are self-contained (they don't call other C functions, and some
+don't even make system calls), but lots and lots of them do call functions.
+Since the ./moar binary is statically-linked (mostly), the link-time code
+generation and optimization by modern compilers should do a pretty good job of
+making such things optimal [please excuse the truism].  However, in the case of
+dynamically loaded extensions to the VM that need to dynamically load native
+libraries with a C ABI (nearly all native libraries have a build that exposes
+such a thing), the function pointers must be resolved at runtime after the
+library is loaded.  Perl 6's NativeCall module (using dyncall on parrot) can
+load libraries by name and enumerate/locate entry points and functions by name.
+I propose to use the dyncall functionality to load MoarVM extensions and
+resolve function pointers.  The following is a draft design/spec doc for how
+that might look:
+#### Representing Extension Op Calls on Disk and in Memory
+In a table in the .moarvm disk representation of the bytecode, each extension
+op invoked from that compilation unit has an entry with: 1. a (16-bit) index
+into the string heap representing the fully-qualified (namespace included) name
+of the op, and 2. the op signature, a byte for each operand, zer-padded to 8
+bytes. In the in-memory (deserialized) representation of the compilation unit,
+each record also has room to store the cache of the function pointer representing
+the C function to which the op was resolved.  Each distinct op called from that
+compilation unit is encoded in the executable bytecode as its index in the extension
+op table plus 1024 (the first 1024 being reserved for MoarVM itself).
+#### Loading Code That Calls Extension Ops
+During bytecode validation (on-demand upon first invocation of a frame), when
+the validator comes across an opcode >= 1024, it subtracts 1024 and checks that
+the resulting index is less than the number of extension op calls proscribed by
+the compunit.  Then it gets that extop call record (MVMExtOpCall) from the
+table, and if the record has a function pointer, it calls it with the sole arg
+(MVMThreadContext tc). If the function call slot is NULL, it means the function
+pointer hasn't been resolved for this compunit, but also that the signature
+hasn't yet been validated against the version of that opcode that was loaded by
+its dependencies (if it was!).  First the validator does a hash lookup to check
+whether the extop has been loaded at all (this requires a mutex protection,
+unless we're by then using a lock-free HLL hash for this), then if it hasn't,
+it throws a bytecode validation exception.  If it has been loaded (by itself or
+by a dependency), it compares the signatures of the call in the compunit whose
+frame is being validated against the signature of the loaded op by that name,
+and if they don't match, throw a bytecode validation exception: "extension op
+<opname> call signature mismatch - the op's old signature (xxxx) was
+deprecated? You tried to load a call with signature <xxxx>."  If the signatures
+matched, operand type validation of the actual passed parameters (register
+indexes) proceeds normally, using the extop's signature.  The validator copies
+the function pointer from the process-wide registry into the in-memory record
+of the extop call in that compunit.
+#### Loading Extensions
+When a compilation unit is loaded, its "load" entry point routine calls its
+INIT block (if it has one), which does something like the example below,
+registering the native function pointers and their signatures with the runtime.
+It communicates with the runtime via the currently-compiling compiler (as there
+is generally a World-aware HLL compiler calling ModuleLoader).  To start, it
+simply uses NativeCall to fetch each function pointer (but there are plenty of
+optimization opportunities there).
+#### Examples
+The below example purports to show the contents of a skeleton extension as
+it would look to a developer.  (please excuse incorrect syntax; it's pseudo-
+code in some places. ;)
+helper package (part of the MoarVM/NQP runtime) - MoarVM/CustomOps.p6:
+package MoarVM::CustomOps;
+use NativeCall;
+# If we're compiling the innermost layer (and not just loading it at INIT time)
+# at *compile-time* of the compilation unit surrounding the INIT block we
+# assume we are in, inject the symbol into the innermost World outside of us.
+# ALSO, do the same thing at INIT-time (using nqp::extop_install) when we have
+# already been compiled, as well as when we're compiling.
+sub install_ops($library_file, $c_prefix, $op_prefix, $names_sigs) is export {
+    my $world = nqp::hllcompilerworld;
+    my $opslib = native_lib($library_file);
+    -> $name, $sig {
+        my $fqon = "$op_prefix::$name";
+        nqp::extop_install($opslib, $fqon, "$c_prefix$name", $sig);
+        $world.extop_compile($fqon, $sig)
+            if $world.is_compiling;
+    } for $names_sigs;
+Above, the nqp::hllcompilerworld op simply retrieves an appropriately named
+dynamic lexical of the current in-flight World object.  That class will have an
+HLL method named extop_compile, detailed below.
+Notice the helper package uses NativeCall to find the function pointers via the
+native_function (or whatever it's named) routine.  When each function pointer
+is passed to the extop_compile method of the in-flight World object, that
+method in the HLL compiler will pass the function pointer to a special internal
+opcode (nqp::extop_install) that takes the NativeCall library object, the fully
+qualified name of the op as it will appear in the HLL source code (namespace
+::opname), and a string representing the register signature (a la parrot's op
+signatures), so the bytecode validator knows how to validate its register args.
+class World { # NQP snippet
+# at *compile-time* of the compilation unit surrounding the INIT block
+# we assume we are in, inject the symbol into the innermost World outside of
+# us.
+method extop_compile($fqon, $addr, $sig) {
+    my $cu := self.current_compunit;
+    my %extops := $cu.extop_calls;
+    nqp::die("op $fqon already installed!")
+        if nqp::has_key(%extops, $fqon);
+    nqp::push($cu.extop_table, $fqon);
+    %extops{$fqon} := $cu.next_extop++;
+Since the custom ops are resolved "by name" (sort of) upon bytecode loading,
+we don't have to worry about Rakudo bootstrapping, since in order to install
+the custom ops for Rakudo, we can simply rely on the compiler (in NQP) to
+generate the appropriate loading/installing code.
+core/bytecode.c excerpt - nqp::extop_install:
+#include "moar.h"
+typedef struct _MVMExtOpRecord {
+    /* name of the op, including namespace:: prefix */
+    MVMString *opname;
+    /* string representing signature */
+    MVMString *signature;
+    /* the function pointer (see below for signature/macro) */
+    MVMCustomOp *function_ptr;
+    /* number of bytes the interpreter should advance the cur_op pointer */
+    MVMint32 op_size;
+    /* (speculative/future) function pointer to the code in C
+        that the JIT can call to generate an AST for the
+        operation, for super-ultra-awesome optimization
+        possibilities (when pigs fly! ;) */
+    /* MVMCustomOpJITtoMAST * jittomast_ptr; */
+    /* so the record can be in a hash too (so a compiler or JIT
+        can access the upper code at runtime in order to inline
+        or optimize stuff) */
+    UT_hash_handle hash_handle;
+} MVMExtOpRecord;
+/* Resolve the function pointer and nstall the op at runtime. */
+void MVM_bytecode_extop_install(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *library,
+        MVMString *opname, MVMString *funcname, MVMString *signature) {
+    /* TODO: protect with a mutex */
+    /* must also grab thread creation mutex b/c we have to
+       update the tc->interp_customops pointer of all the threads */
+    MVMCustomOp *function_ptr = NULL;
+    MVMExtOpRecord *customops, *customop;
+    MVMuint16 opidx = tc->instance->nextcustomop++;
+    void *kdata;
+    size_t klen;
+    MVM_HASH_GET(tc, tc->instance->customops_hash, opname, customop);
+    if (customop)
+        MVM_panic(tc, "already installed custom op by this name");
+    customops = tc->instance->customops;
+    if (customops == NULL) {
+        customops = tc->instance->customops =
+            calloc( sizeof(MVMExtOpRecord),
+                (tc->instance->customops_size = 256));
+    }
+    else if (opidx == tc->instance->customops_size) {
+        customops = tc->instance->customops =
+            realloc(tc->instance->customops,
+                (tc->instance->customops_size *= 2));
+        memset(tc->instance->customops + tc->instance->customops_size/2,
+            0, tc->instance->customops_size / 2 * sizeof(MVMExtOpRecord));
+    }
+    customop = customops + opidx;
+    customop->opname = opname;
+    customop->signature = signature;
+    customop->op_size = MVM_bytecode_extop_compute_opsize(tc, signature);
+    /* use the NativeCall API directly to grab the function pointer
+       using the cached library object */
+    customop->function_ptr =
+        MVM_nativecall_function_ptr(tc, library, funcname);
+    /* the name strings should always be in a string heap already,
+       so don't need GC root */
+    HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hash_handle, tc->instance->customops_hash, kdata, klen,
+            customop);
+core/interp.c excerpt - the invocation of nqp::customopcall's replacements:
+MVMExtOpRecord *customops = tc->instance->customops;
+tc->interp_customops = &customops;
+#define EXTOP_OFFSET 4096
+case MVM_OP_BANK_16:
+case MVM_OP_BANK_17:
+case MVM_OP_BANK_126:
+case MVM_OP_BANK_127:
+    MVMExtOpRecord *op_record =
+            &customops[*(MVMuint16 *)cur_op++ - EXTOP_OFFSET];
+    MVMCustomOp *function_ptr = op_record->function_ptr;
+    function_ptr(tc);
+    cur_op += op_record->op_size;
+    break;
+example extension (loading the rakudo ops dynamically) - Rakudo/Ops.p6 (or NQP):
+package Rakudo::Ops;
+  use MoarVM::CustomOps;
+  install_ops('rakudo_ops.lib', 'MVM_rakudo_op_', 'rakudo', [
+    'additivitation', 'iii',
+    'concatenationize', 'sss',
+  ]);
+# Both at compile-time and run-time of the below code, INIT will have run
+# and the following ops are installed the right namespaces and such.
+my $z = rakudo::concatenationize(rakudo::additivitation(44, 66), "blah");
+# note: since the types of the custom ops' operands are known to the
+# HLL compiler, it just does its normal thing of generating code to
+# auto-coerce the resulting integer from the addition to a string
+# for the concat custom op.
+moar.h excerpt (note the injecting of 1 offset if it's not the result reg):
+#define REG(idx) \
+    (reg_base[*((MVMuint16 *)(cur_op + ((idx) > 0 ? idx + 1 : 0)))])
+Note: The type checks should be compile-time optimized-away by all but the
+stupidest of C compilers.  Though they fail at runtime, I consider that
+"fail fast" enough, as this is simply a best-effort attempt at a coder
+convenience type-check, not a rigorous one to actually enforce that the
+register type signature passed to the runtime opcode installation routine
+in the HLL code actually matches the one defined/used in the C source code.
+moar.h excerpt (continued):
+#define MVM_CUSTOM_OP(opname, block) \
+void opname(MVMThreadContext *tc) { \
+    MVMuint8 *cur_op = *tc->interp_cur_op; \
+    MVMRegister *reg_base = *tc->interp_reg_base; \
+    MVMCompUnit *cu = *tc->interp_cu; \
+    block; \
+typedef MVM_CUSTOM_OP((*MVMCustomOp));
+#include "moar.h"
+MVM_CUSTOM_OP(MVM_rakudo_op_additivitation, {
+    REG(0).i = REG(1).i + REG(2).i;
+MVM_CUSTOM_OP(MVM_rakudo_op_concatenationize, {
+    REG(0).s = MVM_string_concatenate(tc, REG(1).s, REG(2).s);
+validation.c excerpt (verify extop arg types and inline the real
+oprecord offsets):
+/* similar to the actual interpreter, grab the MVMExtOpRecord, but
+simply validate each operand type specified for the extop with
+the types and count of the registers specified in the bytecode, by
+enumerating each character in the signature. If
+it hasn't been checked already, compare the signature of the loaded
+extop by that name against the signature of the extop by that
+name that was stored in the compilation unit when it was loaded from
+disk, if it was.  Cache the function pointer if it wasn't already. */