view LICENSE @ 40:9b496a0c430a

author anatofuz
date Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:25:43 +0900
parents 2cf249471370
line wrap: on
line source

Software Copyright and License

This software is copyright 2012-2015 by Jonathan Worthington and others.

The Artistic License 2.0 (see Artistic2.txt) applies to this project, but
some portions are redistributed under other licenses and are marked as such.

Unofficial summary of the intended application of the Artistic License 2.0:

- All the source code is available for anyone to read and to submit patches.

- You may "take" and re-use large portions of the source code at will.

- There is a "Standard Version" of this software to protect its name and
    namespace as it's used in redistributions by package maintainers.

- "Downstream" package maintainers allow us to use their bug fixes/patches.

- You may bundle it with software you sell, or you may link/embed it.

- You may fork and release modified builds if you thoroughly rename it.

-- 3rdparty/ license information

- dynasm     MIT
- dyncall    MIT
- libtommath Public Domain
- libuv      MIT,BSD,ISC
- msinttypes MIT
- sha1       Public Domain
- tinymt     MIT
- uthash.h   MIT
- freebsd    MIT