view @ 28:fa930a3213fc

forget minilua
author anatofuz
date Sat, 03 Nov 2018 23:24:33 +0900
parents 2cf249471370
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Spec;

use lib '.';
use build::setup;
use build::auto;
use build::probe;

# This allows us to run on ancient perls.
sub defined_or($$) {
    defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : $_[1]

my $NAME    = 'moar';
my $GENLIST = 'build/gen.list';

# configuration logic

my $failed = 0;

my %args;
my %defaults;
my %config;
# In case a submodule folder needs to be deleted. We set this and print it
# out at the very end.
my $folder_to_delete = '';
my @args = @ARGV;

GetOptions(\%args, qw(
    debug:s optimize:s instrument! coverage
    os=s shell=s toolchain=s compiler=s
    ar=s cc=s ld=s make=s has-sha has-libuv
    static has-libtommath has-libatomic_ops
    has-dyncall has-libffi pkgconfig=s
    build=s host=s big-endian jit! enable-jit
    prefix=s bindir=s libdir=s mastdir=s make-install asan ubsan valgrind telemeh show-autovect show-autovect-failed:s),

    'no-optimize|nooptimize' => sub { $args{optimize} = 0 },
    'no-debug|nodebug' => sub { $args{debug} = 0 },
    'no-telemeh|notelemeh' => sub { $args{telemeh} = 0 }
) or die "See --help for further information\n";

pod2usage(1) if $args{help};

print "Welcome to MoarVM!\n\n";

$config{prefix} = File::Spec->rel2abs(defined_or $args{prefix}, 'install');
# don't install to cwd, as this would clash with lib/MAST/*.nqp
if (-e 'README.markdown' && -e "$config{prefix}/README.markdown"
 && -s 'README.markdown' == -s "$config{prefix}/README.markdown") {
    die <<ENOTTOCWD;
Configuration FAIL. Installing to MoarVM root folder is not allowed.
Please specify another installation target by using --prefix=PATH.

# Override default target directories with command line argumets
my @target_dirs = qw{bindir libdir mastdir};
for my $target (@target_dirs) {
    $config{$target} = $args{$target} if $args{$target};

if (-d '.git') {
    print dots("Updating submodules");
    my $msg = qx{git submodule sync --quiet && git submodule --quiet update --init 2>&1};
    if ($? >> 8 == 0) { print "OK\n" }
    else {
        if ($msg =~ /[']([^']+)[']\s+already exists and is not an empty/) {
            $folder_to_delete = "\n\nERROR: Cannot update submodule because directory exists and is not empty.\n" .
            ">>> Please delete the following folder and try again:\n$1\n\n";
        softfail("git error: $msg")

# fiddle with flags
$args{optimize}     = 3 if not defined $args{optimize} or $args{optimize} eq "";
$args{debug}        = 3 if defined $args{debug} and $args{debug} eq "";

for (qw(coverage instrument static big-endian has-libtommath has-sha has-libuv
        has-libatomic_ops asan ubsan valgrind show-vec)) {
    $args{$_} = 0 unless defined $args{$_};

# jit is default
$args{jit} = 1 unless defined $args{jit};

# fill in C<%defaults>
if (exists $args{build} || exists $args{host}) {
    setup_cross($args{build}, $args{host});
else {
    setup_native(defined_or $args{os}, $^O);

$config{name}   = $NAME;
$config{perl}   = $^X;
$config{config} = join ' ', map { / / ? "\"$_\"" : $_ } @args;
$config{osname} = $^O;
$config{osvers} = $Config{osvers};
$config{pkgconfig} = defined_or $args{pkgconfig}, '/usr/bin/pkg-config';

# set options that take priority over all others
my @keys = qw( ar cc ld make );
@config{@keys} = @args{@keys};

for (keys %defaults) {
    next if /^-/;
    $config{$_} = $defaults{$_} unless defined $config{$_};

my $VERSION = '0.0-0';
# get version
if (open(my $fh, '<', 'VERSION')) {
    $VERSION = <$fh>;
# .git is a file and not a directory in submodule
if (-e '.git' && open(my $GIT, '-|', "git describe")) {
    $VERSION = <$GIT>;
chomp $VERSION;
$config{version}      = $VERSION;
$config{versionmajor} = $VERSION =~ /^(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0;
$config{versionminor} = $VERSION =~ /^\d+\.(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0;
$config{versionpatch} = $VERSION =~ /^\d+\.\d+\-(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0;

# misc defaults
$config{exe}                      = '' unless defined $config{exe};
$config{defs}                     = [] unless defined $config{defs};
$config{syslibs}                  = [] unless defined $config{syslibs};
$config{usrlibs}                  = [] unless defined $config{usrlibs};
$config{platform}                 = '' unless defined $config{platform};
$config{crossconf}                = '' unless defined $config{crossconf};
$config{dllimport}                = '' unless defined $config{dllimport};
$config{dllexport}                = '' unless defined $config{dllexport};
$config{dlllocal}                 = '' unless defined $config{dlllocal};
$config{translate_newline_output} = 0  unless defined $config{translate_newline_output};
$config{vectorizerspecifier}      = '' unless defined $config{vectorizerspecifier};

# assume the compiler can be used as linker frontend
$config{ld}           = $config{cc} unless defined $config{ld};
$config{ldout}        = $config{ccout} unless defined $config{ldout};
$config{ldsys}        = $config{ldusr} unless defined $config{ldsys};
$config{ldoptiflags}  = $config{ccoptiflags} unless defined $config{ldoptiflags};
$config{lddebugflags} = $config{ccdebugflags} unless defined $config{lddebugflags};
$config{ldinstflags}  = $config{ccinstflags} unless defined $config{ldinstflags};

# Probe the compiler.
build::probe::compiler_usability(\%config, \%defaults);

# Remove unsupported -Werror=* gcc flags if gcc doesn't support them.
build::probe::specific_werror(\%config, \%defaults);
if ($config{cc} eq 'gcc' && !$config{can_specific_werror}) {
    $config{ccmiscflags} =~ s/-Werror=[^ ]+//g;
    $config{ccmiscflags} =~ s/ +/ /g;
    $config{ccmiscflags} =~ s/^ +$//;

# Set the remaining ldmiscflags. Do this after probing for gcc -Werror probe to not miss that change for the linker.
$config{ldmiscflags}  = $config{ccmiscflags} unless defined $config{ldmiscflags};

if ($args{'has-sha'}) {
    $config{shaincludedir} = '/usr/include/sha';
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{sha} = undef;
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'sha';
else { $config{shaincludedir} = '3rdparty/sha1' }

# After upgrading from libuv from 0.11.18 to 0.11.29 we see very weird erros
# when the old libuv files are still around. Running a `make realclean` in
# case we spot an old file and the Makefile is already there.
if (-e '3rdparty/libuv/src/unix/threadpool' . $defaults{obj}
 && -e 'Makefile') {
    print("\nMaking realclean after libuv version upgrade.\n"
        . "Outdated files were detected.\n");
    system($defaults{make}, 'realclean')

# test whether pkg-config works
if (-e "$config{pkgconfig}") {
    print dots("    Testing pkgconfig");
    system("$config{pkgconfig}", "--version");
    if ( $? == 0 ) {
        $config{pkgconfig_works} = 1;
    } else {
        $config{pkgconfig_works} = 0;

# conditionally set include dirs and install rules
$config{cincludes} = '' unless defined $config{cincludes};
$config{install}   = '' unless defined $config{install};
if ($args{'has-libuv'}) {
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{uv} = undef;
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'uv';
    if ($config{pkgconfig_works}) {
        my $result = `$config{pkgconfig} --cflags libuv`;
        if ( $? == 0 ) {
            $result =~ s/\n/ /g;
            $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . "$result";
            print("Adding extra include for libuv: $result\n");
        } else {
            print("Error occured when running $config{pkgconfig} --cflags libuv.\n");
else {
    $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/libuv/include'
                        . ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/libuv/src';
    $config{install}   .= "\t\$(MKPATH) \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/libuv\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libuv/include/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/libuv\n";

if ($args{'has-libatomic_ops'}) {
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{lao} = undef;
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'atomic_ops';
    if ($config{pkgconfig_works}) {
        my $result = `$config{pkgconfig} --cflags atomic_ops`;
        if ( $? == 0 ) {
            $result =~ s/\n/ /g;
            $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . "$result";
            print("Adding extra include for atomic_ops: $result\n");
        } else {
            print("Error occured when running $config{pkgconfig} --cflags atomic_ops.\n");
else {
    $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/libatomicops/src';
    my $lao             = '$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/libatomic_ops';
    $config{install}   .= "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/armcc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/hpc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/ibmc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/icc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/loadstore\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc\n"
                        . "\t\$(MKPATH) $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/*.h $lao\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/*.h $lao/atomic_ops\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/armcc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/armcc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/hpc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/hpc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/ibmc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/ibmc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/icc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/icc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/loadstore/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/loadstore\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libatomicops/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc/*.h $lao/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc\n";

if ($args{'has-libtommath'}) {
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{tom} = undef;
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'tommath';
else {
    $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/libtommath';
    $config{install}   .= "\t\$(MKPATH) \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/libtommath\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/libtommath/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/libtommath\n";

if ($args{'has-libffi'}) {
    $config{nativecall_backend} = 'libffi';
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'ffi';
    push @{$config{defs}}, 'HAVE_LIBFFI';
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dc}  = undef;
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dcb} = undef;
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dl}  = undef;
    if ($config{pkgconfig_works}) {
        my $result_cflags = `$config{pkgconfig} --cflags libffi`;
        if ( $? == 0 ) {
            $result_cflags =~ s/\n/ /g;
            $config{cincludes} .= " $result_cflags";
            print("Adding extra include for libffi: $result_cflags\n");
        else {
            print("Error occured when running $config{pkgconfig} --cflags libffi.\n");
        my $result_libs = `$config{pkgconfig} --libs libffi`;
        if ( $? == 0 ) {
            $result_libs =~ s/\n/ /g;
            $config{ldusr} .= " $result_libs";
            print("Adding extra libs for libffi: $result_libs\n");
        else {
            print("Error occured when running $config{pkgconfig} --libs libffi.\n");
    elsif ($^O eq 'solaris') {
        my ($first) = map { m,(.+)/ffi\.h$, && "/$1"  } grep { m,/ffi\.h$, } `pkg contents libffi`;
        if ($first) {
            $config{cincludes} .= " -I$first";
            print("Adding extra include for libffi: $first\n");
        else {
            print("Unable to find ffi.h. Please install libffi by doing: 'sudo pkg install libffi'\n");
elsif ($args{'has-dyncall'}) {
    unshift @{$config{usrlibs}}, 'dyncall_s', 'dyncallback_s', 'dynload_s';
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dc}  = undef;
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dcb} = undef;
    $defaults{-thirdparty}->{dl}  = undef;
    $config{nativecall_backend} = 'dyncall';
else {
    $config{nativecall_backend} = 'dyncall';
    $config{cincludes} .= ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/dyncall/dynload'
                        . ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/dyncall/dyncall'
                        . ' ' . $defaults{ccinc} . '3rdparty/dyncall/dyncallback';
    $config{install}   .= "\t\$(MKPATH) \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/dyncall\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/dyncall/dynload/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/dyncall\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/dyncall/dyncall/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/dyncall\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/dyncall/dyncallback/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/dyncall\n";

# mangle library names
$config{ldlibs} = join ' ',
    (map { sprintf $config{ldusr}, $_; } @{$config{usrlibs}}),
    (map { sprintf $config{ldsys}, $_; } @{$config{syslibs}});
$config{ldlibs} = ' -lasan ' . $config{ldlibs} if $args{asan} && $^O ne 'darwin' && $config{cc} ne 'clang';
$config{ldlibs} = ' -lubsan ' . $config{ldlibs} if $args{ubsan} and $^O ne 'darwin';
# macro defs
$config{ccdefflags} = join ' ', map { $config{ccdef} . $_ } @{$config{defs}};

$config{ccoptiflags}  = sprintf $config{ccoptiflags},  defined_or $args{optimize}, 1 if $config{ccoptiflags}  =~ /%s/;
$config{ccdebugflags} = sprintf $config{ccdebugflags}, defined_or $args{debug},    3 if $config{ccdebugflags} =~ /%s/;
$config{ldoptiflags}  = sprintf $config{ldoptiflags},  defined_or $args{optimize}, 1 if $config{ldoptiflags}  =~ /%s/;
$config{lddebugflags} = sprintf $config{lddebugflags}, defined_or $args{debug},    3 if $config{lddebugflags} =~ /%s/;

# generate CFLAGS
my @cflags;
push @cflags, $config{ccmiscflags};
push @cflags, $config{ccoptiflags}  if $args{optimize};
push @cflags, $config{ccdebugflags} if $args{debug};
push @cflags, $config{ccinstflags}  if $args{instrument};
push @cflags, $config{ld_covflags}  if $args{coverage};
push @cflags, $config{ccwarnflags};
push @cflags, $config{ccdefflags};
push @cflags, $config{ccshared}     unless $args{static};
push @cflags,
$config{cc} eq 'clang'
    ? '-Rpass=loop-vectorize'
: $config{cc} eq 'gcc'
    ? '-fopt-info-vec-optimized'
    : die if $args{'show-autovect'};
if (exists $args{'show-autovect-failed'}) {
    push @cflags, '-Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize' if $config{cc} eq 'clang';
    push @cflags, ("-ftree-vectorizer-verbose=" . ($args{'show-autovect-failed'} || 1), "-fopt-info-vec-missed")
        if $config{cc} eq 'gcc';
if ($args{'show-autovect-failed'}) {
    push @cflags, '-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize' if 2 <= $args{'show-autovect-failed'} && $config{cc} eq 'clang';
    push @cflags, '-fsave-optimization-record '    if 3 <= $args{'show-autovect-failed'} && $config{cc} eq 'clang';
push @cflags, '-fno-omit-frame-pointer' if $args{asan} or $args{ubsan};
push @cflags, '-fsanitize=address' if $args{asan};
push @cflags, '-fsanitize=undefined' if $args{ubsan};
push @cflags, '-DWSL_BASH_ON_WIN' if wsl_bash_on_win();
push @cflags, '-DDEBUG_HELPERS' if $args{debug};
push @cflags, '-DMVM_VALGRIND_SUPPORT' if $args{valgrind};
push @cflags, '-DHAVE_TELEMEH' if $args{telemeh};
push @cflags, '-DWORDS_BIGENDIAN' if $config{be}; # 3rdparty/sha1 needs it and it isnt set on mips;
push @cflags, $ENV{CFLAGS} if $ENV{CFLAGS};
push @cflags, $ENV{CPPFLAGS} if $ENV{CPPFLAGS};
$config{cflags} = join ' ', @cflags;

# generate LDFLAGS
my @ldflags = ($config{ldmiscflags});
push @ldflags, $config{ldoptiflags}  if $args{optimize};
push @ldflags, $config{lddebugflags} if $args{debug};
push @ldflags, $config{ldinstflags}       if $args{instrument};
push @ldflags, $config{ld_covflags}  if $args{coverage};
push @ldflags, $config{ldrpath}           if not $args{static} and $config{prefix} ne '/usr';
push @ldflags, '-fsanitize=address' if $args{asan};
push @ldflags, $ENV{LDFLAGS}  if $ENV{LDFLAGS};
$config{ldflags} = join ' ', @ldflags;

# setup library names
$config{moarlib} = sprintf $config{lib}, $NAME;
$config{moardll} = sprintf $config{dll}, $NAME;

# setup flags for shared builds
unless ($args{static}) {
    $config{objflags}  = '@ccdef@MVM_BUILD_SHARED @ccshared@';
    $config{mainflags} = '@ccdef@MVM_SHARED';
    $config{moar}      = '@moardll@';
    $config{impinst}   = $config{sharedlib},
    $config{mainlibs}  = '@lddir@. ' .
        sprintf(defined_or($config{ldimp}, $config{ldusr}), $NAME);
else {
    $config{objflags}  = '';
    $config{mainflags} = '';
    $config{moar}      = '@moarlib@';
    $config{impinst}   = $config{staticlib};
    $config{mainlibs}  = '@moarlib@ @thirdpartylibs@ $(LDLIBS)';
    # Install static library in default location
    $config{libdir}    = '@prefix@/lib' if ! $args{libdir};

$config{mainlibs} = '-lubsan ' . $config{mainlibs} if $args{ubsan};

# some toolchains generate garbage
my @auxfiles = @{ $defaults{-auxfiles} };
$config{auxclean} = @auxfiles ? '$(RM) ' . join ' ', @auxfiles : '@:';

print "OK\n\n";

if ($config{crossconf}) {
    build::auto::detect_cross(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::static_inline_cross(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::unaligned_access_cross(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::ptr_size_cross(\%config, \%defaults);
else {
    build::auto::detect_native(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::static_inline_native(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::unaligned_access(\%config, \%defaults);
    build::probe::ptr_size_native(\%config, \%defaults);

if ($args{'jit'}) {
    if ($config{ptr_size} != 8) {
        print "JIT isn't supported on platforms with $config{ptr_size} byte pointers.\n";
    } elsif ($Config{archname} =~ m/^x86_64|^amd64|^darwin(-thread)?(-multi)?-2level/) {
        $config{jit_obj}      = '$(JIT_OBJECTS) $(JIT_ARCH_X64)';
        $config{dasm_flags}   = '-D POSIX=1';
        $config{jit_arch}     = 'MVM_JIT_ARCH_X64';
        $config{jit_platform} = 'MVM_JIT_PLATFORM_POSIX';
    } elsif ($Config{archname} =~ /^MSWin32-x64/) {
        $config{jit_obj}      = '$(JIT_OBJECTS) $(JIT_ARCH_X64)';
        $config{dasm_flags}   = '-D WIN32=1';
        $config{jit_arch}     = 'MVM_JIT_ARCH_X64';
        $config{jit_platform} = 'MVM_JIT_PLATFORM_WIN32';
    } else {
        print "JIT isn't supported on $Config{archname} yet.\n";
# fallback
unless (defined $config{jit_obj}) {
    $config{jit_obj}      = '$(JIT_STUB)';
    $config{jit_arch}     = 'MVM_JIT_ARCH_NONE';
    $config{jit_platform} = 'MVM_JIT_PLATFORM_NONE';
    $config{dasm_flags}   = '';

if ($config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    $config{install}   .= "\t\$(MKPATH) \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/msinttypes\n"
                        . "\t\$(CP) 3rdparty/msinttypes/*.h \$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)/include/msinttypes\n";

build::probe::C_type_bool(\%config, \%defaults);
build::probe::computed_goto(\%config, \%defaults);
build::probe::pthread_yield(\%config, \%defaults);
build::probe::rdtscp(\%config, \%defaults);

my $order = $config{be} ? 'big endian' : 'little endian';

# dump configuration
print "\n", <<TERM, "\n";
        make: $config{make}
     compile: $config{cc} $config{cflags}
    includes: $config{cincludes}
        link: $config{ld} $config{ldflags}
        libs: $config{ldlibs}

  byte order: $order

print dots('Configuring 3rdparty libs');

my @thirdpartylibs;
my $thirdparty = $defaults{-thirdparty};

for (sort keys %$thirdparty) {
    my $current = $thirdparty->{$_};
    my @keys = ( "${_}lib", "${_}objects", "${_}rule", "${_}clean");

    # don't build the library (libatomic_ops can be header-only)
    unless (defined $current) {
        @config{@keys} = ("__${_}__", '', '@:', '@:');

    my ($lib, $objects, $rule, $clean);

    $lib = sprintf "%s/$config{lib}",

    # C<rule> and C<build> can be used to augment all build types
    $rule  = $current->{rule};
    $clean = $current->{clean};

    # select type of build

     # dummy build - nothing to do
    if (exists $current->{dummy}) {
        $clean = sprintf '$(RM) %s', $lib unless defined $clean;

    # use explicit object list
    elsif (exists $current->{objects}) {
        $objects = $current->{objects};
        $rule    = sprintf '$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) @arout@$@ @%sobjects@', $_  unless defined $rule;
        $clean   = sprintf '$(RM) @%slib@ @%sobjects@', $_, $_ unless defined $clean;

    # find *.c files and build objects for those
    elsif (exists $current->{src}) {
        my @sources = map { glob "$_/*.c" } @{ $current->{src} };
        my $globs   = join ' ', map { $_ . '/*@obj@' } @{ $current->{src} };

        $objects = join ' ', map { s/\.c$/\@obj\@/; $_ } @sources;
        $rule    = sprintf '$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) @arout@$@ %s', $globs unless defined $rule;
        $clean   = sprintf '$(RM) %s %s', $lib, $globs unless defined $clean;

    # use an explicit rule (which has already been set)
    elsif (exists $current->{rule}) {}

    # give up
    else {
        softfail("no idea how to build '$lib'");
        print dots('    continuing anyway');

    @config{@keys} = ($lib, defined_or($objects, ''), defined_or($rule, '@:'), defined_or($clean, '@:'));

    push @thirdpartylibs, $config{"${_}lib"};

$config{thirdpartylibs} = join ' ', @thirdpartylibs;
my $thirdpartylibs = join "\n" . ' ' x 12, sort @thirdpartylibs;

print "OK\n";


# dump 3rdparty libs we need to build
print "\n", <<TERM, "\n";
  3rdparty: $thirdpartylibs

# make sure to link with the correct entry point */
$config{mingw_unicode} = '';
if ($config{os} eq 'mingw32') {
    $config{mingw_unicode} = '-municode';

# read list of files to generate

open my $listfile, '<', $GENLIST
    or die "$GENLIST: $!\n";

my $target;
while (<$listfile>) {
    next if /^#|^$/;

    $target = $_, next
        unless defined $target;

    generate($target, $_);
    $target = undef;

close $listfile;

# configuration completed

if ($args{'enable-jit'}) {
    print("\nThe --enable-jit flag is obsolete, as jit is enabled by default.\n");
    print("You can use --no-jit to build without jit.");

print "\n", $failed ? <<TERM1 : <<TERM2;
Configuration FAIL. You can try to salvage the generated Makefile.
Configuration SUCCESS.

Type '$config{'make'}' to build and '$config{'make'} help' to see a list of
available make targets.

if (!$failed && $args{'make-install'}) {
    system($config{make}, 'install');
print $folder_to_delete if $folder_to_delete;
exit $failed;

# helper functions

# fill in defaults for native builds
sub setup_native {
    my ($os) = @_;

    print dots("Configuring native build environment");
    print "\n";

    $os = build::probe::win32_compiler_toolchain(\%config, \%defaults)
        if $os eq 'MSWin32';

    if (!exists $::SYSTEMS{$os}) {
        softfail("unknown OS '$os'");
        print dots("    assuming POSIX userland");
        $os = 'posix';

    $defaults{os} = $os;

    my ($shell, $toolchain, $compiler, $overrides) = @{$::SYSTEMS{$os}};
    $shell     = $::SHELLS{$shell};
    $toolchain = $::TOOLCHAINS{$toolchain};
    $compiler  = $::COMPILERS{$compiler};
    set_defaults($shell, $toolchain, $compiler, $overrides);

    if (exists $args{shell}) {
        $shell = $args{shell};
        hardfail("unsupported shell '$shell'")
            unless exists $::SHELLS{$shell};

        $shell = $::SHELLS{$shell};

    if (exists $args{toolchain}) {
        $toolchain = $args{toolchain};
        hardfail("unsupported toolchain '$toolchain'")
            unless exists $::TOOLCHAINS{$toolchain};

        $toolchain = $::TOOLCHAINS{$toolchain};
        $compiler  = $::COMPILERS{ $toolchain->{-compiler} };
        set_defaults($toolchain, $compiler);

    if (exists $args{compiler}) {
        $compiler = $args{compiler};
        hardfail("unsupported compiler '$compiler'")
            unless exists $::COMPILERS{$compiler};

        $compiler  = $::COMPILERS{$compiler};

        unless (exists $args{toolchain}) {
            $toolchain = $::TOOLCHAINS{ $compiler->{-toolchain} };


    my $order = $Config{byteorder};
    if ($order eq '1234' || $order eq '12345678') {
        $defaults{be} = 0;
    elsif ($order eq '4321' || $order eq '87654321') {
        $defaults{be} = 1;
    else {
        ::hardfail("unsupported byte order $order");

# fill in defaults for cross builds
sub setup_cross {
    my ($build, $host) = @_;

    print dots("Configuring cross build environment");

    hardfail("both --build and --host need to be specified")
        unless defined $build && defined $host;

    my $cc        = "$host-gcc";
    my $ar        = "$host-ar";
    my $crossconf = "--build=$build --host=$host";

    for (\$build, \$host) {
        if ($$_ =~ /-(\w+)-\w+$/) {
            $$_ = $1;
            if (!exists $::SYSTEMS{$1}) {
                softfail("unknown OS '$1'");
                print dots("    assuming GNU userland");
                $$_ = 'posix';
        else { hardfail("failed to parse triple '$$_'") }

    $defaults{os} = $host;

    $build = $::SYSTEMS{$build};
    $host  = $::SYSTEMS{$host};

    my $shell     = $::SHELLS{ $build->[0] };
    my $toolchain = $::TOOLCHAINS{gnu};
    my $compiler  = $::COMPILERS{gcc};
    my $overrides = $host->[3];

    set_defaults($shell, $toolchain, $compiler, $overrides);

    $defaults{cc}        = $cc;
    $defaults{ar}        = $ar;
    $defaults{crossconf} = $crossconf;
    $defaults{be}        = $args{'big-endian'};

# sets C<%defaults> from C<@_>
sub set_defaults {
    # getting the correct 3rdparty information is somewhat tricky
    my $thirdparty = defined_or $defaults{-thirdparty}, \%::THIRDPARTY;
    @defaults{ keys %$_ } = values %$_ for @_;
    $defaults{-thirdparty} = {
        %$thirdparty, map{ %{ defined_or $_->{-thirdparty}, {} } } @_

# fill in config values
sub configure {
    my ($template) = @_;

    while ($template =~ /@(\w+)@/) {
        my $key = $1;
        unless (exists $config{$key}) {
            return (undef, "unknown configuration key '$key'\n    known keys: " .
                join(', ', sort keys %config));

        $template =~ s/@\Q$key\E@/$config{$key}/;

    return $template;

# generate files
sub generate {
    my ($dest, $src) = @_;

    print dots("Generating $dest");

    open my $srcfile, '<', $src or hardfail($!);
    open my $destfile, '>', $dest or hardfail($!);

    while (<$srcfile>) {
        my ($line, $error) = configure($_);
            unless defined $line;

        if ($config{sh} eq 'cmd' && $dest =~ /Makefile|config\.c/) {
            # In-between slashes in makefiles need to be backslashes on Windows.
            # Double backslashes in config.c, beause these are in qq-strings.
            my $bs = $dest =~ /Makefile/ ? '\\' : '\\\\';
			$line =~ s/(\w|\.|\w\:|\$\(PREFIX\))\/(?=\w|\.|\*)/$1$bs/g;
			$line =~ s/(\w|\.|\w\:|\$\(PREFIX\))\\(?=\w|\.|\*)/$1$bs/g if $bs eq '\\\\';

            # gmake doesn't like \*
            $line =~ s/(\w|\.|\w\:|\$\(PREFIX\))\\\*/$1\\\\\*/g
                if $config{make} eq 'gmake';

        print $destfile $line;

    close $srcfile;
    close $destfile;

    print "OK\n";

# some dots
sub dots {
    my $message = shift;
    my $length = shift || 55;
    my $dot_count = $length - length $message;
    $dot_count = 0 if $dot_count < 0;
    return "$message " . '.' x $dot_count . ' ';

# fail but continue
sub softfail {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    $failed = 1;
    print "FAIL\n";
    warn "    $msg\n";

# fail and don't continue
sub hardfail {
    die "\nConfiguration PANIC. A Makefile could not be generated.\n";

sub write_backend_config {
    $config{backendconfig} = '';
    for my $k (sort keys %config) {
        next if $k eq 'backendconfig';
        my $v = $config{$k};

        if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $i = 0;
            for (@$v) {
                $config{backendconfig} .= qq/        add_entry(tc, config, "$k\[$i]", "$_");\n/;
        elsif (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
            # should not be there
        else {
            $v   = '' unless defined $v;
            $v   =~ s/"/\\"/g;
            $v   =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
            $config{backendconfig} .= qq/        add_entry(tc, config, "$k", "$v");\n/;

sub wsl_bash_on_win {
    open my $fh, '<', '/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease' or return 0;
    return ((readline $fh) =~ /\A\d\.\d\.\d-\d+-Microsoft\s*\z/) ? 1 : 0;



    ./ -?|--help

    ./ [--os <os>] [--shell <shell>]
                   [--toolchain <toolchain>] [--compiler <compiler>]
                   [--ar <ar>] [--cc <cc>] [--ld <ld>] [--make <make>]
                   [--debug] [--optimize] [--instrument]
                   [--static] [--prefix]
                   [--has-libtommath] [--has-sha] [--has-libuv]
                   [--asan] [--ubsan] [--no-jit]

    ./ --build <build-triple> --host <host-triple>
                   [--ar <ar>] [--cc <cc>] [--ld <ld>] [--make <make>]
                   [--debug] [--optimize] [--instrument]
                   [--static] [--big-endian] [--prefix]

=head2 Use of environment variables

Compiler and linker flags can be extended with environment variables.

CFLAGS="..." LDFLAGS="..." ./

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -?

=item --help

Show this help information.

=item --debug

=item --no-debug

Toggle debugging flags during compile and link. Debugging is off by

=item --optimize

=item --no-optimize

Toggle optimization and debug flags during compile and link. If nothing
is specified the default is to optimize.

=item --instrument

=item --no-instrument

Toggle extra instrumentation flags during compile and link; for example,
turns on Address Sanitizer when compiling with C<clang>.  Defaults to off.

=item --os <os>

Set the operating system name which you are compiling to.

Currently supported operating systems are C<posix>, C<linux>, C<darwin>,
C<openbsd>, C<netbsd>, C<freebsd>, C<solaris>, C<win32>, and C<mingw32>.

If not explicitly set, the option will be provided by the Perl runtime.
In case of unknown operating systems, a POSIX userland is assumed.

=item --shell <shell>

Currently supported shells are C<posix> and C<win32>.

=item --toolchain <toolchain>

Currently supported toolchains are C<posix>, C<gnu>, C<bsd> and C<msvc>.

=item --compiler <compiler>

Currently supported compilers are C<gcc>, C<clang> and C<cl>.

=item --ar <ar>

Explicitly set the archiver without affecting other configuration

=item --cc <cc>

Explicitly set the compiler without affecting other configuration

=item --show-autovect

Prints debug messages when compiling showing which loops were auto vectorized
to SIMD instructions during build. Option is supported for Clang and GCC only.

=item --show-autovect-failed

Prints debug messages which hopefully reveal why autovectorization has failed
for a loop. Verbosity level is 1-3 for clang, for GCC it is likely 1-2.
If you are trying to vectorize code, it's *highly* recommended to try using clang
first as it's smarter and has more useful messages. Then once it is working,
try to get it working on gcc.

=item --asan

Build with AddressSanitizer (ASAN) support. Requires clang and LLVM 3.1 or newer.
See L<>

You can use C<ASAN_OPTIONS> to configure ASAN at runtime; for example, to disable
memory leak checking (which can make Rakudo fail to build), you can set the following:

    export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0

A full list of options is displayed if you set C<ASAN_OPTIONS> to C<help=1>.

=item --ubsan

Build with Undefined Behaviour sanitizer support.

=item --valgrind

Include Valgrind Client Requests for moarvm's own memory allocators.

=item --ld <ld>

Explicitly set the linker without affecting other configuration

=item --make <make>

Explicitly set the make tool without affecting other configuration

=item --static

Build MoarVM as a static library instead of a shared one.

=item --build <build-triple> --host <host-triple>

Set up cross-compilation.

=item --big-endian

Set byte order of host system in case of cross compilation. With native
builds, the byte order is auto-detected.

=item --prefix

Install files in subdirectory /bin, /lib and /include of the supplied path.
The default prefix is "install" if this option is not passed.

=item --bindir

Install executable files in the supplied path.  The default is
"@prefix@/bin" if this option is not passed.

=item --libdir

Install library in the supplied path.  The default is "@prefix@/lib"
for POSIX toolchain and "@bindir@" for MSVC if this option is not

=item --mastdir

Install NQP libraries in the supplied path.  The default is
"@prefix@/share/nqp/lib/MAST" if this option is not passed.

=item --make-install

Build and install MoarVM in addition to configuring it.

=item --has-libtommath

=item --has-sha

=item --has-libuv

=item --has-libatomic_ops

=item --has-dyncall

=item --has-libffi

=item --pkgconfig=/path/to/pkgconfig/executable

Provide path to the pkgconfig executable. Default: /usr/bin/pkg-config

=item --no-jit

Disable JIT compiler, which is enabled by default to JIT-compile hot frames.

=item --telemeh

Build support for the fine-grained internal event logger.
