view tools/UCD-download.p6 @ 28:fa930a3213fc

forget minilua
author anatofuz
date Sat, 03 Nov 2018 23:24:33 +0900
parents 2cf249471370
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line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Gets the latest Unicode Data files and extracts them.
use v6;
my $UCD-zip-lnk = "";
my $UCA-all-keys = "";
my $UCA-collation-test = "";
my IO::Path $unidata = "UNIDATA".IO.absolute.IO;
sub MAIN {
    if ! so $unidata.d {
        say "Creating UNIDATA directory";
    else {
        die "$unidata directory already exists. Please delete it and run again.";
    chdir $unidata;
    chdir $unidata;
    if ! so "./".IO.f {
        say "Downloading the latest UCD from $UCD-zip-lnk";
        say "Unzipping";
    if ! so "UCA".IO.d {
        say "Creating the UCA directory";
        mkdir "UCA";
        download-set-file($UCA-collation-test, '', "UCA");
    if ! so "./UCA/allkeys.txt".IO.f {
        say "Downloading allkeys.txt from $UCA-all-keys";
        chdir "UCA".IO;
        download-file($UCA-all-keys, "allkeys.txt");
        chdir $unidata;
    if ! so $unidata.d {
        say "Creating UNIDATA directory";
    chdir $unidata;
    if ! so "".IO.f {
        say "Downloading the latest UCD from $UCD-zip-lnk";
        say "Unzipping";
    if ! so "UCA".IO.d {
        say "Creating the UCA directory";
        mkdir "UCA";
        download-set-file($UCA-collation-test, '', "UCA");
    if ! so "./UCA/allkeys.txt".IO.f {
        say "Downloading allkeys.txt from $UCA-all-keys";
        chdir "UCA".IO;
        download-file($UCA-all-keys, "allkeys.txt");
        chdir '..';
    if ! "CODETABLES".IO.d {
        say "Downloading codetables from $CODETABLES_URL";
        mkdir "CODETABLES";
        chdir "CODETABLES";
        for @CODETABLES {
            say "dling $CODETABLES_URL$_";
            download-file("$CODETABLES_URL$_", urlfilename($_));
        download-file("", urlfilename("index-jis0208.txt"));
sub download-file ( Str:D $url, Str:D $filename ) {
    qqx{curl "$url" -o "$filename"};
sub download-set-file ( Str:D $url, Str:D $filename, Str:D $dir) {
    if ! so "$dir/$filename".IO.f {
        my $cwd = $*CWD;
        say "Downloading $filename from $url";
        chdir $dir.IO;
        download-file($url, $filename);
        chdir $cwd;
    if $filename.ends-with('.zip') {
        my $cwd = $*CWD;
        chdir $dir.IO;
        chdir $cwd;
sub urlfilename (Str:D $str) {
    $str.subst: /^.*\//, ""
sub unzip-file ( Str:D $zip ) {
    qqx{unzip "$zip"};

sub get-emoji {
    chdir $unidata;
    # Since emoji sequence names are not cannonical and unchangeable, we get
    # all of them starting with the first the feature was added in
    my $first-emoji-ver = <4.0>;
    my $emoji-dir = "";
    my @emoji-vers;
    say "Getting a listing of the Emoji versions";
    for qqx{curl -s "$emoji-dir"}.lines {
        push @emoji-vers, .split(/' '+/)[8];
    say "Emoji versions: ", @emoji-vers.join(', ');
    for @emoji-vers.grep($first-emoji-ver <= *).sort.reverse -> $version {
        say "See version $version of Emoji, checking to see if it's a draft";
        my $readme = qqx{curl -s "$version/ReadMe.txt"}.chomp;
        if $readme.match(/draft|PRELIMINARY/, :i) {
            say "Looks like $version is a draft. ReadMe.txt text: <<$readme>>";
        else {
            say "Found version $version. Don't see /:i draft|PRELIMINARY/ in the text.";
            my $emoji-data = "$version/";
            say $emoji-data;
            my $emoji-folder = "emoji-$version".IO;
            chdir $emoji-folder;
            my @to-download = <ReadMe.txt emoji-data.txt emoji-sequences.txt emoji-zwj-sequences.txt emoji-test.txt>;
            for @to-download -> $filename {
                download-file "$emoji-data/$filename", $filename;
            #download-file("$emoji-data/ReadMe.txt", "ReadMe.txt");
            #download-file("$emoji-data/emoji-data.txt", "emoji-data.txt");
            #download-file("$emoji-data/emoji-sequences.txt", "emoji-sequences.txt");
            #download-file("$emoji-data/emoji-zwj-sequences.txt", "emoji-zwj-sequences.txt");
            chdir "..";