view tools/ @ 28:fa930a3213fc

forget minilua
author anatofuz
date Sat, 03 Nov 2018 23:24:33 +0900
parents 2cf249471370
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# use very strict
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);

# use my libs
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;

use sexpr;
use expr_ops;

# Input:
#   (load (addr pargs $1))
# Output
#   template: (MVM_JIT_ADDR, MVM_JIT_PARGS, 1, MVM_JIT_LOAD, 0)
#   length: 5, root: 3 "..f..l"

# options to compile
my %OPTIONS = (
    prefix => 'MVM_JIT_',
    oplist => File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, File::Spec->updir, qw(src core oplist)),
    include => 1,
GetOptions(\%OPTIONS, qw(prefix=s list=s input=s output=s include!));

my ($PREFIX, $OPLIST) = @OPTIONS{'prefix', 'oplist'};
if ($OPTIONS{output}) {
    close( STDOUT ) or die $!;
    open( STDOUT, '>', $OPTIONS{output} ) or die $!;
if ($OPTIONS{input} //= shift @ARGV) {
    close( STDIN );
    open( STDIN, '<', $OPTIONS{input} ) or die $!;

# Wrapper for the recursive write_template
sub compile_template {
    my $tree = shift;
    my ($templ, $desc, $env) = ([], [], {});
    my ($root, $mode) = write_template($tree, $templ, $desc, $env);
    die "Invalid template!" unless $mode eq 'l'; # top should be a simple expression
    return {
        root => $root,
        template => $templ,
        desc => join('', @$desc)

    flagval => 'flag',
    all => 'flag',
    any => 'flag',
    do => 'void,reg',
    dov => 'void',
    when => 'flag,void',
    if => 'flag,reg,reg',
    ifv => 'flag,void,void',
    call => 'reg,c_args',
    callv => 'reg,c_args',
    arglist => 'void',
    guard => 'void',

# which list item is the size
my %OP_SIZE_ARG = (
    load => 2,
    store => 3,
    call => 3,
    const => 2,
    cast => 2,

sub validate_template {
    my $template = shift;
    my $node = $template->[0];
    if ($node eq 'let:') {
        my $defs = $template->[1];
        my @expr = @$template[2..$#$template];
        for my $def (@$defs) {
        validate_template($_) for grep ref($_) eq 'ARRAY', @expr;

    die "Unknown node type $node" unless exists $EXPR_OPS{$node};

    # NB - this inserts the template length parameter into the list,
    # which is necessary for the template builder (runtime)
    my ($nchild, $narg) = @{$EXPR_OPS{$node}}{qw(num_childs num_args)};;
    my $offset = 1;
    if ($nchild < 0) {
        $nchild = @$template - 1;
        splice @$template, 1, 0, $nchild;
        $offset = 2;
    unless (($offset+$nchild+$narg) == @$template) {
        my $txt = sexpr::encode($template);
        die "Node $txt is too short";

    my @types = split /,/, ($EXPR_OP_TYPES{$node} // 'reg');
    if (@types < $nchild) {
        if (@types == 1) {
            @types = (@types) x $nchild;
        } elsif (@types == 2) {
            @types = (($types[0]) x ($nchild-1), $types[1]);
        } else {
            die "Can't match up types";

    for (my $i = 0; $i < $nchild; $i++) {
        my $child = $template->[$offset+$i];
        if (ref($child) eq 'ARRAY' and substr($child->[0], 0, 1) ne '&') {
            unless ((my $op = $child->[0]) eq 'let:') {
                my $type = lc $EXPR_OPS{$op}{type};
                die sprintf('Expected %s but got %s in template %s child %d', $types[$i],
                            $type, sexpr::encode($template), $i)
                    unless $types[$i] eq $type;
        } elsif (substr($child, 0, 1) eq '$') {
            # OK!
            die sprintf('Expected type %s but got %s', $types[$i], $child)
                unless $types[$i] eq 'reg';
        } else {
            my $txt = sexpr::encode($template);
            die "Child $i of $txt is not a expression";
    for (my  $i = 0; $i < $narg; $i++) {
        my $child = $template->[$offset+$nchild+$i];
        if (ref($child) eq 'ARRAY' and substr($child->[0], 0, 1) eq '&') {
            # OK
        } elsif (substr($child, 0, 1) ne '$') {
            # Also OK
        } else {
            my $txt = sexpr::encode($template);
            die "Child $i of $txt is not an argument";

    if (exists $OP_SIZE_ARG{$node}) {
        # does this look like a size argument?
        my $size_arg = $template->[$OP_SIZE_ARG{$node}];
        if (ref($size_arg)) {
            warn sprintf("size argument '%s' for node '%s' is not a macro",
                         sexpr::encode($size_arg), $node)
                if $size_arg->[0] !~ m/\A&\w+/
        } elsif (!looks_like_number($size_arg) && $size_arg !~ m/_sz\z/) {
            warn sprintf("size argument '%s' for node '%s' may not be a size",
                         $size_arg, $node);


sub apply_macros {
    my ($tree, $macros) = @_;
    return unless ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY';

    my @result;
    for my $node (@$tree) {
        if (ref($node) eq 'ARRAY') {
            push @result, apply_macros($node, $macros);
        } else {
            push @result, $node;
    # empty lists can occur for instance with macros without arguments
    if (@result and $result[0] =~ m/^\^/) {
        # looks like a macro
        my $name = shift @result;
        if (my $macro = $macros->{$name}) {
            my ($params, $structure) = @$macro[0,1];
            die sprintf("Macro %s needs %d params, got %d", $name, 0+@result, 0+@{$params})
                unless @result == @{$params};
            my %bind; @bind{@$params} = @result;
            return fill_macro($structure, \%bind);
        } else {
            die "Tried to instantiate undefined macro $result[0]";
    return \@result;

sub fill_macro {
    my ($macro, $bind) = @_;
    my $result = [];
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$macro; $i++) {
        if (ref($macro->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') {
            push @$result, fill_macro($macro->[$i], $bind);
        } elsif (substr($macro->[$i], 0, 1) eq ',') {
            if (defined $bind->{$macro->[$i]}) {
                push @$result, $bind->{$macro->[$i]};
            } else {
                die "Unmatched macro substitution: $macro->[$i]";
        } else {
            push @$result, $macro->[$i];
    return $result;

sub write_template {
    my ($tree, $templ, $desc, $env) = @_;
    die "Can't deal with an empty tree" unless @$tree; # we need at least some nodes
    my $top = $tree->[0]; # get the first item, used for dispatch
    die "First parameter must be a bareword or macro" unless $top =~ m/^&?[a-z]\w*:?$/i;
    my (@items, @desc); # accumulate state
    if ($top eq 'let:') {
        # rewrite (let: (($name ($code))) ($code..)+)
        # into (do(v)?: $ndec + $ncode $decl+ $code+)
        my $env  = { %$env }; # copy env and shadow it
        my $decl = $tree->[1];
        my @expr = @$tree[2..$#$tree];

        # depening on last node result, start with DO or DOV (void)
        my $type = $EXPR_OPS{$expr[-1][0]}{'type'};
        my $list = [ $type eq 'VOID' ? 'DOV' : 'DO', @$decl + @expr ];
        # add declarations to template and to DO list
        for my $stmt (@$decl) {
            die "Let statement should hold 2 expressions, holds ".@$stmt unless @$stmt == 2;
            die "Variable name {$stmt->[0]} is invalid" unless $stmt->[0] =~ m/\$[a-z]\w*/i;
            die "Let statement expects an expression" unless ref($stmt->[1]) eq 'ARRAY';
            die "Redeclaration of '$stmt->[0]'" if defined($env->{$stmt->[0]});
            my ($child, $mode) = write_template($stmt->[1], $templ, $desc, $env);
            die "Let can only be used with simple expresions" unless $mode eq 'l';
            $env->{$stmt->[0]} = $child;
            # ensure the DO is compiled as I expect.
            push @$list, ['DISCARD', $stmt->[0]];
        push @$list, @expr;
        return write_template($list, $templ, $desc, $env);
    } elsif (substr($top, 0, 1) eq '&') {
        # Add macro or sizeof/offsetof expression. these are not
        # processed in at runtime! Must evaluate to constant
        # expression.
        return (sprintf('%s(%s)', substr($top, 1),
                        join(', ', @$tree[1..$#$tree])), '.');
    # deal with a simple expression
    for my $item (@$tree) {
        if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
            # subexpression: get offset and template mode for this root
            my ($child, $mode) = write_template($item, $templ, $desc, $env);
            push @items, $child;
            push @desc, $mode;
        } elsif ($item =~ m/^\$\d+$/) {
            # numeric variable (an operand parameter)
            push @items, substr($item, 1)+0; # pass the operand nummer
            push @desc, 'f'; # at run time, fill this from operands
        } elsif ($item =~ m/^\$\w+$/) {
            # named variable (declared in let)
            die "Undefined variable '$item' used" unless exists $env->{$item};
            push @items, $env->{$item};
            push @desc, 'l'; # also needs to be linked in properly
        } elsif ($item =~ m/^\d+$/) {
            # integer numerics are passed literally
            push @items, $item;
            push @desc, '.';
        } else {
            # barewords are passed as uppercased prefixed strings
            push @items, $PREFIX . uc($item);
            push @desc, '.';
    my $root = @$templ; # current position is where we'll be writing the root template.
    # add to output array
    push @$templ, @items;
    push @$desc, @desc;
    # a simple expression should be linked in at runtime
    return ($root, 'l');

    # first read the correct order of opcodes
my (@opcodes, %names);
    open( my $oplist, '<', $OPLIST ) or die $!;
    while (<$oplist>) {
        next unless (m/^\w+/);
        my $opcode = substr $_, 0, $+[0];
        push @opcodes, $opcode;
        $names{$opcode} = $#opcodes;
    close( $oplist ) or die $!;

# read input, which should use the expresison-list
# syntax. generate template info table and template array
my %SEEN;

sub parse_file {
    my ($fh, $macros) = @_;
    my (@templates, %info);
    my $parser = sexpr->parser($fh);
    while (my $raw = $parser->parse) {
        my $tree    = apply_macros($raw, $macros);
        my $keyword = shift @$tree;
        if ($keyword eq 'macro:') {
            my $name = shift @$tree;
            $macros->{$name} = $tree;
        } elsif ($keyword eq 'template:') {
            my $opcode   = shift @$tree;
            my $template = shift @$tree;
            my $flags    = 0;
            if (substr($opcode, -1) eq '!') {
                # destructive template
                $opcode = substr $opcode, 0, -1;
                $flags |= 1;
            die "Opcode '$opcode' unknown" unless defined $names{$opcode};
            die "Opcode '$opcode' redefined" if defined $info{$opcode};
            # Validate template for consistency with expr.h node definitions
            my $compiled = compile_template($template);

            $info{$opcode} = {
                idx => scalar @templates,
                info => $compiled->{desc},
                root => $compiled->{root},
                len => length($compiled->{desc}),
                flags => $flags
            push @templates, @{$compiled->{template}};
        } elsif ($keyword eq 'include:') {
            my $file = shift @$tree;
            $file =~ s/^"|"$//g;

            if ($SEEN{$file}++) {
                warn "$file already included";

            open( my $handle, '<', $file ) or die $!;
            my ($inc_templates, $inc_info) = parse_file($handle, $macros);
            close( $handle ) or die $!;
            die "Template redeclared in include" if grep $info{$_}, keys %$inc_info;

            # merge templates into including file
            $_->{idx} += @templates for values %$inc_info;
            $info{keys %$inc_info} = values %$inc_info;
            push @templates, @$inc_templates;

        } else {
            die "I don't know what to do with '$keyword' ";
    return \(@templates, %info);

my ($templates, $info) = parse_file(\*STDIN, {});
close( STDIN ) or die $!;

# write a c output header file.
print <<"HEADER";
 * Defines tables for expression templates. */
    my $i = 0;
    print "static const MVMJitExprNode MVM_jit_expr_templates[] = {\n    ";
    for (@$templates) {
        $i += length($_) + 2;
        if ($i > 75) {
            print "\n    ";
            $i = length($_) + 2;
        print "$_,";
    print "\n};\n";
    print "static const MVMJitExprTemplate MVM_jit_expr_template_info[] = {\n";
    for (@opcodes) {
        if (defined($info->{$_})) {
            my $td = $info->{$_};
            printf '    { MVM_jit_expr_templates + %d, "%s", %d, %d, %d },%s',
                           $td->{idx}, $td->{info}, $td->{len}, $td->{root}, $td->{flags}, "\n";
        } else {
            print "    { NULL, NULL, -1, 0 },\n";
    print "};\n";
    print <<'FOOTER';
static const MVMJitExprTemplate * MVM_jit_get_template_for_opcode(MVMuint16 opcode) {
    if (opcode >= MVM_OP_EXT_BASE) return NULL;
    if (MVM_jit_expr_template_info[opcode].len < 0) return NULL;
    return &MVM_jit_expr_template_info[opcode];