package syllabus import ( "bufio" "context" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) //GetSyllabus is use main function struct. members using download html operation type GetSyllabus struct { year int term string outputdir string } // LectureDay include day of week (0~4, error -> 5), period, lastpriod (1~6) type LectureDay struct { DayOfWeek int Period int LastPeriod int } //Lecture ID is ex. 600625001 , Name is プログラミング1, Day is LecutreDay type Lecture struct { ID string Name string Day LectureDay Teacher string } type LectureWPath struct { ID string Path string } //CreateGetSyllabus is constructor and initialize from now time func CreateGetSyllabus() *GetSyllabus { var gs GetSyllabus tm := time.Now() //gs.year = tm.Year() gs.year = 2019 if tm.Month() < 7 { gs.term = "previous" } else { gs.term = "latter" } gs.term = "previous" gs.outputdir = filepath.Join(strconv.Itoa(gs.year), gs.term) return &gs } var dayPeriodID = "ctl00_phContents_Detail_lbl_day_period\">" var lectureNameID = "ctl00_phContents_Detail_lbl_lbl_lct_name_double\">" var teacherNameID = "ctl00_phContents_Detail_lbl_syl_staff_name_double\">" var endSpan = "" var dayOfWeeklen = len("月") //"" var endpoint = "" //CheckAndMkdirBuilddir is builld 2019/early dir func (g *GetSyllabus) CheckAndMkdirBuilddir() (bool, error) { if f, err := os.Stat(g.outputdir); os.IsNotExist(err) || !f.IsDir() { err := os.MkdirAll(g.outputdir, 0755) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed mkdir") } return true, nil } return true, nil } func (g *GetSyllabus) LecIDStoDonwlodSyllabus(ctx context.Context, lectureIDs []string) (*[]LectureWPath, error) { //var wg sync.WaitGroup ch := make(chan LectureWPath, len(lectureIDs)) for _, id := range lectureIDs { //wg.Add(1) go func(id string) { //defer wg.Done() outputPath, _ := g.LecIDtoDownloadSyllabus(id) ch <- LectureWPath{ ID: id, Path: outputPath, } }(id) } //wg.Wait() var lwps []LectureWPath for range lectureIDs { lwps = append(lwps, <-ch) } return &lwps, nil } //LecIDtoDownloadSyllabus is download from lecture ID func (g *GetSyllabus) LecIDtoDownloadSyllabus(lectureID string) (string, error) { var strBuilder strings.Builder strBuilder.WriteString(lectureID) strBuilder.WriteString(".html") outputPath := filepath.Join(g.outputdir, strBuilder.String()) if _, err := os.Stat(outputPath); err == nil { fmt.Printf("already download %s.html\n", lectureID) return outputPath, nil } file, err := os.Create(outputPath) defer file.Close() if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed create html...") } strBuilder.Reset() u, err := url.Parse(endpoint) if err != nil { return "", err } u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, "portal", "Public", "Syllabus", "SyllabusSearchStart.aspx") q := u.Query() q.Set("lct_year", strconv.Itoa(g.year)) q.Set("lct_cd", lectureID) q.Set("je_cd", "1") u.RawQuery = q.Encode() fmt.Println(u.String()) res, err := http.Get(u.String()) defer res.Body.Close() if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed download html") } _, err = io.Copy(file, res.Body) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed download html") } return outputPath, nil } //LecIDwFilePath2LectureStruct is require LectureID (== Lecture.ID), filePath ( syllabus.html path) func (g *GetSyllabus) LecIDwFilePath2LectureStruct(lwp *LectureWPath) (*Lecture, error) { file, err := os.Open(lwp.Path) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed open html file") } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) var lec Lecture lec.ID = lwp.ID for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() // day Period if i := strings.Index(line, dayPeriodID); i >= 0 { if j := strings.Index(line, endSpan); j >= 0 { i += len(dayPeriodID) day := line[i:j] lec.Day.DayOfWeek = kanjiday2int(day[0:dayOfWeeklen]) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed convert day") } lec.Day.Period, err = strconv.Atoi(day[dayOfWeeklen : dayOfWeeklen+1]) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed convert day") } if len(day) != (dayOfWeeklen + 1) { // dayOfWeeklen + 1 == 月3, 火2 lec.Day.LastPeriod, err = strconv.Atoi(day[dayOfWeeklen+4:]) // 4 is \d + 〜 if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed convert day") } continue } lec.Day.LastPeriod = -1 continue } } // lecture name if i := strings.Index(line, lectureNameID); i >= 0 { if j := strings.Index(line, endSpan); j >= 0 { i += len(lectureNameID) lec.Name = line[i:j] } continue } //teacher name if i := strings.Index(line, teacherNameID); i >= 0 { if j := strings.Index(line, endSpan); j >= 0 { i += len(teacherNameID) lec.Teacher = line[i:j] } break } } file.Close() return &lec, nil } func kanjiday2int(kanjiDay string) int { switch kanjiDay { case "月": return 0 case "火": return 1 case "水": return 2 case "木": return 3 case "金": return 4 } return -1 }