diff s6/js/jquery.slideshow.controls.js @ 1:05d802167c0c

Apply cr-style from Members/kaito/slides
author Yasutaka Higa <e115763@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:13:17 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/s6/js/jquery.slideshow.controls.js	Mon Dec 21 22:13:17 2015 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ *
+ *  control addon:
+ *
+ *   adds toggle, prev slide, next slide links/buttons and jump list
+ *   - use key-c to toggle controls (in projection mode)
+ *
+ *   layout structure:
+ *
+ *  .layout
+ *    > #controls  (holding navigation controls)
+ *       > #navLinks
+ *          > #toggle
+ *          > #navList
+ *            > #jumplist
+ */
+Slideshow.ctrlInit = function()
+  this.debug( 'calling ctrlInit()' );
+  var self = this;   // NOTE: jquery binds this in .each,.click, etc to element
+  // todo: make layout into an id (not class?)
+  //  do we need or allow more than one element?
+  // if no div.layout exists, create one
+  if( $( '.layout' ).length == 0 )
+    $( 'body' ).append( "<div class='layout'></div>");
+  $( '.layout' ).append( "<div id='controls'>" );
+  var $controls = $( '#controls' )
+  $controls.html(  '<div id="navLinks">'
+     + '<a accesskey="t" id="toggle" href="#">&#216;<\/a>'
+     + '<a accesskey="z" id="prev" href="#">&laquo;<\/a>'
+     + '<a accesskey="x" id="next" href="#">&raquo;<\/a>'
+     + '<div id="navList"><select id="jumplist" /><\/div>'
+     + '<\/div>' );
+  $controls.hover( function() { self.ctrlShow(); }, function() { self.ctrlHide(); });
+  $('#toggle').click( function() { self.toggle(); } );
+  $('#prev').click( function() { self.go(-1); } );
+  $('#next').click( function() { self.go(1); } );
+  $('#jumplist').change( function() { self.goTo( parseInt( $( '#jumplist' ).val() )); } );
+  this.ctrlPopulateJumpList();
+Slideshow.ctrlDebugOn = function()
+  this.debug( 'calling ctrlDebugOn()' );
+  $( '#controls' ).addClass( 'debug' );
+Slideshow.ctrlDebugOff = function()
+  this.debug( 'calling ctrlDebugOff()' );
+  $( '#controls' ).removeClass( 'debug' );
+Slideshow.ctrlKeys = function( event, key )
+  this.debug( 'calling ctrlKeys()' );
+  switch( key.which ) {
+    case 67: // c
+      this.ctrlToggle();
+      break;
+  }
+Slideshow.ctrlChange = function()
+  this.debug( 'calling ctrlChange()' );
+  this.ctrlUpdateJumpList();
+// -----------------------------------------------------
+Slideshow.ctrlPopulateJumpList = function()
+  var self = this;   // NOTE: jquery binds this in .each to element
+  var list = $('#jumplist').get(0);
+  this.$slides.each( function(i) {
+    var text = "-";   // untitled slide
+    // todo: use titleSelector if user set??
+    // $(this).find( self.settings.titleSelector ).text();
+    var $h1 = $( 'h1', this );
+    if( $h1.length > 0 )
+    {
+      text = $h1.first().text();
+    }
+    else   // try h2 
+    {
+      var $h2 = $( 'h2', this );
+      if( $h2.length > 0 )
+      {
+        text = $h2.first().text();
+      }
+      else  // try h3
+      {
+        var $h3 = $( 'h3', this );
+        if( $h3.length > 0 )
+        {
+          text = $h3.first().text();
+        }
+      }
+    }  
+    list.options[list.length] = new Option( (i+1)+' : '+ text, (i+1) );
+  });
+Slideshow.ctrlUpdateJumpList = function()
+  $('#jumplist').get(0).selectedIndex = (this.snum-1);
+Slideshow.ctrlShow = function()
+  $( '#navLinks' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
+Slideshow.ctrlHide = function()
+  $( '#navLinks' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
+Slideshow.ctrlToggle = function()
+  // toggle control panel 
+  var $navLinks = $( '#navLinks' );
+  if( $navLinks.css( 'visibility' ) != 'visible' )
+    $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
+  else
+    $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
+// ------------------------------------------------
+Slideshow.ctrlAddEvents = function()
+  $( document ).on( 'slideshow.init',      $.proxy( Slideshow.ctrlInit, this ));
+  $( document ).on( 'slideshow.debug.on',  $.proxy( Slideshow.ctrlDebugOn, this ));
+  $( document ).on( 'slideshow.debug.off', $.proxy( Slideshow.ctrlDebugOff, this ));
+  $( document ).on( 'slideshow.keys',      $.proxy( Slideshow.ctrlKeys, this ));
+  $( document ).on( 'slideshow.change',    $.proxy( Slideshow.ctrlChange, this ));
+Slideshow.ctrlAddStyles = function() {
+  this.debug( 'add builtin controls css via inline style elements' );
+  var styleProjection =
+"<style media='screen,projection'>               \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls.debug { background: #BBD; }          \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls { position: fixed;                   \n"+
+"              left: 60%; bottom: 0;             \n"+
+"              width: 40%;                       \n"+
+"              z-index: 100;                     \n"+
+"              text-align: right;                \n"+
+"              font-weight: bold;                \n"+
+"              font-size: 120%;                  \n"+
+"            }                                   \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls :focus { outline: 1px dotted white;} \n"+
+"                                                \n"+  
+" #controls #navLinks { text-align: right; margin: 0; visibility: hidden; } \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls #navLinks a { padding: 0; margin: 0 0.5em; cursor: pointer; border: none; }  \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls #navLinks :link,                     \n"+
+" #controls #navLinks :visited {text-decoration: none; } \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls #navList #jumplist { background: white; color: black; } \n"+
+   var styleScreen =
+"<style media='screen'>                      \n"+
+"/*********                                      \n"+
+" * make toggle button visible and reposition to upper right corner  \n"+
+" *   note: toogle button is nested inside #controls > #navLinks > #toogle \n"+
+" */                                             \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #controls,                                     \n"+
+" #navLinks,                                     \n"+
+" #toggle    { display: block;                   \n"+
+"             visibility: visible;               \n"+
+"             margin: 0; padding: 0;             \n"+
+"          }                                     \n"+
+"                                                \n"+
+" #toggle { position: fixed;                     \n"+
+"          top: 0; right: 0;                     \n"+
+"          padding: 0.5em;                       \n"+
+"          border-left: 1px solid;               \n"+
+"          border-bottom: 1px solid;             \n"+
+"          background: white;                    \n"+
+"        }                                       \n"+
+    $( 'head' ).append( styleProjection );
+    $( 'head' ).append( styleScreen );
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