本論文では Continuatoin based C によって記述された赤黒木や Synchronized Queue といったデータ構造の性質を検証する。
英文アブスト(200 words) (ちょっと足りてない)
We propose a verification method for programs using Continuation based C language.
Our laboratory develops Continuation based C language which supports programming unit called Code Segment, Data Segment.
Code segments that the calculation unit has input/output data segment that data unit.
Programs are represented by connections between code segment and code segment.
The output data segment of some code segment is converts to the input data segment of connected one.
Programming paradigm using Code segments splits main computations and complicated computations such as memory control, error handling and more to meta computations.
Meta computations represented to meta code segment and meta data segment, which saves main computations.
In this paper, We define a meta computation which connects code segments with verifications and verify properties of data structures such as Red-Black Tree and Synchironized Queue.