diff resources/render/J3DIMath.js @ 0:0b8d8ce99f46 default tip

author Daiki KINJYO <e085722@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Mon, 14 Feb 2011 17:06:56 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resources/render/J3DIMath.js	Mon Feb 14 17:06:56 2011 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+ // J3DI (Jedi) - A support library for WebGL.
+    J3DI Math Classes. Currently includes:
+        J3DIMatrix4 - A 4x4 Matrix
+    J3DIMatrix4 class
+    This class implements a 4x4 matrix. It has functions which duplicate the
+    functionality of the OpenGL matrix stack and glut functions. On browsers
+    that support it, CSSMatrix is used to accelerate operations.
+    IDL:
+    [
+        Constructor(in J3DIMatrix4 matrix),                 // copy passed matrix into new J3DIMatrix4
+        Constructor(in sequence<float> array)               // create new J3DIMatrix4 with 16 floats (row major)
+        Constructor()                                       // create new J3DIMatrix4 with identity matrix
+    ]
+    interface J3DIMatrix4 {
+        void load(in J3DIMatrix4 matrix);                   // copy the values from the passed matrix
+        void load(in sequence<float> array);                // copy 16 floats into the matrix
+        sequence<float> getAsArray();                       // return the matrix as an array of 16 floats
+        Float32Array getAsFloat32Array();             // return the matrix as a Float32Array with 16 values
+        void setUniform(in WebGLRenderingContext ctx,       // Send the matrix to the passed uniform location in the passed context
+                        in WebGLUniformLocation loc,
+                        in boolean transpose);
+        void makeIdentity();                                // replace the matrix with identity
+        void transpose();                                   // replace the matrix with its transpose
+        void invert();                                      // replace the matrix with its inverse
+        void translate(in float x, in float y, in float z); // multiply the matrix by passed translation values on the right
+        void translate(in J3DVector3 v);                    // multiply the matrix by passed translation values on the right
+        void scale(in float x, in float y, in float z);     // multiply the matrix by passed scale values on the right
+        void scale(in J3DVector3 v);                        // multiply the matrix by passed scale values on the right
+        void rotate(in float angle,                         // multiply the matrix by passed rotation values on the right
+                    in float x, in float y, in float z);    // (angle is in degrees)
+        void rotate(in float angle, in J3DVector3 v);       // multiply the matrix by passed rotation values on the right
+                                                            // (angle is in degrees)
+        void multiply(in CanvasMatrix matrix);              // multiply the matrix by the passed matrix on the right
+        void divide(in float divisor);                      // divide the matrix by the passed divisor
+        void ortho(in float left, in float right,           // multiply the matrix by the passed ortho values on the right
+                   in float bottom, in float top,
+                   in float near, in float far);
+        void frustum(in float left, in float right,         // multiply the matrix by the passed frustum values on the right
+                     in float bottom, in float top,
+                     in float near, in float far);
+        void perspective(in float fovy, in float aspect,    // multiply the matrix by the passed perspective values on the right
+                         in float zNear, in float zFar);
+        void lookat(in J3DVector3 eye,                      // multiply the matrix by the passed lookat
+                in J3DVector3 center,  in J3DVector3 up);   // values on the right
+         bool decompose(in J3DVector3 translate,            // decompose the matrix into the passed vector
+                        in J3DVector3 rotate,
+                        in J3DVector3 scale,
+                        in J3DVector3 skew,
+                        in sequence<float> perspective);
+    }
+    [
+        Constructor(in J3DVector3 vector),                  // copy passed vector into new J3DVector3
+        Constructor(in sequence<float> array)               // create new J3DVector3 with 3 floats from array
+        Constructor(in float x, in float y, in float z)     // create new J3DVector3 with 3 floats
+        Constructor()                                       // create new J3DVector3 with (0,0,0)
+    ]
+    interface J3DVector3 {
+        void load(in J3DVector3 vector);                    // copy the values from the passed vector
+        void load(in sequence<float> array);                // copy 3 floats into the vector from array
+        void load(in float x, in float y, in float z);      // copy 3 floats into the vector
+        sequence<float> getAsArray();                       // return the vector as an array of 3 floats
+        Float32Array getAsFloat32Array();             // return the matrix as a Float32Array with 16 values
+        void multMatrix(in J3DIMatrix4 matrix);             // multiply the vector by the passed matrix (on the right)
+        float vectorLength();                               // return the length of the vector
+        float dot();                                        // return the dot product of the vector
+        void cross(in J3DVector3 v);                        // replace the vector with vector x v
+        void divide(in float divisor);                      // divide the vector by the passed divisor
+    }
+J3DIHasCSSMatrix = false;
+J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy = false;
+if ("WebKitCSSMatrix" in window && ("media" in window && window.media.matchMedium("(-webkit-transform-3d)")) ||
+                                   ("styleMedia" in window && window.styleMedia.matchMedium("(-webkit-transform-3d)"))) {
+    J3DIHasCSSMatrix = true;
+    if ("copy" in WebKitCSSMatrix.prototype)
+        J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy = true;
+//  console.log("J3DIHasCSSMatrix="+J3DIHasCSSMatrix);
+//  console.log("J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy="+J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy);
+// J3DIMatrix4
+J3DIMatrix4 = function(m)
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix)
+        this.$matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix;
+    else
+        this.$matrix = new Object;
+    if (typeof m == 'object') {
+        if ("length" in m && m.length >= 16) {
+            this.load(m);
+            return;
+        }
+        else if (m instanceof J3DIMatrix4) {
+            this.load(m);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    this.makeIdentity();
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.load = function()
+    if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof arguments[0] == 'object') {
+        var matrix;
+        if (arguments[0] instanceof J3DIMatrix4) {
+            matrix = arguments[0].$matrix;
+            this.$matrix.m11 = matrix.m11;
+            this.$matrix.m12 = matrix.m12;
+            this.$matrix.m13 = matrix.m13;
+            this.$matrix.m14 = matrix.m14;
+            this.$matrix.m21 = matrix.m21;
+            this.$matrix.m22 = matrix.m22;
+            this.$matrix.m23 = matrix.m23;
+            this.$matrix.m24 = matrix.m24;
+            this.$matrix.m31 = matrix.m31;
+            this.$matrix.m32 = matrix.m32;
+            this.$matrix.m33 = matrix.m33;
+            this.$matrix.m34 = matrix.m34;
+            this.$matrix.m41 = matrix.m41;
+            this.$matrix.m42 = matrix.m42;
+            this.$matrix.m43 = matrix.m43;
+            this.$matrix.m44 = matrix.m44;
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+            matrix = arguments[0];
+        if ("length" in matrix && matrix.length >= 16) {
+            this.$matrix.m11 = matrix[0];
+            this.$matrix.m12 = matrix[1];
+            this.$matrix.m13 = matrix[2];
+            this.$matrix.m14 = matrix[3];
+            this.$matrix.m21 = matrix[4];
+            this.$matrix.m22 = matrix[5];
+            this.$matrix.m23 = matrix[6];
+            this.$matrix.m24 = matrix[7];
+            this.$matrix.m31 = matrix[8];
+            this.$matrix.m32 = matrix[9];
+            this.$matrix.m33 = matrix[10];
+            this.$matrix.m34 = matrix[11];
+            this.$matrix.m41 = matrix[12];
+            this.$matrix.m42 = matrix[13];
+            this.$matrix.m43 = matrix[14];
+            this.$matrix.m44 = matrix[15];
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    this.makeIdentity();
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.getAsArray = function()
+    return [
+        this.$matrix.m11, this.$matrix.m12, this.$matrix.m13, this.$matrix.m14,
+        this.$matrix.m21, this.$matrix.m22, this.$matrix.m23, this.$matrix.m24,
+        this.$matrix.m31, this.$matrix.m32, this.$matrix.m33, this.$matrix.m34,
+        this.$matrix.m41, this.$matrix.m42, this.$matrix.m43, this.$matrix.m44
+    ];
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.getAsFloat32Array = function()
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy) {
+        var array = new Float32Array(16);
+        this.$matrix.copy(array);
+        return array;
+    }
+    return new Float32Array(this.getAsArray());
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.setUniform = function(ctx, loc, transpose)
+    if (J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray == undefined) {
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformWebGLArray = new Float32Array(16);
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray = new Array(16);
+    }
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrixCopy)
+        this.$matrix.copy(J3DIMatrix4.setUniformWebGLArray);
+    else {
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[0] = this.$matrix.m11;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[1] = this.$matrix.m12;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[2] = this.$matrix.m13;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[3] = this.$matrix.m14;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[4] = this.$matrix.m21;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[5] = this.$matrix.m22;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[6] = this.$matrix.m23;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[7] = this.$matrix.m24;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[8] = this.$matrix.m31;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[9] = this.$matrix.m32;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[10] = this.$matrix.m33;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[11] = this.$matrix.m34;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[12] = this.$matrix.m41;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[13] = this.$matrix.m42;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[14] = this.$matrix.m43;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray[15] = this.$matrix.m44;
+        J3DIMatrix4.setUniformWebGLArray.set(J3DIMatrix4.setUniformArray);
+    }
+    ctx.uniformMatrix4fv(loc, transpose, J3DIMatrix4.setUniformWebGLArray);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.makeIdentity = function()
+    this.$matrix.m11 = 1;
+    this.$matrix.m12 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m13 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m14 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m21 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m22 = 1;
+    this.$matrix.m23 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m24 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m31 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m32 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m33 = 1;
+    this.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m41 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m42 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+    this.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.transpose = function()
+    var tmp = this.$matrix.m12;
+    this.$matrix.m12 = this.$matrix.m21;
+    this.$matrix.m21 = tmp;
+    tmp = this.$matrix.m13;
+    this.$matrix.m13 = this.$matrix.m31;
+    this.$matrix.m31 = tmp;
+    tmp = this.$matrix.m14;
+    this.$matrix.m14 = this.$matrix.m41;
+    this.$matrix.m41 = tmp;
+    tmp = this.$matrix.m23;
+    this.$matrix.m23 = this.$matrix.m32;
+    this.$matrix.m32 = tmp;
+    tmp = this.$matrix.m24;
+    this.$matrix.m24 = this.$matrix.m42;
+    this.$matrix.m42 = tmp;
+    tmp = this.$matrix.m34;
+    this.$matrix.m34 = this.$matrix.m43;
+    this.$matrix.m43 = tmp;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.invert = function()
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix) {
+        this.$matrix = this.$matrix.inverse();
+        return;
+    }
+    // Calculate the 4x4 determinant
+    // If the determinant is zero,
+    // then the inverse matrix is not unique.
+    var det = this._determinant4x4();
+    if (Math.abs(det) < 1e-8)
+        return null;
+    this._makeAdjoint();
+    // Scale the adjoint matrix to get the inverse
+    this.$matrix.m11 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m12 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m13 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m14 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m21 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m22 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m23 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m24 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m31 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m32 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m33 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m34 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m41 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m42 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m43 /= det;
+    this.$matrix.m44 /= det;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.translate = function(x,y,z)
+    if (typeof x == 'object' && "length" in x) {
+        var t = x;
+        x = t[0];
+        y = t[1];
+        z = t[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        if (x == undefined)
+            x = 0;
+        if (y == undefined)
+            y = 0;
+        if (z == undefined)
+            z = 0;
+    }
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix) {
+        this.$matrix = this.$matrix.translate(x, y, z);
+        return;
+    }
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    matrix.$matrix.m41 = x;
+    matrix.$matrix.m42 = y;
+    matrix.$matrix.m43 = z;
+    this.multiply(matrix);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.scale = function(x,y,z)
+    if (typeof x == 'object' && "length" in x) {
+        var t = x;
+        x = t[0];
+        y = t[1];
+        z = t[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        if (x == undefined)
+            x = 1;
+        if (z == undefined) {
+            if (y == undefined) {
+                y = x;
+                z = x;
+            }
+            else
+                z = 1;
+        }
+        else if (y == undefined)
+            y = x;
+    }
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix) {
+        this.$matrix = this.$matrix.scale(x, y, z);
+        return;
+    }
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    matrix.$matrix.m11 = x;
+    matrix.$matrix.m22 = y;
+    matrix.$matrix.m33 = z;
+    this.multiply(matrix);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.rotate = function(angle,x,y,z)
+    // Forms are (angle, x,y,z), (angle,vector), (angleX, angleY, angleZ), (angle)
+    if (typeof x == 'object' && "length" in x) {
+        var t = x;
+        x = t[0];
+        y = t[1];
+        z = t[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        if (arguments.length == 1) {
+            x = 0;
+            y = 0;
+            z = 1;
+        }
+        else if (arguments.length == 3) {
+            this.rotate(angle, 1,0,0); // about X axis
+            this.rotate(x, 0,1,0); // about Y axis
+            this.rotate(y, 0,0,1); // about Z axis
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix) {
+        this.$matrix = this.$matrix.rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle);
+        return;
+    }
+    // angles are in degrees. Switch to radians
+    angle = angle / 180 * Math.PI;
+    angle /= 2;
+    var sinA = Math.sin(angle);
+    var cosA = Math.cos(angle);
+    var sinA2 = sinA * sinA;
+    // normalize
+    var len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
+    if (len == 0) {
+        // bad vector, just use something reasonable
+        x = 0;
+        y = 0;
+        z = 1;
+    } else if (len != 1) {
+        x /= len;
+        y /= len;
+        z /= len;
+    }
+    var mat = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    // optimize case where axis is along major axis
+    if (x == 1 && y == 0 && z == 0) {
+        mat.$matrix.m11 = 1;
+        mat.$matrix.m12 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m13 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m21 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m22 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m23 = 2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m31 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m32 = -2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m33 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m14 = mat.$matrix.m24 = mat.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m41 = mat.$matrix.m42 = mat.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    } else if (x == 0 && y == 1 && z == 0) {
+        mat.$matrix.m11 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m12 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m13 = -2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m21 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m22 = 1;
+        mat.$matrix.m23 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m31 = 2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m32 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m33 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m14 = mat.$matrix.m24 = mat.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m41 = mat.$matrix.m42 = mat.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    } else if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 1) {
+        mat.$matrix.m11 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m12 = 2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m13 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m21 = -2 * sinA * cosA;
+        mat.$matrix.m22 = 1 - 2 * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m23 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m31 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m32 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m33 = 1;
+        mat.$matrix.m14 = mat.$matrix.m24 = mat.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m41 = mat.$matrix.m42 = mat.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    } else {
+        var x2 = x*x;
+        var y2 = y*y;
+        var z2 = z*z;
+        mat.$matrix.m11 = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m12 = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m13 = 2 * (x * z * sinA2 - y * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m21 = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m22 = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m23 = 2 * (y * z * sinA2 + x * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m31 = 2 * (z * x * sinA2 + y * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m32 = 2 * (z * y * sinA2 - x * sinA * cosA);
+        mat.$matrix.m33 = 1 - 2 * (x2 + y2) * sinA2;
+        mat.$matrix.m14 = mat.$matrix.m24 = mat.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m41 = mat.$matrix.m42 = mat.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+        mat.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    }
+    this.multiply(mat);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.multiply = function(mat)
+    if (J3DIHasCSSMatrix) {
+        this.$matrix = this.$matrix.multiply(mat.$matrix);
+        return;
+    }
+    var m11 = (mat.$matrix.m11 * this.$matrix.m11 + mat.$matrix.m12 * this.$matrix.m21
+               + mat.$matrix.m13 * this.$matrix.m31 + mat.$matrix.m14 * this.$matrix.m41);
+    var m12 = (mat.$matrix.m11 * this.$matrix.m12 + mat.$matrix.m12 * this.$matrix.m22
+               + mat.$matrix.m13 * this.$matrix.m32 + mat.$matrix.m14 * this.$matrix.m42);
+    var m13 = (mat.$matrix.m11 * this.$matrix.m13 + mat.$matrix.m12 * this.$matrix.m23
+               + mat.$matrix.m13 * this.$matrix.m33 + mat.$matrix.m14 * this.$matrix.m43);
+    var m14 = (mat.$matrix.m11 * this.$matrix.m14 + mat.$matrix.m12 * this.$matrix.m24
+               + mat.$matrix.m13 * this.$matrix.m34 + mat.$matrix.m14 * this.$matrix.m44);
+    var m21 = (mat.$matrix.m21 * this.$matrix.m11 + mat.$matrix.m22 * this.$matrix.m21
+               + mat.$matrix.m23 * this.$matrix.m31 + mat.$matrix.m24 * this.$matrix.m41);
+    var m22 = (mat.$matrix.m21 * this.$matrix.m12 + mat.$matrix.m22 * this.$matrix.m22
+               + mat.$matrix.m23 * this.$matrix.m32 + mat.$matrix.m24 * this.$matrix.m42);
+    var m23 = (mat.$matrix.m21 * this.$matrix.m13 + mat.$matrix.m22 * this.$matrix.m23
+               + mat.$matrix.m23 * this.$matrix.m33 + mat.$matrix.m24 * this.$matrix.m43);
+    var m24 = (mat.$matrix.m21 * this.$matrix.m14 + mat.$matrix.m22 * this.$matrix.m24
+               + mat.$matrix.m23 * this.$matrix.m34 + mat.$matrix.m24 * this.$matrix.m44);
+    var m31 = (mat.$matrix.m31 * this.$matrix.m11 + mat.$matrix.m32 * this.$matrix.m21
+               + mat.$matrix.m33 * this.$matrix.m31 + mat.$matrix.m34 * this.$matrix.m41);
+    var m32 = (mat.$matrix.m31 * this.$matrix.m12 + mat.$matrix.m32 * this.$matrix.m22
+               + mat.$matrix.m33 * this.$matrix.m32 + mat.$matrix.m34 * this.$matrix.m42);
+    var m33 = (mat.$matrix.m31 * this.$matrix.m13 + mat.$matrix.m32 * this.$matrix.m23
+               + mat.$matrix.m33 * this.$matrix.m33 + mat.$matrix.m34 * this.$matrix.m43);
+    var m34 = (mat.$matrix.m31 * this.$matrix.m14 + mat.$matrix.m32 * this.$matrix.m24
+               + mat.$matrix.m33 * this.$matrix.m34 + mat.$matrix.m34 * this.$matrix.m44);
+    var m41 = (mat.$matrix.m41 * this.$matrix.m11 + mat.$matrix.m42 * this.$matrix.m21
+               + mat.$matrix.m43 * this.$matrix.m31 + mat.$matrix.m44 * this.$matrix.m41);
+    var m42 = (mat.$matrix.m41 * this.$matrix.m12 + mat.$matrix.m42 * this.$matrix.m22
+               + mat.$matrix.m43 * this.$matrix.m32 + mat.$matrix.m44 * this.$matrix.m42);
+    var m43 = (mat.$matrix.m41 * this.$matrix.m13 + mat.$matrix.m42 * this.$matrix.m23
+               + mat.$matrix.m43 * this.$matrix.m33 + mat.$matrix.m44 * this.$matrix.m43);
+    var m44 = (mat.$matrix.m41 * this.$matrix.m14 + mat.$matrix.m42 * this.$matrix.m24
+               + mat.$matrix.m43 * this.$matrix.m34 + mat.$matrix.m44 * this.$matrix.m44);
+    this.$matrix.m11 = m11;
+    this.$matrix.m12 = m12;
+    this.$matrix.m13 = m13;
+    this.$matrix.m14 = m14;
+    this.$matrix.m21 = m21;
+    this.$matrix.m22 = m22;
+    this.$matrix.m23 = m23;
+    this.$matrix.m24 = m24;
+    this.$matrix.m31 = m31;
+    this.$matrix.m32 = m32;
+    this.$matrix.m33 = m33;
+    this.$matrix.m34 = m34;
+    this.$matrix.m41 = m41;
+    this.$matrix.m42 = m42;
+    this.$matrix.m43 = m43;
+    this.$matrix.m44 = m44;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.divide = function(divisor)
+    this.$matrix.m11 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m12 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m13 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m14 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m21 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m22 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m23 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m24 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m31 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m32 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m33 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m34 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m41 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m42 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m43 /= divisor;
+    this.$matrix.m44 /= divisor;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.ortho = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
+    var tx = (left + right) / (left - right);
+    var ty = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
+    var tz = (far + near) / (far - near);
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    matrix.$matrix.m11 = 2 / (left - right);
+    matrix.$matrix.m12 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m13 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m14 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m21 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m22 = 2 / (top - bottom);
+    matrix.$matrix.m23 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m24 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m31 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m32 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m33 = -2 / (far - near);
+    matrix.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m41 = tx;
+    matrix.$matrix.m42 = ty;
+    matrix.$matrix.m43 = tz;
+    matrix.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    this.multiply(matrix);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.frustum = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    var A = (right + left) / (right - left);
+    var B = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
+    var C = -(far + near) / (far - near);
+    var D = -(2 * far * near) / (far - near);
+    matrix.$matrix.m11 = (2 * near) / (right - left);
+    matrix.$matrix.m12 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m13 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m14 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m21 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m22 = 2 * near / (top - bottom);
+    matrix.$matrix.m23 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m24 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m31 = A;
+    matrix.$matrix.m32 = B;
+    matrix.$matrix.m33 = C;
+    matrix.$matrix.m34 = -1;
+    matrix.$matrix.m41 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m42 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m43 = D;
+    matrix.$matrix.m44 = 0;
+    this.multiply(matrix);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.getAsArrayMatrix = function(mat)
+    mat.m11 = this.$matrix.m11; mat.m12 = this.$matrix.m12;
+    mat.m13 = this.$matrix.m13; mat.m14 = this.$matrix.m14,
+    mat.m21 = this.$matrix.m21; mat.m22 = this.$matrix.m22;
+    mat.m23 = this.$matrix.m23; mat.m25 = this.$matrix.m24;
+    mat.m31 = this.$matrix.m31; mat.m32 = this.$matrix.m32;
+    mat.m33 = this.$matrix.m33; mat.m34 = this.$matrix.m34;
+    mat.m41 = this.$matrix.m41; mat.m42 = this.$matrix.m42;
+    mat.m43 = this.$matrix.m43; mat.m44 = this.$matrix.m44;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.perspective = function(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar)
+    var top = Math.tan(fovy * Math.PI / 360) * zNear;
+    var bottom = -top;
+    var left = aspect * bottom;
+    var right = aspect * top;
+    this.frustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.lookat = function(eyex, eyey, eyez, centerx, centery, centerz, upx, upy, upz)
+    if (typeof eyez == 'object' && "length" in eyez) {
+        var t = eyez;
+        upx = t[0];
+        upy = t[1];
+        upz = t[2];
+        t = eyey;
+        centerx = t[0];
+        centery = t[1];
+        centerz = t[2];
+        t = eyex;
+        eyex = t[0];
+        eyey = t[1];
+        eyez = t[2];
+    }
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4();
+    // Make rotation matrix
+    // Z vector
+    var zx = eyex - centerx;
+    var zy = eyey - centery;
+    var zz = eyez - centerz;
+    var mag = Math.sqrt(zx * zx + zy * zy + zz * zz);
+    if (mag) {
+        zx /= mag;
+        zy /= mag;
+        zz /= mag;
+    }
+    // Y vector
+    var yx = upx;
+    var yy = upy;
+    var yz = upz;
+    // X vector = Y cross Z
+    xx =  yy * zz - yz * zy;
+    xy = -yx * zz + yz * zx;
+    xz =  yx * zy - yy * zx;
+    // Recompute Y = Z cross X
+    yx = zy * xz - zz * xy;
+    yy = -zx * xz + zz * xx;
+    yx = zx * xy - zy * xx;
+    // cross product gives area of parallelogram, which is < 1.0 for
+    // non-perpendicular unit-length vectors; so normalize x, y here
+    mag = Math.sqrt(xx * xx + xy * xy + xz * xz);
+    if (mag) {
+        xx /= mag;
+        xy /= mag;
+        xz /= mag;
+    }
+    mag = Math.sqrt(yx * yx + yy * yy + yz * yz);
+    if (mag) {
+        yx /= mag;
+        yy /= mag;
+        yz /= mag;
+    }
+    matrix.$matrix.m11 = xx;
+    matrix.$matrix.m12 = xy;
+    matrix.$matrix.m13 = xz;
+    matrix.$matrix.m14 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m21 = yx;
+    matrix.$matrix.m22 = yy;
+    matrix.$matrix.m23 = yz;
+    matrix.$matrix.m24 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m31 = zx;
+    matrix.$matrix.m32 = zy;
+    matrix.$matrix.m33 = zz;
+    matrix.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m41 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m42 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m43 = 0;
+    matrix.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    matrix.translate(-eyex, -eyey, -eyez);
+    this.multiply(matrix);
+// Returns true on success, false otherwise. All params are Array objects
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype.decompose = function(_translate, _rotate, _scale, _skew, _perspective)
+    // Normalize the matrix.
+    if (this.$matrix.m44 == 0)
+        return false;
+    // Gather the params
+    var translate, rotate, scale, skew, perspective;
+    var translate = (_translate == undefined || !("length" in _translate)) ? new J3DIVector3 : _translate;
+    var rotate = (_rotate == undefined || !("length" in _rotate)) ? new J3DIVector3 : _rotate;
+    var scale = (_scale == undefined || !("length" in _scale)) ? new J3DIVector3 : _scale;
+    var skew = (_skew == undefined || !("length" in _skew)) ? new J3DIVector3 : _skew;
+    var perspective = (_perspective == undefined || !("length" in _perspective)) ? new Array(4) : _perspective;
+    var matrix = new J3DIMatrix4(this);
+    matrix.divide(matrix.$matrix.m44);
+    // perspectiveMatrix is used to solve for perspective, but it also provides
+    // an easy way to test for singularity of the upper 3x3 component.
+    var perspectiveMatrix = new J3DIMatrix4(matrix);
+    perspectiveMatrix.$matrix.m14 = 0;
+    perspectiveMatrix.$matrix.m24 = 0;
+    perspectiveMatrix.$matrix.m34 = 0;
+    perspectiveMatrix.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    if (perspectiveMatrix._determinant4x4() == 0)
+        return false;
+    // First, isolate perspective.
+    if (matrix.$matrix.m14 != 0 || matrix.$matrix.m24 != 0 || matrix.$matrix.m34 != 0) {
+        // rightHandSide is the right hand side of the equation.
+        var rightHandSide = [ matrix.$matrix.m14, matrix.$matrix.m24, matrix.$matrix.m34, matrix.$matrix.m44 ];
+        // Solve the equation by inverting perspectiveMatrix and multiplying
+        // rightHandSide by the inverse.
+        var inversePerspectiveMatrix = new J3DIMatrix4(perspectiveMatrix);
+        inversePerspectiveMatrix.invert();
+        var transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix = new J3DIMatrix4(inversePerspectiveMatrix);
+        transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix.transpose();
+        transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix.multVecMatrix(perspective, rightHandSide);
+        // Clear the perspective partition
+        matrix.$matrix.m14 = matrix.$matrix.m24 = matrix.$matrix.m34 = 0
+        matrix.$matrix.m44 = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        // No perspective.
+        perspective[0] = perspective[1] = perspective[2] = 0;
+        perspective[3] = 1;
+    }
+    // Next take care of translation
+    translate[0] = matrix.$matrix.m41
+    matrix.$matrix.m41 = 0
+    translate[1] = matrix.$matrix.m42
+    matrix.$matrix.m42 = 0
+    translate[2] = matrix.$matrix.m43
+    matrix.$matrix.m43 = 0
+    // Now get scale and shear. 'row' is a 3 element array of 3 component vectors
+    var row0 = new J3DIVector3(matrix.$matrix.m11, matrix.$matrix.m12, matrix.$matrix.m13);
+    var row1 = new J3DIVector3(matrix.$matrix.m21, matrix.$matrix.m22, matrix.$matrix.m23);
+    var row2 = new J3DIVector3(matrix.$matrix.m31, matrix.$matrix.m32, matrix.$matrix.m33);
+    // Compute X scale factor and normalize first row.
+    scale[0] = row0.vectorLength();
+    row0.divide(scale[0]);
+    // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st.
+    skew[0] = row0.dot(row1);
+    row1.combine(row0, 1.0, -skew[0]);
+    // Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row.
+    scale[1] = row1.vectorLength();
+    row1.divide(scale[1]);
+    skew[0] /= scale[1];
+    // Compute XZ and YZ shears, orthogonalize 3rd row
+    skew[1] = row1.dot(row2);
+    row2.combine(row0, 1.0, -skew[1]);
+    skew[2] = row1.dot(row2);
+    row2.combine(row1, 1.0, -skew[2]);
+    // Next, get Z scale and normalize 3rd row.
+    scale[2] = row2.vectorLength();
+    row2.divide(scale[2]);
+    skew[1] /= scale[2];
+    skew[2] /= scale[2];
+    // At this point, the matrix (in rows) is orthonormal.
+    // Check for a coordinate system flip.  If the determinant
+    // is -1, then negate the matrix and the scaling factors.
+    var pdum3 = new J3DIVector3(row1);
+    pdum3.cross(row2);
+    if (row0.dot(pdum3) < 0) {
+        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            scale[i] *= -1;
+            row[0][i] *= -1;
+            row[1][i] *= -1;
+            row[2][i] *= -1;
+        }
+    }
+    // Now, get the rotations out
+    rotate[1] = Math.asin(-row0[2]);
+    if (Math.cos(rotate[1]) != 0) {
+        rotate[0] = Math.atan2(row1[2], row2[2]);
+        rotate[2] = Math.atan2(row0[1], row0[0]);
+    }
+    else {
+        rotate[0] = Math.atan2(-row2[0], row1[1]);
+        rotate[2] = 0;
+    }
+    // Convert rotations to degrees
+    var rad2deg = 180 / Math.PI;
+    rotate[0] *= rad2deg;
+    rotate[1] *= rad2deg;
+    rotate[2] *= rad2deg;
+    return true;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype._determinant2x2 = function(a, b, c, d)
+    return a * d - b * c;
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype._determinant3x3 = function(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3)
+    return a1 * this._determinant2x2(b2, b3, c2, c3)
+         - b1 * this._determinant2x2(a2, a3, c2, c3)
+         + c1 * this._determinant2x2(a2, a3, b2, b3);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype._determinant4x4 = function()
+    var a1 = this.$matrix.m11;
+    var b1 = this.$matrix.m12;
+    var c1 = this.$matrix.m13;
+    var d1 = this.$matrix.m14;
+    var a2 = this.$matrix.m21;
+    var b2 = this.$matrix.m22;
+    var c2 = this.$matrix.m23;
+    var d2 = this.$matrix.m24;
+    var a3 = this.$matrix.m31;
+    var b3 = this.$matrix.m32;
+    var c3 = this.$matrix.m33;
+    var d3 = this.$matrix.m34;
+    var a4 = this.$matrix.m41;
+    var b4 = this.$matrix.m42;
+    var c4 = this.$matrix.m43;
+    var d4 = this.$matrix.m44;
+    return a1 * this._determinant3x3(b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4)
+         - b1 * this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4)
+         + c1 * this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, d2, d3, d4)
+         - d1 * this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4);
+J3DIMatrix4.prototype._makeAdjoint = function()
+    var a1 = this.$matrix.m11;
+    var b1 = this.$matrix.m12;
+    var c1 = this.$matrix.m13;
+    var d1 = this.$matrix.m14;
+    var a2 = this.$matrix.m21;
+    var b2 = this.$matrix.m22;
+    var c2 = this.$matrix.m23;
+    var d2 = this.$matrix.m24;
+    var a3 = this.$matrix.m31;
+    var b3 = this.$matrix.m32;
+    var c3 = this.$matrix.m33;
+    var d3 = this.$matrix.m34;
+    var a4 = this.$matrix.m41;
+    var b4 = this.$matrix.m42;
+    var c4 = this.$matrix.m43;
+    var d4 = this.$matrix.m44;
+    // Row column labeling reversed since we transpose rows & columns
+    this.$matrix.m11  =   this._determinant3x3(b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m21  = - this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m31  =   this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, d2, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m41  = - this._determinant3x3(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4);
+    this.$matrix.m12  = - this._determinant3x3(b1, b3, b4, c1, c3, c4, d1, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m22  =   this._determinant3x3(a1, a3, a4, c1, c3, c4, d1, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m32  = - this._determinant3x3(a1, a3, a4, b1, b3, b4, d1, d3, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m42  =   this._determinant3x3(a1, a3, a4, b1, b3, b4, c1, c3, c4);
+    this.$matrix.m13  =   this._determinant3x3(b1, b2, b4, c1, c2, c4, d1, d2, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m23  = - this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a4, c1, c2, c4, d1, d2, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m33  =   this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a4, b1, b2, b4, d1, d2, d4);
+    this.$matrix.m43  = - this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a4, b1, b2, b4, c1, c2, c4);
+    this.$matrix.m14  = - this._determinant3x3(b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3);
+    this.$matrix.m24  =   this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a3, c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3);
+    this.$matrix.m34  = - this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, d1, d2, d3);
+    this.$matrix.m44  =   this._determinant3x3(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3);
+// J3DIVector3
+J3DIVector3 = function(x,y,z)
+    this.load(x,y,z);
+J3DIVector3.prototype.load = function(x,y,z)
+    if (typeof x == 'object' && "length" in x) {
+        this[0] = x[0];
+        this[1] = x[1];
+        this[2] = x[2];
+    }
+    else if (typeof x == 'number') {
+        this[0] = x;
+        this[1] = y;
+        this[2] = z;
+    }
+    else {
+        this[0] = 0;
+        this[1] = 0;
+        this[2] = 0;
+    }
+J3DIVector3.prototype.getAsArray = function()
+    return [ this[0], this[1], this[2] ];
+J3DIVector3.prototype.getAsFloat32Array = function()
+    return new Float32Array(this.getAsArray());
+J3DIVector3.prototype.vectorLength = function()
+    return Math.sqrt(this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1] + this[2] * this[2]);
+J3DIVector3.prototype.divide = function(divisor)
+    this[0] /= divisor; this[1] /= divisor; this[2] /= divisor;
+J3DIVector3.prototype.cross = function(v)
+    this[0] =  this[1] * v[2] - this[2] * v[1];
+    this[1] = -this[0] * v[2] + this[2] * v[0];
+    this[2] =  this[0] * v[1] - this[1] * v[0];
+J3DIVector3.prototype.dot = function(v)
+    return this[0] * v[0] + this[1] * v[1] + this[2] * v[2];
+J3DIVector3.prototype.combine = function(v, ascl, bscl)
+    this[0] = (ascl * this[0]) + (bscl * v[0]);
+    this[1] = (ascl * this[1]) + (bscl * v[1]);
+    this[2] = (ascl * this[2]) + (bscl * v[2]);
+J3DIVector3.prototype.multVecMatrix = function(matrix)
+    var x = this[0];
+    var y = this[1];
+    var z = this[2];
+    this[0] = matrix.$matrix.m41 + x * matrix.$matrix.m11 + y * matrix.$matrix.m21 + z * matrix.$matrix.m31;
+    this[1] = matrix.$matrix.m42 + x * matrix.$matrix.m12 + y * matrix.$matrix.m22 + z * matrix.$matrix.m32;
+    this[2] = matrix.$matrix.m43 + x * matrix.$matrix.m13 + y * matrix.$matrix.m23 + z * matrix.$matrix.m33;
+    var w = matrix.$matrix.m44 + x * matrix.$matrix.m14 + y * matrix.$matrix.m24 + z * matrix.$matrix.m34;
+    if (w != 1 && w != 0) {
+        this[0] /= w;
+        this[1] /= w;
+        this[2] /= w;
+    }
+J3DIVector3.prototype.toString = function()
+    return "["+this[0]+","+this[1]+","+this[2]+"]";
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