
age author description
2012-05-05 e105711 8th,change a way of update to notes,support ogg and wav sound draft
2012-05-04 e105711 7th,change a way of sounds play draft
2012-05-03 e105711 6th:use stat.js,divide render and update,change a way of updating game. draft
2012-05-03 e105711 5th,commit test draft
2012-05-03 e105711 4th commit draft
2012-05-02 e105711 3rd,show Notes and set Timing, but it is not completely. draft
2012-04-25 e105711 2nd,Get BGM's current time and output it to console. draft
2012-04-25 e105711 1st commit,just play sounds. draft
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