diff TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp @ 193:102dad2949a0

author gongo@localhost.localdomain
date Tue, 13 Jan 2009 19:06:13 +0900
parents 7c800a5570f1
children 204b03ca98f8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp	Tue Jan 13 10:41:05 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp	Tue Jan 13 19:06:13 2009 +0900
@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@
 #define SPAN_PACK_LOAD 0
 #define TEX_LOAD 1
+#define FB_STORE 2
+    smanager->dma_wait(FB_STORE);
+    free((void*)((int)linebuf*doneWrite));
- * テクスチャは、TEXTURE_SPLIT_PIXEL^2 のブロックに分割する
  * +---+---+---+---+---+---+
  * | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
@@ -28,13 +35,13 @@
  * |   |   |   |   |   |35 |
  * +---+---+---+---+---+---+
- * 一辺を TEXTURE_SPLIT とする
- * 各ブロックの数字がブロックIDとなる。
+ * 医ID
- * テクスチャの座標から、
- * テクスチャのどのブロックかを求める
+ * 鴻c綺ф
+ * 鴻c羆
  * @param[in] tx X coordinates of texture
  * @param[in] tx Y coordinates of texture
@@ -53,13 +60,13 @@
- * block ID と、テクスチャの TOP address から
- * (tx,ty) で使われるテクスチャの Tile addres を求める
+ * block ID 鴻c TOP address 
+ * (tx,ty) т戎鴻c Tile addres 羆
  * @param[in] tx X coordinates of texture
  * @param[in] tx Y coordinates of texture
  * @param[in] tw Width of texture
- * @param[in] tex_addr_top (tx,ty) で使うテクスチャの先頭address
+ * @param[in] tex_addr_top (tx,ty) т戎鴻caddress
  * @return block ID
@@ -69,19 +76,52 @@
     return tex_addr_top + block*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE;
-DrawSpan::linebuf_init(int *buf, int x, int rgb)
+ * FrameBuffer 吾莨若 rgb 
+ *
+ * @param width  Width of Buffer
+ * @param height Height of Buffer
+ * @param rgb    Initial value of RGB at Buffer
+ * @return Buffer
+ */
+DrawSpan::linebuf_init(int width, int height, int rgb)
-    for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
+    int *buf = (int*)smanager->allocate(sizeof(int)*width*height);
+    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
 	buf[i] = rgb;
+    return buf;
- * Span が使う Texture Tile があるか
+ * Z-Buffer 
- * @retval != NULL 存在する
- * @retval NULL    存在しない
+ * @param width  Width of Z-Buffer
+ * @param height Height of Z-Buffer
+ * @return Z-Buffer
+ */
+DrawSpan::zRow_init(int width, int height)
+    float *buf = (float*)smanager->allocate(sizeof(float)*width*height);
+    float def = 65535.0f;
+    for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
+	buf[i] = def;
+    }
+    return buf;
+ * Span 篏帥 Texture Tile 
+ *
+ * @retval != NULL 絖
+ * @retval NULL    絖
 DrawSpan::isAvailableTile(uint32 *addr)
@@ -94,22 +134,18 @@
     TilePtr tile;
-    if (!isAvailableTile(addr)) {
-	tile = tileList->nextTile();
-	/**
-	 * FIFO なので、もし前のが残っていれば削除
-	 */
-	hash->remove(tile->texture_addr);
-	tile->texture_addr = addr;
-	hash->put(tile->texture_addr, tile);
-	smanager->dma_load(tile->pixel, (uint32)addr,
-			   sizeof(uint32)*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE, TEX_LOAD);
-	//smanager->dma_wait(TEX_LOAD);
-    }
+    tile = tileList->nextTile();
+    /**
+     * FIFO с罧c医
+     */
+    hash->remove(tile->texture_addr);
+    tile->texture_addr = addr;
+    hash->put(tile->texture_addr, tile);
+    smanager->dma_load(tile->pixel, (uint32)addr,
+		       sizeof(uint32)*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE, TEX_LOAD);
@@ -117,16 +153,16 @@
     uint32 start = (uint32)addr;
     uint32 end = (uint32)max_addr;
-    uint32 length = end-start;
-    uint32 diff = sizeof(uint32)*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    uint32 max_tile = 16;
-    for (uint32 i = 0, j = 0; i <= length && j < max_tile; i += diff, j++) {
+    int length = (int)end-start;
+    int diff = sizeof(int)*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    int max_tile = 16;
+    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i <= length && j < max_tile; i += diff, j++) {
 	set_rgb((uint32*)(start + i));
 DrawSpan::get_rgb(int tx, int ty, uint32 *addr)
     TilePtr tile;
@@ -136,90 +172,97 @@
- * DrawSpan の再起動 (DrawSpanRenew 生成)
+ * DrawSpan 莎桁 (DrawSpanRenew )
- * @param[in] spack 現在処理している SpanPack
- * @param[in] cur_span_x span->length_x != 1 の時の Span の処理で
- *                       どこまで進んでいるか
+ * @param[in] spack 憜 SpanPack
+ * @param[in] cur_span_x span->length_x != 1  Span 
+ *                       障ч蚊с
 DrawSpan::reboot(SpanPackPtr spack, int cur_span_x)
+    DrawSpanArgPtr args =
+	(DrawSpanArgPtr)smanager->allocate(sizeof(DrawSpanArg));
     TaskPtr renew_task = smanager->create_task(TASK_DRAW_SPAN2);
-    int rangey = smanager->get_param(2);
+    // 違紊ф篏ф検
+    args->display      = smanager->get_param(0);
+    args->screen_width = smanager->get_param(1);
+    args->rangex_start = smanager->get_param(2);
+    args->rangex_end   = smanager->get_param(3);
+    args->rangey       = smanager->get_param(4);
+    renew_task->add_param((int)args);
-     * 共通の outData, param はそのまま渡す
-     */
-    for (int i = 0; i < rangey; i++) {
-	renew_task->add_outData(smanager->get_outputAddr(i),
-			   smanager->get_outputSize(i));
-    }
-    // rangex_start, rangex_end, rangey
-    renew_task->add_param(smanager->get_param(0));
-    renew_task->add_param(smanager->get_param(1)); 
-    renew_task->add_param(smanager->get_param(2));
-    /**
-     * SpanPack は続きから開始するので、
-     * 現在の状態をコピーしておく。
-     * spack は rbuf から取得してる可能性があり
-     * rbuf はシステムが自動的に free() するため
-     * アドレスだけ渡すのはNG
+     * SpanPack 膓紮с
+     * 憜倶潟若
+     * spack  rbuf 緇醇с
+     * rbuf 激鴻 free() 
+     * ≪鴻羝<NG
     SpanPackPtr curr = (SpanPackPtr)smanager->allocate(sizeof(SpanPack));
     memcpy(curr, spack, sizeof(SpanPack));
+    // linebuf  zRow 綣膓
+    renew_task->add_param((int)linebuf);
+    renew_task->add_param((int)zRow);
-     * 再起動したタスクを待つ
+     * 莎桁帥鴻緇
-    // next_spack は free() するので wait する
+    // next_spack  free()  wait 
+DrawSpan::writebuffer(unsigned int display, int buf_width, int height,
+		      int screen_width)
+    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+	smanager->dma_store(&linebuf[i*buf_width],
+			    display + (sizeof(int)*screen_width*i),
+			    sizeof(int)*buf_width, FB_STORE);
+    }
+    doneWrite = 1;
 DrawSpan::run(void *rbuf, void *wbuf)
+    SpanPackPtr spack = (SpanPackPtr)smanager->get_input(0);
+    SpanPackPtr next_spack = (SpanPackPtr)smanager->allocate(sizeof(SpanPack));
+    SpanPackPtr free_spack = next_spack; // next_spack  free() 
+    Span *span;
+    uint32 display   = smanager->get_param(0);
+    int screen_width = smanager->get_param(1);
+    int rangex_start = smanager->get_param(2);
+    int rangex_end   = smanager->get_param(3); 
+    // 帥鴻綵 x 膀
+    int rangex = rangex_end - rangex_start + 1;
+    // y 膀
+    int rangey = smanager->get_param(4);
     hash = (TileHashPtr)smanager->global_get(GLOBAL_TEXTURE_HASH);
     tileList = (TileListPtr)smanager->global_get(GLOBAL_TILE_LIST);
-    int rangex_start  = smanager->get_param(0);
-    int rangex_end    = smanager->get_param(1); 
-    // このタスクが担当する x の範囲
-    int rangex        = rangex_end - rangex_start + 1;
-    // y の範囲 (render_y + rangey - 1)
-    int rangey        = smanager->get_param(2);
-    float *zRow = (float*)smanager->allocate(sizeof(float)*rangex*rangey);
+    zRow = zRow_init(rangex, rangey);
+    linebuf = linebuf_init(rangex, rangey, 0xffffffff);
-    for (int i = 0; i < rangex*rangey; i++) {
-	zRow[i] = 65535.0f;
-    }
-    int **linebuf = (int**)smanager->allocate(sizeof(int*)*rangey);
-    for (int i = 0; i < rangey; i++) {
-	linebuf[i] = (int*)smanager->get_output(i);
-	linebuf_init(linebuf[i], rangex, 0xffffffff);
-    }
-    SpanPackPtr spack = (SpanPackPtr)smanager->get_input(0);
-    SpanPackPtr next_spack = (SpanPackPtr)smanager->allocate(sizeof(SpanPack));
-    SpanPackPtr free_spack = next_spack; // next_spack の free() 用
-    Span *span;
+    doneWrite = 0;
     do {
-	 * SpanPack->next が存在する場合、
-	 * 現在の SpanPack を処理してる間に
-	 * 次の SpanPack の DMA 転送を行う
+	 * SpanPack->next 絖翫
+	 * 憜 SpanPack 
+	 * 罨< SpanPack  DMA 荵∫茵
 	if (spack->next != NULL) {
 	    smanager->dma_load(next_spack, (uint32)spack->next,
@@ -231,22 +274,22 @@
 	for (int t = 0; t < spack->info.size; t++) {	  
 	    span = &spack->span[t];
-	    Uint32 rgb = 0x00ff00;
+	    uint32 rgb = 0x0000ff00;
 	    float tex1 = span->tex_x1;
 	    float tex2 = span->tex_x2;
 	    float tey1 = span->tex_y1;
 	    float tey2 = span->tex_y2;
-	     * Span が持つ 1 pixel 毎の
-	     * テクスチャの座標
+	     * Span  1 pixel 罸
+	     * 鴻c綺ф
 	    int tex_xpos;
 	    int tex_ypos;
-	     * (tex_xpos, tex_ypos) の、ブロック内(上の図参照)での座標と
-	     * そのブロックのアドレス(MainMemory)
+	     * (tex_xpos, tex_ypos) (筝喝)с綺ф
+	     * ≪(MainMemory)
 	    int tex_localx;
 	    int tex_localy;
@@ -258,7 +301,7 @@
 	    float z = span->start_z;
 	    float zpos = span->end_z;
-	    // 座標が [0 .. split_screen_w-1] に入るように x,y を -1
+	    // 綺ф [0 .. split_screen_w-1] ャ x,y  -1
 	    int localx = getLocalX(x-1);
 	    int localy = getLocalY(y-1);
@@ -270,30 +313,21 @@
 		tex_xpos = (int)((span->tex_width-1) * tex1);
 		tex_ypos = (int)((span->tex_height-1) * tey1);
-		if (zpos < zRow[localx + (rangex * localy)]) {
+		if (zpos < zRow[localx + (rangex*localy)]) {
 		    tex_addr = getTile(tex_xpos, tex_ypos,
 				       span->tex_width, span->tex_addr);
 		    tex_localx = tex_xpos % TEXTURE_SPLIT_PIXEL;
 		    tex_localy = tex_ypos % TEXTURE_SPLIT_PIXEL;
-		    /**
-		     * Tile が無い場合、一旦タスクはここで中断し、
-		     * Tile をロードするタスクを走らせた後に再起動する
-		     */
 		    if (!isAvailableTile(tex_addr)) {
-			spack->info.start = t;
-			//set_rgb(tex_addr);
-			set_rgbs(tex_addr,
-				 getTile(span->tex_width-1, tex_ypos,
-					 span->tex_width, span->tex_addr));
-			//reboot(spack, 0);
-			//goto FINISH;
+			set_rgb(tex_addr);
+			smanager->dma_wait(TEX_LOAD);
 		    rgb = get_rgb(tex_localx, tex_localy, tex_addr);
-		    zRow[localx + (rangex * localy)] = zpos;
-		    linebuf[localy][localx] = rgb;
+		    zRow[localx + (rangex*localy)] = zpos;
+		    linebuf[localx + (rangex*localy)] = rgb;
 	    } else {
 		int js = (x < rangex_start) ? rangex_start - x : 0;
@@ -320,20 +354,29 @@
 			tex_localx = tex_xpos % TEXTURE_SPLIT_PIXEL;
 			tex_localy = tex_ypos % TEXTURE_SPLIT_PIXEL;
+			/**
+			 * Tile <翫筝帥鴻т賢
+			 * Tile 若帥鴻莎違緇莎桁
+			 */
 			if (!isAvailableTile(tex_addr)) {
 			    spack->info.start = t;
-			    //set_rgb(tex_addr);
+#if 1
 				     getTile(span->tex_width-1, tex_ypos,
 					     span->tex_width, span->tex_addr));
+			    //smanager->dma_wait(TEX_LOAD);
 			    reboot(spack, j);
 			    goto FINISH;
+			    set_rgb(tex_addr);
+			    smanager->dma_wait(TEX_LOAD);
 			rgb = get_rgb(tex_localx, tex_localy, tex_addr);
 			zRow[localx + (rangex*localy)] = tex_z;
-			linebuf[localy][localx] = rgb;
+			linebuf[localx + (rangex*localy)] = rgb;
@@ -346,11 +389,19 @@
 	next_spack = tmp_spack;
     } while (spack);
+    writebuffer(display, rangex, rangey, screen_width);
+    // linebuf writebuffer()  dma_store  wait 
+    // DrawSpan::~DrawSpan()  free 
+    //free(linebuf);
+    free(zRow);
+    /**
+     * goto FINISH;  reboot 
+     * linebuf, zRow  free() 
+     */
-    free(linebuf);
-    free(zRow);
     return 0;