changeset 271:f872cc000fe0

author Shinji KONO <>
date Thu, 04 Jun 2009 00:06:37 +0900
parents bbc2375153d7 (diff) 64b57b4ba9e2 (current diff)
children f3b406eecf1c
files Document/ TaskManager/Cell/ TaskManager/Cell/spe/ TaskManager/Cell/spe/ TaskManager/Cell/spe/ TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp TaskManager/kernel/ TaskManager/libFifoManager.a example/HelloWorld/Makefile.def example/HelloWorld/Makefile.ps3 example/basic/Makefile.ps3 example/dependency_task/Makefile.ps3 example/many_task/Makefile.ps3 example/post_function/Makefile.ps3 example/renew_task/Makefile.ps3 example/share_task/Makefile.ps3 include/TaskManager/CellDmaManager.h include/TaskManager/SchedExit.h
diffstat 50 files changed, 1058 insertions(+), 1941 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Document/	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/Document/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -13,9 +13,16 @@
 <icon BUILTIN="button_ok"/>
 <node CREATED="1243576115273" ID="Freemind_Link_1443523938" MODIFIED="1243576166041" TEXT="1&#x5468;&#x3059;&#x308b;&#x306e;&#x306b;59&#x79d2;"/>
+<<<<<<< local
+<node CREATED="1243578458067" ID="Freemind_Link_1713267557" MODIFIED="1243943407812" TEXT="Program &#x7d42;&#x4e86;&#x6642;&#x306b; busy_rate &#x8868;&#x793a;">
 <node CREATED="1243578458067" ID="Freemind_Link_1713267557" MODIFIED="1244013305391" TEXT="Program &#x7d42;&#x4e86;&#x6642;&#x306b; busy_rate &#x8868;&#x793a;">
+>>>>>>> other
 <icon BUILTIN="full-1"/>
+<<<<<<< local
 <icon BUILTIN="button_ok"/>
+>>>>>>> other
 <node CREATED="1243578499039" ID="Freemind_Link_1478568979" MODIFIED="1243944044789" TEXT="hiroki"/>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TAGS	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+class CellEngine 1,0
+class SceneGraph2PolygonTask 1,0
+class DataPackEngine 1,0
+class SimpleEngine 1,0
+#define NEXT_ADDR(5,70
+int cur_anySpeid 67,1612
+TaskManager *manager;manager13,216
+static char help_str[help_str14,238
+class BufferManager 20,316
+class CellBufferManager 12,197
+    CellBufferManager(CellBufferManager::CellBufferManager14,254
+#define SPU_PROFILE 14,209
+class CellDmaManager 16,232
+    typedef struct dma_list CellDmaManager::dma_list20,321
+    } DmaList, *DmaListPtr;CellDmaManager::DmaListPtr23,379
+class CellHTaskInfo 8,128
+class CellScheduler 12,178
+class CellTaskInfo 12,177
+class CellTaskListInfo 8,143
+class CellTaskManagerImpl 16,301
+    CellTaskManagerImpl(CellTaskManagerImpl::CellTaskManagerImpl19,384
+#undef Cerium_malloc47,1009
+#define Cerium_malloc(50,1038
+class DmaBuffer 8,110
+enum dma_tag 16,224
+    DMA_READ 17,239
+    DMA_WRITE 18,259
+    DMA_READ_IN_LIST 19,279
+    DMA_READ_OUT_LIST 20,307
+class DmaManager 24,367
+    virtual ~DmaManager(DmaManager::~DmaManager26,394
+    virtual void dma_load(DmaManager::dma_load31,491
+    virtual void dma_store(DmaManager::dma_store32,570
+    virtual void dma_wait(DmaManager::dma_wait33,649
+    virtual void mail_write(DmaManager::mail_write36,736
+    virtual uint32 mail_read(DmaManager::mail_read37,780
+    virtual void dma_loadList(DmaManager::dma_loadList40,869
+    virtual void dma_storeList(DmaManager::dma_storeList41,940
+#define INCLUDED_HTASK2,23
+class HTask 22,296
+#define wait_for 39,743
+typedef HTask* HTaskPtr;42,775
+class HTaskInfo 8,109
+#define MAX_LIST_DMA_SIZE 8,108
+class ListElement 10,137
+typedef ListElement* ListElementPtr;18,241
+class ListData 20,279
+    void clear(ListData::clear30,584
+typedef ListData* ListDataPtr;36,641
+typedef struct mail_queue 4,61
+} MailQueue, *MailQueuePtr;MailQueuePtr7,141
+class MailManager 9,170
+class MainScheduler 12,190
+    ~MainScheduler(MainScheduler::~MainScheduler14,239
+class PpeScheduler 8,132
+#define INCLUDED_RANDOM2,24
+class Random 4,49
+typedef Random *RandomPtr;RandomPtr13,171
+class SchedExit 16,240
+class SchedMail 18,260
+    void read(SchedMail::read33,555
+    void exec(SchedMail::exec34,623
+    void write(SchedMail::write35,691
+class SchedNop 18,258
+class SchedNop2Ready 22,329
+    void read(SchedNop2Ready::read37,625
+    void write(SchedNop2Ready::write38,698
+class SchedTask 25,361
+    virtual int run(SchedTask::run90,2190
+    class STaskManager SchedTask::STaskManager146,3708
+	STaskManager(SchedTask::STaskManager::STaskManager148,3745
+	int get_cpuid(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_cpuid156,3850
+	void* get_input(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_input160,3910
+	void* get_output(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_output164,3999
+	uint32 get_inputAddr(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_inputAddr168,4091
+	uint32 get_outputAddr(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_outputAddr172,4171
+	uint32 get_inputSize(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_inputSize176,4253
+	uint32 get_outputSize(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_outputSize180,4333
+	int get_param(SchedTask::STaskManager::get_param184,4415
+	TaskPtr create_task(SchedTask::STaskManager::create_task188,4484
+	void wait_task(SchedTask::STaskManager::wait_task192,4557
+	void* global_alloc(SchedTask::STaskManager::global_alloc196,4631
+	void* global_get(SchedTask::STaskManager::global_get200,4718
+	void global_free(SchedTask::STaskManager::global_free204,4785
+	void mainMem_alloc(SchedTask::STaskManager::mainMem_alloc208,4846
+	void mainMem_wait(SchedTask::STaskManager::mainMem_wait212,4927
+	void* mainMem_get(SchedTask::STaskManager::mainMem_get216,4986
+	void *allocate(SchedTask::STaskManager::allocate220,5055
+	void dma_load(SchedTask::STaskManager::dma_load224,5122
+	void dma_store(SchedTask::STaskManager::dma_store228,5238
+	void dma_wait(SchedTask::STaskManager::dma_wait232,5355
+const int SCHED_TASK_NORMAL 240,5456
+const int SCHED_TASK_RENEW 241,5489
+class SchedTaskBase 14,198
+    SchedTaskBase(SchedTaskBase::SchedTaskBase17,250
+    virtual ~SchedTaskBase(SchedTaskBase::~SchedTaskBase18,277
+    virtual void load(SchedTaskBase::load23,378
+    virtual void read(SchedTaskBase::read24,410
+    virtual void exec(SchedTaskBase::exec25,442
+    virtual void write(SchedTaskBase::write26,474
+    virtual SchedTaskBase* next(SchedTaskBase::next29,527
+class SchedTaskList 18,268
+    void exec(SchedTaskList::exec39,709
+    void write(SchedTaskList::write40,781
+const int SCHED_TASKLIST_NORMAL 45,865
+const int SCHED_TASKLIST_RENEW 46,902
+#define MAX_USER_TASK 36,549
+#define MAX_SYSTEM_TASK 37,574
+#define MAX_TASK_OBJECT 38,600
+#define MAX_GLOBAL_AREA 39,656
+#define MAX_MAINMEM_AREA 40,683
+class Scheduler 46,772
+    typedef SchedTask* (*TaskObject)Scheduler::TaskObject113,2567
+    virtual void init_impl(Scheduler::init_impl125,2802
+    virtual void *allocate(Scheduler::allocate152,3685
+    virtual void mainMem_alloc(Scheduler::mainMem_alloc154,3741
+    virtual void mainMem_wait(Scheduler::mainMem_wait155,3794
+#define SchedConstructor(172,4323
+#define SchedDefineTask(176,4418
+#define SchedExternTask(182,4547
+#define SchedRegisterTask(186,4643
+#define SPE_ELF 7,102
+typedef struct arg 9,130
+} thread_arg_t;12,193
+class SpeThreads 14,210
+#define SYM_MAX_SIZE 4,53
+class SymTable 6,78
+    typedef int (*FuncObject)SymTable::FuncObject10,125
+    typedef struct sym_table SymTable::sym_table12,172
+    } SymTb, *SymTbPtr;SymTable::SymTbPtr15,238
+#define INCLUDED_TASK2,22
+#define MAX_PARAMS 16,209
+class Task 18,231
+#define add_inData(37,741
+#define add_outData(39,824
+typedef Task* TaskPtr;43,913
+class TaskGroup 12,171
+    TaskGroup(TaskGroup::TaskGroup14,197
+typedef TaskGroup* TaskGroupPtr;39,746
+#define TASK_MAX_SIZE 13,197
+class TaskList 15,223
+typedef TaskList* TaskListPtr;27,466
+class TaskListInfo 12,175
+class TaskManager 12,189
+class TaskManagerImpl 16,264
+    virtual ~TaskManagerImpl(TaskManagerImpl::~TaskManagerImpl20,352
+class TaskQueue 14,180
+typedef TaskQueue* TaskQueuePtr;26,384
+class TaskQueueInfo 8,128
+#  define BASE_NEW_DELETE(8,79
+# define BASE_NEW_DELETE(23,795
+#  define __debug(3,34
+#  define __debug(7,132
+#  define __debug_ppe(12,202
+#  define __debug_ppe(16,312
+#  define __debug_spe(21,386
+#  define __debug_ppe(25,496
+#define INCLUDED_TYPES2,23
+typedef uint32_t uint32;6,68
+typedef uint64_t uint64;7,93
+#define SPE_ALIGNMENT 9,119
+#define SPE_ALIGNMENT_FULL 10,144
+#define SPE_ALIGN 11,175
+#define SPE_ALIGN_FULL 12,233
+#define ROUND_UP_ALIGN(13,300
+#define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT 15,398
+#define DMA_MAX_SIZE 18,486
+#define round_up16(20,514
+#define round_up128(21,567
+    MY_SPE_NOP 27,710
+    MY_SPE_COMMAND_GO,29,755
+    MY_SPE_STATUS_BUSY,32,793
+#define MAX_USE_SPE_NUM 37,873
+    CPU_PPE 40,915
+    CPU_SPE 41,943
+    SPE_ANY 42,960
+    SPE_ANY = CPU_SPE,42,960
+    SPE_0 43,983
+    SPE_1 44,998
+    SPE_2 45,1013
+    SPE_3 46,1028
+    SPE_4 47,1043
+    SPE_5 48,1058
+} CPU_TYPE;49,1073
--- a/TaskManager/Cell/	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Cell/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -221,8 +221,7 @@
 		     * ここでは TaskList を allocate(new) して登録してやろうか
-		    speThreads->add_output_tasklist(command, alloc_info[1], alloc_size);
+		    speThreads->add_output_tasklist(command, &alloc_info[1], alloc_size);
 		    speThreads->send_mail(id, 2, alloc_info);
 		} else if (data > MY_SPE_NOP) {
 		    __debug_ppe("[PPE] recv from [SPE %d] : 0x%x\n", id, data);
--- a/TaskManager/Cell/spe/	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Cell/spe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "CellDmaManager.h"
+unsigned int CellDmaManager::wait_time, CellDmaManager::busy_time;
+unsigned long long CellDmaManager::global_busy_time, CellDmaManager::global_wait_time;
  * DMA Load
@@ -37,22 +40,31 @@
  * @param[in] mask Tag for Wait DMA process
+static void
     wait_time = spu_readch(SPU_RdDec); 
+    // global 紊違
     global_busy_time += busy_time - wait_time;
     spu_writech(SPU_WrDec, 0xffffffff);
+static void
     wait_time = spu_readch(SPU_RdDec);
+    // global 紊違
     global_wait_time += 0xffffffff - wait_time;
     busy_time = wait_time;
+// с潟ppu眼 Task 
 CellDmaManager::show_dma_wait(int cpu)
--- a/TaskManager/Cell/spe/	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Cell/spe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -13,12 +13,22 @@
     delete p;
+    // dma wait
+    scheduler->start_dmawait_profile();
     params_addr = scheduler->mail_read();
+    scheduler->end_dmawait_profile();
     __debug("[SchedMail:%s]\n", __FUNCTION__);
+<<<<<<< local
+    if ((int)params_addr == MY_SPE_COMMAND_EXIT) {        
+        // ppu 眼 spu 絎茵倶茵腓榊 Task 
+        // counter  global
+	return new SchedExit(m);
     if ((int)params_addr == MY_SPE_COMMAND_EXIT) {
         return new SchedExit();
+>>>>>>> other
     } else {
 	return new SchedTaskList(params_addr, m);
--- a/TaskManager/ChangeLog	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1888 +0,0 @@
-2009-02-13  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/ppe/ (reset): fix
-	urandom -> random 茯c
-	gettimeofday() с seed 羆
-2009-02-12  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: kernel/ppe/
-	箙掩亥鴻
-	蚊若若銀戎сc
-	筝綽 /dev/random  seed 罕障
-2009-02-04  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/ppe/ (TaskManager::allocate): rename
-	malloc -> allocate
-	* kernel/ (main): fix
-	cerium_main 若吟сTMmain 障
-	<c SDLmain cс
-	障 TaskManager  main  cerium_* c緇絋紊
-	* kernel/ppe/ (TaskManager::set_TMend): add
-	cerium_main cerium_end c
-	c荐TaskManager  main c羌
-	腟篋罎ャс<ャ
-	井謙絎Task  post_func с
-	с若吟違腟篋若違∽違荐絎с
-2009-01-20  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/spe/ (SchedTask::get_cpuid): add
-	printf 井 CPU cャс
-	PPE = 0
-	SPE = 0spu_num-1;
-	PPE  0 篁ュ医若SPE 茴
-	-1 若c純絅純障
-	User Task с篁ヤ罕篏睡障
-	  int cpuid = smanager->get_cpuid();
-	* Cell/ (SpeThreads::spe_thread_run): fix
-	SPE_EXIT 冴罩e幻腟篋
-	若с<祉若吾荀障(篆冴荀障c)
-	茵腓冴
-	* kernel/ppe/ (MailManager::destroy): fix
-	♂若c for() c
- с腟絮 while() 眼
-	* kernel/ppe/ (TaskManager::~TaskManager): add
-	kernel/
-	  delete manager;
-	TaskManagerImpl::~TaskManagerImpl 若喝冴
-	c ~TaskManager <c祉
-2009-01-05  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* all : fix
-	Scheduler::curIndex_taskList ゃ
-	SchedTask 罕紊眼(SchedTask::__cur_index)
-	篌眼SchedTask::__init__()  cur_index ャ罕紊
-2008-12-24  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/schedule/ (SchedTask::ex_init_renew)
-	(SchedTask::ex_init_normal): add
-	(SchedTask::__init__): fix
-	init с ex_init 篏帥罕
-	潟潟鴻帥ф検綣違 __init__() 羝<罕
-	潟潟鴻帥綣違膓帥<∴Κ鴻吾
-	cャс
-	箴.
-	class Hoge : public SchedTask {
-	  Hoge(int i) : Task(i) {}
-	};
-	с篁障с Scheduler.h  SchedConstructor c吾
-	劫ャт罕綵≪
-	с箴
-	SchedTask -> Hoge -> Fuge c Fuge c帥鴻
-	篏筝障障 SchedTask 綣井検障с
-	cс潟潟鴻水
-	__init__() 綣違羝<罕障
-	(SchedTask::__set_renewFlag): add
-	сPPEх(normal)SPE х(renew) 
-	ゅ茵ex_xxx 荐絎
-	(SchedTask::get_inputSize, SchedTask::get_outputSize): add
-	≪鴻泣ゃ冴鴻
-2008-12-23  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/spe/ (SchedTask::get_outputAddr)
-	(SchedTask::get_inputAddr): add
-	in/out 若帥≪鴻鴻
-2008-12-22  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/spe/ (SchedTask::__init__, SchedTask::read)
-	(SchedTask::exec, SchedTask::write): fix
-	(SchedTask::ex_read_normal, SchedTask::ex_read_renew)
-	(SchedTask::ex_exec_normal, SchedTask::ex_exec_renew)
-	(SchedTask::ex_write_normal, SchedTask::ex_write_renew): add
-	SPE х帥鴻PPE х
-	- add->inData
-	  : PPE  DMA or SPE 障鞘戎
-	- PPE 帥鴻腟篋ャ
-	  : 帥鴻緇ゅ荀鴻с
-	障с
-	帥鴻帥鴻ゆ
-	__flag_renewTask ? 0 = PPE х : 1 = SPE х
-	紊違сゃ
-	篁障с
-	if (__flag_renewTask) {
-	} else {
-	}
-	ccс篋с
-	__init__() с∽違ゃ潟帥
-	ex_xxxx_normal: PPE х帥鴻絲障
-	ex_xxxx_renew: SPE х帥鴻絲障
-	ャif <сc帥
-	篁 ex_write_xxx 吾read/exec с
-	冴с篏c
-2008-12-19  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/spe/ (CellDmaManager::dma_wait)
-	(CellDmaManager::mail_write, CellDmaManager::mail_read): fix
-	writechreadch ∽違wrap (c荐鴻сk鐚)∽違紊眼
-	cc純激 wrap
-	箴:
-	- before
-	    spu_readch(SPU_RdInMspu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);
-	- after
-	    spu_read_in_mbox(void);
-2008-11-05  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: Task с API
-	Task 紊с API 篁障ч manager->create_task с
-	帥鴻с吾с->∽違若喝冴
-	c荅宴cс篁障篁SchedTask.h 
-	鴻
-	STaskManager
-	c若吟ゃ潟鴻帥潟鴻с
-	smanager
-	API≪祉鴻障
-	篁障с __scheduler->dma_load cс
-	 smanager 障
-	с篏帥 API 筝荀с蚊若 wiki鴻
-	- get_input, get_output, get_param
-	- create_task, wait_task
-	- global_alloc, global_get, global_free
-	- mainMem_alloc, mainMem_wait, mainMem_get
-	- dma_load, dma_store, dma_wait
-	- allocate
-	篏帥鴻菴純障
-	篁筝紊眼障障荐菴違ус
-	腱肢障c
-	* kernel/schedule/ 
-	∽違紜障若с
-2008-11-01  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: kernel/
-	main loop 若吟吾с
-	ゃ眼 main() 吾鋋障
-	若九眼с main() 篁c cerium_main() 
-	吾障綣違 main() 障丈検с
-	Cerium 罔羣激с潟-cpu 篁障
-	蚊若若若cс-width  -height 
-	罔羣сゃc荅宴с緇ュ茖
-	罔羣激с潟уcゃ≪祉鴻号
-	manager->cpu  manager->width 絎鐚
-	* add: Cell/
-	MainScheduler 障鞘戎
-	PPE 帥鴻 mainMem_alloc х∈篆≪ゃ<潟
-	SPE т戎篏茖с鴻若
-	Scheduler->allocate  poxis_memalign т戎
-	* move: kernel/schedule/,
-	kernel  Fifo 若吾с括 Fifo/ 腱糸
-2008-10-21  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/ppe/ (TaskManagerImpl::systask_init): fix
-	筝菴違鴻 SysTask_Finish  regist 
-	(TaskManagerImpl::spawn_task): 
-	SysTask_Finish 絲障帥鴻 spawn 潟
-	wait_for 緇ゃ
-	* add: kernel/systask/
-	箙贋遺
-	違帥鴻 SPE с
-	PPE уc帥鴻<障障違膣c
-	篁障с若吟帥鴻緇帥鴻c吾
-	障<с羝菴遵
-	system task cゃ若сspawn 帥鴻緇
-	SysTask_Finish 篏cс< task_finish 篏k
-2008-08-10  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* thinking: add_update() ?
-	憜帥鴻 input/output с
-	с箴
-	- ュ若 : PolygoPpack
-	- 阪若 : SpanPack
-	cсャ帥鴻
-	- ュ若 : SceneGraphPack (贋医)
-	- 阪若 : SceneGraphPack (贋医)
-	cゃ障 Update 
-	篁≪鴻 add_inData, add_outData 荐絎
-	帥鴻 memcpy(wbuf, rbuf, sizeof(SceneGraphPack) 
-	障с
-	in/out  update 綽荀鐚
-2008-08-08  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: ../include/TaskManager/base.h
-	絽吾 new/delete сRTTI  箴紊
-	-fno-exceptions  -fno-rtti 潟潟ゃ激с潟
-	鴻coperator new/delete 若若ゃ
-	筝荳 malloc/free 筝<
-	激с潟鴻腟潟若泣ゃ冴羝
-	SPE 翫7080KB羝障篏帥<
-	ゃ若с筝綽orz
-	 (-O2  -O9) 罩≪障SPE 筝с
-	FIFO 若吾с潟馹SPE
-	篁c罩≪障贋 Scheduler::run() 
-	  task3->write();
-	task1~3障сnew(紊)с
-	若喝冴 SPE 篏腟篋障茗
-	筝綽篆坂 new/delete  base.h 絎臂c
-	絽吾 API 帥base.h 
-	<ゃс憜 SPE т戎c障
-	c祉
-	ゃ眼≪若九眼с馹с
-	с篁
-	  ゃ(libspemanager.a)<(-O0)
-	  若九(SchedTask膓帥ゃ)≦馹 (-O9)
-	сc吾絎с違倶ソ
-	ゃ若 C++ (ry
-2008-08-07  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* change: mainMem_set -> mainMem_wait
-	allocate 緇ゃ wait 
-	若吟篏帥сwait 鴻c
-2008-08-05  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: mainMem_alloc, mainMem_set, mainMem_get
-	SPE  <ゃ潟<≪絲障 allocate с
-	SceneGraph腟罕c
-	 PPE сcу茖障
-	羌
-	1 帥鴻筝mainMem(id,size) 絎茵篋с
-	  <ゃ潟<≪絲障 allocate 潟潟肴
-	  1.1 Scheduler  PPE 絲障
-	      - commmand (MY_SPE_COMMAND_MALLOC) 
-	      - id (PPE祉c潟潟綽荀)
-	      - size
-	       mailbox ч
-	  1.2 腆坂帥鴻с緇с(NULL ャ障)
-	      罩g∈菴篋 mail с read 
-	2. PPE с篆< mail  MY_SPE_COMMAND_MALLOC c
-	   罨<ャ mail  id  size с read 茵
-	   size  allocate allocate 絎篋
-	   - id
-	   - allocate ≪
-	    SPE  mail ч
-	3. SPE Scheduler сSchedTaskList::read с
-	   筝ゅ TaskList 筝у茵 mainMem_alloc 違
-	   PPE <若緇ゃmainMem_set() с
-	4. create_task 帥鴻 mainMem_get(id) 
-	   allocate <ゃ潟<≪≪鴻緇
-	腟罕絎茖с<鴻若
-	箴蕁 Game_project/student/master/gongo/MainMemMalloc 障
-	* memo: The number of available entries of Inbound/Outbound Mailbox 
-	Outbound (SPE -> PPE) mailbox若帥ャ寂違
-	  /* SPE 違筝 */
-	  #include <spu_mfcio.h>
-	  spu_stat_out_mbox(void);
-	ц帥鴻篋堺ャ
-	  --- 荐菴遺 ---
-	  printf("Available capacity of SPU Outbound Mailbox\n");
-	  printf("  %d\n", spu_stat_out_mbox());
-	  --- 絎茵腟 --
-	  Available capacity of SPU Outbound Mailbox
-	    1
-	Inbound (PPE -> SPE)  mailbox 若帥ャ寂違
-	  /* PPE 違筝 */
-	  #include <libspe2.h>
-	  spe_in_mbox_status(spe_context_ptr_t);
-	ц帥鴻障
-	  --- 荐菴遺 ---
-	  printf("the number of available entries = %d\n",
-	          spe_in_mbox_status(spe_ctx));
-	  --- 絎茵腟 ---
-	  the number of available entries = 4
-	Outbound 絨若
-	In/Out 宴ャ若 MAX 翫羝障 wait 
-	障у襲帥絎c
-	* fix: <ゃ紊 (*.cpp -> *.cc)
-	眼荐с
-	cvs <ゃ紊号膂≦篋(鐚)
-	1. cvs rm hoge.cpp; cvs add
-	2. 吾贋・紊 mv hoge.cpp,v,v
-	c 2 с障
-	Attic (ゃ<ゃ吾c鐚)
-	茵違tag  update <障
-2008-07-22  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* tag: open-campus-2008
-	罨<篋Cell/spe 篁ヤ潟若泣ゃ冴羝
-	new/delete 羔 malloc/free х輝筝篋
-	placement_new c篏帥違潟潟鴻帥若鴻
-	new 祉泣ゃ阪ц辱
-	 placement_delete cу靘医轡茵
-	障頫 80KB 祉羝鴻
-	* Cell/spe/Scheduler.cpp (Scheduler::dma_load): ≪鴻2
-	 __scheduler->dma_store c若帥
-	薤藕帥ゃ若с茯帥鴻
-	≪鴻泣ゃ冴茯帥鴻
-	ccゃ若сゃ printf 帥茵腓冴
-	 Connector::dma_store z祉
-	Scheduler::dma_store(void *buf, uint32 addr, uint32 size, uint32 mask)
-	{
-	<<<
-	  connector->dma_load(buf, addr, size, mask);
-	========
-	  connector->dma_store(buf, addr, size, mask);
-	>>>
-	}
-	 store  load 若с筝茘違c
-	Scheduler::dma_load 潟 dma_store 緇
-	筝 connector->dma_load 紊cc
-	筝鴻5,6莢祉HAHAHA
-	* Cell/spe/SchedTask.cpp (SchedTask::exec): ≪鴻1
-	Test/test_render с
-	SpanPack 若帥紕
-	障с罩e幻馹<
-	ゃ若с茯帥鴻
-	printf 違鋇茘
-	printf чcсc
-	DMA 絎篋 SchedTask::run 鐚
-	違c< wait 祉祉
-	<<<
-	============
-	  __scheduler->dma_wait(DMA_READ);
-	>>>
-	 wait 綽 wait 綽
-2008-07-16  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: if 羔2 鐚 memcpy 
-	Renew Task сinListData,outListData 違 allocate 
-	篏帥cсSchedTask c絎茵翫
-	  __scheduler->dma_load(__inListData, (uint32)__task->inData,
-	                        sizeof(ListData), DMA_READ_IN_LIST);
-	  __scheduler->dma_load(__outListData, (uint32)__task->outData,
-	                        sizeof(ListData), DMA_READ_OUT_LIST);
-	篁c
- 	  memcpy(__inListData, __task->inData, sizeof(ListData));
-	  memcpy(__outListData, __task->outData, sizeof(ListData));
-	  free(__task->inData);
-	  free(__task->outData);
-	  __inListData = __task->inData;
-	  __outListData = __task->outData;
-	  (__task->inData  __task->outData  Destructor  free )
-	c障
-	memcpy с筝号с
-	Destructor  if 篏帥c free() с(帥鴻 Renew )
-	ссc<荅帥
-	  /**
-	   * memcpy()  free()  version
-	   */
-	  void
-	  test_cpy(int flag, int *src)
-	  {
-	      if (flag) {
-	          memcpy(data, src, sizeof(int)*length);
-	          free(src);
-	      }
-	  }
-	  /**
-	   * сф宴c緇 free()  version
-	   */
-	  void
-	  test_nocpy(int flag, int *src)
-	  {
-	      if (flag) {
-	          data = src;
-	      }
-	      //  SchedTask::~SchedTask() 
-	      // c
-	      if (flag) {
-	          free(data);
-	      }
-	  }
-	∽違10000若障
-	src  allocate ∽違紊сc絎茵障障
-	flag  1 or 0 膵違菴с
-	- 絎茵腟 (1)
- 	  :no copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.035500
-	  :copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.057500
-	memcpy 祉с
-	flag  c 1 帥障
-	- 絎茵腟 (2)
-	  :no copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.055250
-	  :copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.053389
-	篁綺 copy 祉筝茘違
-	с障c 1 c障
-	 flag == 1 祉絨с
-	no_copy version сc祉
-	障с絎茵腟 (1) 医сtest_nocpy 紊帥
-	  void
-	  test_nocpy(int flag, int *src)
-	  {
-	      if (flag) {
-	          data = src;
-	      }
-	      free((void*)(flag*(int)data));
-	  }
-	c鴻障с膣 free(flag*data) 
-	invalid operands of types 'int' and 'int*' to binary 'operator*'c
-	冴сc鴻ч障
-	с絎茵腟с
-	- 絎茵腟 (3)
-	  :no copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.040375
-	  :copy
-	  SPE time by SPU Decrementer: 0.059500
-	c若c鴻箙膊
-	branch <鐚 spe  if 絲丈浦若
-	箴蕁c醇с祉祉 if 篏帥c
-2008-07-10  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* fix: TaskGroup->group
-	篁障 slist cゃ劫鴻罕篏鐚
-	篏帥c障cTaskQueue 篏帥障
-	ゃсc
-	RenewTask  static_alloc 絎茖
-	ゃ篏帥障c吾帥
-	祉荐菴育<ф茵cc若c
-	у障ゃ若c slist
-	slist 篏帥cゃ篏帥c絅眼<ゃ泣ゃ冴違
-	-rwxr-xr-x 1 gongo gongo 120672 2008-07-10 14:29 spe-main*
-	-rwxr-xr-x 1 gongo gongo 180368 2008-07-10 13:40 spe-main.bak*
-	.bak  slist 篏帥c筝ゃ篏帥cversionс
-	障 60k cc
-	SPE LS 絎拷 256k c≪
-	ゃ潟ゃ潟障c潟若紜若
-	SPU C/C++ 荐茯≦宍сC++ ゃSPUс篏帥
-	c吾ャ帥臀c
-	 SPU 腱紙眼篋冴泣ゃ冴紜荀т戎c
-	ccヨ篋冴絮
-2008-07-09  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* fix: TaskGroup с task 宴
-	筝 (眼 (1))
-	TaskGroup->group よ膣 int фc
-	 TaskGroup  cur_id ゃ潟<潟c
-	荀膣障ゃ障TaskGroup->group ウ絲
-	 Task сゃ帥鴻
-	сslist 篏帥潟cс
-	сSchedTask ゃRenewTaskList 茹f障帥ゃ潟違
-	RenewTaskList 筝緇帥鴻 delete 障
-	c≪鴻茴c
-	TaskGroup->group 荀膣 TaskPtr с障
-	鴻TaskGroup 括cс違c
-	* memo: if 羔
-	  #ifdef FREE_TEST
-	      free((ListDataPtr)(__flag_renewTask*(int)(__inListData)));
-	      free((ListDataPtr)(__flag_renewTask*(int)(__outListData)));
-	      free((TaskListPtr)(__flag_renewTask*(int)(__list)));
-	  #else
-	      if (__flag_renewTask) {
-	          free(__inListData);
-                  free(__outListData);
-                  free(__list);
-	      }
-          #endif
-	сゃ if 羔帥
-	PPE眼  gettimeofday ц羝帥 (10)
-	- if 羔翫
-	time: 1.222000
-	time: 1.230000
-	time: 1.241000
-	time: 1.230000
-	time: 1.223000
-	time: 1.257000
-	time: 1.219000
-	time: 1.228000
-	time: 1.220000
-	time: 1.229000
-	avarage: 1.2299
-	- if 羔翫
-	time: 1.225000
-	time: 1.215000
-	time: 1.229000
-	time: 1.218000
-	time: 1.223000
-	time: 1.214000
-	time: 1.225000
-	time: 1.215000
-	time: 1.224000
-	time: 1.219000
-	avarage: 1.2207
-	障紊(ry鐔(ry
-	篏帥鴻障c違紜医c
-	PPE с SPE 祉ц羝鴻若cc
-2008-07-08  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: Renew Task  wait
-	Renew Task 篁障сゅ緇ゃc
-	  void SchedTask::wait_task(TaskPtr task);
-	c篏c篁紙帥鴻 wait 障
-	ゃc
-	篏腆肴羝帥祉祉祉障箴蕁祉祉肢違箴蕁鐚(篆冴
-	* fix: SchedTask 紊医
-	若吟膓帥篏帥 SchedTask 鴻с
-	篁障у違 list, task 篏帥c障
-	筝篏帥紊医с
-	荐惹篆冴箴蕁吾 task c茴c障
-	  run(r, w)
-	  {
-	      ...
-	      //TaskPtr task; <= 絎h若
-	      task = create_task(TASK_EXEC);
-	  }
-	c潟若吾сScheduler 篏睡 task 
-	筝吾с違c障c障
-	筝絎hc羂ャ障с
-	篁紊医 __task  __list 障
-	private 
-2008-07-07  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* fix: if <帥
-	筝鴻 if () 紊c吾障絨靘医轡
-	SchedTask c帥障箴
-	  if (cmd != 0) {
-	      delete taskGroup;
-	      scheduler->mail_write(cmd);
-	  }
-	c障cmd c taskGroup->status 
-	 cmd  0 с違taskGroup с腥冴c純
-	緇ゃ鴻帥鴻鴻腟篋сtaskGroup  delete 
-	mailbox  cmd  PPE 障(cmd с鴻潟潟)
-	с障
-	  delete (int*)((cmd != 0)*(int)(taskGroup));
-	  scheduler->mail_write(cmd);
-	眼障
-	delete  free с NULL 羝<篏(?)c篏
-	с馹ゃ障cmd == 0 taskGroup 
-	茹f障綽荀< NULL  delete 羝<с
-	int* сc鴻障 0 羝<
-	int delete с若сс
-	c int*  TaskGroupPtr 鐚c篁
-	PPE 眼 mail == 0  NOP ャ障
-	ccmd  0 篁 if 吾鏆荀障
-	馹違 SPE -> PPE  mailbox  queue 激
-	NOP 潟潟cqueue 狗綣cc
-	mail_write 罩≪障若絨綽с
-	吾 optimize 篋
-	 PPE с mail 茯с
-	障 queue 障篋<
-	#if 1 // fix
-	    free((void*)(flag_renewTask*(int)(list)));
-	#else
-	    if (flag_renewTask) {
-	        free(list);
-	    }
-	#endif
-	腆肴gdb  x/20i 
-	branch 巡擦羝c腆肴
-	障 -O9 фc<
-	* add (API): static_alloc, static_get, static_free
-	SchedTask 荳らс
-	SPE 筝茲違帥鴻掩篏
-	 task::run() т戎
-	- void* static_alloc(int id, int size);
-	  @param [id] ID憜 031 障т戎 (Scheduler.h у臂)
-	  @param [size] 泣ゃ
-	  @return allocate ゃ潟帥筝 static_get 菴ゃ
-	- void* static_get(int id);
-	  @param [id] static_alloc тc ID
-	  @return ゃ潟
-	- void static_free(int id);
-	  @param [id] 茹f障 ID
-	若
-	static_free 若吟篁祉
-	static_free 綽 SPE 翫順с鋍綽荀
-	箴蕁
-	cvs: firefly:Game_project/student/master/gongo/Static
-	障 Renew 紊тс
-	int  data 掩帥鴻сゃ潟<潟
-	* TODO: TaskGroup 宴
-	絽吾 Task сtask->self 
-	腟篋 PPE 潟潟(荳)障
-	帥鴻筝帥鴻(篏綺吾 Renew )с
-	task->self task 緇c TaskGroup 茵障
-	self ф潟с
-	(ry
-	* memo: 
-	筝 眼 (1) cゃс
-	憜倶
-	scheduler->add_groupTask() 潟
-	  group.insert_front(cur_id++);
-	障
-	scheduler->remove_groupTask() 
-	  group.remove(--cur_id);
-	障荀帥鴻с
-	cur_id  insert/remove 障
-	帥鴻с帥鴻с
-	絎c TaskPtr х∞cс
-	筝吾≪鴻茴篋馹сс
-	鴻с
-	若障顄с
-	* tag: v20080707
-	帥鴻帥鴻篏障
-	[TODO] 
-	  SPE 筝ч掩 API 
-	- static_alloc
-	- static_get
-	- static_free
-	祉у茖
-	* add: 帥鴻帥鴻
-	筝綽сс眼
-	篁罕
-	- 憜帥鴻(T1) 筝с帥鴻 (Tc = T2, T3, ...)
-	- ャT1 腟篋罨∞T1 腟c篋 PPE 篌
-	  сTc 腟cT1 腟篋 PPE 篌
-	- Tc у潟帥鴻(Tcc)Tcc 腟c T1 (ry
-	憜帥鴻鴻絲障 wait_for 
-	箴 Frame Buffer 吾莨若緇ゅ荀()
-	帥鴻罸 wait_for 吾鴻鴻
-	__ 箴蕁
-	cvs firefly:Game_project/student/master/gongo/Renew
-	障
-	<<箴蕁罨蚊с
-	__ 眼 (1)
-	憜Tc 膊∞罕篏TaskGroup 篏帥c障
-	  class TaskGroup {
-	      unsigned int command; // T1  PPE 潟潟
-	      __gnu_cxx::slist<int> group; // Tc  Linked List
-	      // function 
-	  };
-	slist TaskQueue 帥тcc
-	group.empty() == true ccommand  PPE cс
-	сslist ゃ若帥 TaskPtr  int 宴
-	障(篏)≪鴻茲障с
-	create_task у TaskPtr 若篏帥ゃc
-	 TaskPtr  TaskList c (&list->takss[index] 帥)
-	сbuff_taskList[2] (Scheduler.cpp ) 
-	篏帥篋や篏睡с≪鴻茴
-	違 allocate 医馹< (t1)SPE  LS 馹
-	篏帥c TaskList  free 
-	сfree ->  allocate  (t2)t1  t2 
-	≪鴻茴c綵 TaskPtr 茴
-	≪鴻сTaskGorup 
-	unsigned int cur_id 篏帥篋障
-	障цф吾
-	у堺ャ障c
-	ц祉帥鐚с鐚鐚障鐚鐚鐚
-	障cャ眼<
-	ャャ鴻c羃祉c障
-	c荅障c
-	障 unsigned int 祉障
-	篁0 <= cur_id <= 0xffff (65535) 膀蚊若篏帥
-	__ 眼 (2)
-	if 紊
-	篁絽吾 Task帥鴻х帥鴻ф障
-	箴
-	- SPE  allocate 若帥篏帥с絽 DMA 篏帥
-	  ≪劫с memcpy 篏帥
-	- TaskGroup 筝荐 Tc  Tcc 後膓
-	сflag_renewTask 紊違с祉 if  ф吾障
-	SPE с吾鴻障羂障吾鴻
-	絽吾(ry帥鴻(ryф違ゃ潟鴻帥潟鴻篏c
-	障 (SchedTask = 絽吾SchedRenewTask = 帥鴻(ry )
-	 若吟弱眼 篋ゃ吾с障
-	帥鴻 SchedRenewTask 帥鴻絽吾
-	ゃ眼у鴻
-	紊膓帥c綵鴻腴ゃ鐚
-2008-07-03  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* TODO:
-	- add_param ф検<若帥違紜15違鐚
-	- 篁絎茖с
-	1. PPE с帥鴻(T1)
-	2. SPE  T1 絎茵
-	3. T1 腟c篋 PPE  mailbox ч
-	   宴 T1 荳(PPE х≪)
-	с T1 違帥鴻
-	篁 T1  T2, T3, T4 篏
-	1. T1 腟c鴻сT1 腟篋潟潟
-	2. T1 сT1 т T2, T3, T4 腟c
-	   腟篋潟潟
-	篋ゃ
-	PPE 眼с T1 茯茘ゅ SPE с
-	綽荀荐緇絋罨蚊
-	ゃ若т絎茖筝с
-	* tag: v20080703
-	- 帥鴻 32 bits <若帥羝< add_param 絎茖(憜3障)
-	- SPE с帥鴻сc
-	* add (API): SPEс create_task
-	篁障сSPE с帥鴻篋堺ャ
-	PPE 帥鴻絎茵с
-	筝箴帥c SPE сс障
-	号PPEс
-	  task = create_task(TASK_EXEC);
-	  task->add_inData(buff, sizeof(Buff));
-	  task->add_param(data);
-	帥сс
-	spawn()  wait_for() 絎茖障
-	SPE х帥鴻紕т絖≫篏
-	腟罕сspawn() 絎茵障
-	PPE 潟тc
-	 SPE  TaskManager 綽荀c若
-2008-06-24  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add (API): add_param, get_param
-	DMA ч綽荀c 4 ゃ宴
-	篁障с
-	  add_inData(param, 0);
-	泣ゃ == 0  32 bit 若帥
-	篏紊(∽違括)с
-	  add_param(parameter);
-	c菴遵障帥鴻眼с
-	  get_param(index);
-	障index add_param 若喝冴ф浦障障
-	  add_param(x);
-	  add_param(y);
-	  add_param(z);
-	帥鴻眼с
-	  int x = get_param(0);
-	  int z = get_param(2);
-	障
-	篁 parameter  3ゃc障
-	緇祉筝障15遺茖鐚
-	篁SPE с帥鴻若潟吾篏
-	c 3 ゃ障堺ユ∞障
-2008-06-12  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::set_runTaskList): 
-	≪(ry
-	list  TASK_MAX_SIZE 莇罨< list  next c
-	眼障鴻c
-	膂≦荐
-	  TaskPtr task = &list[list->length++];
-	  [task ]
-	  if (list->length > TASK_MAX_SIZE) {
-	      [newList ]
-	      newList = append(newList, topList[speid]);
-	      topList[speid] = newList;
-	  }
-	cctoplist[speid] 
-	length = 0  list ャ醇с
-	сspe  TaskList >散
-	1. taskList[speid]->length >= 1
-	2. speid 罨< TaskList 緇c倶
-	с1 >散茹障TaskList c
-	違腟篋≪с
-	筝 if  &list[list->length++]; c茵сk
-2008-06-10  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::set_runTaskList): 
-	≪鴻障
-	list  TASK_MAX_SIZE 莇罨< list 
-	next 膵speTaskList_bg[speid] 茯
-	<膵c
-	膂≦荐帥鴻紊純(ry
-	* add (API): set_post
-  	  create_task(id, 0);
-	 0 篁≪с
-	  task->set_post(func)
-	菴遵障func  void (*func)(void) с
-	c綣違 void* 篁
-	* fix (API): ListDMA API
-	帥鴻眼сListDMA ф絎若帥
-	run(rbuf, wbuf) 
-	// index  add_inData  add_outData ф絎(-1)
-	get_input(rbuf, index);
-	get_input(wbuf, index);
-	菴ゃ void* сmalloc c純c鴻
-	4ゃ篁ヤ若帥翫main 
-	add_inData(data, 0)
-	≪鴻若帥ゃс泣ゃ冴 0 ф絎k
-	get_input  int сc鴻違鐚
-	箴蕁
-	Game_project/student/master/gongo/arr_cal
-	ц違若炊宴c4ゃc障
-	* tag: v20080610
-	- ListDMA 絨
-	- <fix
-	篏羂 ListDMA  API 吾c
-	- task->add_inData(addr, size);  // input
-	- task->add_outData(addr, size); // output
-	 Input/Output 若翠絎純茲違с障
-	荅潟ャ<潟吾鋋絎
-	- addr  16 ゃ≪ゃ<潟茵
-	- size  16 ゃ
-	c篏>散
-	16 ゃ羣若帥(贋違2,3)筝
-	addr 贋・羝<c羈сcсс
-	障馹障絨с
-	罨< SPE с帥鴻(莎桁鐚)吾鋋絎
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::set_runTaskList): 
-	  if (speid > machineNum) {
-	      speid %= MAX_USE_SPE_NUM;
-	  }
-	  if (speid >= machineNum) {
-	      speid %= machineNum;
-	  }	
-	<
-	* Cell/spe/CellDmaManager.cpp (CellDmaManager::dma_loadList): fix
-	ListData  ListElement 
-	class ListElement {
-	public:
-	    int size;
-	    unsigned int addr;
-	};
-	若炊spu_mfcio.h c
-	筝 List DMA т戎
-	typedef struct mfc_list_element {
-	  uint64_t notify       :  1;   /** Stall-and-notify bit  */
-	  uint64_t reserved     : 16;
-	  uint64_t size         : 15;   /** Transfer size */
-	  uint64_t eal          : 32;   /** Lower word of effective address */
-	} mfc_list_element_t;
-	сnotify  reserved  0  (鴻若篁
-	)с腟絮 uint  2 ゃ 8 ゃ 若炊с
-	障 mfc_getl  mfc_putl с
-	篁障с mfc_list_element_t 罕篏 for с<>撮ャ
-	障ccゃ若сdma_storeList 
-2008-05-30  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* change (API): TaskManager Memory Allocate
-	manager->cerium_malloc(&buff, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(Data))
-	buff = (Data*)manager->malloc(sizeof(Data));
-	紊眼障
-	alignment 絎 TaskManager 莨若с障
-	荐菴違 TaskManager.h 吾障
-	void* TaskManager::malloc(int size) {
-	   return m_impl->allocate(DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, size);
-	}
-2008-05-29  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* thinking: List DMA (4)
-	Cell с腆肴篁Cell  List DMA >散
-	1. List 荀膣荵∫泣ゃ冴 16 ゃ違с違
-	2. List 荀膣荵∫若帥≪鴻≪ゃ<潟篆荐(16or128
-	2≪ Cell 篁罕с障
-	1ャ<潟荀
-	- Cell Broadband Engine ≪若 version 1.01 
-	- 7.5.3 get list
-	> 鴻祉泣ゃ冴祉<若帥DMA潟潟翫
-	> 8ゃ違с違障鴻祉≪鴻祉<若帥
-	> 若鴻若吾8ゃ紜≪ゃ潟違障
-	c吾int  10 (40ゃ) c
-	荀篋綣障鴻若鐚
-	筝>散羣域障
-	若帥≪宴若
-	  TaskManager::cerium_allocate(void **buff, int align, int size);
-	c篏障篏帥鴻ラс posix_memalign 羣
-	若吟篁祉篋障
-	鴻≪宴若緇筝鴻ャ
-	荀膣泣ゃ冴16違с若с
-	若吟篁祉障
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::mail_check): fix
-	CellTaskManager  FifoTaskManager 吾с
-	ppeManager 紊違фc篏罐ャ茵cс
-	筝≧鴻吾с waitTaskQueue 
-	с TaskQueuePtr * ф検
-	掩
-	- waitTaskQueue  task  append 
-	CellTaskManager->append_waitTask()
-	- waitTaskQueue  task  remove (箴絖羣)
-	FifoTaskManagerImpl->mail_check() 
-	CellTaskManagerImpl->mail_check() с
-	ゃ障waitTaskQueue 掩 mail_check с
-	CellTaskManagerImpl  mail_check 
-	  ppeManager->mail_check(mail_list, &waitTaskQueue)
-	 waitTaskQueue ф検障
-	ppeManager->mail_check  waitTaskQueue 雁腟c
-	祉c篋 waitTaskQueue 贋違
-	腴с羂篋冴篆冴眼с蕁障
-	荀ppe  spe  TaskManagerImpl 
-	waitTaskQueue 掩筝cс
-2008-05-24  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* thinking: List DMA (3)
-	憜絎茖筝Fifo с罔≧
-	馹 Cell 若茵篋ゃ
-	- Input/Output 若帥≪ゃ<潟鐚
-	≪ゃ<潟c<с≪鴻
-	DMA run() 羝<с
-	In 
-	Out 紊吾莨若帥х∞
-	若吟若帥鴻
-	Cerium_malloc c
-	句鴻c
-	- 筝若帥絎
-	筝絨∫c箴
-	    int data[100]; // ≪ゃ<潟
-	cc data[0]data[49]
-	data[50]  緇障ч
-	ゃ &data[0] ≪鴻 16 bytes ≪ゃ<潟
-	&data[50] сsizeof(int)*50 =  200 
-	16 bytes ≪ゃ<潟с DMA с
-	若吟障ц箴 data[32] с
-	ゃ眼с絨鴻鴻
-	≪鴻cャ若吟荀若帥
-	祉荀c紊茯
-	若篁≪ゃ<潟紊т紊劫сc帥
-2008-05-23  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/SpeThreads.cpp (SpeThreads::init): 鴻
-	篁障т鴻
-	- spe_context_run 絎茵鴻 (spe_thread_run)
-	- 筝鴻若喝冴腟篋緇ゃ鴻 (frontend_thread_run)
-	鐚篏潟
-	SPE 罸鴻腴>
-	SPE<若綵鴻荀
-	c罕潟тc障篁 mailbox 宴
-	Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl::mail_check цc
-	鐚鴻篏綽荀障
-	ゃ若сfrontend_thread_run с
-	 spe_thread_run 莎桁違k障
-	* Cell/SpeThreads.cpp (SpeThreads::get_mail): if 
-	篁障с
-	    if (spe_out_mbox_read(spe_ctx[speid], &ret, 1) < 0) {
-	        return ret;
-	    else
-	        return -1;
-	c
-	- 若帥茯(ret)菴
-	- 若帥<c -1 菴
-	ccspe_out_mbox_read() 
-	若帥c翫 ret ゃ紊с
-	    unsigned int ret = (unsigned int)-1;
-	違腟 if <
-	    spe_out_mbox_read(spe_ctx[speid], &ret, 1);
-	    return ret;
-	ф
-2008-05-22  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* thinking: List DMA (2)
-	MFC List DMA read 翫(絨PPEcreate_task)
-	read size 羆冴障cх≦馹
-	MFC List DMA write 翫帥鴻с
-	泣ゃ冴阪у馹
-	篁障сwrite 翫 task->run() 菴ゃ write size 
-	篏帥篋List DMA write 翫
-	- task->run()  write  List DMA 罕篏篏c Scheduler 
-	  羝<task->write() сc
-	c鐚 с(筝羈)write 泣ゃ冴羆冴障c
-	write <鋋с
-	吾莨若 or 紊cc綽荀
-	緇 SPE (綣桁16KB腆坂c)у小絋
-	茫紊
-	若cSingle DMA write 馹сc
-	若吟write 泣ゃ冴紊帥鴻鐚
-	* thinking: List DMA
-	罕潟篁ヤ
-	class Task {
-	    int cmd;
-	    DataListDMA *rlist;
-	    DataListDMA *wlist;
-	};
-	class DataListDMA {
-	    int length;             // 鴻
-	    unsigned int addr[128]; // ≪
-	    int size[128];          // ≪鴻緇若帥泣ゃ
-	};
-	128 医筝ゃ帥鴻鴻荐泣ゃ冴
-	1KB (= 1024B) c 4*128+4*128 = 1024 障
-	ListDMA 篏帥羌
-	1. Scheduler  cmd c Task 
-	2. Task 潟潟鴻( Task  implement  )
-	   task->rlist, task->wlist  DMA read  (絽吾DMA)
-	3. task->read()  MFC List DMA  List 茯
-	DataListDMA->length ≪Task 筝ャ
-	翫2  DMA read с 1KB 茯綽荀<
-	* tag: v20080522
-	- PPE 眼帥鴻 SPE 鴻吾с脂
-	- PPESPE 眼 TaskManagerImpl 雁荀c
-	若
-	鴻違
-	Game_project/student/master/gongo/hello
-	 List DMA ャ茵障
-	憜 simple_render 若吾с潟
-	PPE 帥鴻∽違若鴻cс障障с障
-	List DMA с羂眼眼障
-	* Task 絎臂ゃ
-	PPE  C++ 鴻吾с帥鴻絎臂障
-	< API 鴻吾障
-	* <若с罨<帥鴻鴻障с羌紊
-	篁障с FifoTaskManagerImpl  mail_check с
-	1. mail_check
-	  1.1 check_task_finish
-	    1.1.1 notify_wait_taskQueue
- append_activeTask (箴絖羣帥鴻)
-	  1.2 get_runTaskList
-	 mail_check 筝хcс
-	1. mail_check
-	  1.1 check_task_finish
-	    1.1.1 notify_task_finish
-	2. wakeup_waitTask (ゃ障 append_activeTask)
-	3. get_runTaskList
-	蚊障
-	 CellTaskManagerImpl  mail_check c
-2008-05-13  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::set_task): 
-	// set_task c鐚
-	 SPE cゅ絨紊眼
-	cur_anySpeid 絎h贋潟<潟
-	ゃ潟<潟箙掩違鴻
-	 SPE_ANY c純篁篋鴻蚊c
-	SPE_ANY 綵合羂若
-2008-05-05  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Cell/CellTaskManagerImpl.cpp (CellTaskManagerImpl::mail_check):
-	PPE 絎茵帥鴻筝ゃ<篏c
-	荀
-	PPE у茵帥鴻 SPE у茵筝帥鴻緇
-	cc
-	障篁障 綽帥鴻 PPE and SPE c
-	PPE or SPE cc<鴻с倶
-	腟篋ゅcc純
-	Hello World с帥鴻
-	1. "Hello World!!" 茵腓冴帥鴻 (2.) 肴帥鴻
-	2. 茵腓冴帥鴻
-	3. 2 腟c絎茵緇帥鴻(窮
-	(2)  SPE у茵
-	(2) 腟篋緇 (3) ゅ鐚
-	筝綽眼障
-	羂≧祉cゃ吾鴻с
-2008-03-09  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: pthread_cond_wait
-	 ChangeLog 吾с障<≪
-	祉 P 篏堺
-	---------------------
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&sem->mutex);
-	while(sem->value == 0) { // 莖羣<
-	    // >散篁紊違脂蚊茹f障篁
-	    // 祉鴻莖羣茹f障緇
-	    pthread_cond_wait(&sem->cond,&sem->mutex);
-	} 
-	// 莖羣cс腆坂 */
-	sem->value--;
-	// 茹f障
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&sem->mutex);
-	----------------------
-	с潟<潟
-	pthread_cond_wait сwait  unlock 
-	cwhile 紊 lock 
-	т祉鴻 lock с
-	man 荀c若吾潟<潟吾鐚
-2008-03-08  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: mailbox read  blocking/non-blocking
-	spe_out_mbox_read  non-blocking API с
-	 busy-wait с
-	篁 ppe 眼 Scheduler 祉鐚<若腆肴
-	сspe_out_intr_mbox_read  blocking API 
-	spe_out_mbox_read 荐菴違篋
-	spe_event_handler_register  SPE_EVENT_OUT_INTR_MBOX 
-	脂蚊spe 眼с
-	spu_writech(SPU_WrOutMbox, data)
-	spu_writech(SPU_WrOutIntrMbox, data)
-	篏帥綽荀
-	筝∴ mailbox read 綺茯帥鴻帥
-	障潟若鴻吾若
-	cсc< intr 鴻
-	 祉腟水 mail 膂≦
-	祉c荅宴
-	* Test/simple_render/task/create_span.cpp (half_triangle): fix
-	脂√ span 祉純<с篆罩c
-	polygon->span 鴻уspan 紊
-	Polygon 鴻т信罩c鴻鐚
-	* kernel/ppe/TaskManagerImpl.cpp (TaskManagerImpl::set_task): fix
-	菴 TaskList mainTaskList 緇絨障c
-	cсTaskList с bufferManager->mainTaskList 
-	* kernel/ppe/BufferManager.cpp (BufferManager::clear_taskList): fix
-	mainTaskList->length ≪
-	mainTaskList->next ≪綽
-	腥冴 TaskList 祉祉祉<鐚
-2008-03-07  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* bug-fix (Test/simple_render): y綺ф腱糸劫
-	(1) с吾莨若
-	y = height - y
-	腱帥
-	眼潟 y 紜(+)脂≫蚊
-	с祉若c(2)сc筝蚊
-	蚊若筝 + 鴻
-	違潟亥framebuffer 若鴻сс
-	筝 y++ c祉篏若ゃゃc<
-	* bug (Test/simple_render): y綺ф腱糸劫
-	Viewer::run_draw с緇ャSpanPack 障丈祉号(1)
-	SPE 羝<8蚊祉号(2)с
-	 y  +0.5 腱糸劫
-	(1)с筝(2)с筝梧
-	 span 荀
-	x 劫 荵≪馹с draw  y 荐膊違
-	1: polygon.cpp Polygon::draw(SPANPACK);
-	2: task/span_pack_draw.cpp run();
-	* Test/simple_render/spe/SpuDraw.cpp: 膓茹f浦
-	render_y &= ~7
-	сkс障
-	篁
-	#define YTOP(y) (y & ~7)
-	cc障
-2008-03-05  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: MFC List DMA  element 紊у
-	Cell Broadband Engine Architecture Version 1.02 
-	P.55
-	The maximum number of elements is 2048.
-	Each element describes a transfer of up to 16 KB.
-	cс筝綺荵∫с狗DMA紊16KB
-	mfc_list_element_t  2048 障ц┃絎сc
-	鴻c若с蚊 MFC List DMA 篏帥
-	2048 医鐚
-	* Test/simple_render/spe/SpuDraw.cpp: 膓
-	cc宴若
-	篁
-	if (render_y < 0) {
-	  int tmpy = render_y%8;
-	  render_y -= tmpy + (tmpy != 0)*8;
-	} else {
-	  render_y -= (render_y%8);
-	}
-	render_y += 1080/2;
-	ц純∞若
-	c荐膊 span 
-	祉
-2008-03-04  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Test/simple_render/spe/SpuDraw.cpp: 膓
-	ゃ鴻羂
-	if (render_y < 0) {
-	  int tmpy = render_y%8;
-	  render_y -= tmpy + (tmpy != 0)*8;
-	} else {
-	  render_y -= (render_y%8);
-	}
-	render_y += 1080/2;
-	render_y += 1080/2;
-	render_y -= (render_y%8);
-	с鐚c 1080/2 c羂
-	* Test/simple_render/spe/SpuDraw.cpp: render_y 荐膊篆罩
-	sp->span[0].y (SpanPack 主 Span  y 綺ф) 
-	 SpanPack 祉膀蚊筝筝 y 綺ф茯帥鴻
-	c箴 SpanPack ャc Span 
-	y 綺ф 1 ~ 8 
-	1 -----
-	  --
-	  --------
-	  ----
-	  ---------
-	8 --
-	'-' 祉c
-	翫y = 1  SpanPack 筝筝堺 綺фc
-	framebuffer 吾莨若y = 1 吾茵障
-	сsp->span[0].y c堺 y с篆荐若<с
-	sp->span[i].y ゃ障 y с堺 y 羆
-	綽荀荐膊鴻c障
-	1 //////////
-	              <- 吾莨若障
-	  //////////
-	  //////////
-	帥罩cс茯帥鴻帥
-	 render_y cゆ障
-	篁障с
-	render_y = sp->span[0].y;
-	render_y += 1080/2;
-	render_y = (render_y/8)*8;
-	c sp->span[0].y  ゃ鴻
-	ゆ
-	if (render_y < 0) {
-	  int tmpy = render_y%8;
-	  render_y -= tmpy + (tmpy != 0)*8;
-	} else {
-	  render_y -= (render_y%8);
-	}
-	render_y += 1080/2;
-	с障眼
-	絨絅藝若if 紊
-2008-03-03  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: 腟
-	ppe/spe 翫
-	263.444 FPS
-	ppe  -O9 ф
-	317.425 FPS
-	spe  -O9 ф
-	812.539 FPS
-	ppe/spe  -O9 ф
-	1610.58 FPS (鴻
-	糸荀
-	障潟潟c
-	違鐚鐚c
-2008-02-28  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/ppe/BufferManager.cpp: remove_taskQueue_all()
-	taskQueue  create  free cc<
-	queue 莇潟 -> extend_pool -> 莇潟(ry
-	c膵違菴<≪祉違<潟若激с潟冴
-	сctask->wait_me 羔サc
-	task->wait_i  notify(ry уゃ
-	task->wait_me notify(ry 羝<緇祉cc
-	cсwait_me 羔∽違篏障
-	羂♂綺紜羂羂
-2008-02-17  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* Todo: с
-	* fix: kernel/ppe/HTask.cpp
-	篁障сmanager->create_task х帥鴻
-	- dependency 荐絎
-	manager->set_task_depend(master, slave) // slave  master 緇
-	- 絎茵ャ若吾菴遵
-	manager->spawn_task(master);
-	manager->spawn_task(slave);
-	manager 篁c障
-	障с鴻 dependency 
-	c<c<緇ゃcAPI荀
-	сTask (HTask ) 筝篋ゃ絲上
-	void set_depend(HTaskPtr)  void spawn(void) 菴遵障
-	- Usage
-	slave->set_depend(master); // slave  master 緇
-	slave->spawn(); // slave ャ若梧申
-	腟絮∽違筝с筝 set_task_depend 
-	若с若九眼鴻障
-2008-02-16  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* tag: beta3
-	<潟違菴遵障鐚c
-	障сс荅 Fifo 若吾с潟с
-	 Cell 吾筝筝<腆冴
-	* add: kernel/ppe/DmaBuffer.cpp
-	<潟亥篏c
-	cсDMA 吾с(やゃ)с
-	茵cссc荅宴障
-	筝<潟違сс
-	 swap_buffer 違k
-	-Usage
-	DmaBuffer *buffer = manager->allocate(sizeof(SceneGraphPack));
-	篁障сcreate_task  in_addr  out_addr 
-	DmaBuffer 若吟 malloc/new ゃ
-	若冴(seg fault鐚)
-	羆純若鴻絎篏帥c罕絖 Test/simple_render 
-	viewer.cpp т戎c障sgp_buff  pp_buff cゃ
-	若吟API篏祉祉
-2008-02-11  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: Test/simple_render
-	chiaki  DataPack 篏帥c Cube 茵腓冴違
-	膂≦ DataPack  TaskManager  scheduler (SpeManager) 羝<
-	潟若膵違菴
-	障羂сс
-2008-02-10  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* tag: beta1
-	倶сс吾鴻鐚
-	- task (荀) 筝 task (絖) с
-	罩g∈с 絖task 
-	荀task 箴絖ャ task ∴
-	<腟
-	8ャ Todo 吾篁絎茖с
-	task  task 喝с
-	絎 spe 睡腟c絎茖сc
-	OS c荐絎茖с吾眼鐚
-	∽違 task 荐潟с
-	c障с若
-	- chiaki  simple_render 
-	(菴処) 茹f浦障
-	 read/write buffer 泣ゃ冴莇潟c≪www
-	障莨宴冴筝罧
-	障 cvs  commit chiaki 吾
-	DataPack 絲上 simple_render  TasKManager 腟粋昭с帥
-	cOSc純吾篁
-	update_sgp  create_pp  task 帥
-	с障羂c malloc 膤祉 warning 
-	激帥c障c
-	TaskManager simple_render 
-	 TaskManagerс malloc 膤祉馹
-	障сc違「<c<取
-2008-02-08  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* add: kernel/ppe/SymTable.cpp
-	篁障 func[] = {add, sum, ...}
-	cc荐障c
-	荅宴 Symbol Table 帥篏
-	// 篌若潟若
-	struct sym_table {
-	  char *sym;     // 激潟
-	  void *address; // 激潟腓冴≪
-	} sym_table[] = {{"Sum", &Sum} , {"Draw", &draw}};
-	int fd = get_fd("Sum");
-	void *addr = get_address(fd);
-	table  "Sum"  "Draw" c篋ゃ激潟脂蚊
-	箴違若(若鐚) "Sum" c激潟≪祉鴻翫
-	障 get_fd  "Sum" 絲障file descripter 菴
-	若吟 fd 緇c get_address 緇堺ャ
-	TaskManager 篏帥鴻
-	// 篆冴篁Draw ∽違篏帥帥鴻
-	int fd = manager->open("Draw");
-	manager->create_task(fd, size, in, out, func);
-	manager->open с get_fd 篏帥鴻с
-	障壕篏違с篁cс
-	- 茖莇
-	 file descripter 茵
-	OS ャ fopen篏帥鴻с鐚
-	* Todo: task  task 
-	篁障с task 茵篏罐羲膊帥茵
-	膣絎茖羆冴<с
-	OS 帥鴻筝ャ帥鴻
-	篁鴻違сc
-	Test/Sum 違т戎帥鴻
-	- init2 // 莢х吾с障
-	  羲膊医ゃ<
-	- sum1
-	  膀蚊贋 (i  i+16 ) 膩
-	- sum2
-	  sum1 ф茲違膀蚊膩筝ゃ障
-	  (ex. 茲違 sum1  1->16, 17->32, 33->48 膩荐膊
-	       sum2  筝3ゃ膩荐膊
-	       荀 1->48 膩蚊c違
-	- finish
-	  sum2 ф障cゃ茵腓
-	 Sum 違 OS 荐SumOS 
-	SumOS  TaskManager (茗 kernel) 莎桁
-	init 莎桁init с篋羆冴帥鴻с
-	init2  finish 篋ゃ帥鴻 create 脂蚊
-	init2  finish 箴絖≫ (init2 腟c finish)
-	init2 筝сsum1  sum2 帥鴻篏
-	sum1  sum2 箴絖≫ (sum1 腟c sum2)
-	篁絎茖帥鴻腟篋罨<帥鴻梧
-	障綵箴違帥鴻筝
-	違帥鴻篏翫帥鴻腟篋障с
-	絎茵c障
-	с障篁manager->create_task 綺
-	manager->run ∞莎桁荐潟
-	篏∞∝cscheduler 綵合
-	SpeManager (紊) 2綺若喝冴荐潟
-	ゃ障帥鴻筝с帥鴻篏綺SpeManager 吾с
-	new 鐚鐚
-	<帥Cell version  spe cc
-	紊т紊ゃゃ spe 1ゃ篏帥荐絎c緇絋
-	荀帥鴻筝с帥鴻篏翫
-2008-02-07  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* memo: 違潟違紮水
-	scheduler task 膊∞
-	kernel programing ゃс
-	example task 蚊綵羆冴
-	user programing ゃс
-	c荀鴻ц綽荀
-	* memo: OS 
-	OS 莎桁羌
-	- PC 紙ャ
-	- BIOS 腴> (OpenFirmWare, EFI, BIOS)
-	- 莎桁ゃ鴻с (綺腮蕁)
-	- 莎桁ゃ鴻 Boot loader 莎桁
-	  + BIOS c茯茘с<ゃ激鴻(c鐚)
-	  + <ゃ激鴻 Boot Loader ャc
-	  + grub, grub2, lilo, kboot 
-	- Boot Loader  kernel 莎桁
-	  + 若若翫TCP/IP 
-	    若ゃ(ゃ若泣鐚)ゃc綽荀
-	- kernel  scheduler 莎桁
-	- scheduler  (init 若駈)
-	- init с篋鐚荐絎鴻若
-	  + linux  /etc/rc ゃ init 若
-	- login form 莎桁
-	茖莇 c若
-	- login 
-	- shell 若
-	  + login shell 腆冴
-	- 若吟荐絎莎桁鴻鐚絎茵
-	- 眼違ゃ
-2008-02-06  Wataru MIYAGUNI  <>
-	* kernel/spe/*.cpp: new  placement new
-	憜spe kernel 帥鴻帥罸
-	new/delete 膵違菴障篁с
-	綺眼с
-	с篋 allocate  placement new 篏帥
-	new c純
-	箴蕁筝医 new/delete 膵違菴違
-	医placement new 綺罸莠
-	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-	<   task = new Task;
-	<   task->init(i);
-	<   task->printID();
-	<   delete task;
-	---
-	>   task = new(buff) Task; // buff = malloc(BUFF_SIZE);
-	>   task->init(id);
-	>   task->printID(id);
-	}
-	placement new сdelete 綽荀<
-	筝ф違 allocate 綽荀
-	綺罸莠篁ヤno_new  placement new сln_new  new/delete 
-	% ./a.out 10 // 10 
-	no_new:         time: 0.012135(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 0.003572(msec)
-	% ./a.out 100
-	no_new:         time: 0.022453(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 0.018989(msec)
-	% ./a.out 1000
-	no_new:         time: 0.115277(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 0.136335(msec)
-	% ./a.out 10000
-	no_new:         time: 1.056156(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 1.322709(msec)
-	% ./a.out 100000
-	no_new:         time: 10.622221(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 13.362414(msec)
-	% ./a.out 1000000
-	no_new:         time: 109.436496(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 136.956872(msec)
-	10100 莢障∴(
-	違紊ゃ祉絨 no_new c
-	<帥 printID <
-	% ./a.out 1000000
-	no_new:         time: 0.008512(msec)
-	ln_new:         time: 27.100296(msec)
-	I/O 綏劻障
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/Makefile.def	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/Makefile.def	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
 TARGET = test_nogl
+<<<<<<< local
 CERIUM = ../../..
+# include/library path
+# ex: macosx
+#CERIUM = /Users/gongo/Source/Concurrency/Game_project/Cerium
+#CERIUM = /Users/gongo/Source/hg/Cerium
+# ex: linux/ps3
+CERIUM = /home/gongo/Cerium
+#CERIUM = /Users/tkaito/hg/Game/Cerium
+#CERIUM = ../../..
+>>>>>>> other
 CC      = g++
 CFLAGS  = -O9 -g -Wall# -DDEBUG
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/spe/DrawSpan.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/spe/DrawSpan.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -9,23 +9,42 @@
+<<<<<<< local
 #define TEX_LOAD1      0
 #define TEX_LOAD2      1
 #define SPAN_PACK_LOAD 2
 #define FB_STORE       3
+<<<<<<< local
+static TileHashPtr hash;
+<<<<<<< local
+static const int hashsize = 263;
+>>>>>>> other
+<<<<<<< local
+static TilePtr hash_table[hashsize] = {NULL};
+>>>>>>> other
+<<<<<<< local
 inline vector float
 spu_re_nrm(vector float a)
     vector float unit = (vector float){1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
     vector float approximation;
+unsigned short PRIME[8] = {
+    0x002, 0x065, 0x0c7, 0x133, 0x191, 0x1f3, 0x259, 0x2bd,
+>>>>>>> other
+<<<<<<< local
     approximation = spu_re(a);
     return spu_madd(spu_nmsub(approximation, a, unit),
                     approximation, approximation);
@@ -44,6 +63,10 @@
     return getLocalPositionVec(x, split_screen_w);
+>>>>>>> other
+static TileListPtr tileList;
+>>>>>>> other
@@ -102,6 +125,9 @@
     int block = getTexBlock(tx, ty, tw);
     return tex_addr_top + block*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+static unsigned char *tex;
+>>>>>>> other
  * FrameBuffer 吾莨若 rgb 
@@ -184,7 +210,11 @@
     tile->texture_addr = addr;
+<<<<<<< local
+    //int index = hash->put(tile->texture_addr, tile);
     hash->put(tile->texture_addr, tile);
+>>>>>>> other
     smanager->dma_load(tile->pixel, (uint32)addr,
 		       sizeof(uint32)*TEXTURE_BLOCK_SIZE, tag);
@@ -597,6 +627,26 @@
     int tl_tag_flg1 = 0;
     int tl_tag_flg2 = 1;
+<<<<<<< local
+    float *zRow = (float*)smanager->get_input(1);
+    int **linebuf = (int**)smanager->allocate(sizeof(int*)*rangey);
+    for (int i = 0; i < rangey; i++) {
+	linebuf[i] = (int*)smanager->get_output(i);
+<<<<<<< local
+	linebuf_init(linebuf[i], rangex, 0xffffffff);
+<<<<<<< local
+	linebuf_init(linebuf[i], rangex, 0xffffff);
+	//linebuf_init(linebuf[i], rangex, 0x00ff00ff);
+	linebuf_init(linebuf[i], rangex, 0);
+>>>>>>> other
+>>>>>>> other
+    }
+>>>>>>> other
     do {
 	 * SpanPack->next 絖翫
@@ -610,6 +660,7 @@
 	    next_spack = NULL;
+<<<<<<< local
 	SpanPtr resume_span = &nop_span;
 	int resume_span_x = 0;
@@ -617,6 +668,9 @@
 	    SpanPtr next_span;
 	    int next_span_x;
+	for (int t = spack->info.start; t < spack->info.size; t++) {
+>>>>>>> other
 	    span = &spack->span[t];
@@ -666,5 +720,24 @@
+<<<<<<< local
+    free(linebuf);
+<<<<<<< local
+    free(zRow);
+<<<<<<< local
+<<<<<<< local
+    free(tileList);
+    free(tilist);
+    free(next_tilist);
+>>>>>>> other
+>>>>>>> other
+    free(tex);
+>>>>>>> other
+>>>>>>> other
     return 0;
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/spe/DrawSpanRenew.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/spe/DrawSpanRenew.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -216,6 +216,10 @@
+<<<<<<< local
+    //FINISH:
+>>>>>>> other
      * linebuf, zRow, args は RenewTask が引き継ぐ
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/CreateSpan.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/CreateSpan.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@
- * span  width,height  texture  width,height 罸鴻
+ * span  width  Triangle  height 絲障
+ * texture  width,height 罸鴻
  * span 祉篏帥 texture 罸羆
  * @param[in] width      Width of span
@@ -399,7 +400,13 @@
      *  SIMD 荐菴違綽
+<<<<<<< local
+	//scale = (8 > tex_scale_max) ? tex_scale_max : 8;
+	uint32 *tapestry = getTapestry(tex_width, tex_height, scale, tex_addr);
+>>>>>>> other
@@ -441,9 +448,18 @@
 	for (int i = 0; i < pp->info.size; i++) {
 	    triPack = &pp->tri[i];
+<<<<<<< local
 	    TriangleTexInfoPtr tri_tex_info = &triPack->tex_info;
+	    // ф検吾鴻帥箙с祉祉
+	    // с緇絋鐚
+>>>>>>> other
 	    make_vertex(triPack, &vMin, &vMid, &vMax);
+<<<<<<< local
+>>>>>>> other
 	    make_vMid10(vMid10, vMin, vMid, vMax);
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/DrawSpan.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -580,6 +580,7 @@
 	    next_spack = NULL;
+<<<<<<< local
 	SpanPtr resume_span = &nop_span;
 	int resume_span_x = 0;
@@ -587,6 +588,9 @@
 	    SpanPtr next_span;
 	    int next_span_x;
+	for (int t = spack->info.start; t < spack->info.size; t++) {
+>>>>>>> other
 	    span = &spack->span[t];
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/update_sgp.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/task/update_sgp.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -8,6 +8,108 @@
+<<<<<<< local
+typedef void (*moveFunc)(SceneGraphNodePtr, int, int);
+typedef void (*collFunc)(SceneGraphNodePtr, int, int);
+static moveFunc moveList[3];
+static collFunc collList[3];
+static void
+move0(SceneGraphNodePtr node, int w, int h)
+    static float dest_x = 0.3f;
+    static float dest_y = 0.5f;
+    node->angle[1] += 1.0f;
+    if (node->angle[1] > 360.0f) {
+	node->angle[1] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    node->obj_pos[0] += dest_x;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[0] > w || (int)node->obj_pos[0] < 0) {
+	dest_x = -dest_x;
+    }
+    node->obj_pos[1] += dest_y;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[1] > h || (int)node->obj_pos[1] < 0) {
+	dest_y = -dest_y;
+    }
+static void
+move1(SceneGraphNodePtr node, int w, int h)
+    node->angle[1] += 1.0f;
+    if (node->angle[1] > 360.0f) {
+	node->angle[1] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    static float dest_x = 0.5f;
+    static float dest_y = 1.3f;
+    node->obj_pos[0] += dest_x;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[0] > w || (int)node->obj_pos[0] < 0) {
+	dest_x = -dest_x;
+    }
+    node->obj_pos[1] += dest_y;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[1] > h || (int)node->obj_pos[1] < 0) {
+	dest_y = -dest_y;
+    }
+static void
+move2(SceneGraphNodePtr node, int w, int h)
+    node->angle[1] += 1.0f;
+    if (node->angle[1] > 360.0f) {
+	node->angle[1] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    static float dest_x = 1.0f;
+    static float dest_y = 0.8f;
+    node->obj_pos[0] += dest_x;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[0] > w || (int)node->obj_pos[0] < 0) {
+	dest_x = -dest_x;
+    }
+    node->obj_pos[1] += dest_y;
+    if ((int)node->obj_pos[1] > h || (int)node->obj_pos[1] < 0) {
+	dest_y = -dest_y;
+    }
+static void
+move4(SceneGraphNodePtr node, int w, int h)
+    node->angle[1] += 1.0f;
+    if (node->angle[1] > 360.0f) {
+	node->angle[1] = 0.0f;
+    }
+static void
+coll(SceneGraphNodePtr node, int w, int h)
+static void
+    moveList[0] = move0;
+    moveList[1] = move4;
+    moveList[2] = move2;
+    collList[0] = coll;
+    collList[1] = coll;
+    collList[2] = coll;
+>>>>>>> other
 Update_SGP::run(void *rbuf, void *wbuf)
--- a/TaskManager/Test/test_render/viewer.cpp	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/Test/test_render/viewer.cpp	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -336,7 +336,9 @@
 		// Draw Background (憜紂ゃ吟)
 		task_draw = manager->create_task(TASK_DRAW_BACK);
+<<<<<<< local
+<<<<<<< local
 		for (int k = 0; k < rangey; k++) {
@@ -350,6 +352,23 @@
 		//0xFFFFFFFF, (this->width)*sizeof(int)*rangey/sizeof(wchar_t));
+<<<<<<< local
+		task_draw->add_param(0xffffff);
+		//task_draw->add_param(0x00ffcc55);
+		task_draw->add_param(0);
+>>>>>>> other
+>>>>>>> other
+	    }
+	    for (int k = 0; k < rangey; k++) {
+		task_draw->add_outData(
+		    &pixels[(startx-1)+this->width*(k+starty-1)],
+		    (endx - startx + 1)*sizeof(int));
+>>>>>>> other
--- a/TaskManager/kernel/	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/TaskManager/kernel/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
+//#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
 #include <SDL.h>
 #include "TaskManager.h"
@@ -11,7 +12,15 @@
 defaultTMend(void) {}
 TaskManager *manager;
+<<<<<<< local
+<<<<<<< local
+static std::string help_str = "\n\
+static char help_str[] = "\n\
+>>>>>>> other
 const char *help_str = "\n\
+>>>>>>> other
 * Cerium program option *\n\
   -help Print this message \n\
   -cpu   Number of CPU (default 1) \n";
Binary file TaskManager/libCellManager.a has changed
Binary file TaskManager/libspemanager.a has changed
--- a/example/HelloWorld/Makefile.def	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/example/HelloWorld/Makefile.def	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
 #CERIUM = /Users/gongo/Source/Cerium
 # ex: linux/ps3
+<<<<<<< local
+#CERIUM = /home/gongo/Cerium
+CERIUM = /Users/e065746/Works/lab/hg/Cerium
 CERIUM = ../../../Cerium
+>>>>>>> other
 CC      = g++
 CFLAGS  = -g -Wall -O9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/HelloWorld/Makefile.def~	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+TARGET = hello
+# include/library path
+# ex: macosx
+#CERIUM = /Users/gongo/Source/Cerium
+# ex: linux/ps3
+CERIUM = /home/gongo/Cerium
+CC      = g++
+CFLAGS  = -g -Wall -O9
+INCLUDE = -I${CERIUM}/include/TaskManager -I. -I..
+LIBS = -L${CERIUM}/TaskManager
Binary file example/HelloWorld/main.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/HelloWorld/ppe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "SchedTask.h"
+#include "Hello.h"
+#include "Func.h"
+/* これは必須 */
+Hello::run(void *rbuf, void *wbuf)
+    int task_id = get_param(0);
+    printf("[%d] Hello, World!!\n", task_id);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/HelloWorld/ppe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file example/HelloWorld/ppe/Hello.o has changed
Binary file example/HelloWorld/ppe/task_init.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Func.h	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+enum {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Makefile	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+default: macosx
+macosx: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for Mac OS X"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.macosx
+linux: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for Linux"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.linux
+ps3: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for PS3 (Cell)"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.ps3
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.macosx clean
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.linux clean
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.ps3 clean
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Makefile.def	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+TARGET = busy
+# include/library path
+# ex: macosx
+#CERIUM = /Users/gongo/Source/Cerium
+# ex: linux/ps3
+CERIUM = /Users/e065746/Works/lab/hg/hiroki/Game_Project/Cerium
+CC      = g++
+CFLAGS  = -g -Wall -O9
+INCLUDE = -I${CERIUM}/include/TaskManager -I. -I..
+LIBS = -L${CERIUM}/TaskManager
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Makefile.linux	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+include ./Makefile.def
+SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard *.cc)
+SRCS_EXCLUDE =  # 除外するファイルを書く
+SRCS = $(filter-out $(SRCS_EXCLUDE),$(SRCS_TMP))
+OBJS = $(
+TASK_DIR  = ppe
+TASK_SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard $(TASK_DIR)/*.cc)
+LIBS += -lFifoManager
+.SUFFIXES: .cc .o
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $< -o $@
+all: $(TARGET)
+	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+	$(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+debug: $(TARGET)
+	sudo gdb ./$(TARGET) 
+	rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS)
+	rm -f *~ \#*
+	rm -f ppe/*~ ppe/\#*
+	rm -f spe/*~ spe/\#*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Makefile.macosx	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+include ./Makefile.def
+SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard *.cc)
+SRCS_EXCLUDE =  # 除外するファイルを書く
+SRCS = $(filter-out $(SRCS_EXCLUDE),$(SRCS_TMP))
+OBJS = $(
+TASK_DIR  = ppe
+TASK_SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard $(TASK_DIR)/*.cc)
+LIBS += -lFifoManager `sdl-config --libs`
+.SUFFIXES: .cc .o
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $< -o $@
+all: $(TARGET)
+	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+	$(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+debug: $(TARGET)
+	sudo gdb ./$(TARGET) 
+	rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS)
+	rm -f *~ \#*
+	rm -f ppe/*~ ppe/\#*
+	rm -f spe/*~ spe/\#*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/Makefile.ps3	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+include ./Makefile.def
+SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard *.cc)
+SRCS_EXCLUDE =  # 除外するファイルを書く
+SRCS = $(filter-out $(SRCS_EXCLUDE),$(SRCS_TMP))
+OBJS = $(
+TASK_DIR  = ppe
+TASK_SRCS_TMP = $(wildcard $(TASK_DIR)/*.cc)
+LIBS += -lCellManager -lspe2 -lpthread -Wl,--gc-sections 
+.SUFFIXES: .cc .o
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $< -o $@
+all: $(TARGET) speobject
+	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+	cd spe; $(MAKE)
+	$(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+debug: $(TARGET)
+	sudo ppu-gdb ./$(TARGET) 
+	rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TASK_OBJS)
+	rm -f *~ \#*
+	rm -f ppe/*~ ppe/\#*
+	cd spe; $(MAKE) clean
Binary file example/busy_rate/busy has changed
Binary file example/busy_rate/hello has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "TaskManager.h"
+#include "Func.h"
+extern void task_init(void);
+    HTask *busy;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+	busy = manager->create_task(BUSY_TASK);
+	busy->set_cpu(SPE_ANY);
+	busy->add_param(i);
+	busy->spawn();
+    }
+TMmain(int argc, char *argv[])
+    task_init();
+    busy_init();
+    return 0;
Binary file example/busy_rate/main.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/ppe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "SchedTask.h"
+#include "busy_rate.h"
+#include "Func.h"
+Busy_rate::run(void *rbuf, void *wbuf)
+    int task_id = get_param(0);
+    printf("[%d] Busy World!\n", task_id);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/ppe/busy_rate.h	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#  include "SchedTask.h"
+class Busy_rate : public SchedTask {
+    SchedConstructor(Busy_rate);
+    int run(void *r, void *w);
Binary file example/busy_rate/ppe/busy_rate.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/ppe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "Func.h"
+#include "Scheduler.h"
+    SchedRegisterTask(BUSY_TASK, Busy_rate);
Binary file example/busy_rate/ppe/task_init.o has changed
Binary file example/busy_rate/spe-main has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/spe/Makefile	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+default: macosx
+macosx: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for Mac OS X"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.macosx
+linux: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for Linux"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.linux
+ps3: FORCE
+	@echo "Make for PS3 (Cell)"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.ps3
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.macosx clean
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.linux clean
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.ps3 clean
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/spe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "busy_rate.h"
+#include "Func.h"
+Busy_rate::run(void *rbuf, void *wbuf)
+    printf("Busy World!\n");
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/spe/busy_rate.h	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#  include "SchedTask.h"
+class Busy_rate : public SchedTask {
+    SchedConstructor(Busy_rate);
+    int run(void *r, void *w);
Binary file example/busy_rate/spe/busy_rate.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/busy_rate/spe/	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "Func.h"
+#include "Scheduler.h"
+    SchedRegisterTask(BUSY_TASK, Busy_rate);
Binary file example/busy_rate/spe/spe-main.o has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/file_list	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/file_list~	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
--- a/include/TaskManager/CellDmaManager.h	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/include/TaskManager/CellDmaManager.h	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
 #define SPU_PROFILE 1
+extern unsigned int CellDmaManager::wait_time, CellDmaManager::busy_time;
+extern unsigned long long CellDmaManager::global_busy_time, CellDmaManager::global_wait_time;
 class CellDmaManager : public DmaManager {
@@ -23,8 +26,7 @@
     } DmaList, *DmaListPtr;
     /* variables */
-    unsigned int wait_time, busy_time;
-    unsigned long long global_busy_time, global_wait_time;
     /* functions */
     void dma_load(void *buf, uint32 addr, uint32 size, uint32 mask);
--- a/include/TaskManager/SchedExit.h	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ b/include/TaskManager/SchedExit.h	Thu Jun 04 00:06:37 2009 +0900
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@
+<<<<<<< local
+    SchedExit(Scheduler *m) {
+	scheduler = m;
+    }
+>>>>>>> other
     SchedTaskBase* next(Scheduler *, SchedTaskBase *);
--- a/include/TaskManager/Task.h	Wed Jun 03 22:14:20 2009 +0900
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#  include "base.h"
-#  include "types.h"
-#  include "ListData.h"
-#define MAX_PARAMS 8
-class Task {
-public: // variables
-    int command;         // 4 byte
-    ListDataPtr inData;  // 4 byte
-    ListDataPtr outData; // 4 byte
-    uint32 self;         // 4 byte
-    int param_size;        // 4 byte
-    int param[MAX_PARAMS]; // 4*MAX_PARAMS byte
-public: // functions
-    int add_inData_t(unsigned int addr, int size);
-    int add_outData_t(unsigned int addr, int size);
-    int add_data(ListDataPtr list, unsigned int addr, int size);
-    int add_param(int param);
-#define add_inData(addr, size)			\
-    add_inData_t((unsigned int)(addr), (size));
-#define add_outData(addr, size)			\
-    add_outData_t((unsigned int)(addr), (size));
-typedef Task* TaskPtr;