
age author description
2010-05-25 Shinji KONO return TaskList->self
2010-05-24 tkaito merge
2010-05-24 tkaito example fix 30% done.
2010-05-24 yutaka viewer lightsysswitch fix
2010-05-24 Yutaka_Kinjyo RenderingEngine's Task -> Simple Task
2010-05-24 yutaka merge
2010-05-24 yutaka Thread.h fix?
2010-05-24 tkaito 64bit (int) -> (long)
2010-05-23 game testQueueInfo 100% passed
2010-05-23 game queueInfoTest 90% done
2010-05-23 Shinji KONO give up singleton pattern.
2010-05-23 Shinji KONO add test file
2010-05-23 Shinji KONO too few template-parameter-lists
2010-05-23 Shinji KONO add CpuThreads.cc
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO Change
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO move SchedNop2Ready.h
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO log
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO merge
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO fix Cell
2010-05-22 yutaka merge
2010-05-22 yutaka add KeyID.h
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO fix
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO TaskListInfo version
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO merge
2010-05-21 yutaka add word_count_run16array
2010-05-21 yutaka merge
2010-05-21 yutaka merge
2010-05-19 yutaka merge
2010-05-19 yutaka global id
2010-05-22 Shinji KONO TaslListInfo
2010-05-20 Shinji KONO run16 word count ( not yet worked. )
2010-05-19 Shinji KONO add forgotten virutal
2010-05-18 Shinji KONO virtual clean up
2010-05-18 Shinji KONO SchedTask instance variable clean up
2010-05-11 Shinji KONO ChangeLog
2010-05-05 game add xmlfile
2010-05-04 tkaito add Make for MacOSX (64bit mode) %make fifo64
2010-05-02 yutaka add light switch api
2010-05-01 yutaka add light switch
2010-04-29 Yutaka_Kinjyo merge
2010-04-29 Yutaka_Kinjyo Cerium2010 update
2010-04-28 Shinji KONO changelog
2010-04-24 yutaka ugoita!!
2010-04-24 yutaka fix Bulk
2010-04-24 yutaka fix early free of TaskArray, add SchedTaskArrayNop stage.
2010-04-20 yutaka wordcoutn fix
2010-04-20 yutaka merge
2010-04-20 yutaka wordcount fix?
2010-04-14 game add freemind
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO working on Mac OS X
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO Added tag before-simple-task for changeset 97a514cf6ad3
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO merged
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO merge
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO fix memory coruption on task self
2010-03-05 Shinji KONO heap corruption in TaskArray1
2010-02-16 yutaka simd before-simple-task
2010-02-16 hiroki add property_chain.h
2010-02-16 hiroki add chain_move.h
2010-02-15 hiroki Test/property_chain is work
2010-02-14 hiroki fix Test/property_chain
2010-02-13 hiroki property_chain is under construction
2010-02-13 hiroki add add spe/chain_move Test/property_chain, not workd
2010-02-13 hiroki merge
2010-02-13 hiroki add spe/univers_move
2010-02-10 yutaka task/DrawSpan fix
2010-02-10 yutaka simd
2010-02-07 hiroki merge
2010-02-07 hiroki Test/create_task.cc work
2010-02-05 yutaka add lights
2010-02-04 hiroki add task/ExecMove
2010-02-04 hiroki first of all commit, not work Rendering/Test/create_task
2010-02-01 hiroki fix create_task
2010-01-30 hiroki change Test/create_task
2010-01-29 hiroki Test/create_task , create SPE task from application.
2010-01-29 hiroki add Test/create_task {spe, task}/Property
2010-01-27 tkaito fix
2010-01-27 admin property add
2010-01-27 hiroki add task/RunMove
2010-01-26 hiroki rendering, move_coll parallel running
2010-01-25 hiroki add task/DataLoad task/DataUpdate
2010-01-25 hiroki add DataLoad DataUpdate
2010-01-25 hiroki add ViewerDevice
2010-01-25 hiroki TaskManager changeset 683, Renderer changeset 746
2010-01-19 hiroki fix viewer.cc work with "-cpu 0" option
2010-01-19 hiroki change viewer.cc / -cpu 0
2010-01-13 hiroki merge
2010-01-12 Shinji KONO merge
2010-01-10 kazz include of Makefile.fifo fix
2010-01-12 Shinji KONO continue..
2010-01-12 Shinji KONO Task Arrayed Word Count
2010-01-01 Shinji KONO move include Makefile.dep
2009-12-31 Shinji KONO make depend (for Mac OS X)
2009-12-30 yutaka light
2009-12-27 Shinji KONO merge
2009-12-27 hiroki cut printf
2009-12-25 hiroki fix Engin/Application.h, not work on ps3
2009-12-23 yutaka name change
2009-12-23 yutaka add array sample helloworld
2009-12-22 aaa merge
2009-12-22 aaa fix SgChange.cc
2009-12-22 admin property_test fix
2009-12-21 aaa fix Test
2009-12-19 aaa add Engine/ViewerDevice , SgRootChange not work
2009-12-19 aaa fix SgChange.cc, SgRootChange.cc
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO remove swap buffer
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO Light data load fix (general load routine)
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO Small clean up of Rendering Engine
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO SgChange
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO CellTaskManager fix
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO cleanups..
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO Cell fix
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO clean up scheduler main loop
2009-12-19 Shinji KONO write dma miss.
2009-12-18 Shinji KONO TaskList load timing...
2009-12-16 hiroki merge
2009-12-16 hiroki not work SgChange
2009-12-16 Shinji KONO HTask fix
2009-12-16 Shinji KONO remove SIMPLE_TASK conditional
2009-12-16 Shinji KONO merge
2009-12-16 Shinji KONO dma wait timing in SchedTaskArrayLoad
2009-12-15 admin property_test add
2009-12-15 Shinji KONO fix
2009-12-15 Shinji KONO cleean up SchedTasks.
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO Added tag simple-task-regression for changeset e4d2b823903c
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO no compile error on Cell. Regression Test. simple-task-regression
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO Redering on SIMPLE_TASK
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO Compatibility mode works.
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO compatibility
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO Added tag TaskArray for changeset 226d95fa2691
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO Bulk task worked on Mac OS X TaskArray
2009-12-14 Shinji KONO fix fix ...
2009-12-13 Shinji KONO ....
2009-12-13 Shinji KONO no compile error for Task Array
2009-12-13 Shinji KONO TaskArray on going...
2009-12-13 Shinji KONO on going...
2009-12-12 Shinji KONO TaskArray on going...
2009-12-10 Shinji KONO merge
2009-12-08 hiroki debug , aligned light_xyz
2009-12-08 hiroki add sgchangeFB,SDL
2009-12-08 hiroki Test/SgRootChange not work
2009-12-07 Shinji KONO document
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO Added tag before-task-array for changeset a06eef665c45
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO merge
2009-12-06 yutaka span xyz
2009-12-06 hiroki add spe/DataLoad spe/DataUpdate
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO Bulk task on going.
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO Task Array generation worked.
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO on going...
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO test code for TaskArray
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO TaskArray structure
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO fix
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO adding Array Task.
2009-12-05 yutaka add Load light info for some spe
2009-12-06 Shinji KONO changelog
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO mail time before-task-array
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO fix
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO fix many task example (sort).
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO profiling worked.
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO add profiling code
2009-12-05 Shinji KONO fix several Renderer/Test with (void*)sgroot.
2009-12-03 Shinji KONO add header.
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO fix non SIMPLE_TASK code
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO vector fix on Simple Task
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO SimpeTask WordCount Worked.
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO simplify word_count
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO word_count_test
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO word count
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO incremental task creation on word count_test
2009-12-02 Shinji KONO merge
2009-12-01 yutaka add word_count_test
2009-11-27 Shinji KONO export xml3 not yet worked.
2009-11-27 Shinji KONO branch merge
2009-11-27 Shinji KONO export_xml3 for Blender 2.5 ( not yet worked )
2009-11-25 hiroki merge
2009-11-25 hiroki remove global variable "sgroot" , add SgChange.{cc, h} SgMain.cc SgRootChange.{cc, h}
2009-11-24 Shinji KONO fix on Mac OS X
2009-12-01 Shinji KONO vectorize word count
2009-12-01 Shinji KONO vectorize word_count.
2009-11-23 Shinji KONO bulk task list start.
2009-11-23 Shinji KONO fix
2009-11-22 Shinji KONO cell fix
2009-11-22 Shinji KONO MailManager Fifo fix
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO Mail modification. Working on Mac OS X.
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO MailManager rewrite. not yet worked.
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO send_mailList fix.
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO fix
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO minor fix
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO minor fix.
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO minor fix
2009-11-21 Shinji KONO Regression on Mac OS X
2009-11-20 Shinji KONO SimpeTask on Cell worked.
2009-11-19 Shinji KONO fix
2009-11-19 Shinji KONO hmmmm
2009-11-19 Shinji KONO not yet worked...
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO Cell Simple Task compiled. but not worked.
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO SimpleTask worked on Mac OS X
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO SimpleTask start
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO Added tag before_simple_task for changeset 9df0112f7ccf
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO sglist is now obsolete. before_simple_task
2009-11-18 kent modify Makefiles
2009-11-18 kent modify Makefile for linux
2009-11-18 Shinji KONO Cell 64 bit tried, but not yet worked.
2009-11-16 yutaka change gaplan.cc
2009-11-16 e065725 change gaplan and add gaplan blend file
2009-11-16 Shinji KONO 64bit mode compatibility on Cell
2009-11-16 Shinji KONO 64bit mode worked on Mac OS X.
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO fix
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO endian
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO remove non relocatable funcion call.
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO Cell fix
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO merge
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO RenewTask removal
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO worked. Cell fix. (not yet tested)
2009-11-14 tkaito bug fix
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO Rendering not yet worked.
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO First addOutput rendering try failed.
2009-11-14 Shinji KONO remove uncessary Task Name definision
2009-11-12 yutaka moon light fix
2009-11-12 yutaka add revers.pl
2009-11-10 Shinji KONO cell fix memaddr
2009-11-07 kazz change htonl to xdr_float (checked working on mac)
2009-11-07 Shinji KONO merge
2009-11-06 Shinji KONO merge
2009-11-06 Shinji KONO Makefile fix
2009-11-07 Shinji KONO 32bit/64bit ABI (64 bit is not tested yet).
2009-11-07 Shinji KONO working on 32 bit compiler
2009-11-07 Shinji KONO fix mail box size
2009-11-07 Shinji KONO long -> memaddr (64 or 32)
2009-11-06 e075740 64bit mode try... not worked.
2009-11-06 kazz linda work on mac osx
2009-11-06 kazz linda not work
2009-11-05 yutaka change alpha
2009-11-05 e065725 normal vector fix script
2009-11-05 yutaka add Light Object
2009-11-04 Shinji KONO add xdr_getpos
2009-11-04 Shinji KONO add xdr test routine...
2009-11-04 yutaka add light
2009-11-03 kazz sending and moving of multi xml work (linda)
2009-10-31 kazz send position work!!!(linda)
2009-10-31 kazz send linda not work...
2009-10-30 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-30 Shinji KONO add viwer.cc
2009-10-29 kazz send position test
2009-10-28 kazz dynamic work
2009-10-28 kazz dynamic not work
2009-10-26 Shinji KONO chain_old
2009-10-25 Shinji KONO fix writer.c
2009-10-25 Shinji KONO add writer
2009-10-24 Shinji KONO fix realloc
2009-10-24 Shinji KONO fix
2009-10-24 Shinji KONO add all object in file in dynamic_create
2009-10-24 root fix.
2009-10-23 game ps3 move
2009-10-23 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-23 Shinji KONO minor fix
2009-10-23 Shinji KONO Linda API worked. (slightly unreliable)
2009-10-23 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO example fix
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO fix tag
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO Added tag examples for changeset 8fca17aa57df
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO merge examples
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO merge
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO linda API
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO for cell
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO all exmple on Mac OS X
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO name search
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO gplant (not yet worked...)
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO gaplant... how to solve scenegraph id conflict?
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO direction
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO boss1_action
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO fix examlples (on going)
2009-10-23 kazz get linda server addr from command line arg
2009-10-22 kazz changed wait rd to in api
2009-10-22 aaa add send_linda.cc
2009-10-22 aaa fix
2009-10-22 aaa add Application/send_linda.cc
2009-10-22 kazz linda work
2009-10-22 kazz merged...
2009-10-22 kazz linda view one object (bug...)
2009-10-22 kent modify applications not using SGid but SGname.
2009-10-22 kent modify lindaapi.
2009-10-22 kazz Makefile.macosx fixed
2009-10-21 tkaito fix
2009-10-21 aaa merge
2009-10-21 aaa complex lindaapi
2009-10-21 tkaito merge
2009-10-21 tkaito fix
2009-10-21 tkaito merge
2009-10-21 tkaito SGList isn't used
2009-10-21 aaa merge
2009-10-21 aaa work dynamic_create
2009-10-21 kent add new lindaapi into test_render/lindaapi
2009-10-21 aaa merge
2009-10-21 aaa add Application/dynamic_create.cc
2009-10-21 kent test_render/Makefile.linux
2009-10-21 kent add .hgignore
2009-10-20 aaa change SceneGraphRoot's constructor
2009-10-20 aaa add SceneGraphList
2009-10-20 game merge
2009-10-20 game Application ander constructing
2009-10-20 yutaka add word_count3
2009-10-12 hiroki merge
2009-10-12 hiroki change Application
2009-10-22 Shinji KONO Cerium no error.
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO half finish for Cell
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO add files
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO Added tag ball_bound, -r, 513 for changeset 2bc1e486e71d
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO Added tag ball_bound for changeset f8d9830d94cd
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO continue..
2009-10-16 Shinji KONO ....
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO Added tag ball_bound for changeset 53f6939d7c97
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO Removed tag 513
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO Removed tag ball_bound
2009-10-20 Shinji KONO old ball_bound fix...
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO remove test_render
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO ball_bound worked.
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO fix
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO continue...
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO Cerium Rendering Library
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO reorganization
2009-10-12 Shinji KONO Reorganization..
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO code_load in read()
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO remove check in double linked list
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO Added tag double-linked-task-list for changeset 30568cef3899
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO comment double-linked-task-list
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO Renew Task addInData (not yet worked).
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO Cell inData/outData DMA removal
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO Mac OS X done...
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO still fixing...
2009-10-11 Shinji KONO double linked HTaskInfo/HTask
2009-10-10 Shinji KONO no wakeup loop
2009-10-10 Shinji KONO PS3 double linked TaskQueue worked.
2009-10-10 Shinji KONO fix wakeup_task
2009-10-10 Shinji KONO Singleton TaskQueue pool
2009-10-09 Shinji KONO fix free conflict.
2009-10-09 Shinji KONO memcpy for param
2009-10-06 Shinji KONO fix
2009-10-06 Shinji KONO merged..
2009-10-06 hiroki merge
2009-10-06 hiroki change viewer
2009-10-06 Shinji KONO comment
2009-10-06 Shinji KONO activeTaskQueue on Fifo is necessary on Cell
2009-10-06 Shinji KONO fix
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO fix CellHTask initialize..
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO renew task worked. but not test_nogl...
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO Double linked list version. test_nogl is not working now... sorry.
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO Double linked list modification done (tested on Mac OS X)
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO TaskQueueInfo initiaization...
2009-10-05 Shinji KONO Double Linked List base TaskQueue
2009-10-04 Shinji KONO remove duplicate sources in Cell/spe
2009-10-04 tkaito fix
2009-10-04 Shinji KONO CellBufferManager removed
2009-10-04 Shinji KONO BufferManager removed.
2009-10-03 Shinji KONO fix
2009-10-03 Shinji KONO string offset for get_segment relocation code...
2009-10-02 Shinji KONO fix spe test_render
2009-10-01 Shinji KONO add library
2009-10-02 Shinji KONO fix_relocation for function table...
2009-10-02 Shinji KONO fix spe/DrawSpan.cc (not yet tested)
2009-10-02 Shinji KONO test_nogl on Mac OS X worked.
2009-10-01 Shinji KONO fix all examples. test_render is not working now.
2009-10-01 Shinji KONO prohibit global variable in Task....
2009-09-30 Shinji KONO fix get_segement
2009-09-30 Shinji KONO task run is mere C function now.
2009-09-29 Shinji KONO remove run()
2009-09-29 Shinji KONO show pc in get_segement.
2009-09-29 Shinji KONO overlay worked.
2009-09-29 Shinji KONO fix Scheduler.h
2009-09-28 Shinji KONO fix ovly_table.pl
2009-09-27 kono add ovly table tag modified
2009-09-25 kazz merg
2009-09-25 kazz InitKey UpdateKey added
2009-09-25 aaa add OSC panel
2009-09-25 kazz Chain work
2009-09-25 kazz Chain extends Application. add Application to Viewer.
2009-09-25 kazz Application.{cc,h} added
2009-09-25 kazz tag fixed... test_nogl move
2009-09-25 kazz KeyStat fixed...
2009-09-25 kazz get_segment fixed. and test_nogl rollback to 426. move!
2009-09-25 kazz test_render fixed..
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO fix...
2009-09-24 game Chain.h add
2009-09-24 game test_render error fixed
2009-09-24 game test_render is not working...
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO overlay worked... in -O0 only.
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO hoge... size/count
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO slightly worked...
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO fix get_segment exaple PPE task
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO still overlay...
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO overlay merge
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO overlay...
2009-09-24 game merge
2009-09-24 game ChainCal task fix
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO merge overlay
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO overlay (on going)..
2009-09-24 game merge
2009-09-24 game fix
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO code loading (on going...)
2009-09-24 game merge
2009-09-24 game merge
2009-09-24 game add Application.{cc, h}
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO minor fix.
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO add code load API
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO merge chain...
2009-09-24 hiroki change spe/*.cpp -> spe/*.cc
2009-09-24 game comment
2009-09-24 Shinji KONO Code load implementation... (not yet tested)
2009-09-23 Hiroki NAKASONE merge
2009-09-23 Hiroki NAKASONE merge
2009-09-23 Hiroki NAKASONE test fix
2009-09-23 Hiroki NAKASONE add key
2009-09-23 tkaito merge
2009-09-23 tkaito SceneGraph switch add
2009-09-23 kazz ChainCal.cpp indent-region
2009-09-23 e065725 rm 150MB.txt sorry
2009-09-23 tkaito chain_old.cc add (Application/)
2009-09-23 game add test_render/TODO
2009-09-23 game change task/SendKey.cpp -> .cc
2009-09-23 e065746 fix spe/*
2009-09-23 game add Move, Draw, ChainMove
2009-09-23 game merge
2009-09-23 game add task/SendKey
2009-09-23 Shinji KONO make Application sub directory
2009-09-23 Shinji KONO rename cpp to cc
2009-09-23 Shinji KONO clean up and add more info on task_list
2009-09-21 game merge 401 , 400
2009-09-21 game fix viewer.cpp
2009-09-21 Shinji KONO Fix examples.
2009-09-21 game fix viewer.cc (run_loop)
2009-09-20 game separate existing source
2009-09-20 game delete manager (in kernel/ppe/TaskManager.h)
2009-09-18 game don't move. separate allExecute from run_loop
2009-09-17 game chain on SPE
2009-09-16 e065725 debug word_count
2009-09-15 e065725 add word_count
2009-08-31 kazz added lindaapi.cpp and lindaapi.h to test_render
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO fix...
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO document
2009-08-06 kono MemHash for Cell
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO MemHash (OS X version)
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO no compile error but not worked.
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO MemHash...
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO fix
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO makefile fix
2009-08-06 Shinji KONO fix header, MemHash in kernel
2009-08-02 kazz chain.cpp update
2009-08-01 Shinji KONO clean up
2009-07-31 e065701 ps3 fix
2009-07-31 kazz 動いた!
2009-07-31 kazz test_nogl not working
2009-07-31 kazz chain.h chain.xml added
2009-07-31 kazz chain.cpp added
2009-05-06 kazz chain.cpp added
2009-05-06 kazz CHAIN ADDED
2009-07-31 kazz MemList not working
2009-07-30 e065725 change TaskManger/Makefile.cell
2009-07-29 aaa change DrawSpan, #define USE_MEMLIST use MemList(LRU)
2009-07-29 aaa change TaskManger & memory/* & Random
2009-07-28 aaa change TaskManager.cc
2009-07-27 aaa change TaskManager
2009-07-27 aaa change Makefile to copy include files
2009-07-27 aaa rename include/TaskManager/* and add memory
2009-07-24 aaa modify types.h
2009-07-24 tkaito uint32 to memaddr(uint64)
2009-07-24 tkaito See Changelog
2009-07-17 e065746 vacuum -sg 15
2009-07-17 aaa add cube.cpp
2009-07-17 aaa add vacuum "-sg 16"
2009-07-17 hiroki change spe/CreateSpan.cpp
2009-07-17 hiroki spe/CreateSpan.cpp scale_max
2009-07-17 root fix spe/DrawSpan.{cpp, h} spe/DrawSpanRenew.cpp
2009-07-17 aaa merge heads
2009-07-15 koba add spe_main's task_size file
2009-07-15 koba add example/get_segment and change spe/DrawSpan.cpp
2009-07-14 Shinji KONO comment about srandom
2009-07-13 admin add global_alloc.h
2009-07-10 admin add move,collision task