
age author description
2009-07-09 e065746 divide func
2009-07-08 e065746 error in SceneGraph.[cpp,h]
2009-07-08 e065746 remove SceneGraph::createFromXMLfile
2009-07-08 aaa [BlenderScript/export_xml.py] deplicate image
2009-07-03 admin example-scenegraph
2009-07-03 kazz Changed SceneGraph.mm
2009-07-03 kazz SceneGraph.mm Added
2009-06-29 aaa add param gid [SceneGraph.h], func [SceneGraphIterator]
2009-06-29 aaa Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-27 e065725 change api setSceneDate
2009-06-27 e065725 add normal vector rotate
2009-06-23 aaa changed Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-15 hiroki change Makefile run-ps3 "-width 1980" -> "-width 1920"
2009-06-14 e065746 change show_time.cpp
2009-06-13 e065746 [in test_render] push L key , call show_dma_wait, but incomplete.
2009-06-12 admin example/task_config/tasks.xml changed
2009-06-12 aaa change bin/cerium
2009-06-12 Shinji KONO cerium script fix
2009-06-12 aaa change bin/cerium not work
2009-06-12 aaa add task/config/tasks.xml lib/tasks.xml
2009-06-11 aaa merge
2009-06-11 aaa add test_render/show_time.{cpp,h} {spe,task}/ShowTime.{cpp,h} but incomplete
2009-06-11 aaa add test_render/{spe, task}/ShowTime.cpp but incomplete
2009-06-11 e065725 add inner_product is minus case.
2009-06-11 Shinji KONO remove generated document
2009-06-10 aaa add gaplant
2009-06-10 Shinji KONO remove debug
2009-06-10 Shinji KONO merge 317
2009-06-10 Shinji KONO fix
2009-06-10 Shinji KONO light
2009-06-09 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-09 e065746 merge
2009-06-09 e065746 run に smanager を引数として渡すようにした
2009-06-09 e065725 add pre light
2009-06-08 root debugging
2009-06-08 kono fix ppu mail box waiting (mainMem allocate)
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO memMain tester
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO add smanager interface for test_nogl
2009-06-08 e065746 remove smanager
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO minor fix
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO remove SchedTaskImpl
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO clean up include
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO remove unnecessary method delegate
2009-06-08 kono private
2009-06-08 kono fix Makefile.cell
2009-06-08 kono spu worked. Makefile warning remains.
2009-06-08 Shinji KONO working on macosx
2009-06-07 tkaito remove deprecated source. not work.
2009-06-07 tkaito remove TaskManager/Fifo/MainScheduler.o TaskManeger/Test/test_render/test_nogl
2009-06-07 Shinji KONO UTF-8
2009-06-07 Shinji KONO from EUC to UTF-8
2009-06-07 Shinji KONO start task config
2009-06-05 aaa add BlenderScript/create_mesh.py
2009-06-05 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-05 e065746 merge
2009-06-05 e065746 add wait_for document
2009-06-05 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-05 kono document
2009-06-05 e065746 doxygen
2009-06-05 e065746 doxygen
2009-06-05 e065746 doxygen
2009-06-05 e065746 doxygen
2009-06-05 e065746 merge 284
2009-06-05 e065746 add Doxygen
2009-06-05 koba change files
2009-06-05 e065746 fix test_render
2009-06-05 Shinji KONO fix
2009-06-05 tkaito changeset:260 repair
2009-06-04 e075766 test_render can not
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO add
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 277
2009-06-03 admin remove garbage files.
2009-06-03 admin remove garbage file.
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 252
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 251
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 248
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 172 264
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 151 263
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merge 12 & 122 akira
2009-06-03 e065725 Add alpha blending
2009-06-03 admin Add dandy parts.
2009-06-03 e065746 change example
2009-06-03 aaa chaged Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-03 aaa change example/dependency_task
2009-06-03 Shinji KONO merged
2009-06-03 tkaito fix examples
2009-06-03 tkaito show dma wait
2009-06-03 tkaito rm -f *.a
2009-06-03 tkaito usr_help_str is nessesary for example
2009-06-02 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-06-02 e065746 no move Cerium
2009-06-02 e065746 no move Cerium
2009-06-02 e065746 no move
2009-06-02 tkaito warning clean
2009-06-01 aaa change example
2009-06-01 e065746 little change CellTaskManagerImpl.cc
2009-06-01 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-05-31 e065746 mail modify
2009-05-31 e065746 rm warning
2009-05-31 e065746 dma_wait
2009-05-30 aaa Document/Cerium_2009.mm
2009-05-29 k098586 fix
2009-05-29 admin hey
2009-05-29 admin warning clean
2009-05-16 admin test
2009-03-29 gongo fix
2009-03-29 gongo fix Makefile
2009-03-29 gongo merge
2009-03-29 gongo fix
2009-02-24 tkaito image
2009-02-24 tkaito test program add (-sg 12)
2009-02-13 gongo fix Random
2009-02-12 gongo add Random class
2009-02-12 gongo remove SceneGraph::data, add SceneGraph::coord_xyz, coord_tex, normal
2009-02-11 gongo add sort
2009-02-11 gongo fix Makefile
2009-02-10 tkaito Makefile.def
2009-02-10 tkaito SceneGraph.cpp xmlcreate
2009-02-10 gongo add Vacuume
2009-02-10 gongo fix
2009-02-09 gongo Cameraの設定、Makefile 修正
2009-02-09 gongo fix
2009-02-08 gongo allExecute する度に SceneGraph をコピーしていく様に変更
2009-02-04 gongo fix
2009-02-04 gongo fix
2009-02-04 gongo rename cerium_main to TMmain, add TMend()
2009-02-01 gongo fix SceneGraph Constructor, Destructor
2009-02-01 gongo fix
2009-02-01 gongo add SceneGraph "3D Super-Dandy"
2009-01-30 gongo fix
2009-01-30 gongo fix
2009-01-30 gongo fix DrawSpan
2009-01-30 gongo remove tmp file
2009-01-30 gongo fix
2009-01-29 gongo add Camera.cpp
2009-01-29 gongo add Camera
2009-01-27 gongo fix
2009-01-26 gongo fix
2009-01-26 gongo fix CreateSpan::run
2009-01-26 gongo fix SceneGraphIterator::hasNext(), next()
2009-01-26 gongo add SceneGraphIterator
2009-01-26 gongo fix run_draw
2009-01-26 gongo add SceneGraph(ieshoot), add SystemSceneGraph(Camera)
2009-01-26 gongo rename snake_bg to panel
2009-01-26 gongo remove old xml file, add new xml file
2009-01-25 gongo add SceneGraphRoot, tools/create_sglist.pl
2009-01-25 gongo fix
2009-01-20 gongo fix
2009-01-13 gongo fix
2009-01-13 gongo add example/renew_task
2009-01-12 gongo fix Joystick Button
2009-01-08 tkaito mindmap commit
2009-01-08 gongo fix
2009-01-08 gongo メモりリーク箇所発見:TaskManager/Test/test_render/ChangeLog参照
2009-01-08 gongo fix
2009-01-06 gongo fix
2009-01-06 gongo add file
2009-01-06 gongo fix
2009-01-06 gongo fix
2008-12-23 gongo add get_inputAddr, get_outputAddr
2008-12-23 gongo fix
2008-12-22 gongo いろいろ fix 。詳しくは TaskManager/Changelog、test_render/Changelog を
2008-12-19 gongo SDL_SetVideoMode に渡す bpp が 0 になってた (環境依存になってしまう)
2008-12-16 gongo add makeTapestry in SceneGraph.cpp
2008-12-16 gongo zRow の生成、初期化の変更
2008-12-16 gongo fix
2008-12-12 gongo add file "ChangeLog"
2008-12-12 gongo getScale()、getTapestry から、span->length に適切なテクスチャの選択に成功
2008-12-11 gongo add scale
2008-12-11 gongo CreateSpan に getScale を追加
2008-12-11 tkaito Scale-SceneGraph.cpp
2008-12-11 gongo fix ViewerSDL
2008-12-11 gongo fix
2008-12-11 gongo Delete DrawSpan::get_pixel().
2008-12-09 gongo DrawSpan で使う Tile の Hash の扱いは class TileHash を生成する事に。
2008-12-09 gongo fix
2008-12-09 gongo fix
2008-12-09 gongo TilePtr は SPE で計算した方がいいと判断して変更。
2008-12-09 gongo delete unnecesary file
2008-12-08 gongo Added tag fullHD_omedetou for changeset 1f4c3f3238e6
2008-12-08 gongo texture の座標がマイナスになったあと、それを 0 にし忘れてた fullHD_omedetou
2008-12-08 gongo fix
2008-12-04 gongo uniserve.xml の Moon の画像サイズが 8 の倍数じゃなかったのを修正。
2008-12-04 gongo fix
2008-12-04 gongo fix
2008-12-04 gongo fix
2008-12-04 gongo TextureInfoList がずれてたのを修正
2008-12-03 gongo task/ と spe/ の同期し忘れ。
2008-12-02 gongo 画像のサイズテストを加える -sg = [2,3,4]
2008-12-02 root add xml file
2008-12-02 gongo fix
2008-12-02 gongo add xml
2008-12-02 gongo SceneGraph.cpp での texture_list fix
2008-12-02 gongo Span への Texture List の渡し。じゃっかん texture がバグってるので
2008-12-02 gongo fix
2008-12-02 gongo TileList の生成の修正
2008-12-02 gongo fix
2008-11-29 gongo fix
2008-11-28 gongo add xml
2008-11-28 gongo add xml
2008-11-28 gongo TileList を作ろうとしたがに動かない。
2008-11-28 gongo add Controller
2008-11-28 gongo fix
2008-11-28 gongo オブジェクトを増やして複数の表示に成功。
2008-11-28 gongo SceneGraphPack の代わりに、今は SceneGraph をそのまま使う様に設定。
2008-11-27 gongo add xml file
2008-11-27 gongo remove xml file
2008-11-27 gongo CreateSpan で、三角形を二つに割る時、
2008-11-27 gongo DrawSpan のテクスチャ座標を求める部分で、width と height が逆に使われてた。
2008-11-25 gongo add XML
2008-11-25 gongo fix
2008-11-25 gongo テクスチャの大きさを128x128以外にも使えるように。(若干バグ有り)
2008-11-25 gongo new texture
2008-11-25 gongo texture load use hash table
2008-11-25 gongo RGBA image の生成で、RGBMask を Big,Little Endian に分けて記述
2008-11-25 gongo fix RGBA mask (bgr -> rgba)
2008-11-25 gongo fix Makefile
2008-11-25 gongo add xml file
2008-11-25 gongo delete scene_graph->child (instead use "children")
2008-11-24 gongo add SceneGraph move
2008-11-25 gongo fix
2008-11-24 gongo fix Load Texture
2008-11-13 gongo fix Makefile
2008-11-13 gongo fix Makefile
2008-11-13 gongo add Tapestry.h
2008-11-13 gongo fix
2008-11-13 gongo fix Makefile
2008-11-13 gongo fix Makefile
2008-11-13 gongo Define New Texture Data Structure
2008-11-12 gongo add Task.h
2008-11-12 gongo remove task.h
2008-11-12 gongo remove unecessary files
2008-11-12 gongo Cerium cvs version