diff LEMC.agda @ 277:d9d3654baee1

seperate choice from LEM
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sat, 09 May 2020 09:38:21 +0900
parents ODC.agda@6f10c47e4e7a
children 197e0b3d39dc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LEMC.agda	Sat May 09 09:38:21 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+open import Level
+open import Ordinals
+open import logic
+open import Relation.Nullary
+module LEMC {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n} ) (p∨¬p : ( p : Set (suc n)) → p ∨ ( ¬ p )) where
+open import zf
+open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
+open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Data.Nat.Properties 
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import nat
+import OD
+open inOrdinal O
+open OD O
+open OD.OD
+open OD._==_
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+open import zfc
+--- With assuption of OD is ordered,  p ∨ ( ¬ p ) <=> axiom of choice
+record choiced  ( X : OD) : Set (suc n) where
+  field
+     a-choice : OD
+     is-in : X ∋ a-choice
+open choiced
+OD→ZFC   = record { 
+    ZFSet = OD 
+    ; _∋_ = _∋_ 
+    ; _≈_ = _==_ 
+    ; ∅  = od∅
+    ; Select = Select
+    ; isZFC = isZFC
+ } where
+    -- infixr  200 _∈_
+    -- infixr  230 _∩_ _∪_
+    isZFC : IsZFC (OD )  _∋_  _==_ od∅ Select 
+    isZFC = record {
+       choice-func = λ A {X} not A∋X → a-choice (choice-func X not );
+       choice = λ A {X} A∋X not → is-in (choice-func X not)
+     } where
+         choice-func :  (X : OD ) → ¬ ( X == od∅ ) → choiced X
+         choice-func  X not = have_to_find where
+                 ψ : ( ox : Ordinal ) → Set (suc n)
+                 ψ ox = (( x : Ordinal ) → x o< ox  → ( ¬ def X x )) ∨ choiced X
+                 lemma-ord : ( ox : Ordinal  ) → ψ ox
+                 lemma-ord  ox = TransFinite {ψ} induction ox where
+                    ∋-p : (A x : OD ) → Dec ( A ∋ x ) 
+                    ∋-p A x with p∨¬p (Lift (suc n) ( A ∋ x )) -- LEM
+                    ∋-p A x | case1 (lift t)  = yes t
+                    ∋-p A x | case2 t  = no (λ x → t (lift x ))
+                    ∀-imply-or :  {A : Ordinal  → Set n } {B : Set (suc n) }
+                        → ((x : Ordinal ) → A x ∨ B) →  ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) ∨ B
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB with p∨¬p (Lift ( suc n ) ((x : Ordinal ) → A x)) -- LEM
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case1 (lift t) = case1 t
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case2 x  = case2 (lemma (λ not → x (lift not ))) where
+                         lemma : ¬ ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) →  B
+                         lemma not with p∨¬p B
+                         lemma not | case1 b = b
+                         lemma not | case2 ¬b = ⊥-elim  (not (λ x → dont-orb (∀AB x) ¬b ))
+                    induction : (x : Ordinal) → ((y : Ordinal) → y o< x → ψ y) → ψ x
+                    induction x prev with ∋-p X ( ord→od x) 
+                    ... | yes p = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od x ; is-in = p } )
+                    ... | no ¬p = lemma where
+                         lemma1 : (y : Ordinal) → (y o< x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
+                         lemma1 y with ∋-p X (ord→od y)
+                         lemma1 y | yes y<X = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od y ; is-in = y<X } )
+                         lemma1 y | no ¬y<X = case1 ( λ lt y<X → ¬y<X (subst (λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) y<X ) )
+                         lemma :  ((y : Ordinals.ord O) → (O Ordinals.o< y) x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
+                         lemma = ∀-imply-or lemma1
+                 have_to_find : choiced X
+                 have_to_find = dont-or  (lemma-ord (od→ord X )) ¬¬X∋x where
+                     ¬¬X∋x : ¬ ((x : Ordinal) → x o< (od→ord X) → def X x → ⊥)
+                     ¬¬X∋x nn = not record {
+                            eq→ = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim  (nn x (def→o< lt) lt) 
+                          ; eq← = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 lt )
+                        }