{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-} open import Level open import Ordinals module Tychonoff {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n}) where open import logic open _∧_ open _∨_ open Bool import OD open import Relation.Nullary open import Data.Empty open import Relation.Binary.Core open import Relation.Binary.Definitions open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality import BAlgebra open BAlgebra O open inOrdinal O open OD O open OD.OD open ODAxiom odAxiom import OrdUtil import ODUtil open Ordinals.Ordinals O open Ordinals.IsOrdinals isOrdinal -- open Ordinals.IsNext isNext open OrdUtil O open ODUtil O import ODC open ODC O open import filter O open import filter-util O open import ZProduct O open import Topology O -- open import maximum-filter O open Filter open Topology -- -- Tychonoff : {P Q : HOD } → (TP : Topology P) → (TQ : Topology Q) -- → Compact TP → Compact TQ → Compact (ProductTopology TP TQ) -- -- ULFP : Compact <=> Every ultra filter F have a limit i.e. open sets which contains the limit (Neighbor limit) is in F -- -- Tychonoff {P} {Q} TP TQ CP CQ = FIP→Compact (ProductTopology TP TQ) (UFLP→FIP (ProductTopology TP TQ) uflPQ ) where -- -- FP FQ : create projections of a filter F, so it is ULFP -- -- Pf : odef (ZFP P Q) (& < * (UFLP.limit uflp) , * (UFLP.limit uflq) >) -- -- the product of each limits must be a limit of ultra filter F -- -- its neighbor is in F, because we can decompose Neighbors nei into subbase of Product Topology which is a open set of P ∋ p or Q ∋ q -- so (P x q) ∋ limit ∨ (q x P) ∋ limit. P x q ⊆ nei , so nei ∋ limit -- -- uflPQ : (F : Filter {Power (ZFP P Q)} {ZFP P Q} (λ x → x)) (UF : ultra-filter F) -- → UFLP (ProductTopology TP TQ) F UF -- -- QED. -- FIP is UFL -- filter Base record FBase (P : HOD ) (X : Ordinal ) (u : Ordinal) : Set n where field b x : Ordinal b⊆X : * b ⊆ * X sb : Subbase (* b) x u⊆P : * u ⊆ P x⊆u : * x ⊆ * u record UFLP {P : HOD} (TP : Topology P) (F : Filter {Power P} {P} (λ x → x) ) (ultra : ultra-filter F ) : Set (suc (suc n)) where field limit : Ordinal P∋limit : odef P limit is-limit : {v : Ordinal} → Neighbor TP limit v → filter F ∋ (* v) -- If any ultrafilter has a limit such that all its neighbors -- are within the filter, it possesses the finite intersection -- property (FIP). -- The finite intersection property defines a filter, and through Zorn's lemma, -- we can maximize it to obtain an ultrafilter. -- If the limit of the filter is not contained within a closed -- set 'p' in the FIP, then it must be in the complement of 'p' -- (P \ p). Since this complement is open and contains the limit, -- it is included in the ultrafilter. However, this implies that -- both 'p' and its complement (P \ p) are present in the filter, -- which contradicts the proper characteristic of the ultrafilter, -- meaning that the filter contains no empty set. -- UFLP→FIP : {P : HOD} (TP : Topology P) → ((F : Filter {Power P} {P} (λ x → x) ) (UF : ultra-filter F ) → UFLP TP F UF ) → FIP TP UFLP→FIP {P} TP uflp with trio< (& P) o∅ ... | tri< a ¬b ¬c = ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 a ) ... | tri≈ ¬a P=0 ¬c = record { limit = λ CX fip → o∅ ; is-limit = fip03 } where -- P is empty ( this case cannot happen because ulfp → 0 < P ) fip02 : {x : Ordinal } → ¬ odef P x fip02 {x} Px = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ (sym P=0) (∈∅< Px) ) fip03 : {X : Ordinal} (CX : * X ⊆ CS TP) (fip : {x : Ordinal} → Subbase (* X) x → o∅ o< x) {x : Ordinal} → odef (* X) x → odef (* x) o∅ -- empty P case -- if 0 < X then 0 < x ∧ P ∋ xfrom fip -- if 0 ≡ X then ¬ odef X x fip03 {X} CX fip {x} xx with trio< o∅ X ... | tri< 0 ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 c ) ... | tri> ¬a ¬b 0

x≤0 (fip (fp00 _ _ b⊆X sb)) where x≤0 : x o< osuc o∅ x≤0 = subst₂ (λ j k → j o< osuc k) &iso (trans (cong (&) *iso) ord-od∅ ) (⊆→o≤ (x⊆u)) fp00 : (b x : Ordinal) → * b ⊆ * X → Subbase (* b) x → Subbase (* X) x fp00 b y b ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 c ) -- -- the limit is an limit of entire elements of X -- uf01 : {X : Ordinal} (CSX : * X ⊆ CS TP) (fp : fip {X} CSX) {x : Ordinal} → odef (* X) x → odef (* x) (limit CSX fp) uf01 {X} CSX fp {x} xx with trio< o∅ X ... | tri> ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 c ) ... | tri≈ ¬a 0=X ¬c = ⊥-elim ( ¬a (subst (λ k → o∅ o< k) &iso ( ∈∅< xx ))) -- 0 ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim (¬x<0 c) -- -- take closure of given filter elements -- CF : HOD CF = Replace (filter F) (λ x → Cl TP x ) {P} record { ≤COD = λ {z} {y} lt → proj1 lt } CF⊆CS : CF ⊆ CS TP CF⊆CS {x} record { z = z ; az = az ; x=ψz = x=ψz } = subst (λ k → odef (CS TP) k) (sym x=ψz) (CS∋Cl TP (* z)) -- -- it is set of closed set and has FIP ( F is proper ) -- ufl08 : {z : Ordinal} → odef (Power P) (& (Cl TP (* z))) ufl08 {z} w zw with subst (λ k → odef k w ) *iso zw ... | t = proj1 t fx→px : {x : Ordinal} → odef (filter F) x → Power P ∋ * x fx→px {x} fx z xz = f⊆L F fx _ (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso xz ) F∋sb : {x : Ordinal} → Subbase CF x → odef (filter F) x F∋sb {x} (gi record { z = z ; az = az ; x=ψz = x=ψz }) = ufl07 where ufl09 : * z ⊆ P ufl09 {y} zy = f⊆L F az _ zy ufl07 : odef (filter F) x ufl07 = subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) &iso ( filter1 F (subst (λ k → odef (Power P) k) (trans (sym x=ψz) (sym &iso)) ufl08 ) (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) az) (subst (λ k → * z ⊆ k ) (trans (sym *iso) (sym (cong (*) x=ψz)) ) (x⊆Clx TP {* z} ufl09 ) )) F∋sb (g∩ {x} {y} sx sy) = filter2 F (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) (F∋sb sx)) (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) (F∋sb sy)) (λ z xz → fx→px (F∋sb sx) _ (subst (λ k → odef k _) (sym *iso) (proj1 (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso xz) ))) ufl01 : {x : Ordinal} → Subbase (* (& CF)) x → o∅ o< x ufl01 {x} sb = ufl04 where ufl04 : o∅ o< x ufl04 with trio< o∅ x ... | tri< a ¬b ¬c = a ... | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = ⊥-elim ( ultra-filter.proper UF (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) ( begin x ≡⟨ sym b ⟩ o∅ ≡⟨ sym ord-od∅ ⟩ & od∅ ∎ ) (F∋sb (subst (λ k → Subbase k x) *iso sb )) )) where open ≡-Reasoning ... | tri> ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim (¬x<0 c) ufl10 : odef P (FIP.limit fip (subst (λ k → k ⊆ CS TP) (sym *iso) CF⊆CS) ufl01) ufl10 = FIP.L∋limit fip (subst (λ k → k ⊆ CS TP) (sym *iso) CF⊆CS) ufl01 {& P} ufl11 where ufl11 : odef (* (& CF)) (& P) ufl11 = subst (λ k → odef k (& P)) (sym *iso) record { z = _ ; az = F∋P ; x=ψz = sym (cong (&) (trans (cong (Cl TP) *iso) (ClL TP))) } -- -- so we have a limit -- limit : Ordinal limit = FIP.limit fip (subst (λ k → k ⊆ CS TP) (sym *iso) CF⊆CS) ufl01 ufl02 : {y : Ordinal } → odef (* (& CF)) y → odef (* y) limit ufl02 = FIP.is-limit fip (subst (λ k → k ⊆ CS TP) (sym *iso) CF⊆CS) ufl01 -- -- Neigbor of limit ⊆ Filter -- -- if odef (* X) x, Cl TP x contains limit (ufl02) -- in (nei : Neighbor TP limit v) , there is an open Set u which contains the limit -- F contains u or P \ u because F is ultra -- if F ∋ u, then F ∋ v from u ⊆ v which is a propetery of Neighbor -- if F ∋ P \ u, it is a closed set (Cl (P \ u) ≡ P \ u) and it does not contains the limit -- this contradicts ufl02 pp : {v : Ordinal} → (nei : Neighbor TP limit v ) → Power P ∋ (* (Neighbor.u nei)) pp {v} record { u = u ; ou = ou ; ux = ux ; v⊆P = v⊆P ; u⊆v = u⊆v } z pz = os⊆L TP (subst (λ k → odef (OS TP) k) (sym &iso) ou ) (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso pz ) ufl00 : {v : Ordinal} → Neighbor TP limit v → filter F ∋ * v ufl00 {v} nei with ultra-filter.ultra UF (pp nei ) (NEG P (pp nei )) ... | case1 fu = subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) &iso ( filter1 F (subst (λ k → odef (Power P) k ) (sym &iso) px) fu (subst (λ k → u ⊆ k ) (sym *iso) (Neighbor.u⊆v nei))) where u = * (Neighbor.u nei) px : Power P ∋ * v px z vz = Neighbor.v⊆P nei (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso vz ) ... | case2 nfu = ⊥-elim ( ¬P\u∋limit P\u∋limit ) where u = * (Neighbor.u nei) P\u : HOD P\u = P \ u P\u∋limit : odef P\u limit P\u∋limit = subst (λ k → odef k limit) *iso ( ufl02 (subst (λ k → odef k (& P\u)) (sym *iso) ufl03 )) where ufl04 : & P\u ≡ & (Cl TP (* (& P\u))) ufl04 = cong (&) (sym (trans (cong (Cl TP) *iso) (CS∋x→Clx=x TP (P\OS=CS TP (subst (λ k → odef (OS TP) k) (sym &iso) (Neighbor.ou nei) ))))) ufl03 : odef CF (& P\u ) ufl03 = record { z = _ ; az = nfu ; x=ψz = ufl04 } ¬P\u∋limit : ¬ odef P\u limit ¬P\u∋limit ⟪ Pl , nul ⟫ = nul ( Neighbor.ux nei ) -- product topology of compact topology is compact import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional postulate f-extensionality : { n m : Level} → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality n m open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE using (_≅_ ) -- FilterQP : {P Q : HOD } → (F : Filter {Power (ZFP P Q)} {ZFP P Q} (λ x → x)) -- → Filter {Power (ZFP Q P)} {ZFP Q P} (λ x → x) -- FilterQP {P} {Q} F = record { filter = ? ; f⊆L = ? ; filter1 = ? ; filter2 = ? } -- -- projection-of-filter : {P Q : HOD } → (F : Filter {Power (ZFP P Q)} {ZFP P Q} (λ x → x)) -- → Filter {Power P} {P} (λ x → x) -- projection-of-filter = ? -- -- projection-of-ultra-filter : {P Q : HOD } → (F : Filter {Power (ZFP P Q)} {ZFP P Q} (λ x → x)) (UF : ultra-filter F) -- → ultra-filter (projection-of-filter F) -- projection-of-ultra-filter = ? -- -- We have UFLP both in P and Q. Given an ultra filter F on P x Q. It has limits on P and Q because a projection of ultra filter -- is a ultra filter. Show the product of the limits is a limit of P x Q. A neighbor of P x Q contains subbase of P x Q, -- which is either inverse projection x of P or Q. The x in in projection of F, because of UFLP. So it is in F, because of the -- property of the filter. -- Tychonoff : {P Q : HOD } → (TP : Topology P) → (TQ : Topology Q) → Compact TP → Compact TQ → Compact (ProductTopology TP TQ) Tychonoff {P} {Q} TP TQ CP CQ = FIP→Compact (ProductTopology TP TQ) (UFLP→FIP (ProductTopology TP TQ) uflPQ ) where uflP : (F : Filter {Power P} {P} (λ x → x)) (UF : ultra-filter F) → UFLP TP F UF uflP F UF = FIP→UFLP TP (Compact→FIP TP CP) F UF uflQ : (F : Filter {Power Q} {Q} (λ x → x)) (UF : ultra-filter F) → UFLP TQ F UF uflQ F UF = FIP→UFLP TQ (Compact→FIP TQ CQ) F UF -- Product of UFL has a limit point uflPQ : (F : Filter {Power (ZFP P Q)} {ZFP P Q} (λ x → x)) (UF : ultra-filter F) → UFLP (ProductTopology TP TQ) F UF uflPQ F UF = record { limit = & < * ( UFLP.limit uflp ) , * ( UFLP.limit uflq ) > ; P∋limit = Pf ; is-limit = isL } where F∋PQ : odef (filter F) (& (ZFP P Q)) F∋PQ with ultra-filter.ultra UF {od∅} (λ z az → ⊥-elim (¬x<0 (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso az)) ) (λ z az → proj1 (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso az ) ) ... | case1 fp = ⊥-elim ( ultra-filter.proper UF fp ) ... | case2 flp = subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (cong (&) (==→o≡ fl20)) flp where fl20 : (ZFP P Q \ Ord o∅) =h= ZFP P Q fl20 = record { eq→ = λ {x} lt → proj1 lt ; eq← = λ {x} lt → ⟪ lt , (λ lt → ⊥-elim (¬x<0 lt) ) ⟫ } 0 ¬a ¬b c = ⊥-elim (¬x<0 c) apq : HOD apq = ODC.minimal O (ZFP P Q) (0) Pf = ab-pair (UFLP.P∋limit uflp) (UFLP.P∋limit uflq) isL : {v : Ordinal} → Neighbor (ProductTopology TP TQ) (& < * (UFLP.limit uflp) , * (UFLP.limit uflq) >) v → filter F ∋ * v isL {v} nei = filter1 F (λ z xz → Neighbor.v⊆P nei (subst (λ k → odef k z) *iso xz)) (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) (F∋base pqb b∋l )) bpq⊆v where -- -- Product Topolgy's open set contains a subbase which is an element of ZPF p Q or ZPF P q -- Neighbor of limit contains an open set which conatins a limit -- every point of an open set is covered by a subbase -- so there is a subbase which contains a limit, the subbase is an element of projection of a filter (P or Q) TPQ = ProductTopology TP TQ lim = & < * (UFLP.limit uflp) , * (UFLP.limit uflq) > bpq : Base (ZFP P Q) (pbase TP TQ) (Neighbor.u nei) (& < * (UFLP.limit uflp) , * (UFLP.limit uflq) >) bpq = Neighbor.ou nei (Neighbor.ux nei) b∋l : odef (* (Base.b bpq)) lim b∋l = Base.bx bpq pqb : Subbase (pbase TP TQ) (Base.b bpq ) pqb = Base.sb bpq pqb⊆opq : * (Base.b bpq) ⊆ * ( Neighbor.u nei ) bpq⊆v : * (Base.b bpq) ⊆ * v bpq⊆v {x} bx = Neighbor.u⊆v nei (pqb⊆opq bx) pqb⊆opq = Base.b⊆u bpq F∋base : {b : Ordinal } → Subbase (pbase TP TQ) b → odef (* b) lim → odef (filter F) b F∋base {b} (gi (case1 px)) bl = subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym (BaseP.prod px)) f∋b where -- -- subbase of product topology which includes lim is in FP, so in F -- isl00 : odef (ZFP (* (BaseP.p px)) Q) lim isl00 = subst (λ k → odef k lim ) (trans (cong (*) (BaseP.prod px)) *iso ) bl px∋limit : odef (* (BaseP.p px)) (UFLP.limit uflp) px∋limit = isl01 isl00 refl where isl01 : {x : Ordinal } → odef (ZFP (* (BaseP.p px)) Q) x → x ≡ lim → odef (* (BaseP.p px)) (UFLP.limit uflp) isl01 (ab-pair {a} {b} bx qx) ab=lim = subst (λ k → odef (* (BaseP.p px)) k) a=lim bx where a=lim : a ≡ UFLP.limit uflp a=lim = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) &iso &iso (cong (&) (proj1 ( prod-≡ (subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) *iso *iso (cong (*) ab=lim) ) ))) fp∋b : filter FP ∋ * (BaseP.p px) fp∋b = UFLP.is-limit uflp record { u = _ ; ou = BaseP.op px ; ux = px∋limit ; v⊆P = λ {x} lt → os⊆L TP (subst (λ k → odef (OS TP) k) (sym &iso) (BaseP.op px)) lt ; u⊆v = λ x → x } f∋b : odef (filter F) (& (ZFP (* (BaseP.p px)) Q)) f∋b = FPSet⊆F1 (subst (λ k → odef (filter FP) k ) &iso fp∋b ) F∋base {b} (gi (case2 qx)) bl = subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym (BaseQ.prod qx)) f∋b where isl00 : odef (ZFP P (* (BaseQ.q qx))) lim isl00 = subst (λ k → odef k lim ) (trans (cong (*) (BaseQ.prod qx)) *iso ) bl qx∋limit : odef (* (BaseQ.q qx)) (UFLP.limit uflq) qx∋limit = isl01 isl00 refl where isl01 : {x : Ordinal } → odef (ZFP P (* (BaseQ.q qx)) ) x → x ≡ lim → odef (* (BaseQ.q qx)) (UFLP.limit uflq) isl01 (ab-pair {a} {b} px bx) ab=lim = subst (λ k → odef (* (BaseQ.q qx)) k) b=lim bx where b=lim : b ≡ UFLP.limit uflq b=lim = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) &iso &iso (cong (&) (proj2 ( prod-≡ (subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) *iso *iso (cong (*) ab=lim) ) ))) fp∋b : filter FQ ∋ * (BaseQ.q qx) fp∋b = UFLP.is-limit uflq record { u = _ ; ou = BaseQ.oq qx ; ux = qx∋limit ; v⊆P = λ {x} lt → os⊆L TQ (subst (λ k → odef (OS TQ) k) (sym &iso) (BaseQ.oq qx)) lt ; u⊆v = λ x → x } f∋b : odef (filter F) (& (ZFP P (* (BaseQ.q qx)) )) f∋b = FQSet⊆F1 (subst (λ k → odef (filter FQ) k ) &iso fp∋b ) F∋base (g∩ {x} {y} b1 b2) bl = F∋x∩y where -- filter contains finite intersection fb01 : odef (filter F) x fb01 = F∋base b1 (proj1 (subst (λ k → odef k lim) *iso bl)) fb02 : odef (filter F) y fb02 = F∋base b2 (proj2 (subst (λ k → odef k lim) *iso bl)) F∋x∩y : odef (filter F) (& (* x ∩ * y)) F∋x∩y = filter2 F (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) fb01) (subst (λ k → odef (filter F) k) (sym &iso) fb02) (CAP (ZFP P Q) (subst (λ k → odef (Power (ZFP P Q)) k) (sym &iso) (f⊆L F fb01)) (subst (λ k → odef (Power (ZFP P Q)) k) (sym &iso) (f⊆L F fb02)))