changeset 288:4fcac1eebc74 release

axiom of choice clean up
author Shinji KONO <>
date Sun, 07 Jun 2020 20:31:30 +0900 (2020-06-07)
parents 6e1c60866788 (current diff) 5de8905a5a2b (diff)
children 9f926b2210bc
diffstat 27 files changed, 4260 insertions(+), 450 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.hgtags	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/.hgtags	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -15,3 +15,9 @@
 1b1620e2053cfc340a4df0d63de65b9059b19b6f current
 1b1620e2053cfc340a4df0d63de65b9059b19b6f current
 2ea2a19f9cd638b29af51a47fa3dabdaea381d5c current
+2ea2a19f9cd638b29af51a47fa3dabdaea381d5c current
+29a85a427ed21beb9be068728f7c55a7070a0a9f current
+29a85a427ed21beb9be068728f7c55a7070a0a9f current
+d9d3654baee12c1b93a25a3994146bc001877b2b current
+d9d3654baee12c1b93a25a3994146bc001877b2b current
+313140ae5e3d1793f8b2dc9055159658d63874e4 current
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BAlgbra.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+open import Level
+open import Ordinals
+module BAlgbra {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n})   where
+open import zf
+open import logic
+import OD 
+import ODC
+open import Relation.Nullary
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
+open inOrdinal O
+open OD O
+open OD.OD
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+open _∧_
+open _∨_
+open Bool
+_∩_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A ∩ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∧ def B x } 
+_∪_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A ∪ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∨ def B x } 
+_\_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A \ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∧ ( ¬ ( def B x ) ) }
+∪-Union : { A B : OD } → Union (A , B) ≡ ( A ∪ B )
+∪-Union {A} {B} = ==→o≡ ( record { eq→ =  lemma1 ; eq← = lemma2 } )  where
+    lemma1 :  {x : Ordinal} → def (Union (A , B)) x → def (A ∪ B) x
+    lemma1 {x} lt = lemma3 lt where
+        lemma4 : {y : Ordinal} → def (A , B) y ∧ def (ord→od y) x → ¬ (¬ ( def A x ∨ def B x) )
+        lemma4 {y} z with proj1 z
+        lemma4 {y} z | case1 refl = double-neg (case1 ( subst (λ k → def k x ) oiso (proj2 z)) )
+        lemma4 {y} z | case2 refl = double-neg (case2 ( subst (λ k → def k x ) oiso (proj2 z)) )
+        lemma3 : (((u : Ordinals.ord O) → ¬ def (A , B) u ∧ def (ord→od u) x) → ⊥) → def (A ∪ B) x
+        lemma3 not = ODC.double-neg-eilm O (FExists _ lemma4 not)   -- choice
+    lemma2 :  {x : Ordinal} → def (A ∪ B) x → def (Union (A , B)) x
+    lemma2 {x} (case1 A∋x) = subst (λ k → def (Union (A , B)) k) diso ( IsZF.union→ isZF (A , B) (ord→od x) A
+       (record { proj1 = case1 refl ; proj2 = subst (λ k → def A k) (sym diso) A∋x}))
+    lemma2 {x} (case2 B∋x) = subst (λ k → def (Union (A , B)) k) diso ( IsZF.union→ isZF (A , B) (ord→od x) B
+       (record { proj1 = case2 refl ; proj2 = subst (λ k → def B k) (sym diso) B∋x}))
+∩-Select : { A B : OD } →  Select A (  λ x → ( A ∋ x ) ∧ ( B ∋ x )  ) ≡ ( A ∩ B )
+∩-Select {A} {B} = ==→o≡ ( record { eq→ =  lemma1 ; eq← = lemma2 } ) where
+    lemma1 : {x : Ordinal} → def (Select A (λ x₁ → (A ∋ x₁) ∧ (B ∋ x₁))) x → def (A ∩ B) x
+    lemma1 {x} lt = record { proj1 = proj1 lt ; proj2 = subst (λ k → def B k ) diso (proj2 (proj2 lt)) }
+    lemma2 : {x : Ordinal} → def (A ∩ B) x → def (Select A (λ x₁ → (A ∋ x₁) ∧ (B ∋ x₁))) x
+    lemma2 {x} lt = record { proj1 = proj1 lt ; proj2 =
+        record { proj1 = subst (λ k → def A k) (sym diso) (proj1 lt) ; proj2 = subst (λ k → def B k ) (sym diso) (proj2 lt) } }
+dist-ord : {p q r : OD } → p ∩ ( q ∪ r ) ≡   ( p ∩ q ) ∪ ( p ∩ r )
+dist-ord {p} {q} {r} = ==→o≡ ( record { eq→ = lemma1 ; eq← = lemma2 } ) where
+    lemma1 :  {x : Ordinal} → def (p ∩ (q ∪ r)) x → def ((p ∩ q) ∪ (p ∩ r)) x
+    lemma1 {x} lt with proj2 lt
+    lemma1 {x} lt | case1 q∋x = case1 ( record { proj1 = proj1 lt ; proj2 = q∋x } )
+    lemma1 {x} lt | case2 r∋x = case2 ( record { proj1 = proj1 lt ; proj2 = r∋x } )
+    lemma2  : {x : Ordinal} → def ((p ∩ q) ∪ (p ∩ r)) x → def (p ∩ (q ∪ r)) x
+    lemma2 {x} (case1 p∩q) = record { proj1 = proj1 p∩q ; proj2 = case1 (proj2 p∩q ) } 
+    lemma2 {x} (case2 p∩r) = record { proj1 = proj1 p∩r ; proj2 = case2 (proj2 p∩r ) } 
+dist-ord2 : {p q r : OD } → p ∪ ( q ∩ r ) ≡   ( p ∪ q ) ∩ ( p ∪ r )
+dist-ord2 {p} {q} {r} = ==→o≡ ( record { eq→ = lemma1 ; eq← = lemma2 } ) where
+    lemma1 : {x : Ordinal} → def (p ∪ (q ∩ r)) x → def ((p ∪ q) ∩ (p ∪ r)) x
+    lemma1 {x} (case1 cp) = record { proj1 = case1 cp ; proj2 = case1 cp }
+    lemma1 {x} (case2 cqr) = record { proj1 = case2 (proj1 cqr) ; proj2 = case2 (proj2 cqr) }
+    lemma2 : {x : Ordinal} → def ((p ∪ q) ∩ (p ∪ r)) x → def (p ∪ (q ∩ r)) x
+    lemma2 {x} lt with proj1 lt | proj2 lt
+    lemma2 {x} lt | case1 cp | _ = case1 cp
+    lemma2 {x} lt | _ | case1 cp = case1 cp 
+    lemma2 {x} lt | case2 cq | case2 cr = case2 ( record { proj1 = cq ; proj2 = cr } )
+record IsBooleanAlgebra ( L : Set n)
+       ( b1 : L )
+       ( b0 : L )
+       ( -_ : L → L  )
+       ( _+_ : L → L → L )
+       ( _*_ : L → L → L ) : Set (suc n) where
+   field
+       +-assoc : {a b c : L } → a + ( b + c ) ≡ (a + b) + c
+       *-assoc : {a b c : L } → a * ( b * c ) ≡ (a * b) * c
+       +-sym : {a b : L } → a + b ≡ b + a
+       -sym : {a b : L } → a * b  ≡ b * a
+       -aab : {a b : L } → a + ( a * b ) ≡ a
+       *-aab : {a b : L } → a * ( a + b ) ≡ a
+       -dist : {a b c : L } → a + ( b * c ) ≡ ( a * b ) + ( a * c )
+       *-dist : {a b c : L } → a * ( b + c ) ≡ ( a + b ) * ( a + c )
+       a+0 : {a : L } → a + b0 ≡ a
+       a*1 : {a : L } → a * b1 ≡ a
+       a+-a1 : {a : L } → a + ( - a ) ≡ b1
+       a*-a0 : {a : L } → a * ( - a ) ≡ b0
+record BooleanAlgebra ( L : Set n) : Set (suc n) where
+   field
+       b1 : L
+       b0 : L
+       -_ : L → L 
+       _++_ : L → L → L
+       _**_ : L → L → L
+       isBooleanAlgebra : IsBooleanAlgebra L b1 b0 -_ _++_ _**_
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LEMC.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+open import Level
+open import Ordinals
+open import logic
+open import Relation.Nullary
+module LEMC {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n} ) (p∨¬p : ( p : Set (suc n)) → p ∨ ( ¬ p )) where
+open import zf
+open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
+open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Data.Nat.Properties 
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import nat
+import OD
+open inOrdinal O
+open OD O
+open OD.OD
+open OD._==_
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+open import zfc
+--- With assuption of OD is ordered,  p ∨ ( ¬ p ) <=> axiom of choice
+record choiced  ( X : OD) : Set (suc n) where
+  field
+     a-choice : OD
+     is-in : X ∋ a-choice
+open choiced
+OD→ZFC   = record { 
+    ZFSet = OD 
+    ; _∋_ = _∋_ 
+    ; _≈_ = _==_ 
+    ; ∅  = od∅
+    ; Select = Select
+    ; isZFC = isZFC
+ } where
+    -- infixr  200 _∈_
+    -- infixr  230 _∩_ _∪_
+    isZFC : IsZFC (OD )  _∋_  _==_ od∅ Select 
+    isZFC = record {
+       choice-func = λ A {X} not A∋X → a-choice (choice-func X not );
+       choice = λ A {X} A∋X not → is-in (choice-func X not)
+     } where
+         choice-func :  (X : OD ) → ¬ ( X == od∅ ) → choiced X
+         choice-func  X not = have_to_find where
+                 ψ : ( ox : Ordinal ) → Set (suc n)
+                 ψ ox = (( x : Ordinal ) → x o< ox  → ( ¬ def X x )) ∨ choiced X
+                 lemma-ord : ( ox : Ordinal  ) → ψ ox
+                 lemma-ord  ox = TransFinite {ψ} induction ox where
+                    ∋-p : (A x : OD ) → Dec ( A ∋ x ) 
+                    ∋-p A x with p∨¬p (Lift (suc n) ( A ∋ x )) -- LEM
+                    ∋-p A x | case1 (lift t)  = yes t
+                    ∋-p A x | case2 t  = no (λ x → t (lift x ))
+                    ∀-imply-or :  {A : Ordinal  → Set n } {B : Set (suc n) }
+                        → ((x : Ordinal ) → A x ∨ B) →  ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) ∨ B
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB with p∨¬p (Lift ( suc n ) ((x : Ordinal ) → A x)) -- LEM
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case1 (lift t) = case1 t
+                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case2 x  = case2 (lemma (λ not → x (lift not ))) where
+                         lemma : ¬ ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) →  B
+                         lemma not with p∨¬p B
+                         lemma not | case1 b = b
+                         lemma not | case2 ¬b = ⊥-elim  (not (λ x → dont-orb (∀AB x) ¬b ))
+                    induction : (x : Ordinal) → ((y : Ordinal) → y o< x → ψ y) → ψ x
+                    induction x prev with ∋-p X ( ord→od x) 
+                    ... | yes p = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od x ; is-in = p } )
+                    ... | no ¬p = lemma where
+                         lemma1 : (y : Ordinal) → (y o< x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
+                         lemma1 y with ∋-p X (ord→od y)
+                         lemma1 y | yes y<X = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od y ; is-in = y<X } )
+                         lemma1 y | no ¬y<X = case1 ( λ lt y<X → ¬y<X (subst (λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) y<X ) )
+                         lemma :  ((y : Ordinals.ord O) → (O Ordinals.o< y) x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
+                         lemma = ∀-imply-or lemma1
+                 have_to_find : choiced X
+                 have_to_find = dont-or  (lemma-ord (od→ord X )) ¬¬X∋x where
+                     ¬¬X∋x : ¬ ((x : Ordinal) → x o< (od→ord X) → def X x → ⊥)
+                     ¬¬X∋x nn = not record {
+                            eq→ = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim  (nn x (def→o< lt) lt) 
+                          ; eq← = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 lt )
+                        }
+         record Minimal (x : OD)  : Set (suc n) where
+           field
+               min : OD
+               x∋min :   x ∋ min 
+               min-empty :  (y : OD ) → ¬ ( min ∋ y) ∧ (x ∋ y)
+         open Minimal
+         open _∧_
+         --
+         --  from
+         --
+         induction : {x : OD} → ({y : OD} → x ∋ y → (u : OD ) → (u∋x : u ∋ y) → Minimal u )
+              →  (u : OD ) → (u∋x : u ∋ x) → Minimal u 
+         induction {x} prev u u∋x with p∨¬p ((y : OD) → ¬ (x ∋ y) ∧ (u ∋ y))
+         ... | case1 P =
+              record { min = x
+                ;     x∋min = u∋x
+                ;     min-empty = P
+              } 
+         ... | case2 NP =  min2 where
+              p : OD
+              p  = record { def = λ y1 → def x  y1 ∧ def u y1 }
+              np : ¬ (p == od∅)
+              np p∅ =  NP (λ y p∋y → ∅< p∋y p∅ ) 
+              y1choice : choiced p
+              y1choice = choice-func p np
+              y1 : OD
+              y1 = a-choice y1choice
+              y1prop : (x ∋ y1) ∧ (u ∋ y1)
+              y1prop = is-in y1choice
+              min2 : Minimal u
+              min2 = prev (proj1 y1prop) u (proj2 y1prop)
+         Min2 : (x : OD) → (u : OD ) → (u∋x : u ∋ x) → Minimal u 
+         Min2 x u u∋x = (ε-induction {λ y →  (u : OD ) → (u∋x : u ∋ y) → Minimal u  } induction x u u∋x ) 
+         cx : {x : OD} →  ¬ (x == od∅ ) → choiced x 
+         cx {x} nx = choice-func x nx
+         minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ ) → OD 
+         minimal x not = min (Min2 (a-choice (cx not) ) x (is-in (cx not))) 
+         x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+         x∋minimal x ne = x∋min (Min2 (a-choice (cx ne) ) x (is-in (cx ne))) 
+         minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+         minimal-1 x ne y = min-empty (Min2 (a-choice (cx ne) ) x (is-in (cx ne))) y
--- a/OD.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/OD.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -36,21 +36,56 @@
 id : {A : Set n} → A → A
 id x = x
-eq-refl :  {  x :  OD  } → x == x
-eq-refl  {x} = record { eq→ = id ; eq← = id }
+==-refl :  {  x :  OD  } → x == x
+==-refl  {x} = record { eq→ = id ; eq← = id }
 open  _==_ 
-eq-sym :  {  x y :  OD  } → x == y → y == x
-eq-sym eq = record { eq→ = eq← eq ; eq← = eq→ eq }
+==-trans : { x y z : OD } →  x == y →  y == z →  x ==  z
+==-trans x=y y=z  = record { eq→ = λ {m} t → eq→ y=z (eq→ x=y t) ; eq← =  λ {m} t → eq← x=y (eq← y=z t) }
-eq-trans :  {  x y z :  OD  } → x == y → y == z → x == z
-eq-trans x=y y=z = record { eq→ = λ t → eq→ y=z ( eq→ x=y  t) ; eq← = λ t → eq← x=y ( eq← y=z t) }
+==-sym : { x y  : OD } →  x == y →  y == x 
+==-sym x=y = record { eq→ = λ {m} t → eq← x=y t ; eq← =  λ {m} t → eq→ x=y t }
 ⇔→== :  {  x y :  OD  } → ( {z : Ordinal } → def x z ⇔  def y z) → x == y 
 eq→ ( ⇔→==  {x} {y}  eq ) {z} m = proj1 eq m 
 eq← ( ⇔→==  {x} {y}  eq ) {z} m = proj2 eq m 
+-- next assumptions are our axiom
+--  it defines a subset of OD, which is called HOD, usually defined as
+--     HOD = { x | TC x ⊆ OD }
+--  where TC x is a transitive clusure of x, i.e. Union of all elemnts of all subset of x
+record ODAxiom : Set (suc n) where      
+  -- OD can be iso to a subset of Ordinal ( by means of Godel Set )
+ field
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD  
+  c<→o<  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o< od→ord y
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+  -- supermum as Replacement Axiom ( corresponding Ordinal of OD has maximum )
+  sup-o  :  ( OD → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
+  sup-o< :  { ψ : OD →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : OD } → ψ x  o<  sup-o ψ 
+  -- contra-position of mimimulity of supermum required in Power Set Axiom which we don't use
+  -- sup-x  : {n : Level } → ( OD → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
+  -- sup-lb : {n : Level } → { ψ : OD →  Ordinal } → {z : Ordinal }  →  z o< sup-o ψ → z o< osuc (ψ (sup-x ψ))
+postulate  odAxiom : ODAxiom
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+data One : Set n where
+  OneObj : One
+-- Ordinals in OD , the maximum
+Ords : OD
+Ords = record { def = λ x → One }
+maxod : {x : OD} → od→ord x o< od→ord Ords
+maxod {x} = c<→o< OneObj
 -- Ordinal in OD ( and ZFSet ) Transitive Set
 Ord : ( a : Ordinal  ) → OD 
 Ord  a = record { def = λ y → y o< a }  
@@ -58,30 +93,13 @@
 od∅ : OD  
 od∅  = Ord o∅ 
-  -- OD can be iso to a subset of Ordinal ( by means of Godel Set )
-  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
-  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD  
-  c<→o<  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o< od→ord y
-  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
-  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
-  -- we should prove this in agda, but simply put here
-  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
-  -- next assumption causes ∀ x ∋ ∅ . It menas only an ordinal becomes a set
-  --   o<→c<  : {n : Level} {x y : Ordinal  } → x o< y → def (ord→od y) x 
-  --   ord→od x ≡ Ord x results the same
-  -- supermum as Replacement Axiom
-  sup-o  :  ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
-  sup-o< :  { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : Ordinal } →  ψ x  o<  sup-o ψ 
-  -- contra-position of mimimulity of supermum required in Power Set Axiom
-  -- sup-x  : {n : Level } → ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
-  -- sup-lb : {n : Level } → { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → {z : Ordinal }  →  z o< sup-o ψ → z o< osuc (ψ (sup-x ψ))
-  -- mimimul and x∋minimul is an Axiom of choice
-  minimul : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD 
-  -- this should be ¬ (x == od∅ )→ ∃ ox → x ∋ Ord ox  ( minimum of x )
-  x∋minimul : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimul x ne ) )
-  -- minimulity (may proved by ε-induction )
-  minimul-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimul x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+o<→c<→OD=Ord : ( {x y : Ordinal  } → x o< y → def (ord→od y) x ) → {x : OD } →  x ≡ Ord (od→ord x)
+o<→c<→OD=Ord o<→c< {x} = ==→o≡ ( record { eq→ = lemma1 ; eq← = lemma2 } ) where
+   lemma1 : {y : Ordinal} → def x y → def (Ord (od→ord x)) y
+   lemma1 {y} lt = subst ( λ k → k o< od→ord x ) diso (c<→o< {ord→od y} {x} (subst (λ k → def x k ) (sym diso) lt))
+   lemma2 : {y : Ordinal} → def (Ord (od→ord x)) y → def x y
+   lemma2 {y} lt = subst (λ k → def k y ) oiso (o<→c< {y} {od→ord x} lt )
 _∋_ : ( a x : OD  ) → Set n
 _∋_  a x  = def a ( od→ord x )
@@ -89,9 +107,6 @@
 _c<_ : ( x a : OD  ) → Set n
 x c< a = a ∋ x 
-_c≤_ : OD  →  OD  → Set (suc n)
-a c≤ b  = (a ≡ b)  ∨ ( b ∋ a )
 cseq : {n : Level} →  OD  →  OD 
 cseq x = record { def = λ y → def x (osuc y) } where
@@ -99,13 +114,13 @@
 def-subst df refl refl = df
 sup-od : ( OD  → OD ) →  OD 
-sup-od ψ = Ord ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x ))) )
+sup-od ψ = Ord ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord (ψ x)) )
-sup-c< : ( ψ : OD  →  OD ) → ∀ {x : OD } → def ( sup-od ψ ) (od→ord ( ψ x ))
-sup-c<  ψ {x} = def-subst  {_} {_} {Ord ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x ))) )} {od→ord ( ψ x )}
+sup-c< :  ( ψ : OD  →  OD ) → ∀ {x : OD } → def ( sup-od ψ ) (od→ord ( ψ x ))
+sup-c<   ψ {x} = def-subst  {_} {_} {Ord ( sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord (ψ x)) )} {od→ord ( ψ x )}
         lemma refl (cong ( λ k → od→ord (ψ k) ) oiso) where
-    lemma : od→ord (ψ (ord→od (od→ord x))) o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x)))
-    lemma = subst₂ (λ j k → j o< k ) refl diso (o<-subst sup-o< refl (sym diso)  )
+    lemma : od→ord (ψ (ord→od (od→ord x))) o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (ψ x))
+    lemma = subst₂ (λ j k → j o< k ) refl diso (o<-subst (sup-o< ) refl (sym diso)  )
 otrans : {n : Level} {a x y : Ordinal  } → def (Ord a) x → def (Ord x) y → def (Ord a) y
 otrans x<a y<x = ordtrans y<x x<a
@@ -113,6 +128,7 @@
 def→o< :  {X : OD } → {x : Ordinal } → def X x → x o< od→ord X 
 def→o<  {X} {x} lt = o<-subst  {_} {_} {x} {od→ord X} ( c<→o< ( def-subst  {X} {x}  lt (sym oiso) (sym diso) )) diso diso
 -- avoiding lv != Zero error
 orefl : { x : OD  } → { y : Ordinal  } → od→ord x ≡ y → od→ord x ≡ y
 orefl refl = refl
@@ -131,13 +147,10 @@
 ord→== : { x y : OD  } → od→ord x ≡  od→ord y →  x == y
 ord→==  {x} {y} eq = ==-iso (lemma (od→ord x) (od→ord y) (orefl eq)) where
    lemma : ( ox oy : Ordinal  ) → ox ≡ oy →  (ord→od ox) == (ord→od oy)
-   lemma ox ox  refl = eq-refl
+   lemma ox ox  refl = ==-refl
 o≡→== : { x y : Ordinal  } → x ≡  y →  ord→od x == ord→od y
-o≡→==  {x} {.x} refl = eq-refl
-c≤-refl : {n : Level} →  ( x : OD  ) → x c≤ x
-c≤-refl x = case1 refl
+o≡→==  {x} {.x} refl = ==-refl
 o∅≡od∅ : ord→od (o∅ ) ≡ od∅ 
 o∅≡od∅  = ==→o≡ lemma where
@@ -156,7 +169,7 @@
 eq← ∅0 {w} lt = lift (¬x<0 lt)
 ∅< : { x y : OD  } → def x (od→ord y ) → ¬ (  x  == od∅  )
-∅<  {x} {y} d eq with eq→ (eq-trans eq (eq-sym ∅0) ) d
+∅<  {x} {y} d eq with eq→ (==-trans eq (==-sym ∅0) ) d
 ∅<  {x} {y} d eq | lift ()
 ∅6 : { x : OD  }  → ¬ ( x ∋ x )    --  no Russel paradox
@@ -173,105 +186,6 @@
 _,_ : OD  → OD  → OD 
 x , y = record { def = λ t → (t ≡ od→ord x ) ∨ ( t ≡ od→ord y ) } --  Ord (omax (od→ord x) (od→ord y))
-<_,_> : (x y : OD) → OD
-< x , y > = (x , x ) , (x , y )
-exg-pair : { x y : OD } → (x , y ) == ( y , x )
-exg-pair {x} {y} = record { eq→ = left ; eq← = right } where
-    left : {z : Ordinal} → def (x , y) z → def (y , x) z 
-    left (case1 t) = case2 t
-    left (case2 t) = case1 t
-    right : {z : Ordinal} → def (y , x) z → def (x , y) z 
-    right (case1 t) = case2 t
-    right (case2 t) = case1 t
-==-trans : { x y z : OD } →  x == y →  y == z →  x ==  z
-==-trans x=y y=z  = record { eq→ = λ {m} t → eq→ y=z (eq→ x=y t) ; eq← =  λ {m} t → eq← x=y (eq← y=z t) }
-==-sym : { x y  : OD } →  x == y →  y == x 
-==-sym x=y = record { eq→ = λ {m} t → eq← x=y t ; eq← =  λ {m} t → eq→ x=y t }
-ord≡→≡ : { x y : OD } → od→ord x ≡ od→ord y → x ≡ y
-ord≡→≡ eq = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) oiso oiso ( cong ( λ k → ord→od k ) eq )
-od≡→≡ : { x y : Ordinal } → ord→od x ≡ ord→od y → x ≡ y
-od≡→≡ eq = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) diso diso ( cong ( λ k → od→ord k ) eq )
-eq-prod : { x x' y y' : OD } → x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → < x , y > ≡ < x' , y' >
-eq-prod refl refl = refl
-prod-eq : { x x' y y' : OD } → < x , y > == < x' , y' > → (x ≡ x' ) ∧ ( y ≡ y' )
-prod-eq {x} {x'} {y} {y'} eq = record { proj1 = lemmax ; proj2 = lemmay } where
-    lemma0 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( z , y ) → x ≡ y
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq with trio< (od→ord x) (od→ord y) 
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl) 
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c | case1 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ (sym s) a )
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c | case2 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ (sym s) a )
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = ord≡→≡ b
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c  with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl) 
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c | case1 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ s c )
-    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c | case2 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ s c )
-    lemma2 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( z , y ) → z ≡ y
-    lemma2 {x} {y} {z} eq = trans (sym (lemma0 lemma3 )) ( lemma0 eq )  where
-        lemma3 : ( x , x ) == ( y , z )
-        lemma3 = ==-trans eq exg-pair
-    lemma1 : {x y : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( y , y ) → x ≡ y
-    lemma1 {x} {y} eq with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl)
-    lemma1 {x} {y} eq | case1 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s)
-    lemma1 {x} {y} eq | case2 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s)
-    lemma4 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , y ) == ( x , z ) → y ≡ z
-    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq with eq← eq {od→ord z} (case2 refl)
-    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq | case1 s with ord≡→≡ s -- x ≡ z
-    ... | refl with lemma2 (==-sym eq )
-    ... | refl = refl
-    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq | case2 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s) -- y ≡ z
-    lemmax : x ≡ x'
-    lemmax with eq→ eq {od→ord (x , x)} (case1 refl) 
-    lemmax | case1 s = lemma1 (ord→== s )  -- (x,x)≡(x',x')
-    lemmax | case2 s with lemma2 (ord→== s ) -- (x,x)≡(x',y') with x'≡y'
-    ... | refl = lemma1 (ord→== s )
-    lemmay : y ≡ y'
-    lemmay with lemmax
-    ... | refl with lemma4 eq -- with (x,y)≡(x,y')
-    ... | eq1 = lemma4 (ord→== (cong (λ  k → od→ord k )  eq1 ))
-ppp :  { p : Set n } { a : OD  } → record { def = λ x → p } ∋ a → p
-ppp  {p} {a} d = d
--- Axiom of choice in intutionistic logic implies the exclude middle
-p∨¬p : ( p : Set n ) → p ∨ ( ¬ p )         -- assuming axiom of choice
-p∨¬p  p with is-o∅ ( od→ord ( record { def = λ x → p } ))
-p∨¬p  p | yes eq = case2 (¬p eq) where
-   ps = record { def = λ x → p }
-   lemma : ps == od∅ → p → ⊥
-   lemma eq p0 = ¬x<0  {od→ord ps} (eq→ eq p0 )
-   ¬p : (od→ord ps ≡ o∅) → p → ⊥
-   ¬p eq = lemma ( subst₂ (λ j k → j ==  k ) oiso o∅≡od∅ ( o≡→== eq ))
-p∨¬p  p | no ¬p = case1 (ppp  {p} {minimul ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq))} lemma) where
-   ps = record { def = λ x → p }
-   eqo∅ : ps ==  od∅  → od→ord ps ≡  o∅  
-   eqo∅ eq = subst (λ k → od→ord ps ≡ k) ord-od∅ ( cong (λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ eq)) 
-   lemma : ps ∋ minimul ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq)) 
-   lemma = x∋minimul ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq))
-decp : ( p : Set n ) → Dec p   -- assuming axiom of choice    
-decp  p with p∨¬p p
-decp  p | case1 x = yes x
-decp  p | case2 x = no x
-double-neg-eilm : {A : Set n} → ¬ ¬ A → A      -- we don't have this in intutionistic logic
-double-neg-eilm  {A} notnot with decp  A                         -- assuming axiom of choice
-... | yes p = p
-... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim ( notnot ¬p )
-OrdP : ( x : Ordinal  ) ( y : OD  ) → Dec ( Ord x ∋ y )
-OrdP  x y with trio< x (od→ord y)
-OrdP  x y | tri< a ¬b ¬c = no ¬c
-OrdP  x y | tri≈ ¬a refl ¬c = no ( o<¬≡ refl )
-OrdP  x y | tri> ¬a ¬b c = yes c
 -- open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE using (_≅_ ) 
 -- postulate f-extensionality : { n : Level}  → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality n (suc n)
@@ -285,33 +199,38 @@
 ZFSubset A x =  record { def = λ y → def A y ∧  def x y }  --   roughly x = A → Set 
 Def :  (A :  OD ) → OD 
-Def  A = Ord ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A (ord→od x )) ) )   
+Def  A = Ord ( sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A x) ) )   
+-- _⊆_ :  ( A B : OD   ) → ∀{ x : OD  } →  Set n
+-- _⊆_ A B {x} = A ∋ x →  B ∋ x
-_⊆_ :  ( A B : OD   ) → ∀{ x : OD  } →  Set n
-_⊆_ A B {x} = A ∋ x →  B ∋ x
+record _⊆_ ( A B : OD   ) : Set (suc n) where
+  field 
+     incl : { x : OD } → A ∋ x →  B ∋ x
+open _⊆_
 infixr  220 _⊆_
-subset-lemma : {A x y : OD  } → (  x ∋ y → ZFSubset A x ∋  y ) ⇔  ( _⊆_ x A {y} )
-subset-lemma  {A} {x} {y} = record {
-      proj1 = λ z lt → proj1 (z  lt)
-    ; proj2 = λ x⊆A lt → record { proj1 = x⊆A lt ; proj2 = lt }
+subset-lemma : {A x : OD  } → ( {y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ZFSubset A x ∋  y ) ⇔  ( x ⊆ A  )
+subset-lemma  {A} {x} = record {
+      proj1 = λ lt  → record { incl = λ x∋z → proj1 (lt x∋z)  }
+    ; proj2 = λ x⊆A lt → record { proj1 = incl x⊆A lt ; proj2 = lt } 
--- Constructible Set on α
--- Def X = record { def = λ y → ∀ (x : OD ) → y < X ∧ y <  od→ord x } 
--- L (Φ 0) = Φ
--- L (OSuc lv n) = { Def ( L n )  } 
--- L (Φ (Suc n)) = Union (L α) (α < Φ (Suc n) )
--- L : {n : Level} → (α : Ordinal ) → OD 
--- L   record { lv = Zero ; ord = (Φ .0) } = od∅
--- L   record { lv = lx ; ord = (OSuc lv ox) } = Def ( L  ( record { lv = lx ; ord = ox } ) ) 
--- L   record { lv = (Suc lx) ; ord = (Φ (Suc lx)) } = -- Union ( L α )
---     cseq ( Ord (od→ord (L   (record { lv = lx ; ord = Φ lx }))))
+open import Data.Unit
--- L0 :  {n : Level} → (α : Ordinal ) → L (osuc α) ∋ L α
--- L1 :  {n : Level} → (α β : Ordinal ) → α o< β → ∀ (x : OD )  → L α ∋ x → L β ∋ x 
+ε-induction : { ψ : OD  → Set (suc n)}
+   → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+   → (x : OD ) → ψ x
+ε-induction {ψ} ind x = subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (ε-induction-ord (osuc (od→ord x)) <-osuc )  where
+     induction : (ox : Ordinal) → ((oy : Ordinal) → oy o< ox → ψ (ord→od oy)) → ψ (ord→od ox)
+     induction ox prev = ind  ( λ {y} lt → subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (prev (od→ord y) (o<-subst (c<→o< lt) refl diso ))) 
+     ε-induction-ord : (ox : Ordinal) { oy : Ordinal } → oy o< ox → ψ (ord→od oy)
+     ε-induction-ord ox {oy} lt = TransFinite {λ oy → ψ (ord→od oy)} induction oy
+-- minimal-2 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+-- minimal-2 x ne y = contra-position ( ε-induction (λ {z} ind → {!!} ) x ) ( λ p → {!!} )
 OD→ZF : ZF  
 OD→ZF   = record { 
@@ -327,11 +246,11 @@
     ; infinite = infinite
     ; isZF = isZF 
  } where
-    ZFSet = OD 
+    ZFSet = OD             -- is less than Ords because of maxod
     Select : (X : OD  ) → ((x : OD  ) → Set n ) → OD 
     Select X ψ = record { def = λ x →  ( def X x ∧ ψ ( ord→od x )) }
     Replace : OD  → (OD  → OD  ) → OD 
-    Replace X ψ = record { def = λ x → (x o< sup-o ( λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x )))) ∧ def (in-codomain X ψ) x }
+    Replace X ψ = record { def = λ x → (x o< sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord (ψ x))) ∧ def (in-codomain X ψ) x }
     _∩_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
     A ∩ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∧ def B x } 
     Union : OD  → OD   
@@ -340,8 +259,8 @@
     A ∈ B = B ∋ A
     Power : OD  → OD 
     Power A = Replace (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) ( λ x → A ∩ x )
-    {_} : ZFSet → ZFSet
-    { x } = ( x ,  x )
+    -- {_} : ZFSet → ZFSet
+    -- { x } = ( x ,  x )     -- it works but we don't use 
     data infinite-d  : ( x : Ordinal  ) → Set n where
         iφ :  infinite-d o∅
@@ -355,7 +274,7 @@
     -- infixr  230 _∩_ _∪_
     isZF : IsZF (OD )  _∋_  _==_ od∅ _,_ Union Power Select Replace infinite
     isZF = record {
-           isEquivalence  = record { refl = eq-refl ; sym = eq-sym; trans = eq-trans }
+           isEquivalence  = record { refl = ==-refl ; sym = ==-sym; trans = ==-trans }
        ;   pair→  = pair→
        ;   pair←  = pair←
        ;   union→ = union→
@@ -364,14 +283,14 @@
        ;   power→ = power→  
        ;   power← = power← 
        ;   extensionality = λ {A} {B} {w} → extensionality {A} {B} {w} 
-       -- ;   ε-induction = {!!}
+       ;   ε-induction = ε-induction 
        ;   infinity∅ = infinity∅
        ;   infinity = infinity
        ;   selection = λ {X} {ψ} {y} → selection {X} {ψ} {y}
        ;   replacement← = replacement←
        ;   replacement→ = replacement→
-       ;   choice-func = choice-func
-       ;   choice = choice
+       -- ;   choice-func = choice-func
+       -- ;   choice = choice
      } where
          pair→ : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t == x ) ∨ ( t == y ) 
@@ -382,28 +301,24 @@
          pair← x y t (case1 t==x) = case1 (cong (λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ t==x))
          pair← x y t (case2 t==y) = case2 (cong (λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ t==y))
-         -- pair0 : (A B : OD  ) → ((A , B) ∋ A) ∧  ((A , B) ∋ B)
-         -- proj1 (pair A B ) = omax-x  (od→ord A) (od→ord B)
-         -- proj2 (pair A B ) = omax-y  (od→ord A) (od→ord B)
          empty : (x : OD  ) → ¬  (od∅ ∋ x)
          empty x = ¬x<0 
-         o<→c< :  {x y : Ordinal } {z : OD }→ x o< y → _⊆_  (Ord x) (Ord y) {z}
-         o<→c< lt lt1 = ordtrans lt1 lt
+         o<→c< :  {x y : Ordinal } → x o< y → (Ord x) ⊆ (Ord y) 
+         o<→c< lt = record { incl = λ z → ordtrans z lt }  
-         ⊆→o< :  {x y : Ordinal } → (∀ (z : OD) → _⊆_  (Ord x) (Ord y) {z} ) →  x o< osuc y
+         ⊆→o< :  {x y : Ordinal } → (Ord x) ⊆ (Ord y) →  x o< osuc y
          ⊆→o< {x} {y}  lt with trio< x y 
          ⊆→o< {x} {y}  lt | tri< a ¬b ¬c = ordtrans a <-osuc
          ⊆→o< {x} {y}  lt | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = subst ( λ k → k o< osuc y) (sym b) <-osuc
-         ⊆→o< {x} {y}  lt | tri> ¬a ¬b c with lt (ord→od y) (o<-subst c (sym diso) refl )
+         ⊆→o< {x} {y}  lt | tri> ¬a ¬b c with (incl lt)  (o<-subst c (sym diso) refl )
          ... | ttt = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ refl (o<-subst ttt diso refl ))
          union→ :  (X z u : OD) → (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z) → Union X ∋ z
          union→ X z u xx not = ⊥-elim ( not (od→ord u) ( record { proj1 = proj1 xx
               ; proj2 = subst ( λ k → def k (od→ord z)) (sym oiso) (proj2 xx) } ))
          union← :  (X z : OD) (X∋z : Union X ∋ z) →  ¬  ( (u : OD ) → ¬ ((X ∋  u) ∧ (u ∋ z )))
-         union← X z UX∋z =  TransFiniteExists _ lemma UX∋z where
+         union← X z UX∋z =  FExists _ lemma UX∋z where
               lemma : {y : Ordinal} → def X y ∧ def (ord→od y) (od→ord z) → ¬ ((u : OD) → ¬ (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z))
               lemma {y} xx not = not (ord→od y) record { proj1 = subst ( λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) (proj1 xx ) ; proj2 = proj2 xx } 
@@ -434,7 +349,6 @@
          ---    First consider ordinals in OD
          --- ZFSubset A x =  record { def = λ y → def A y ∧  def x y }                   subset of A
-         --- Power X = ord→od ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A (ord→od x )) ) )       Power X is a sup of all subset of A
          ∩-≡ :  { a b : OD  } → ({x : OD  } → (a ∋ x → b ∋ x)) → a == ( b ∩ a )
@@ -443,8 +357,10 @@
                  proj1 = def-subst  {_} {_} {b} {x} (inc (def-subst  {_} {_} {a} {_} x<a refl (sym diso) )) refl diso  } ;
             eq← = λ {x} x<a∩b → proj2 x<a∩b }
-         -- we have t ∋ x → A ∋ x means t is a subset of A, that is ZFSubset A t == t
-         -- Power A is a sup of ZFSubset A t, so Power A ∋ t
+         -- Transitive Set case
+         -- we have t ∋ x → Ord a ∋ x means t is a subset of Ord a, that is ZFSubset (Ord a) t == t
+         -- Def (Ord a) is a sup of ZFSubset (Ord a) t, so Def (Ord a) ∋ t
+         -- Def  A = Ord ( sup-o ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A (ord→od x )) ) )   
          ord-power← : (a : Ordinal ) (t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → (Ord a) ∋ x)) → Def (Ord a) ∋ t
          ord-power← a t t→A  = def-subst  {_} {_} {Def (Ord a)} {od→ord t}
@@ -457,18 +373,19 @@
               lemma1 :  {a : Ordinal } { t : OD }
                  → (eq : ZFSubset (Ord a) t == t)  → od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) (ord→od (od→ord t))) ≡ od→ord t
               lemma1  {a} {t} eq = subst (λ k → od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) k) ≡ od→ord t ) (sym oiso) (cong (λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ eq ))
-              lemma :  od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) (ord→od (od→ord t)) ) o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) (ord→od x)))
-              lemma = sup-o<   
+              lemma :  od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) (ord→od (od→ord t)) ) o< sup-o  (λ x → od→ord (ZFSubset (Ord a) x))
+              lemma = sup-o<  
-         -- Every set in OD is a subset of Ordinals
+         -- Every set in OD is a subset of Ordinals, so make Def (Ord (od→ord A)) first
+         -- then replace of all elements of the Power set by A ∩ y
          -- Power A = Replace (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) ( λ y → A ∩ y )
          -- we have oly double negation form because of the replacement axiom
          power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
-         power→ A t P∋t {x} t∋x = TransFiniteExists _ lemma5 lemma4 where
+         power→ A t P∋t {x} t∋x = FExists _ lemma5 lemma4 where
               a = od→ord A
               lemma2 : ¬ ( (y : OD) → ¬ (t ==  (A ∩ y)))
               lemma2 = replacement→ (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) t P∋t
@@ -486,8 +403,6 @@
               lemma0 {x} t∋x = c<→o< (t→A t∋x)
               lemma3 : Def (Ord a) ∋ t
               lemma3 = ord-power← a t lemma0
-              lt1 : od→ord (A ∩ ord→od (od→ord t)) o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (A ∩ ord→od x))
-              lt1 = sup-o<  {λ x → od→ord (A ∩ ord→od x)} {od→ord t}
               lemma4 :  (A ∩ ord→od (od→ord t)) ≡ t
               lemma4 = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
                     A ∩ ord→od (od→ord t)
@@ -496,26 +411,23 @@
                  ≡⟨ sym (==→o≡ ( ∩-≡ t→A )) ⟩

-              lemma1 : od→ord t o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (A ∩ ord→od x))
-              lemma1 = subst (λ k → od→ord k o< sup-o (λ x → od→ord (A ∩ ord→od x)))
-                  lemma4 (sup-o<  {λ x → od→ord (A ∩ ord→od x)} {od→ord t})
+              lemma1 : od→ord t o< sup-o  (λ x → od→ord (A ∩ x))
+              lemma1 = subst (λ k → od→ord k o< sup-o   (λ x → od→ord (A ∩ x)))
+                  lemma4 (sup-o<  {λ x → od→ord (A ∩ x)}  )
               lemma2 :  def (in-codomain (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) (_∩_ A)) (od→ord t)
               lemma2 not = ⊥-elim ( not (od→ord t) (record { proj1 = lemma3 ; proj2 = lemma6 }) ) where
                   lemma6 : od→ord t ≡ od→ord (A ∩ ord→od (od→ord t)) 
                   lemma6 = cong ( λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ (subst (λ k → t == (A ∩ k)) (sym oiso) ( ∩-≡ t→A  )))
-         --  assuming axiom of choice
-         regularity :  (x : OD) (not : ¬ (x == od∅)) →
-            (x ∋ minimul x not) ∧ (Select (minimul x not) (λ x₁ → (minimul x not ∋ x₁) ∧ (x ∋ x₁)) == od∅)
-         proj1 (regularity x not ) = x∋minimul x not
-         proj2 (regularity x not ) = record { eq→ = lemma1 ; eq← = λ {y} d → lemma2 {y} d } where
-             lemma1 : {x₁ : Ordinal} → def (Select (minimul x not) (λ x₂ → (minimul x not ∋ x₂) ∧ (x ∋ x₂))) x₁ → def od∅ x₁
-             lemma1 {x₁} s = ⊥-elim  ( minimul-1 x not (ord→od x₁) lemma3 ) where
-                 lemma3 : def (minimul x not) (od→ord (ord→od x₁)) ∧ def x (od→ord (ord→od x₁))
-                 lemma3 = record { proj1 = def-subst  {_} {_} {minimul x not} {_} (proj1 s) refl (sym diso)
-                                 ; proj2 = proj2 (proj2 s) } 
-             lemma2 : {x₁ : Ordinal} → def od∅ x₁ → def (Select (minimul x not) (λ x₂ → (minimul x not ∋ x₂) ∧ (x ∋ x₂))) x₁
-             lemma2 {y} d = ⊥-elim (empty (ord→od y) (def-subst  {_} {_} {od∅} {od→ord (ord→od y)} d refl (sym diso) ))
+         ord⊆power : (a : Ordinal) → (Ord (osuc a)) ⊆ (Power (Ord a)) 
+         ord⊆power a = record { incl = λ {x} lt →  power← (Ord a) x (lemma lt) } where
+                lemma : {x y : OD} → od→ord x o< osuc a → x ∋ y →  Ord a ∋ y
+                lemma lt y<x with osuc-≡< lt
+                lemma lt y<x | case1 refl = c<→o< y<x
+                lemma lt y<x | case2 x<a = ordtrans (c<→o< y<x) x<a 
+         continuum-hyphotheis : (a : Ordinal) → Set (suc n)
+         continuum-hyphotheis a = Power (Ord a) ⊆ Ord (osuc a)
          extensionality0 : {A B : OD } → ((z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z)) → A == B
          eq→ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = def-iso  {A} {B} (sym diso) (proj1 (eq (ord→od x))) d  
@@ -541,59 +453,6 @@
                     ≡ od→ord (Union (x , (x , x)))
                lemma = cong (λ k → od→ord (Union ( k , ( k , k ) ))) oiso 
-         -- Axiom of choice ( is equivalent to the existence of minimul in our case )
-         -- ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ] 
-         choice-func : (X : OD  ) → {x : OD } → ¬ ( x == od∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → OD
-         choice-func X {x} not X∋x = minimul x not
-         choice : (X : OD  ) → {A : OD } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A == od∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A 
-         choice X {A} X∋A not = x∋minimul A not
-         ---
-         --- With assuption of OD is ordered,  p ∨ ( ¬ p ) <=> axiom of choice
-         ---
-         record choiced  ( X : OD) : Set (suc n) where
-          field
-             a-choice : OD
-             is-in : X ∋ a-choice
-         choice-func' :  (X : OD ) → (p∨¬p : ( p : Set (suc n)) → p ∨ ( ¬ p )) → ¬ ( X == od∅ ) → choiced X
-         choice-func'  X p∨¬p not = have_to_find where
-                 ψ : ( ox : Ordinal ) → Set (suc n)
-                 ψ ox = (( x : Ordinal ) → x o< ox  → ( ¬ def X x )) ∨ choiced X
-                 lemma-ord : ( ox : Ordinal  ) → ψ ox
-                 lemma-ord  ox = TransFinite {ψ} induction ox where
-                    ∋-p : (A x : OD ) → Dec ( A ∋ x ) 
-                    ∋-p A x with p∨¬p (Lift (suc n) ( A ∋ x ))
-                    ∋-p A x | case1 (lift t)  = yes t
-                    ∋-p A x | case2 t  = no (λ x → t (lift x ))
-                    ∀-imply-or :  {A : Ordinal  → Set n } {B : Set (suc n) }
-                        → ((x : Ordinal ) → A x ∨ B) →  ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) ∨ B
-                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB with p∨¬p (Lift ( suc n ) ((x : Ordinal ) → A x))
-                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case1 (lift t) = case1 t
-                    ∀-imply-or  {A} {B} ∀AB | case2 x  = case2 (lemma (λ not → x (lift not ))) where
-                         lemma : ¬ ((x : Ordinal ) → A x) →  B
-                         lemma not with p∨¬p B
-                         lemma not | case1 b = b
-                         lemma not | case2 ¬b = ⊥-elim  (not (λ x → dont-orb (∀AB x) ¬b ))
-                    induction : (x : Ordinal) → ((y : Ordinal) → y o< x → ψ y) → ψ x
-                    induction x prev with ∋-p X ( ord→od x) 
-                    ... | yes p = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od x ; is-in = p } )
-                    ... | no ¬p = lemma where
-                         lemma1 : (y : Ordinal) → (y o< x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
-                         lemma1 y with ∋-p X (ord→od y)
-                         lemma1 y | yes y<X = case2 ( record { a-choice = ord→od y ; is-in = y<X } )
-                         lemma1 y | no ¬y<X = case1 ( λ lt y<X → ¬y<X (subst (λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) y<X ) )
-                         lemma :  ((y : Ordinals.ord O) → (O Ordinals.o< y) x → def X y → ⊥) ∨ choiced X
-                         lemma = ∀-imply-or lemma1
-                 have_to_find : choiced X
-                 have_to_find with lemma-ord (od→ord X )
-                 have_to_find | t = dont-or  t ¬¬X∋x where
-                     ¬¬X∋x : ¬ ((x : Ordinal) → x o< (od→ord X) → def X x → ⊥)
-                     ¬¬X∋x nn = not record {
-                            eq→ = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim  (nn x (def→o< lt) lt) 
-                          ; eq← = λ {x} lt → ⊥-elim ( ¬x<0 lt )
-                        }
 Union = ZF.Union OD→ZF
 Power = ZF.Power OD→ZF
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ODC.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+open import Level
+open import Ordinals
+module ODC {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n} ) where
+open import zf
+open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
+open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Data.Nat.Properties 
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Relation.Nullary
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import logic
+open import nat
+import OD
+open inOrdinal O
+open OD O
+open OD.OD
+open OD._==_
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+  -- mimimul and x∋minimal is an Axiom of choice
+  minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD 
+  -- this should be ¬ (x == od∅ )→ ∃ ox → x ∋ Ord ox  ( minimum of x )
+  x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+  -- minimality (may proved by ε-induction )
+  minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+-- Axiom of choice in intutionistic logic implies the exclude middle
+ppp :  { p : Set n } { a : OD  } → record { def = λ x → p } ∋ a → p
+ppp  {p} {a} d = d
+p∨¬p : ( p : Set n ) → p ∨ ( ¬ p )         -- assuming axiom of choice
+p∨¬p  p with is-o∅ ( od→ord ( record { def = λ x → p } ))
+p∨¬p  p | yes eq = case2 (¬p eq) where
+   ps = record { def = λ x → p }
+   lemma : ps == od∅ → p → ⊥
+   lemma eq p0 = ¬x<0  {od→ord ps} (eq→ eq p0 )
+   ¬p : (od→ord ps ≡ o∅) → p → ⊥
+   ¬p eq = lemma ( subst₂ (λ j k → j ==  k ) oiso o∅≡od∅ ( o≡→== eq ))
+p∨¬p  p | no ¬p = case1 (ppp  {p} {minimal ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq))} lemma) where
+   ps = record { def = λ x → p }
+   eqo∅ : ps ==  od∅  → od→ord ps ≡  o∅  
+   eqo∅ eq = subst (λ k → od→ord ps ≡ k) ord-od∅ ( cong (λ k → od→ord k ) (==→o≡ eq)) 
+   lemma : ps ∋ minimal ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq)) 
+   lemma = x∋minimal ps (λ eq →  ¬p (eqo∅ eq))
+decp : ( p : Set n ) → Dec p   -- assuming axiom of choice    
+decp  p with p∨¬p p
+decp  p | case1 x = yes x
+decp  p | case2 x = no x
+double-neg-eilm : {A : Set n} → ¬ ¬ A → A      -- we don't have this in intutionistic logic
+double-neg-eilm  {A} notnot with decp  A                         -- assuming axiom of choice
+... | yes p = p
+... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim ( notnot ¬p )
+OrdP : ( x : Ordinal  ) ( y : OD  ) → Dec ( Ord x ∋ y )
+OrdP  x y with trio< x (od→ord y)
+OrdP  x y | tri< a ¬b ¬c = no ¬c
+OrdP  x y | tri≈ ¬a refl ¬c = no ( o<¬≡ refl )
+OrdP  x y | tri> ¬a ¬b c = yes c
+open import zfc
+OD→ZFC   = record { 
+    ZFSet = OD 
+    ; _∋_ = _∋_ 
+    ; _≈_ = _==_ 
+    ; ∅  = od∅
+    ; Select = Select
+    ; isZFC = isZFC
+ } where
+    -- infixr  200 _∈_
+    -- infixr  230 _∩_ _∪_
+    isZFC : IsZFC (OD )  _∋_  _==_ od∅ Select 
+    isZFC = record {
+       choice-func = choice-func ;
+       choice = choice
+     } where
+         -- Axiom of choice ( is equivalent to the existence of minimal in our case )
+         -- ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ] 
+         choice-func : (X : OD  ) → {x : OD } → ¬ ( x == od∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → OD
+         choice-func X {x} not X∋x = minimal x not
+         choice : (X : OD  ) → {A : OD } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A == od∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A 
+         choice X {A} X∋A not = x∋minimal A not
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OPair.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+open import Level
+open import Ordinals
+module OPair {n : Level } (O : Ordinals {n})   where
+open import zf
+open import logic
+import OD 
+open import Relation.Nullary
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
+open inOrdinal O
+open OD O
+open OD.OD
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
+open _∧_
+open _∨_
+open Bool
+open _==_
+<_,_> : (x y : OD) → OD
+< x , y > = (x , x ) , (x , y )
+exg-pair : { x y : OD } → (x , y ) == ( y , x )
+exg-pair {x} {y} = record { eq→ = left ; eq← = right } where
+    left : {z : Ordinal} → def (x , y) z → def (y , x) z 
+    left (case1 t) = case2 t
+    left (case2 t) = case1 t
+    right : {z : Ordinal} → def (y , x) z → def (x , y) z 
+    right (case1 t) = case2 t
+    right (case2 t) = case1 t
+ord≡→≡ : { x y : OD } → od→ord x ≡ od→ord y → x ≡ y
+ord≡→≡ eq = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) oiso oiso ( cong ( λ k → ord→od k ) eq )
+od≡→≡ : { x y : Ordinal } → ord→od x ≡ ord→od y → x ≡ y
+od≡→≡ eq = subst₂ (λ j k → j ≡ k ) diso diso ( cong ( λ k → od→ord k ) eq )
+eq-prod : { x x' y y' : OD } → x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → < x , y > ≡ < x' , y' >
+eq-prod refl refl = refl
+prod-eq : { x x' y y' : OD } → < x , y > == < x' , y' > → (x ≡ x' ) ∧ ( y ≡ y' )
+prod-eq {x} {x'} {y} {y'} eq = record { proj1 = lemmax ; proj2 = lemmay } where
+    lemma0 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( z , y ) → x ≡ y
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq with trio< (od→ord x) (od→ord y) 
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl) 
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c | case1 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ (sym s) a )
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri< a ¬b ¬c | case2 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ (sym s) a )
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = ord≡→≡ b
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c  with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl) 
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c | case1 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ s c )
+    lemma0 {x} {y} eq | tri> ¬a ¬b c | case2 s = ⊥-elim ( o<¬≡ s c )
+    lemma2 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( z , y ) → z ≡ y
+    lemma2 {x} {y} {z} eq = trans (sym (lemma0 lemma3 )) ( lemma0 eq )  where
+        lemma3 : ( x , x ) == ( y , z )
+        lemma3 = ==-trans eq exg-pair
+    lemma1 : {x y : OD } → ( x , x ) == ( y , y ) → x ≡ y
+    lemma1 {x} {y} eq with eq← eq {od→ord y} (case2 refl)
+    lemma1 {x} {y} eq | case1 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s)
+    lemma1 {x} {y} eq | case2 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s)
+    lemma4 : {x y z : OD } → ( x , y ) == ( x , z ) → y ≡ z
+    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq with eq← eq {od→ord z} (case2 refl)
+    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq | case1 s with ord≡→≡ s -- x ≡ z
+    ... | refl with lemma2 (==-sym eq )
+    ... | refl = refl
+    lemma4 {x} {y} {z} eq | case2 s = ord≡→≡ (sym s) -- y ≡ z
+    lemmax : x ≡ x'
+    lemmax with eq→ eq {od→ord (x , x)} (case1 refl) 
+    lemmax | case1 s = lemma1 (ord→== s )  -- (x,x)≡(x',x')
+    lemmax | case2 s with lemma2 (ord→== s ) -- (x,x)≡(x',y') with x'≡y'
+    ... | refl = lemma1 (ord→== s )
+    lemmay : y ≡ y'
+    lemmay with lemmax
+    ... | refl with lemma4 eq -- with (x,y)≡(x,y')
+    ... | eq1 = lemma4 (ord→== (cong (λ  k → od→ord k )  eq1 ))
+data ord-pair : (p : Ordinal) → Set n where
+   pair : (x y : Ordinal ) → ord-pair ( od→ord ( < ord→od x , ord→od y > ) )
+ZFProduct : OD
+ZFProduct = record { def = λ x → ord-pair x }
+-- open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE using (_≅_ ) 
+-- eq-pair : { x x' y y' : Ordinal } → x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → pair x y ≅ pair x' y'
+-- eq-pair refl refl = HE.refl
+pi1 : { p : Ordinal } →   ord-pair p →  Ordinal
+pi1 ( pair x y) = x
+π1 : { p : OD } → ZFProduct ∋ p → OD
+π1 lt = ord→od (pi1 lt )
+pi2 : { p : Ordinal } →   ord-pair p →  Ordinal
+pi2 ( pair x y ) = y
+π2 : { p : OD } → ZFProduct ∋ p → OD
+π2 lt = ord→od (pi2 lt )
+op-cons :  { ox oy  : Ordinal } → ZFProduct ∋ < ord→od ox , ord→od oy >  
+op-cons {ox} {oy} = pair ox oy
+p-cons :  ( x y  : OD ) → ZFProduct ∋ < x , y >
+p-cons x y =  def-subst {_} {_} {ZFProduct} {od→ord (< x , y >)} (pair (od→ord x) ( od→ord y )) refl (
+    let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
+        od→ord < ord→od (od→ord x) , ord→od (od→ord y) >
+    ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → od→ord < j , k >) oiso oiso ⟩
+        od→ord < x , y >
+    ∎ ) 
+op-iso :  { op : Ordinal } → (q : ord-pair op ) → od→ord < ord→od (pi1 q) , ord→od (pi2 q) > ≡ op
+op-iso (pair ox oy) = refl
+p-iso :  { x  : OD } → (p : ZFProduct ∋ x ) → < π1 p , π2 p > ≡ x
+p-iso {x} p = ord≡→≡ (op-iso p) 
+p-pi1 :  { x y : OD } → (p : ZFProduct ∋ < x , y > ) →  π1 p ≡ x
+p-pi1 {x} {y} p = proj1 ( prod-eq ( ord→== (op-iso p) ))
+p-pi2 :  { x y : OD } → (p : ZFProduct ∋ < x , y > ) →  π2 p ≡ y
+p-pi2 {x} {y} p = proj2 ( prod-eq ( ord→== (op-iso p)))
--- a/Ordinals.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/Ordinals.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@
-        TransFiniteExists : {m l : Level} → ( ψ : Ordinal  → Set m ) 
+        FExists : {m l : Level} → ( ψ : Ordinal  → Set m ) 
           → {p : Set l} ( P : { y : Ordinal  } →  ψ y → ¬ p )
           → (exists : ¬ (∀ y → ¬ ( ψ y ) ))
           → ¬ p
-        TransFiniteExists  {m} {l} ψ {p} P = contra-position ( λ p y ψy → P {y} ψy p ) 
+        FExists  {m} {l} ψ {p} P = contra-position ( λ p y ψy → P {y} ψy p ) 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/cardinal.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/cardinal.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 open import zf
 open import logic
 import OD 
+import ODC
+import OPair
 open import Data.Nat renaming ( zero to Zero ; suc to Suc ;  ℕ to Nat ; _⊔_ to _n⊔_ ) 
 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
 open import Data.Nat.Properties 
@@ -16,6 +18,8 @@
 open inOrdinal O
 open OD O
 open OD.OD
+open OPair O
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
 open _∧_
 open _∨_
@@ -24,50 +28,10 @@
 -- we have to work on Ordinal to keep OD Level n
 -- since we use p∨¬p which works only on Level n
---   < x , y > = (x , x) , (x , y)
-data ord-pair : (p : Ordinal) → Set n where
-   pair : (x y : Ordinal ) → ord-pair ( od→ord ( < ord→od x , ord→od y > ) )
-ZFProduct : OD
-ZFProduct = record { def = λ x → ord-pair x }
--- open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE using (_≅_ ) 
--- eq-pair : { x x' y y' : Ordinal } → x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → pair x y ≅ pair x' y'
--- eq-pair refl refl = HE.refl
-pi1 : { p : Ordinal } →   ord-pair p →  Ordinal
-pi1 ( pair x y) = x
-π1 : { p : OD } → ZFProduct ∋ p → Ordinal
-π1 lt = pi1 lt 
-pi2 : { p : Ordinal } →   ord-pair p →  Ordinal
-pi2 ( pair x y ) = y
-π2 : { p : OD } → ZFProduct ∋ p → Ordinal
-π2 lt = pi2 lt 
-p-cons :  ( x y  : OD ) → ZFProduct ∋ < x , y >
-p-cons x y =  def-subst {_} {_} {ZFProduct} {od→ord (< x , y >)} (pair (od→ord x) ( od→ord y )) refl (
-    let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
-        od→ord < ord→od (od→ord x) , ord→od (od→ord y) >
-    ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → od→ord < j , k >) oiso oiso ⟩
-        od→ord < x , y >
-    ∎ ) 
-p-iso1 :  { ox oy  : Ordinal } → ZFProduct ∋ < ord→od ox , ord→od oy >  
-p-iso1 {ox} {oy} = pair ox oy
-p-iso :  { x  : OD } → (p : ZFProduct ∋ x ) → < ord→od (π1 p) , ord→od (π2 p) > ≡ x
-p-iso {x} p = ord≡→≡ (lemma p) where
-    lemma :  { op : Ordinal } → (q : ord-pair op ) → od→ord < ord→od (pi1 q) , ord→od (pi2 q) > ≡ op
-    lemma (pair ox oy) = refl
 ∋-p : (A x : OD ) → Dec ( A ∋ x ) 
-∋-p A x with p∨¬p ( A ∋ x )
+∋-p A x with ODC.p∨¬p O ( A ∋ x )
 ∋-p A x | case1 t = yes t
 ∋-p A x | case2 t = no t
@@ -88,7 +52,6 @@
 -- power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
 func→od : (f : Ordinal → Ordinal ) → ( dom : OD ) → OD 
 func→od f dom = Replace dom ( λ x →  < x , ord→od (f (od→ord x)) > )
@@ -98,17 +61,17 @@
       func→od∈Func-1 :  Func dom cod ∋  func→od func-1 dom
 od→func : { dom cod : OD } → {f : Ordinal }  → def (Func dom cod ) f  → Func←cd {dom} {cod} {f} 
-od→func {dom} {cod} {f} lt = record { func-1 = λ x → sup-o ( λ y → lemma x y ) ; func→od∈Func-1 = record { proj1 = {!!} ; proj2 = {!!} } } where
+od→func {dom} {cod} {f} lt = record { func-1 = λ x → sup-o ( λ y → lemma x {!!} ) ; func→od∈Func-1 = record { proj1 = {!!} ; proj2 = {!!} } } where
    lemma : Ordinal → Ordinal → Ordinal
    lemma x y with IsZF.power→ isZF (dom ⊗ cod) (ord→od f) (subst (λ k → def (Power (dom ⊗ cod)) k ) (sym diso) lt ) | ∋-p (ord→od f) (ord→od y)
    lemma x y | p | no n  = o∅
-   lemma x y | p | yes f∋y = lemma2 (proj1 (double-neg-eilm ( p {ord→od y} f∋y ))) where -- p : {y : OD} → f ∋ y → ¬ ¬ (dom ⊗ cod ∋ y) 
+   lemma x y | p | yes f∋y = lemma2 (proj1 (ODC.double-neg-eilm O ( p {ord→od y} f∋y ))) where -- p : {y : OD} → f ∋ y → ¬ ¬ (dom ⊗ cod ∋ y) 
            lemma2 : {p : Ordinal} → ord-pair p  → Ordinal
-           lemma2 (pair x1 y1) with decp ( x1 ≡ x)
+           lemma2 (pair x1 y1) with ODC.decp O ( x1 ≡ x)
            lemma2 (pair x1 y1) | yes p = y1
            lemma2 (pair x1 y1) | no ¬p = o∅
    fod : OD
-   fod = Replace dom ( λ x →  < x , ord→od (sup-o ( λ y → lemma (od→ord x) y )) > )
+   fod = Replace dom ( λ x →  < x , ord→od (sup-o ( λ y → lemma (od→ord x) {!!} )) > )
 open Func←cd
@@ -139,7 +102,7 @@
 open Onto
-onto-restrict : {X Y Z : OD} → Onto X Y → ({x : OD} → _⊆_ Z Y {x}) → Onto X Z
+onto-restrict : {X Y Z : OD} → Onto X Y → Z ⊆ Y  → Onto X Z
 onto-restrict {X} {Y} {Z} onto  Z⊆Y = record {
      xmap = xmap1
    ; ymap = zmap
@@ -167,15 +130,15 @@
 cardinal :  (X  : OD ) → Cardinal X
 cardinal  X = record {
-       cardinal = sup-o ( λ x → proj1 ( cardinal-p x) )
+       cardinal = sup-o ( λ x → proj1 ( cardinal-p {!!}) )
      ; conto = onto
      ; cmax = cmax
    } where
     cardinal-p : (x  : Ordinal ) →  ( Ordinal  ∧ Dec (Onto X (Ord x) ) )
-    cardinal-p x with p∨¬p ( Onto X (Ord x)  ) 
+    cardinal-p x with ODC.p∨¬p O ( Onto X (Ord x)  ) 
     cardinal-p x | case1 True  = record { proj1 = x  ; proj2 = yes True }
     cardinal-p x | case2 False = record { proj1 = o∅ ; proj2 = no False }
-    S = sup-o (λ x → proj1 (cardinal-p x))
+    S = sup-o (λ x → proj1 (cardinal-p {!!}))
     lemma1 :  (x : Ordinal) → ((y : Ordinal) → y o< x → Lift (suc n) (y o< (osuc S) → Onto X (Ord y))) →
                     Lift (suc n) (x o< (osuc S) → Onto X (Ord x) )
     lemma1 x prev with trio< x (osuc S)
@@ -192,9 +155,9 @@
     ... | lift t = t <-osuc  
     cmax : (y : Ordinal) → S o< y → ¬ Onto X (Ord y) 
     cmax y lt ontoy = o<> lt (o<-subst  {_} {_} {y} {S}
-       (sup-o<  {λ x → proj1 ( cardinal-p x)}{y}  ) lemma refl ) where
+       (sup-o<  {λ x → proj1 ( cardinal-p {!!})}{{!!}}  ) lemma refl ) where
           lemma : proj1 (cardinal-p y) ≡ y
-          lemma with  p∨¬p ( Onto X (Ord y) )
+          lemma with  ODC.p∨¬p O ( Onto X (Ord y) )
           lemma | case1 x = refl
           lemma | case2 not = ⊥-elim ( not ontoy )
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+          <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="22" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="10.989" y="21">Ordinal</tspan>
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+          <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="22" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="7105427e-19" y="21">OD has a name in Ordinals</tspan>
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="18" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="16">順序数の公理を満たすもの。自然数の延長</tspan>
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="18" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="43.00002">階層化されていない</tspan>
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="18" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="16">型。集まりではなく、値の種類を区別する記号。’</tspan>
+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="18" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="43.00002">自身が値になると、一つLevelの高い型を持つ</tspan>
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Binary file fig/axiom-type.graffle has changed
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="22" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="19895197e-20" y="19">Axioms of Set theory in Agda</tspan>
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Binary file fig/ord-od-mapping.graffle has changed
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+        <text transform="translate(107 610.272)" fill="black">
+          <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="13">Total order</tspan>
+        </text>
+      </g>
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+          <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="17053026e-20" y="13">Partial order</tspan>
+        </text>
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="22" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="19895197e-20" y="19">Model on ZF</tspan>
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+        <text transform="translate(292.522 242.25)" fill="black">
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+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="21.437997" y="38.000016">assumptions</tspan>
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+        <text transform="translate(292.522 348.5)" fill="black">
+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="22" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="19">Model on OD</tspan>
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+      <g id="Graphic_19">
+        <text transform="translate(77.021 210.99999)" fill="black">
+          <tspan font-family="Hiragino Sans" font-size="22" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="19">ZF axioms</tspan>
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--- a/filter.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/filter.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -17,71 +17,76 @@
 open inOrdinal O
 open OD O
 open OD.OD
+open ODAxiom odAxiom
 open _∧_
 open _∨_
 open Bool
-record Filter  ( P max : OD  )  : Set (suc n) where
+_∩_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A ∩ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∧ def B x } 
+_∪_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A ∪ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∨ def B x } 
+_\_ : ( A B : OD  ) → OD
+A \ B = record { def = λ x → def A x ∧ ( ¬ ( def B x ) ) }
+record Filter  ( L : OD  ) : Set (suc n) where
-       _⊇_ : OD  → OD  → Set n
-       G : OD 
-       G∋1 : G ∋ max
-       Gmax : { p : OD  } → P ∋ p → p ⊇  max 
-       Gless : { p q : OD  } → G ∋ p → P ∋ q →  p ⊇ q  → G ∋ q
-       Gcompat : { p q : OD  } → G ∋ p → G ∋ q → ¬ (
-           ( r : OD ) →  ((  p ⊇  r ) ∧ (  p ⊇ r )))
+       filter : OD
+       proper : ¬ ( filter ∋ od∅ )
+       inL :  filter ⊆ L 
+       filter1 : { p q : OD } →  q ⊆ L  → filter ∋ p →  p ⊆ q  → filter ∋ q
+       filter2 : { p q : OD } → filter ∋ p →  filter ∋ q  → filter ∋ (p ∩ q)
-dense :   Set (suc n)
-dense = { D P p : OD  } → ({x : OD } → P ∋ p → ¬ ( ( q : OD ) → D ∋ q → od→ord p o< od→ord q ))
+open Filter
+L⊆L : (L : OD) → L ⊆ L
+L⊆L L = record { incl = λ {x} lt → lt }
+L-filter : {L : OD} → (P : Filter L ) → {p : OD} → filter P ∋ p → filter P ∋ L
+L-filter {L} P {p} lt = filter1 P {p} {L} (L⊆L L) lt {!!}
-record NatFilter  ( P : Nat → Set n)  : Set (suc n) where
+prime-filter : {L : OD} → Filter L → ∀ {p q : OD } → Set n
+prime-filter {L} P {p} {q} =  filter P ∋ ( p ∪ q) → ( filter P ∋ p ) ∨ ( filter P ∋ q )
+ultra-filter :  {L : OD} → Filter L → ∀ {p : OD } → Set n 
+ultra-filter {L} P {p} = L ∋ p →  ( filter P ∋ p ) ∨ (  filter P ∋ ( L \ p) )
+filter-lemma1 :  {L : OD} → (P : Filter L)  → ∀ {p q : OD } → ( ∀ (p : OD ) → ultra-filter {L} P {p} ) → prime-filter {L} P {p} {q}
+filter-lemma1 {L} P {p} {q} u lt = {!!}
+filter-lemma2 :  {L : OD} → (P : Filter L)  → ( ∀ {p q : OD } → prime-filter {L} P {p} {q}) →  ∀ (p : OD ) → ultra-filter {L} P {p} 
+filter-lemma2 {L} P prime p with prime {!!}
+... | t = {!!}
+generated-filter : {L : OD} → Filter L → (p : OD ) → Filter ( record { def = λ x → def L x ∨ (x ≡ od→ord p) } )
+generated-filter {L} P p = record {
+     proper = {!!} ; 
+     filter = {!!}  ; inL = {!!} ; 
+     filter1 = {!!} ; filter2 = {!!}
+   }
+record Dense  (P : OD ) : Set (suc n) where
-       GN : Nat → Set n
-       GN∋1 : GN 0
-       GNmax : { p : Nat } → P p →  0 ≤ p 
-       GNless : { p q : Nat } → GN p → P q →  q ≤ p  → GN q
-       Gr : (  p q : Nat ) →  GN p → GN q  →  Nat
-       GNcompat : { p q : Nat }  → (gp : GN p) → (gq : GN q ) → (  Gr p q gp gq ≤  p ) ∨ (  Gr p q gp gq ≤ q )
-record NatDense {n : Level} ( P : Nat → Set n)  : Set (suc n) where
-   field
-       Gmid : { p : Nat } → P p  → Nat
-       GDense : { D : Nat → Set n } → {x p : Nat } → (pp : P p ) → D (Gmid {p} pp) →  Gmid pp  ≤ p 
-open OD.OD
+       dense : OD
+       incl :  dense ⊆ P 
+       dense-f : OD → OD
+       dense-p :  { p : OD} → P ∋ p  → p ⊆ (dense-f p) 
 -- H(ω,2) = Power ( Power ω ) = Def ( Def ω))
-Pred :  ( Dom : OD  ) → OD 
-Pred  dom = record {
-      def = λ x → def dom x → {!!}
-  }
+infinite = ZF.infinite OD→ZF
-Hω2 :   OD 
-Hω2  = record { def = λ x → {dom : Ordinal } → x ≡ od→ord ( Pred ( ord→od dom )) }
+module in-countable-ordinal {n : Level} where
+   import ordinal
-Hω2Filter :     Filter  Hω2 od∅
-Hω2Filter  = record {
-       _⊇_ = _⊇_
-     ; G = {!!}
-     ; G∋1 = {!!}
-     ; Gmax = {!!}
-     ; Gless = {!!}
-     ; Gcompat = {!!}
-  } where
-       P = Hω2
-       _⊇_ : OD  → OD  → Set n
-       _⊇_ = {!!}
-       G : OD 
-       G = {!!}
-       G∋1 : G ∋ od∅
-       G∋1 = {!!}
-       Gmax : { p : OD  } → P ∋ p → p ⊇  od∅
-       Gmax = {!!}
-       Gless : { p q : OD  } → G ∋ p → P ∋ q →  p ⊇ q  → G ∋ q
-       Gless = {!!}
-       Gcompat : { p q : OD  } → G ∋ p → G ∋ q → ¬ (
-           ( r : OD ) →  ((  p ⊇  r ) ∧ (  p ⊇ r )))
-       Gcompat = {!!}
+   -- open  ordinal.C-Ordinal-with-choice 
+   -- both Power and infinite is too ZF, it is better to use simpler one
+   Hω2 : Filter (Power (Power infinite))
+   Hω2 = {!!}
--- a/ordinal.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/ordinal.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@
       lemma y lt | case1 refl = proj1 ( TransFinite1 lx ox ) 
       lemma y lt | case2 lt1 = proj2 ( TransFinite1 lx ox ) y lt1
 open import Ordinals 
 C-Ordinal : {n : Level} →  Ordinals {suc n} 
@@ -234,75 +233,3 @@
             ψ (record { lv = lx ; ord = OSuc lx x₁ })
         caseOSuc lx ox prev = lt (ordinal lx (OSuc lx ox)) prev 
-module C-Ordinal-with-choice {n : Level} where
-  import OD 
-  -- open inOrdinal C-Ordinal 
-  open OD (C-Ordinal {n})
-  open OD.OD
-  --
-  -- another form of regularity 
-  --
-  ε-induction : {m : Level} { ψ : OD  → Set m}
-   → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
-   → (x : OD ) → ψ x
-  ε-induction {m} {ψ} ind x = subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (ε-induction-ord (lv (osuc (od→ord x))) (ord (osuc (od→ord x)))  <-osuc) where
-    ε-induction-ord : (lx : Nat) ( ox : OrdinalD {suc n} lx ) {ly : Nat} {oy : OrdinalD {suc n} ly }
-      → (ly < lx) ∨ (oy d< ox  ) → ψ (ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy } ) )
-    ε-induction-ord lx  (OSuc lx ox) {ly} {oy} y<x = 
-      ind {ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy })} ( λ {y} lt → subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (ε-induction-ord lx ox (lemma y lt ))) where
-          lemma :  (z : OD) → ord→od record { lv = ly ; ord = oy } ∋ z → od→ord z o< record { lv = lx ; ord = ox }
-          lemma z lt with osuc-≡< y<x
-          lemma z lt | case1 refl = o<-subst (c<→o< lt) refl diso
-          lemma z lt | case2 lt1 = ordtrans  (o<-subst (c<→o< lt) refl diso) lt1  
-    ε-induction-ord (Suc lx) (Φ (Suc lx)) {ly} {oy} (case1 y<sox ) =                    
-      ind {ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy })} ( λ {y} lt → lemma y lt )  where  
-          --
-          --     if lv of z if less than x Ok
-          --     else lv z = lv x. We can create OSuc of z which is larger than z and less than x in lemma
-          --
-          --                         lx    Suc lx      (1) lz(a) <lx by case1
-          --                 ly(1)   ly(2)             (2) lz(b) <lx by case1
-          --           lz(a) lz(b)   lz(c)                 lz(c) <lx by case2 ( ly==lz==lx)
-          --
-          lemma0 : { lx ly : Nat } → ly < Suc lx  → lx < ly → ⊥
-          lemma0 {Suc lx} {Suc ly} (s≤s lt1) (s≤s lt2) = lemma0 lt1 lt2
-          lemma1 : {ly : Nat} {oy : OrdinalD {suc n} ly} → lv (od→ord (ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy }))) ≡ ly
-          lemma1  {ly} {oy} = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
-                  lv (od→ord (ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy })))
-               ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → lv k ) diso ⟩
-                  lv (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy })
-               ≡⟨⟩
-                  ly
-               ∎
-          lemma :  (z : OD) → ord→od record { lv = ly ; ord = oy } ∋ z → ψ z
-          lemma z lt with  c<→o<  {z} {ord→od (record { lv = ly ; ord = oy })} lt
-          lemma z lt | case1 lz<ly with <-cmp lx ly
-          lemma z lt | case1 lz<ly | tri< a ¬b ¬c = ⊥-elim ( lemma0 y<sox a) -- can't happen
-          lemma z lt | case1 lz<ly | tri≈ ¬a refl ¬c =    -- ly(1)
-                subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (ε-induction-ord lx (Φ lx) {_} {ord (od→ord z)} (case1 (subst (λ k → lv (od→ord z) < k ) lemma1 lz<ly ) ))
-          lemma z lt | case1 lz<ly | tri> ¬a ¬b c =       -- lz(a)
-                subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso (ε-induction-ord lx (Φ lx) {_} {ord (od→ord z)} (case1 (<-trans lz<ly (subst (λ k → k < lx ) (sym lemma1) c))))
-          lemma z lt | case2 lz=ly with <-cmp lx ly
-          lemma z lt | case2 lz=ly | tri< a ¬b ¬c = ⊥-elim ( lemma0 y<sox a) -- can't happen
-          lemma z lt | case2 lz=ly | tri> ¬a ¬b c with d<→lv lz=ly        -- lz(b)
-          ... | eq = subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso
-               (ε-induction-ord lx (Φ lx) {_} {ord (od→ord z)} (case1 (subst (λ k → k < lx ) (trans (sym lemma1)(sym eq) ) c )))
-          lemma z lt | case2 lz=ly | tri≈ ¬a lx=ly ¬c with d<→lv lz=ly    -- lz(c)
-          ... | eq =  subst (λ k → ψ k ) oiso ( ε-induction-ord lx (dz oz=lx) {lv (od→ord z)} {ord (od→ord z)} (case2 (dz<dz oz=lx) )) where
-              oz=lx : lv (od→ord z) ≡ lx 
-              oz=lx = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
-                  lv (od→ord z)
-                 ≡⟨ eq ⟩
-                  lv (od→ord (ord→od (ordinal ly oy)))
-                 ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → lv k ) diso ⟩
-                  lv (ordinal ly oy)
-                 ≡⟨ sym lx=ly  ⟩
-                  lx
-                 ∎
-              dz : lv (od→ord z) ≡ lx → OrdinalD lx
-              dz refl = OSuc lx (ord (od→ord z))
-              dz<dz  : (z=x : lv (od→ord z) ≡ lx ) → ord (od→ord z) d< dz z=x
-              dz<dz refl = s<refl 
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+<title>Constructing ZF Set Theory in Agda </title>
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+<h1>Constructing ZF Set Theory in Agda </h1>
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+<author> Shinji KONO</author>
+<h2><a name="content000">ZF in Agda</a></h2>
+    zf.agda            axiom of ZF
+    zfc.agda           axiom of choice
+    Ordinals.agda      axiom of Ordinals
+    ordinal.agda       countable model of Ordinals
+    OD.agda            model of ZF based on Ordinal Definable Set with assumptions
+    ODC.agda           Law of exclude middle from axiom of choice assumptions
+    LEMC.agda          model of choice with assumption of the Law of exclude middle 
+    OPair.agda         ordered pair on OD
+    BAlgbra.agda       Boolean algebra on OD (not yet done)
+    filter.agda        Filter on OD (not yet done)
+    cardinal.agda      Caedinal number on OD (not yet done)
+    logic.agda         some basics on logic
+    nat.agda           some basics on Nat
+<h2><a name="content001">Programming Mathematics</a></h2>
+Programming is processing data structure with λ terms.
+We are going to handle Mathematics in intuitionistic logic with λ terms.
+Mathematics is a functional programming which values are proofs.
+Programming ZF Set Theory in Agda
+<h2><a name="content002">Target</a></h2>
+   Describe ZF axioms in Agda
+   Construction a Model of ZF Set Theory in Agda
+   Show necessary assumptions for the model
+   Show validities of ZF axioms on the model
+This shows consistency of Set Theory (with some assumptions),
+without circulating ZF Theory assumption.
+<a href="">
+ZF in Agda
+<h2><a name="content003">Why Set Theory</a></h2>
+If we can formulate Set theory, it suppose to work on any mathematical theory.
+Set Theory is a difficult point for beginners especially axiom of choice.
+It has some amount of difficulty and self circulating discussion.
+I'm planning to do it in my old age, but I'm enough age now.
+This is done during from May to September.
+<h2><a name="content004">Agda and Intuitionistic Logic </a></h2>
+Curry Howard Isomorphism
+    Proposition : Proof ⇔ Type : Value
+which means
+  constructing a typed lambda calculus which corresponds a logic
+Typed lambda calculus which allows complex type as a value of a variable (System FC)
+  First class Type / Dependent Type
+Agda is a such a programming language which has similar syntax of Haskell
+Coq is specialized in proof assistance such as command and tactics .
+<h2><a name="content005">Introduction of Agda </a></h2>
+A length of a list of type A.
+    length : {A : Set } → List A → Nat
+    length [] = zero
+    length (_ ∷ t)  = suc ( length t )
+Simple functional programming language. Type declaration is mandatory.
+A colon means type, an equal means value. Indentation based.
+Set is a base type (which may have a level ).
+{} means implicit variable which can be omitted if Agda infers its value.
+<h2><a name="content006">data ( Sum type )</a></h2>
+A data type which as exclusive multiple constructors. A similar one as
+union in C or case class in Scala.
+It has a similar syntax as Haskell but it has a slight difference.
+   data List (A : Set ) : Set where
+        [] : List A
+        _∷_ : A → List A → List A
+_∷_ means infix operator. If use explicit _, it can be used in a normal function
+Natural number can be defined as a usual way.
+   data Nat : Set where
+        zero : Nat
+        suc  : Nat → Nat
+<h2><a name="content007"> A → B means "A implies B"</a></h2>
+In Agda, a type can be a value of a variable, which is usually called dependent type.
+Type has a name Set in Agda.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → Set 
+    ex3 {A}{B}  =  A → B
+ex3 is a type : A → B, which is a value of Set. It also means a formula : A implies B.
+    A type is a formula, the value is the proof
+A value of A → B can be interpreted as an inference from the formula A to the formula B, which
+can be a function from a proof of A to a proof of B.
+<h2><a name="content008">introduction と elimination</a></h2>
+For a logical operator, there are two types of inference, an introduction and an elimination.
+  intro creating symbol  / constructor / introduction
+  elim  using symbolic / accessors / elimination
+In Natural deduction, this can be written in proof schema.
+       A                   
+       :
+       B                    A       A → B
+   ------------- →intro   ------------------ →elim
+      A → B                     B
+In Agda, this is a pair of type and value as follows. Introduction of → uses λ.
+    →intro : {A B : Set } → A →  B → ( A → B )
+    →intro _ b = λ x → b
+    →elim : {A B : Set } → A → ( A → B ) → B
+    →elim a f = f a
+    {A B : Set } → A →  B → ( A → B )
+    {A B : Set } → ( A →  ( B → ( A → B ) ))
+This makes currying of function easy.
+<h2><a name="content009"> To prove A → B </a></h2>
+Make a left type as an argument. (intros in Coq)
+    ex5 : {A B C : Set } → A → B → C  → ?
+    ex5 a b c = ?
+? is called a hole, which is unspecified part. Agda tell us which kind type is required for the Hole.
+We are going to fill the holes, and if we have no warnings nor errors such as type conflict (Red),
+insufficient proof or instance (Yellow), Non-termination, the proof is completed.
+<h2><a name="content010"> A ∧ B</a></h2>
+Well known conjunction's introduction and elimination is as follow.
+     A    B                 A ∧ B           A ∧ B 
+   -------------         ----------- proj1   ---------- proj2
+      A ∧ B                   A               B
+We can introduce a corresponding structure in our functional programming language.
+<h2><a name="content011"> record</a></h2>
+   record _∧_ A B : Set
+     field
+         proj1 : A
+         proj2 : B
+_∧_ means infix operator.  _∧_ A B can be written as  A ∧  B (Haskell uses (∧) )
+This a type which constructed from type A and type B. You may think this as an object
+or struct.
+   record { proj1 = x ; proj2 = y }    
+is a constructor of _∧_.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → A → B → ( A ∧ B )
+    ex3 a b = record { proj1 = a ; proj2 = b }
+    ex1 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∧ B ) → A
+    ex1 a∧b = proj1 a∧b
+a∧b is a variable name. If we have no spaces in a string, it is a word even if we have symbols
+except parenthesis or colons. A symbol requires space separation such as a type defining colon.
+Defining record can be recursively, but we don't use the recursion here.
+<h2><a name="content012"> Mathematical structure</a></h2>
+We have types of elements and the relationship in a mathematical structure.
+  logical relation has no ordering
+  there is a natural ordering in arguments and a value in a function
+So we have typical definition style of mathematical structure with records.
+  record IsOrdinals {n : Level} (ord : Set n)  
+    (_o&lt;_ : ord → ord → Set n) : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+   field
+     Otrans :  {x y z : ord }  → x o&lt; y → y o&lt; z → x o&lt; z
+  record Ordinals {n : Level} : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+       field 
+         ord : Set n
+         _o&lt;_ : ord → ord → Set n
+         isOrdinal : IsOrdinals ord _o&lt;_
+In IsOrdinals, axioms are written in flat way. In Ordinal, we may have
+inputs and outputs are put in the field including IsOrdinal.
+Fields of Ordinal is existential objects in the mathematical structure.
+<h2><a name="content013"> A Model and a theory</a></h2>
+Agda record is a type, so we can write it in the argument, but is it really exists?
+If we have a value of the record, it simply exists, that is, we need to create all the existence
+in the record satisfies all the axioms (= field of IsOrdinal) should be valid.
+   type of record = theory
+   value of record = model
+We call the value of the record as a model. If mathematical structure has a
+model, it exists. Pretty Obvious.
+<h2><a name="content014"> postulate と module</a></h2>
+Agda proofs are separated by modules, which are large records.
+postulates are assumptions. We can assume a type without proofs.
+    postulate      
+      sup-o  :  ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
+      sup-o&lt; :  { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : Ordinal } → ψ x  o&lt;  sup-o ψ 
+sup-o is an example of upper bound of a function and sup-o&lt; assumes it actually satisfies all the value is less than upper bound.
+Writing some type in a module argument is the same as postulating a type, but
+postulate can be written the middle of a proof.
+postulate can be constructive.
+postulate can be inconsistent, which result everything has a proof.
+<h2><a name="content015"> A ∨ B</a></h2>
+    data _∨_ (A B : Set) : Set where
+      case1 : A → A ∨ B
+      case2 : B → A ∨ B
+As Haskell, case1/case2 are  patterns.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∨ A ) → A 
+    ex3 = ?
+In a case statement, Agda command C-C C-C generates possible cases in the head.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∨ A ) → A 
+    ex3 (case1 x) = ?
+    ex3 (case2 x) = ?
+Proof schema of ∨ is omit due to the complexity.
+<h2><a name="content016"> Negation</a></h2>
+       ⊥
+    ------------- ⊥-elim
+       A
+Anything can be derived from bottom, in this case a Set A. There is no introduction rule
+in ⊥, which can be implemented as data which has no constructor.
+    data ⊥ : Set where
+⊥-elim can be proved like this.
+    ⊥-elim : {A : Set } -&gt; ⊥ -&gt; A
+    ⊥-elim ()
+() means no match argument nor value.
+A negation can be defined using ⊥ like this.
+    ¬_ : Set → Set
+    ¬ A = A → ⊥
+<h2><a name="content017">Equality </a></h2>
+All the value in Agda are terms. If we have the same normalized form, two terms are equal.
+If we have variables in the terms, we will perform an unification. unifiable terms are equal.
+We don't go further on the unification.
+     { x : A }                 x ≡ y    f x y
+   --------------- ≡-intro   --------------------- ≡-elim
+      x ≡ x                         f x x
+equality _≡_  can be defined as a data.
+    data _≡_ {A : Set } : A → A → Set where
+       refl :  {x : A} → x ≡ x
+The elimination of equality is a substitution in a term.
+    subst : {A : Set } → { x y : A } → ( f : A → Set ) → x ≡ y → f x → f y
+    subst {A} {x} {y} f refl fx = fx
+    ex5 :   {A : Set} {x y z : A } →  x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
+    ex5 {A} {x} {y} {z} x≡y y≡z = subst ( λ k → x ≡ k ) y≡z x≡y
+<h2><a name="content018">Equivalence relation</a></h2>
+    refl' : {A : Set} {x : A } → x ≡ x
+    refl'  = ?
+    sym : {A : Set} {x y : A } → x ≡ y → y ≡ x
+    sym = ?
+    trans : {A : Set} {x y z : A } → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
+    trans = ?
+    cong : {A B : Set} {x y : A } { f : A → B } →   x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
+    cong = ?
+<h2><a name="content019">Ordering</a></h2>
+Relation is a predicate on two value which has a same type.
+   A → A → Set 
+Defining order is the definition of this type with predicate or a data.
+    data _≤_ : Rel ℕ 0ℓ where
+      z≤n : ∀ {n}                 → zero  ≤ n
+      s≤s : ∀ {m n} (m≤n : m ≤ n) → suc m ≤ suc n
+<h2><a name="content020">Quantifier</a></h2>
+Handling quantifier in an intuitionistic logic requires special cares.
+In the input of a function, there are no restriction on it, that is, it has
+a universal quantifier. (If we explicitly write ∀, Agda gives us a type inference on it)
+There is no ∃ in agda, the one way is using negation like this.
+ ∃ (x : A ) → p x  = ¬ ( ( x : A ) → ¬ ( p x ) )
+On the another way, f : A can be used like this.
+  p f
+If we use a function which can be defined globally which has stronger meaning the
+usage of ∃ x in a logical expression.
+<h2><a name="content021">Can we do math in this way?</a></h2>
+Yes, we can. Actually we have Principia Mathematica by Russell and Whitehead (with out computer support).
+In some sense, this story is a reprinting of the work, (but Principia Mathematica has a different formulation than ZF).
+    define mathematical structure as a record
+    program inferences as if we have proofs in variables
+<h2><a name="content022">Things which Agda cannot prove</a></h2>
+The infamous Internal Parametricity is a limitation of Agda, it cannot prove so called Free Theorem, which
+leads uniqueness of a functor in Category Theory.
+Functional extensionality cannot be proved.
+  (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
+Agda has no law of exclude middle.
+  a ∨ ( ¬ a )
+For example, (A → B) → ¬ B → ¬ A can be proved but, ( ¬ B → ¬ A ) → A → B cannot.
+It also other problems such as termination, type inference or unification which we may overcome with
+efforts or devices or may not.
+If we cannot prove something, we can safely postulate it unless it leads a contradiction.
+<h2><a name="content023">Classical story of ZF Set Theory</a></h2>
+Assuming ZF, constructing  a model of ZF is a flow of classical Set Theory, which leads
+a relative consistency proof of the Set Theory.
+Ordinal number is used in the flow. 
+In Agda, first we defines Ordinal numbers (Ordinals), then introduce Ordinal Definable Set (OD).
+We need some non constructive assumptions in the construction. A model of Set theory is
+constructed based on these assumptions.
+<img src="fig/set-theory.svg">
+<h2><a name="content024">Ordinals</a></h2>
+Ordinals are our intuition of infinite things, which has ∅ and orders on the things.
+It also has a successor osuc.
+    record Ordinals {n : Level} : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+       field
+         ord : Set n
+         o∅ : ord
+         osuc : ord → ord
+         _o&lt;_ : ord → ord → Set n
+         isOrdinal : IsOrdinals ord o∅ osuc _o&lt;_
+It is different from natural numbers in way. The order of Ordinals is not defined in terms
+of successor. It is given from outside, which make it possible to have higher order infinity.
+<h2><a name="content025">Axiom of Ordinals</a></h2>
+Properties of infinite things. We request a transfinite induction, which states that if
+some properties are satisfied below all possible ordinals, the properties are true on all
+Successor osuc has no ordinal between osuc and the base ordinal. There are some ordinals
+which is not a successor of any ordinals. It is called limit ordinal.
+Any two ordinal can be compared, that is less, equal or more, that is total order.
+  record IsOrdinals {n : Level} (ord : Set n)  (o∅ : ord ) 
+    (osuc : ord → ord )  
+    (_o&lt;_ : ord → ord → Set n) : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+   field
+     Otrans :  {x y z : ord }  → x o&lt; y → y o&lt; z → x o&lt; z
+     OTri : Trichotomous {n} _≡_  _o&lt;_ 
+     ¬x&lt;0 :   { x  : ord  } → ¬ ( x o&lt; o∅  )
+     &lt;-osuc :  { x : ord  } → x o&lt; osuc x
+     osuc-≡&lt; :  { a x : ord  } → x o&lt; osuc a  →  (x ≡ a ) ∨ (x o&lt; a)  
+     TransFinite : { ψ : ord  → Set (suc n) }
+          → ( (x : ord)  → ( (y : ord  ) → y o&lt; x → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+          →  ∀ (x : ord)  → ψ x
+<h2><a name="content026">Concrete Ordinals</a></h2>
+We can define a list like structure with level, which is a kind of two dimensional infinite array.
+    data OrdinalD {n : Level} :  (lv : Nat) → Set n where
+       Φ : (lv : Nat) → OrdinalD  lv
+       OSuc : (lv : Nat) → OrdinalD {n} lv → OrdinalD lv
+The order of the OrdinalD can be defined in this way.
+    data _d&lt;_ {n : Level} :   {lx ly : Nat} → OrdinalD {n} lx  →  OrdinalD {n} ly  → Set n where
+       Φ&lt;  : {lx : Nat} → {x : OrdinalD {n} lx}  →  Φ lx d&lt; OSuc lx x
+       s&lt;  : {lx : Nat} → {x y : OrdinalD {n} lx}  →  x d&lt; y  → OSuc  lx x d&lt; OSuc  lx y
+This is a simple data structure, it has no abstract assumptions, and it is countable many data
+   Φ 0
+   OSuc 2 ( Osuc 2 ( Osuc 2 (Φ 2)))
+   Osuc 0 (Φ 0) d&lt; Φ 1
+<h2><a name="content027">Model of Ordinals</a></h2>
+It is easy to show OrdinalD and its order satisfies the axioms of Ordinals.
+So our Ordinals has a mode. This means axiom of Ordinals are consistent.
+<h2><a name="content028">Debugging axioms using Model</a></h2>
+Whether axiom is correct or not can be checked by a validity on a mode.
+If not, we may fix the axioms or the model, such as the definitions of the order.
+We can also ask whether the inputs exist.
+<h2><a name="content029">Countable Ordinals can contains uncountable set?</a></h2>
+Yes, the ordinals contains any level of infinite Set in the axioms.
+If we handle real-number in the model, only countable number of real-number is used.
+    from the outside view point, it is countable
+    from the internal view point, it is uncountable
+The definition of countable/uncountable is the same, but the properties are different
+depending on the context.
+We don't show the definition of cardinal number here.
+<h2><a name="content030">What is Set</a></h2>
+The word Set in Agda is not a Set of ZF Set, but it is a type (why it is named Set?).
+From naive point view, a set i a list, but in Agda, elements have all the same type.
+A set in ZF may contain other Sets in ZF, which not easy to implement it as a list.
+Finite set may be written in finite series of ∨, but ...
+<h2><a name="content031">We don't ask the contents of Set. It can be anything.</a></h2>
+From empty set φ, we can think a set contains a φ, and a pair of φ and the set, and so on,
+and all of them, and again we repeat this.
+   φ {φ} {φ,{φ}}, {φ,{φ},...}
+It is called V.
+This operation can be performed within a ZF Set theory. Classical Set Theory assumes
+ZF, so this kind of thing is allowed.
+But in our case, we have no ZF theory, so we are going to use Ordinals.
+<h2><a name="content032">Ordinal Definable Set</a></h2>
+We can define a sbuset of Ordinals using predicates. What is a subset?
+   a predicate has an Ordinal argument
+is an Ordinal Definable Set (OD). In Agda, OD is defined as follows.
+    record OD : Set (suc n ) where
+      field
+        def : (x : Ordinal  ) → Set n
+Ordinals itself is not a set in a ZF Set theory but a class. In OD, 
+   record { def = λ x → true }
+means Ordinals itself, so ODs are larger than a notion of ZF Set Theory,
+but we don't care about it.
+<h2><a name="content033">∋ in OD</a></h2>
+OD is a predicate on Ordinals and it does not contains OD directly. If we have a mapping
+      od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
+we may check an OD is an element of the OD using def.
+A ∋ x can be define as follows.
+    _∋_ : ( A x : OD  ) → Set n
+    _∋_  A x  = def A ( od→ord x )
+In ψ : Ordinal → Set,  if A is a  record { def = λ x → ψ x } , then
+    A x = def A ( od→ord x ) = ψ (od→ord x)
+<h2><a name="content034">1 to 1 mapping between an OD and an Ordinal</a></h2>
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD  
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+They say the existing of the mappings can be proved in Classical Set Theory, but we
+simply assumes these non constructively.
+We use postulate, it may contains additional restrictions which are not clear now. It look like the mapping should be a subset of Ordinals, but we don't explicitly
+state it.
+<img src="fig/ord-od-mapping.svg">
+<h2><a name="content035">Order preserving in the mapping of OD and Ordinal</a></h2>
+Ordinals have the order and OD has a natural order based on inclusion ( def / ∋ ).
+     def y ( od→ord x )
+An elements of OD should be defined before the OD, that is, an ordinal corresponding an elements
+have to be smaller than the corresponding ordinal of the containing OD.
+  c&lt;→o&lt;  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o&lt; od→ord y
+This is also said to be provable in classical Set Theory, but we simply assumes it.
+OD has an order based on the corresponding ordinal, but it may not have corresponding def / ∋relation. This means the reverse order preservation, 
+  o&lt;→c&lt;  : {n : Level} {x y : Ordinal  } → x o&lt; y → def (ord→od y) x 
+is not valid. If we assumes it, ∀ x ∋ ∅ becomes true, which manes all OD becomes Ordinals in
+the model.
+<img src="fig/ODandOrdinals.svg">
+<h2><a name="content036">ISO</a></h2>
+It also requires isomorphisms, 
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+<h2><a name="content037">Various Sets</a></h2>
+In classical Set Theory, there is a hierarchy call L, which can be defined by a predicate.
+    Ordinal / things satisfies axiom of Ordinal / extension of natural number 
+    V / hierarchical construction of Set from φ   
+    L / hierarchical predicate definable construction of Set from φ   
+    OD / equational formula on Ordinals 
+    Agda Set / Type / it also has a level
+<h2><a name="content038">Fixes on ZF to intuitionistic logic</a></h2>
+We use ODs as Sets in ZF, and defines record ZF, that is, we have to define
+ZF axioms in Agda.
+It may not valid in our model. We have to debug it.
+Fixes are depends on axioms.
+<img src="fig/axiom-type.svg">
+<a href="fig/zf-record.html">
+ZFのrecord </a>
+<h2><a name="content039">Pure logical axioms</a></h2>
+   empty, pair, select, ε-induction??infinity
+These are logical relations among OD.
+     empty :  ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → ¬ ( ∅ ∋ x )
+     pair→ : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y ) 
+     pair← : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y )  →  (x , y)  ∋ t 
+     selection : { ψ : ZFSet → Set m } → ∀ { X y : ZFSet  } →  ( ( y ∈ X ) ∧ ψ y ) ⇔ (y ∈  Select X ψ ) 
+     infinity∅ :  ∅ ∈ infinite
+     infinity :  ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ infinite →  ( x ∪ ( x , x ) ) ∈ infinite 
+     ε-induction : { ψ : OD  → Set (suc n)}
+       → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+       → (x : OD ) → ψ x
+finitely can be define by Agda data.
+    data infinite-d  : ( x : Ordinal  ) → Set n where
+        iφ :  infinite-d o∅
+        isuc : {x : Ordinal  } →   infinite-d  x  →
+                infinite-d  (od→ord ( Union (ord→od x , (ord→od x , ord→od x ) ) ))
+Union (x , ( x , x )) should be an direct successor of x, but we cannot prove it in our model.
+<h2><a name="content040">Axiom of Pair</a></h2>
+In the Tanaka's book, axiom of pair is as follows.
+     ∀ x ∀ y ∃ z ∀ t ( z ∋ t ↔ t ≈ x ∨ t ≈ y)
+We have fix ∃ z, a function (x , y) is defined, which is  _,_ .
+     _,_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
+using this, we can define two directions in separates axioms, like this.
+     pair→ : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y ) 
+     pair← : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y )  →  (x , y)  ∋ t 
+This is already written in Agda, so we use these as axioms. All inputs have ∀.
+<h2><a name="content041">pair in OD</a></h2>
+OD is an equation on Ordinals, we can simply write axiom of pair in the OD.
+    _,_ : OD  → OD  → OD 
+    x , y = record { def = λ t → (t ≡ od→ord x ) ∨ ( t ≡ od→ord y ) } 
+≡ is an equality of λ terms, but please not that this is equality on Ordinals.
+<h2><a name="content042">Validity of Axiom of Pair</a></h2>
+Assuming ZFSet is OD, we are going to prove pair→ .
+    pair→ : ( x y t : OD  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t == x ) ∨ ( t == y ) 
+    pair→ x y t p = ?
+In this program, type of p is ( x , y ) ∋ t , that is def ( x , y ) that is, (t ≡ od→ord x ) ∨ ( t ≡ od→ord y ) .
+Since _∨_ is a data, it can be developed as (C-c C-c : agda2-make-case ).
+    pair→ x y t (case1 t≡x ) = ?
+    pair→ x y t (case2 t≡y ) = ?
+The type of the ? is ( t == x ) ∨ ( t == y ), again it is  data _∨_ .
+    pair→ x y t (case1 t≡x ) = case1 ?
+    pair→ x y t (case2 t≡y ) = case2 ?
+The ? in case1 is t == x, so we have to create this from t≡x, which is a name of a variable
+which type is 
+    t≡x : od→ord t ≡ od→ord x
+which is shown by an Agda command (C-C C-E : agda2-show-context ).
+But we haven't defined == yet.
+<h2><a name="content043">Equality of OD and Axiom of Extensionality </a></h2>
+OD is defined by a predicates, if we compares normal form of the predicates, even if
+it contains the same elements, it may be different, which is no good as an equality of
+Axiom of Extensionality requires sets having the same elements are handled in the same way
+each other.
+    ∀ z ( z ∈ x ⇔ z ∈ y ) ⇒ ∀ w ( x ∈ w ⇔ y ∈ w )
+We can write this axiom in Agda as follows.
+     extensionality :  { A B w : ZFSet  } → ( (z : ZFSet) → ( A ∋ z ) ⇔ (B ∋ z)  ) → ( A ∈ w ⇔ B ∈ w )
+So we use ( A ∋ z ) ⇔ (B ∋ z) as an equality (_==_) of our model. We have to show
+A ∈ w ⇔ B ∈ w from A == B.
+x ==  y can be defined in this way.
+    record _==_  ( a b :  OD  ) : Set n where
+      field
+         eq→ : ∀ { x : Ordinal  } → def a x → def b x
+         eq← : ∀ { x : Ordinal  } → def b x → def a x
+Actually, (z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z) implies A == B.
+    extensionality0 : {A B : OD } → ((z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z)) → A == B
+    eq→ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = ?
+    eq← (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = ?
+? are def B x and def A x and these are generated from  eq : (z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z) .
+Actual proof is rather complicated.
+   eq→ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = def-iso  {A} {B} (sym diso) (proj1 (eq (ord→od x))) d
+   eq← (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = def-iso  {B} {A} (sym diso) (proj2 (eq (ord→od x))) d
+   def-iso : {A B : OD } {x y : Ordinal } → x ≡ y  → (def A y → def B y)  → def A x → def B x
+   def-iso refl t = t
+<h2><a name="content044">Validity of Axiom of Extensionality</a></h2>
+If we can derive (w ∋ A) ⇔ (w ∋ B) from A == B, the axiom becomes valid, but it seems impossible, so we assumes
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+Using this, we have
+    extensionality : {A B w : OD  } → ((z : OD ) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z)) → (w ∋ A) ⇔ (w ∋ B)
+    proj1 (extensionality {A} {B} {w} eq ) d = subst (λ k → w ∋ k) ( ==→o≡ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq) ) d
+    proj2 (extensionality {A} {B} {w} eq ) d = subst (λ k → w ∋ k) (sym ( ==→o≡ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq) )) d
+This assumption means we may have an equivalence set on any predicates.
+<h2><a name="content045">Non constructive assumptions so far</a></h2>
+We have correspondence between OD and Ordinals and one directional order preserving.
+We also have equality assumption.
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+  c&lt;→o&lt;  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o&lt; od→ord y
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+<h2><a name="content046">Axiom which have negation form</a></h2>
+   Union, Selection
+These axioms contains ∃ x as a logical relation, which can be described in ¬ ( ∀ x ( ¬ p )).
+Axiom of replacement uses upper bound of function on Ordinals, which makes it non-constructive.
+Power Set axiom requires double negation, 
+     power→ : ∀( A t : ZFSet  ) → Power A ∋ t → ∀ {x}  →  t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ ( A ∋ x ) 
+     power← : ∀( A t : ZFSet  ) → t ⊆_ A → Power A ∋ t 
+If we have an assumption of law of exclude middle, we can recover the original A ∋ x form.
+<h2><a name="content047">Union </a></h2>
+The original form of the Axiom of Union is
+     ∀ x ∃ y ∀ z (z ∈ y ⇔ ∃ u ∈ x  ∧ (z ∈ u))
+Union requires the existence of b in  a ⊇ ∃ b ∋ x . We will use negation form of ∃.
+     union→ : ( X z u : ZFSet ) → ( X ∋ u ) ∧ (u ∋ z ) → Union X ∋ z
+     union← : ( X z : ZFSet ) → (X∋z : Union X ∋ z ) →  ¬  ( (u : ZFSet ) → ¬ ((X ∋  u) ∧ (u ∋ z )))
+The definition of Union in OD is like this.
+    Union : OD  → OD   
+    Union U = record { def = λ x → ¬ (∀ (u : Ordinal ) → ¬ ((def U u) ∧ (def (ord→od u) x)))  }
+Proof of validity is straight forward.
+         union→ :  (X z u : OD) → (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z) → Union X ∋ z
+         union→ X z u xx not = ⊥-elim ( not (od→ord u) ( record { proj1 = proj1 xx
+              ; proj2 = subst ( λ k → def k (od→ord z)) (sym oiso) (proj2 xx) } ))
+         union← :  (X z : OD) (X∋z : Union X ∋ z) →  ¬  ( (u : OD ) → ¬ ((X ∋  u) ∧ (u ∋ z )))
+         union← X z UX∋z =  FExists _ lemma UX∋z where
+              lemma : {y : Ordinal} → def X y ∧ def (ord→od y) (od→ord z) → ¬ ((u : OD) → ¬ (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z))
+              lemma {y} xx not = not (ord→od y) record { proj1 = subst ( λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) (proj1 xx ) ; proj2 = proj2 xx }
+        FExists : {m l : Level} → ( ψ : Ordinal  → Set m )
+          → {p : Set l} ( P : { y : Ordinal  } →  ψ y → ¬ p )
+          → (exists : ¬ (∀ y → ¬ ( ψ y ) ))
+          → ¬ p
+        FExists  {m} {l} ψ {p} P = contra-position ( λ p y ψy → P {y} ψy p )
+which checks existence using contra-position.
+<h2><a name="content048">Axiom of replacement</a></h2>
+We can replace the elements of a set by a function and it becomes a set. From the book, 
+     ∀ x ∀ y ∀ z ( ( ψ ( x , y ) ∧ ψ ( x , z ) ) → y = z ) → ∀ X ∃ A ∀ y ( y ∈ A ↔ ∃ x ∈ X ψ ( x , y ) )
+The existential quantifier can be related by a function, 
+     Replace : OD  → (OD  → OD  ) → OD
+The axioms becomes as follows.
+     replacement← : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ X → ψ x ∈  Replace X ψ
+     replacement→ : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) →  ( lt : x ∈  Replace X ψ ) → ¬ ( ∀ (y : ZFSet)  →  ¬ ( x ≈ ψ y ) )
+In the axiom, the existence of the original elements is necessary. In order to do that we use OD which has
+negation form of existential quantifier in the definition.
+    in-codomain : (X : OD  ) → ( ψ : OD  → OD  ) → OD 
+    in-codomain  X ψ = record { def = λ x → ¬ ( (y : Ordinal ) → ¬ ( def X y ∧  ( x ≡ od→ord (ψ (ord→od y )))))  }
+Besides this upper bounds is required.
+    Replace : OD  → (OD  → OD  ) → OD 
+    Replace X ψ = record { def = λ x → (x o&lt; sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x )))) ∧ def (in-codomain X ψ) x }
+We omit the proof of the validity, but it is rather straight forward.
+<h2><a name="content049">Validity of Power Set Axiom</a></h2>
+The original Power Set Axiom is this.
+     ∀ X ∃ A ∀ t ( t ∈ A ↔ t ⊆ X ) )
+The existential quantifier is replaced by a function
+    Power : ( A : OD  ) → OD
+t ⊆ X is a  record like this.
+    record _⊆_ ( A B : OD   ) : Set (suc n) where
+      field
+         incl : { x : OD } → A ∋ x →  B ∋ x
+Axiom becomes likes this.
+    power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
+    power← :  (A t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → A ∋ x)) → Power A ∋ t
+The validity of the axioms are slight complicated, we have to define set of all subset. We define
+subset in a different form.
+    ZFSubset : (A x : OD  ) → OD 
+    ZFSubset A x =  record { def = λ y → def A y ∧  def x y }  
+We can prove, 
+    ( {y : OD } → x ∋ y → ZFSubset A x ∋  y ) ⇔  ( x ⊆ A  ) 
+We only have upper bound as an ordinal, but we have an obvious OD based on the order of Ordinals,
+which is an Ordinals with our Model.
+    Ord : ( a : Ordinal  ) → OD 
+    Ord  a = record { def = λ y → y o&lt; a }  
+    Def :  (A :  OD ) → OD 
+    Def  A = Ord ( sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A (ord→od x )) ) )   
+This is slight larger than Power A, so we replace all elements x by A ∩ x (some of them may empty).
+    Power : OD  → OD 
+    Power A = Replace (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) ( λ x → A ∩ x )
+Creating Power Set of Ordinals is rather easy, then we use replacement axiom on A ∩ x since we have this.
+     ∩-≡ :  { a b : OD  } → ({x : OD  } → (a ∋ x → b ∋ x)) → a == ( b ∩ a )
+In case of Ord a  intro of Power Set axiom becomes valid.
+    ord-power← : (a : Ordinal ) (t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → (Ord a) ∋ x)) → Def (Ord a) ∋ t
+Using this, we can prove,
+         power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
+         power← :  (A t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → A ∋ x)) → Power A ∋ t
+<h2><a name="content050">Axiom of regularity, Axiom of choice, ε-induction</a></h2>
+Axiom of regularity requires non self intersectable elements (which is called minimum), if we
+replace it by a function, it becomes a choice function. It makes axiom of choice valid.
+This means we cannot prove axiom regularity form our model, and if we postulate this, axiom of
+choice also becomes valid.
+  minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD
+  x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+  minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+We can avoid this using ε-induction (a predicate is valid on all set if the predicate is true on some element of set).
+Assuming law of exclude middle, they say axiom of regularity will be proved, but we haven't check it yet.
+    ε-induction : { ψ : OD  → Set (suc n)}
+       → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+       → (x : OD ) → ψ x
+In our model, we assumes the mapping between Ordinals and OD, this is actually the TransFinite induction in Ordinals.
+The axiom of choice in the book is complicated using any pair in a set, so we use use a form in the Wikipedia.
+     ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ]
+We can formulate like this.
+     choice-func : (X : ZFSet ) → {x : ZFSet } → ¬ ( x ≈ ∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → ZFSet
+     choice : (X : ZFSet  ) → {A : ZFSet } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A ≈ ∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A
+It does not requires ∅ ∉ X .
+<h2><a name="content051">Axiom of choice and Law of Excluded Middle</a></h2>
+In our model, since OD has a mapping to Ordinals, it has evident order, which means well ordering theorem is valid,
+but it don't have correct form of the axiom yet. They say well ordering axiom is equivalent to the axiom of choice,
+but it requires law of the exclude middle.
+Actually, it is well known to prove law of the exclude middle from axiom of choice in intuitionistic logic, and we can
+perform the proof in our mode. Using the definition like this, predicates and ODs are related and we can ask the
+set is empty or not if we have an axiom of choice, so we have the law of the exclude middle  p ∨ ( ¬ p ) .
+    ppp :  { p : Set n } { a : OD  } → record { def = λ x → p } ∋ a → p
+    ppp  {p} {a} d = d
+We can prove axiom of choice from law excluded middle since we have TransFinite induction. So Axiom of choice
+and Law of Excluded Middle is equivalent in our mode.
+<h2><a name="content052">Relation-ship among ZF axiom</a></h2>
+<img src="fig/axiom-dependency.svg">
+<h2><a name="content053">Non constructive assumption in our model</a></h2>
+mapping between OD and Ordinals
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+  c&lt;→o&lt;  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o&lt; od→ord y
+Equivalence on OD
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+Upper bound
+  sup-o  :  ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal
+  sup-o&lt; :  { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : Ordinal } → ψ x  o&lt;  sup-o ψ
+Axiom of choice and strong axiom of regularity.
+  minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD
+  x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+  minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+<h2><a name="content054">So it this correct?</a></h2>
+Our axiom are syntactically the same in the text book, but negations are slightly different.
+If we assumes excluded middle, these are exactly same.
+Even if we assumes excluded middle, intuitionistic logic itself remains consistent, but we cannot prove it.
+Except the upper bound, axioms are simple logical relation.
+Proof of existence of mapping between OD and Ordinals are not obvious. We don't know we prove it or not.
+Existence of the Upper bounds is a pure assumption, if we have not limit on Ordinals, it may contradicts,
+but we don't have explicit upper limit on Ordinals.
+Several inference on our model or our axioms are basically parallel to the set theory text book, so it looks like correct.
+<h2><a name="content055">How to use Agda Set Theory</a></h2>
+Assuming record ZF, classical set theory can be developed. If necessary, axiom of choice can be
+postulated or assuming law of excluded middle.
+Instead, simply assumes non constructive assumption, various theory can be developed. We haven't check
+these assumptions are proved in record ZF, so we are not sure, these development is a result of ZF Set theory.
+ZF record itself is not necessary, for example, topology theory without ZF can be possible.
+<h2><a name="content056">Topos and Set Theory</a></h2>
+Topos is a mathematical structure in Category Theory, which is a Cartesian closed category which has a
+sub-object classifier. 
+Topos itself is model of intuitionistic logic. 
+Transitive Sets are objects of Cartesian closed category.
+It is possible to introduce Power Set Functor on it
+We can use replacement A ∩ x for each element in Transitive Set,
+in the similar way of our power set axiom. I
+A model of ZF Set theory can be constructed on top of the Topos which is shown in Oisus. 
+Our Agda model is a proof theoretic version of it.
+<h2><a name="content057">Cardinal number and Continuum hypothesis</a></h2>
+Axiom of choice is required to define cardinal number
+definition of cardinal number is not yet done
+definition of filter is not yet done
+we may have a model without axiom of choice or without continuum hypothesis
+Possible representation of continuum hypothesis is this.
+     continuum-hyphotheis : (a : Ordinal) → Power (Ord a) ⊆ Ord (osuc a)
+<h2><a name="content058">Filter</a></h2>
+filter is a dual of ideal on boolean algebra or lattice. Existence on natural number
+is depends on axiom of choice.
+    record Filter  ( L : OD  ) : Set (suc n) where
+       field
+           filter : OD
+           proper : ¬ ( filter ∋ od∅ )
+           inL :  filter ⊆ L 
+           filter1 : { p q : OD } →  q ⊆ L  → filter ∋ p →  p ⊆ q  → filter ∋ q
+           filter2 : { p q : OD } → filter ∋ p →  filter ∋ q  → filter ∋ (p ∩ q)
+We may construct a model of non standard analysis or set theory.
+This may be simpler than classical forcing theory ( not yet done).
+<h2><a name="content059">Programming Mathematics</a></h2>
+Mathematics is a functional programming in Agda where proof is a value of a variable. The mathematical
+structure are
+   record and data
+Proof is check by type consistency not by the computation, but it may include some normalization.
+Type inference and termination is not so clear in multi recursions.
+Defining Agda record is a good way to understand mathematical theory, for examples,
+    Category theory ( Yoneda lemma, Floyd Adjunction functor theorem, Applicative functor )
+    Automaton ( Subset construction、Language containment)
+are proved in Agda.
+<h2><a name="content060">link</a></h2>
+Summer school of foundation of mathematics (in Japanese)<br> <a href=""></a>
+Foundation of axiomatic set theory (in Japanese)<br> <a href="">
+<br> <a href=""></a>
+ZF-in-Agda source
+<br> <a href="">
+Category theory in Agda source
+<br> <a href="">
+<ol class="side" id="menu">
+Constructing ZF Set Theory in Agda 
+<li><a href="#content000">  ZF in Agda</a>
+<li><a href="#content001">  Programming Mathematics</a>
+<li><a href="#content002">  Target</a>
+<li><a href="#content003">  Why Set Theory</a>
+<li><a href="#content004">  Agda and Intuitionistic Logic </a>
+<li><a href="#content005">  Introduction of Agda </a>
+<li><a href="#content006">  data ( Sum type )</a>
+<li><a href="#content007">   A → B means "A implies B"</a>
+<li><a href="#content008">  introduction と elimination</a>
+<li><a href="#content009">   To prove A → B </a>
+<li><a href="#content010">   A ∧ B</a>
+<li><a href="#content011">   record</a>
+<li><a href="#content012">   Mathematical structure</a>
+<li><a href="#content013">   A Model and a theory</a>
+<li><a href="#content014">   postulate と module</a>
+<li><a href="#content015">   A ∨ B</a>
+<li><a href="#content016">   Negation</a>
+<li><a href="#content017">  Equality </a>
+<li><a href="#content018">  Equivalence relation</a>
+<li><a href="#content019">  Ordering</a>
+<li><a href="#content020">  Quantifier</a>
+<li><a href="#content021">  Can we do math in this way?</a>
+<li><a href="#content022">  Things which Agda cannot prove</a>
+<li><a href="#content023">  Classical story of ZF Set Theory</a>
+<li><a href="#content024">  Ordinals</a>
+<li><a href="#content025">  Axiom of Ordinals</a>
+<li><a href="#content026">  Concrete Ordinals</a>
+<li><a href="#content027">  Model of Ordinals</a>
+<li><a href="#content028">  Debugging axioms using Model</a>
+<li><a href="#content029">  Countable Ordinals can contains uncountable set?</a>
+<li><a href="#content030">  What is Set</a>
+<li><a href="#content031">  We don't ask the contents of Set. It can be anything.</a>
+<li><a href="#content032">  Ordinal Definable Set</a>
+<li><a href="#content033">  ∋ in OD</a>
+<li><a href="#content034">  1 to 1 mapping between an OD and an Ordinal</a>
+<li><a href="#content035">  Order preserving in the mapping of OD and Ordinal</a>
+<li><a href="#content036">  ISO</a>
+<li><a href="#content037">  Various Sets</a>
+<li><a href="#content038">  Fixes on ZF to intuitionistic logic</a>
+<li><a href="#content039">  Pure logical axioms</a>
+<li><a href="#content040">  Axiom of Pair</a>
+<li><a href="#content041">  pair in OD</a>
+<li><a href="#content042">  Validity of Axiom of Pair</a>
+<li><a href="#content043">  Equality of OD and Axiom of Extensionality </a>
+<li><a href="#content044">  Validity of Axiom of Extensionality</a>
+<li><a href="#content045">  Non constructive assumptions so far</a>
+<li><a href="#content046">  Axiom which have negation form</a>
+<li><a href="#content047">  Union </a>
+<li><a href="#content048">  Axiom of replacement</a>
+<li><a href="#content049">  Validity of Power Set Axiom</a>
+<li><a href="#content050">  Axiom of regularity, Axiom of choice, ε-induction</a>
+<li><a href="#content051">  Axiom of choice and Law of Excluded Middle</a>
+<li><a href="#content052">  Relation-ship among ZF axiom</a>
+<li><a href="#content053">  Non constructive assumption in our model</a>
+<li><a href="#content054">  So it this correct?</a>
+<li><a href="#content055">  How to use Agda Set Theory</a>
+<li><a href="#content056">  Topos and Set Theory</a>
+<li><a href="#content057">  Cardinal number and Continuum hypothesis</a>
+<li><a href="#content058">  Filter</a>
+<li><a href="#content059">  Programming Mathematics</a>
+<li><a href="#content060">  link</a>
+<hr/>  Shinji KONO /  Sat May  9 16:41:10 2020
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zf-in-agda.ind	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1127 @@
+-title: Constructing ZF Set Theory in Agda 
+--author: Shinji KONO
+--ZF in Agda
+    zf.agda            axiom of ZF
+    zfc.agda           axiom of choice
+    Ordinals.agda      axiom of Ordinals
+    ordinal.agda       countable model of Ordinals
+    OD.agda            model of ZF based on Ordinal Definable Set with assumptions
+    ODC.agda           Law of exclude middle from axiom of choice assumptions
+    LEMC.agda          model of choice with assumption of the Law of exclude middle 
+    OPair.agda         ordered pair on OD
+    BAlgbra.agda       Boolean algebra on OD (not yet done)
+    filter.agda        Filter on OD (not yet done)
+    cardinal.agda      Caedinal number on OD (not yet done)
+    logic.agda         some basics on logic
+    nat.agda           some basics on Nat
+--Programming Mathematics
+Programming is processing data structure with λ terms.
+We are going to handle Mathematics in intuitionistic logic with λ terms.
+Mathematics is a functional programming which values are proofs.
+Programming ZF Set Theory in Agda
+   Describe ZF axioms in Agda
+   Construction a Model of ZF Set Theory in Agda
+   Show necessary assumptions for the model
+   Show validities of ZF axioms on the model
+This shows consistency of Set Theory (with some assumptions),
+without circulating ZF Theory assumption.
+<a href="">
+ZF in Agda
+--Why Set Theory
+If we can formulate Set theory, it suppose to work on any mathematical theory.
+Set Theory is a difficult point for beginners especially axiom of choice.
+It has some amount of difficulty and self circulating discussion.
+I'm planning to do it in my old age, but I'm enough age now.
+This is done during from May to September.
+--Agda and Intuitionistic Logic 
+Curry Howard Isomorphism
+    Proposition : Proof ⇔ Type : Value
+which means
+  constructing a typed lambda calculus which corresponds a logic
+Typed lambda calculus which allows complex type as a value of a variable (System FC)
+  First class Type / Dependent Type
+Agda is a such a programming language which has similar syntax of Haskell
+Coq is specialized in proof assistance such as command and tactics .
+--Introduction of Agda 
+A length of a list of type A.
+    length : {A : Set } → List A → Nat
+    length [] = zero
+    length (_ ∷ t)  = suc ( length t )
+Simple functional programming language. Type declaration is mandatory.
+A colon means type, an equal means value. Indentation based.
+Set is a base type (which may have a level ).
+{} means implicit variable which can be omitted if Agda infers its value.
+--data ( Sum type )
+A data type which as exclusive multiple constructors. A similar one as
+union in C or case class in Scala.
+It has a similar syntax as Haskell but it has a slight difference.
+   data List (A : Set ) : Set where
+        [] : List A
+        _∷_ : A → List A → List A
+_∷_ means infix operator. If use explicit _, it can be used in a normal function
+Natural number can be defined as a usual way.
+   data Nat : Set where
+        zero : Nat
+        suc  : Nat → Nat
+-- A → B means "A implies B"
+In Agda, a type can be a value of a variable, which is usually called dependent type.
+Type has a name Set in Agda.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → Set 
+    ex3 {A}{B}  =  A → B
+ex3 is a type : A → B, which is a value of Set. It also means a formula : A implies B.
+    A type is a formula, the value is the proof
+A value of A → B can be interpreted as an inference from the formula A to the formula B, which
+can be a function from a proof of A to a proof of B.
+--introduction と elimination
+For a logical operator, there are two types of inference, an introduction and an elimination.
+  intro creating symbol  / constructor / introduction
+  elim  using symbolic / accessors / elimination
+In Natural deduction, this can be written in proof schema.
+       A                   
+       :
+       B                    A       A → B
+   ------------- →intro   ------------------ →elim
+      A → B                     B
+In Agda, this is a pair of type and value as follows. Introduction of → uses λ.
+    →intro : {A B : Set } → A →  B → ( A → B )
+    →intro _ b = λ x → b
+    →elim : {A B : Set } → A → ( A → B ) → B
+    →elim a f = f a
+    {A B : Set } → A →  B → ( A → B )
+    {A B : Set } → ( A →  ( B → ( A → B ) ))
+This makes currying of function easy.
+-- To prove A → B 
+Make a left type as an argument. (intros in Coq)
+    ex5 : {A B C : Set } → A → B → C  → ?
+    ex5 a b c = ?
+? is called a hole, which is unspecified part. Agda tell us which kind type is required for the Hole.
+We are going to fill the holes, and if we have no warnings nor errors such as type conflict (Red),
+insufficient proof or instance (Yellow), Non-termination, the proof is completed.
+-- A ∧ B
+Well known conjunction's introduction and elimination is as follow.
+     A    B                 A ∧ B           A ∧ B 
+   -------------         ----------- proj1   ---------- proj2
+      A ∧ B                   A               B
+We can introduce a corresponding structure in our functional programming language.
+-- record
+   record _∧_ A B : Set
+     field
+         proj1 : A
+         proj2 : B
+_∧_ means infix operator.  _∧_ A B can be written as  A ∧  B (Haskell uses (∧) )
+This a type which constructed from type A and type B. You may think this as an object
+or struct.
+   record { proj1 = x ; proj2 = y }    
+is a constructor of _∧_.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → A → B → ( A ∧ B )
+    ex3 a b = record { proj1 = a ; proj2 = b }
+    ex1 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∧ B ) → A
+    ex1 a∧b = proj1 a∧b
+a∧b is a variable name. If we have no spaces in a string, it is a word even if we have symbols
+except parenthesis or colons. A symbol requires space separation such as a type defining colon.
+Defining record can be recursively, but we don't use the recursion here.
+-- Mathematical structure
+We have types of elements and the relationship in a mathematical structure.
+  logical relation has no ordering
+  there is a natural ordering in arguments and a value in a function
+So we have typical definition style of mathematical structure with records.
+  record IsOrdinals {n : Level} (ord : Set n)  
+    (_o<_ : ord → ord → Set n) : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+   field
+     Otrans :  {x y z : ord }  → x o< y → y o< z → x o< z
+  record Ordinals {n : Level} : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+       field 
+         ord : Set n
+         _o<_ : ord → ord → Set n
+         isOrdinal : IsOrdinals ord _o<_
+In IsOrdinals, axioms are written in flat way. In Ordinal, we may have
+inputs and outputs are put in the field including IsOrdinal.
+Fields of Ordinal is existential objects in the mathematical structure.
+-- A Model and a theory
+Agda record is a type, so we can write it in the argument, but is it really exists?
+If we have a value of the record, it simply exists, that is, we need to create all the existence
+in the record satisfies all the axioms (= field of IsOrdinal) should be valid.
+   type of record = theory
+   value of record = model
+We call the value of the record as a model. If mathematical structure has a
+model, it exists. Pretty Obvious.
+-- postulate と module
+Agda proofs are separated by modules, which are large records.
+postulates are assumptions. We can assume a type without proofs.
+    postulate      
+      sup-o  :  ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal 
+      sup-o< :  { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : Ordinal } → ψ x  o<  sup-o ψ 
+sup-o is an example of upper bound of a function and sup-o< assumes it actually 
+satisfies all the value is less than upper bound.
+Writing some type in a module argument is the same as postulating a type, but
+postulate can be written the middle of a proof.
+postulate can be constructive.
+postulate can be inconsistent, which result everything has a proof.
+-- A ∨ B
+    data _∨_ (A B : Set) : Set where
+      case1 : A → A ∨ B
+      case2 : B → A ∨ B
+As Haskell, case1/case2 are  patterns.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∨ A ) → A 
+    ex3 = ?
+In a case statement, Agda command C-C C-C generates possible cases in the head.
+    ex3 : {A B : Set} → ( A ∨ A ) → A 
+    ex3 (case1 x) = ?
+    ex3 (case2 x) = ?
+Proof schema of ∨ is omit due to the complexity.
+-- Negation
+       ⊥
+    ------------- ⊥-elim
+       A
+Anything can be derived from bottom, in this case a Set A. There is no introduction rule
+in ⊥, which can be implemented as data which has no constructor.
+    data ⊥ : Set where
+⊥-elim can be proved like this.
+    ⊥-elim : {A : Set } -> ⊥ -> A
+    ⊥-elim ()
+() means no match argument nor value.
+A negation can be defined using ⊥ like this.
+    ¬_ : Set → Set
+    ¬ A = A → ⊥
+All the value in Agda are terms. If we have the same normalized form, two terms are equal.
+If we have variables in the terms, we will perform an unification. unifiable terms are equal.
+We don't go further on the unification.
+     { x : A }                 x ≡ y    f x y
+   --------------- ≡-intro   --------------------- ≡-elim
+      x ≡ x                         f x x
+equality _≡_  can be defined as a data.
+    data _≡_ {A : Set } : A → A → Set where
+       refl :  {x : A} → x ≡ x
+The elimination of equality is a substitution in a term.
+    subst : {A : Set } → { x y : A } → ( f : A → Set ) → x ≡ y → f x → f y
+    subst {A} {x} {y} f refl fx = fx
+    ex5 :   {A : Set} {x y z : A } →  x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
+    ex5 {A} {x} {y} {z} x≡y y≡z = subst ( λ k → x ≡ k ) y≡z x≡y
+--Equivalence relation
+    refl' : {A : Set} {x : A } → x ≡ x
+    refl'  = ?
+    sym : {A : Set} {x y : A } → x ≡ y → y ≡ x
+    sym = ?
+    trans : {A : Set} {x y z : A } → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
+    trans = ?
+    cong : {A B : Set} {x y : A } { f : A → B } →   x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
+    cong = ?
+Relation is a predicate on two value which has a same type.
+   A → A → Set 
+Defining order is the definition of this type with predicate or a data.
+    data _≤_ : Rel ℕ 0ℓ where
+      z≤n : ∀ {n}                 → zero  ≤ n
+      s≤s : ∀ {m n} (m≤n : m ≤ n) → suc m ≤ suc n
+Handling quantifier in an intuitionistic logic requires special cares.
+In the input of a function, there are no restriction on it, that is, it has
+a universal quantifier. (If we explicitly write ∀, Agda gives us a type inference on it)
+There is no ∃ in agda, the one way is using negation like this.
+ ∃ (x : A ) → p x  = ¬ ( ( x : A ) → ¬ ( p x ) )
+On the another way, f : A can be used like this.
+  p f
+If we use a function which can be defined globally which has stronger meaning the
+usage of ∃ x in a logical expression.
+--Can we do math in this way?
+Yes, we can. Actually we have Principia Mathematica by Russell and Whitehead (with out computer support).
+In some sense, this story is a reprinting of the work, (but Principia Mathematica has a different formulation than ZF).
+    define mathematical structure as a record
+    program inferences as if we have proofs in variables
+--Things which Agda cannot prove
+The infamous Internal Parametricity is a limitation of Agda, it cannot prove so called Free Theorem, which
+leads uniqueness of a functor in Category Theory.
+Functional extensionality cannot be proved.
+  (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
+Agda has no law of exclude middle.
+  a ∨ ( ¬ a )
+For example, (A → B) → ¬ B → ¬ A can be proved but, ( ¬ B → ¬ A ) → A → B cannot.
+It also other problems such as termination, type inference or unification which we may overcome with
+efforts or devices or may not.
+If we cannot prove something, we can safely postulate it unless it leads a contradiction.
+--Classical story of ZF Set Theory
+Assuming ZF, constructing  a model of ZF is a flow of classical Set Theory, which leads
+a relative consistency proof of the Set Theory.
+Ordinal number is used in the flow. 
+In Agda, first we defines Ordinal numbers (Ordinals), then introduce Ordinal Definable Set (OD).
+We need some non constructive assumptions in the construction. A model of Set theory is
+constructed based on these assumptions.
+<center><img src="fig/set-theory.svg"></center>
+Ordinals are our intuition of infinite things, which has ∅ and orders on the things.
+It also has a successor osuc.
+    record Ordinals {n : Level} : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+       field
+         ord : Set n
+         o∅ : ord
+         osuc : ord → ord
+         _o<_ : ord → ord → Set n
+         isOrdinal : IsOrdinals ord o∅ osuc _o<_
+It is different from natural numbers in way. The order of Ordinals is not defined in terms
+of successor. It is given from outside, which make it possible to have higher order infinity.
+--Axiom of Ordinals
+Properties of infinite things. We request a transfinite induction, which states that if
+some properties are satisfied below all possible ordinals, the properties are true on all
+Successor osuc has no ordinal between osuc and the base ordinal. There are some ordinals
+which is not a successor of any ordinals. It is called limit ordinal.
+Any two ordinal can be compared, that is less, equal or more, that is total order.
+  record IsOrdinals {n : Level} (ord : Set n)  (o∅ : ord ) 
+    (osuc : ord → ord )  
+    (_o<_ : ord → ord → Set n) : Set (suc (suc n)) where
+   field
+     Otrans :  {x y z : ord }  → x o< y → y o< z → x o< z
+     OTri : Trichotomous {n} _≡_  _o<_ 
+     ¬x<0 :   { x  : ord  } → ¬ ( x o< o∅  )
+     <-osuc :  { x : ord  } → x o< osuc x
+     osuc-≡< :  { a x : ord  } → x o< osuc a  →  (x ≡ a ) ∨ (x o< a)  
+     TransFinite : { ψ : ord  → Set (suc n) }
+          → ( (x : ord)  → ( (y : ord  ) → y o< x → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+          →  ∀ (x : ord)  → ψ x
+--Concrete Ordinals
+We can define a list like structure with level, which is a kind of two dimensional infinite array.
+    data OrdinalD {n : Level} :  (lv : Nat) → Set n where
+       Φ : (lv : Nat) → OrdinalD  lv
+       OSuc : (lv : Nat) → OrdinalD {n} lv → OrdinalD lv
+The order of the OrdinalD can be defined in this way.
+    data _d<_ {n : Level} :   {lx ly : Nat} → OrdinalD {n} lx  →  OrdinalD {n} ly  → Set n where
+       Φ<  : {lx : Nat} → {x : OrdinalD {n} lx}  →  Φ lx d< OSuc lx x
+       s<  : {lx : Nat} → {x y : OrdinalD {n} lx}  →  x d< y  → OSuc  lx x d< OSuc  lx y
+This is a simple data structure, it has no abstract assumptions, and it is countable many data
+   Φ 0
+   OSuc 2 ( Osuc 2 ( Osuc 2 (Φ 2)))
+   Osuc 0 (Φ 0) d< Φ 1
+--Model of Ordinals
+It is easy to show OrdinalD and its order satisfies the axioms of Ordinals.
+So our Ordinals has a mode. This means axiom of Ordinals are consistent.
+--Debugging axioms using Model
+Whether axiom is correct or not can be checked by a validity on a mode.
+If not, we may fix the axioms or the model, such as the definitions of the order.
+We can also ask whether the inputs exist.
+--Countable Ordinals can contains uncountable set?
+Yes, the ordinals contains any level of infinite Set in the axioms.
+If we handle real-number in the model, only countable number of real-number is used.
+    from the outside view point, it is countable
+    from the internal view point, it is uncountable
+The definition of countable/uncountable is the same, but the properties are different
+depending on the context.
+We don't show the definition of cardinal number here.
+--What is Set
+The word Set in Agda is not a Set of ZF Set, but it is a type (why it is named Set?).
+From naive point view, a set i a list, but in Agda, elements have all the same type.
+A set in ZF may contain other Sets in ZF, which not easy to implement it as a list.
+Finite set may be written in finite series of ∨, but ...
+--We don't ask the contents of Set. It can be anything.
+From empty set φ, we can think a set contains a φ, and a pair of φ and the set, and so on,
+and all of them, and again we repeat this.
+   φ {φ} {φ,{φ}}, {φ,{φ},...}
+It is called V.
+This operation can be performed within a ZF Set theory. Classical Set Theory assumes
+ZF, so this kind of thing is allowed.
+But in our case, we have no ZF theory, so we are going to use Ordinals.
+--Ordinal Definable Set
+We can define a sbuset of Ordinals using predicates. What is a subset?
+   a predicate has an Ordinal argument
+is an Ordinal Definable Set (OD). In Agda, OD is defined as follows.
+    record OD : Set (suc n ) where
+      field
+        def : (x : Ordinal  ) → Set n
+Ordinals itself is not a set in a ZF Set theory but a class. In OD, 
+   record { def = λ x → true }
+means Ordinals itself, so ODs are larger than a notion of ZF Set Theory,
+but we don't care about it.
+--∋ in OD
+OD is a predicate on Ordinals and it does not contains OD directly. If we have a mapping
+      od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
+we may check an OD is an element of the OD using def.
+A ∋ x can be define as follows.
+    _∋_ : ( A x : OD  ) → Set n
+    _∋_  A x  = def A ( od→ord x )
+In ψ : Ordinal → Set,  if A is a  record { def = λ x → ψ x } , then
+    A x = def A ( od→ord x ) = ψ (od→ord x)
+--1 to 1 mapping between an OD and an Ordinal
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal 
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD  
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+They say the existing of the mappings can be proved in Classical Set Theory, but we
+simply assumes these non constructively.
+We use postulate, it may contains additional restrictions which are not clear now. 
+It look like the mapping should be a subset of Ordinals, but we don't explicitly
+state it.
+<center><img src="fig/ord-od-mapping.svg"></center>
+--Order preserving in the mapping of OD and Ordinal
+Ordinals have the order and OD has a natural order based on inclusion ( def / ∋ ).
+     def y ( od→ord x )
+An elements of OD should be defined before the OD, that is, an ordinal corresponding an elements
+have to be smaller than the corresponding ordinal of the containing OD.
+  c<→o<  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o< od→ord y
+This is also said to be provable in classical Set Theory, but we simply assumes it.
+OD has an order based on the corresponding ordinal, but it may not have corresponding def / ∋
+relation. This means the reverse order preservation, 
+  o<→c<  : {n : Level} {x y : Ordinal  } → x o< y → def (ord→od y) x 
+is not valid. If we assumes it, ∀ x ∋ ∅ becomes true, which manes all OD becomes Ordinals in
+the model.
+<center><img src="fig/ODandOrdinals.svg"></center>
+It also requires isomorphisms, 
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+--Various Sets
+In classical Set Theory, there is a hierarchy call L, which can be defined by a predicate.
+    Ordinal / things satisfies axiom of Ordinal / extension of natural number 
+    V / hierarchical construction of Set from φ   
+    L / hierarchical predicate definable construction of Set from φ   
+    OD / equational formula on Ordinals 
+    Agda Set / Type / it also has a level
+--Fixes on ZF to intuitionistic logic
+We use ODs as Sets in ZF, and defines record ZF, that is, we have to define
+ZF axioms in Agda.
+It may not valid in our model. We have to debug it.
+Fixes are depends on axioms.
+<center><img src="fig/axiom-type.svg"></center>
+<a href="fig/zf-record.html">
+--Pure logical axioms
+   empty, pair, select, ε-induction??infinity
+These are logical relations among OD.
+     empty :  ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → ¬ ( ∅ ∋ x )
+     pair→ : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y ) 
+     pair← : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y )  →  (x , y)  ∋ t 
+     selection : { ψ : ZFSet → Set m } → ∀ { X y : ZFSet  } →  ( ( y ∈ X ) ∧ ψ y ) ⇔ (y ∈  Select X ψ ) 
+     infinity∅ :  ∅ ∈ infinite
+     infinity :  ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ infinite →  ( x ∪ ( x , x ) ) ∈ infinite 
+     ε-induction : { ψ : OD  → Set (suc n)}
+       → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+       → (x : OD ) → ψ x
+finitely can be define by Agda data.
+    data infinite-d  : ( x : Ordinal  ) → Set n where
+        iφ :  infinite-d o∅
+        isuc : {x : Ordinal  } →   infinite-d  x  →
+                infinite-d  (od→ord ( Union (ord→od x , (ord→od x , ord→od x ) ) ))
+Union (x , ( x , x )) should be an direct successor of x, but we cannot prove it in our model.
+--Axiom of Pair
+In the Tanaka's book, axiom of pair is as follows.
+     ∀ x ∀ y ∃ z ∀ t ( z ∋ t ↔ t ≈ x ∨ t ≈ y)
+We have fix ∃ z, a function (x , y) is defined, which is  _,_ .
+     _,_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
+using this, we can define two directions in separates axioms, like this.
+     pair→ : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y ) 
+     pair← : ( x y t : ZFSet  ) →  ( t ≈ x ) ∨ ( t ≈ y )  →  (x , y)  ∋ t 
+This is already written in Agda, so we use these as axioms. All inputs have ∀.
+--pair in OD
+OD is an equation on Ordinals, we can simply write axiom of pair in the OD.
+    _,_ : OD  → OD  → OD 
+    x , y = record { def = λ t → (t ≡ od→ord x ) ∨ ( t ≡ od→ord y ) } 
+≡ is an equality of λ terms, but please not that this is equality on Ordinals.
+--Validity of Axiom of Pair
+Assuming ZFSet is OD, we are going to prove pair→ .
+    pair→ : ( x y t : OD  ) →  (x , y)  ∋ t  → ( t == x ) ∨ ( t == y ) 
+    pair→ x y t p = ?
+In this program, type of p is ( x , y ) ∋ t , that is 
+def ( x , y ) that is, (t ≡ od→ord x ) ∨ ( t ≡ od→ord y ) .
+Since _∨_ is a data, it can be developed as (C-c C-c : agda2-make-case ).
+    pair→ x y t (case1 t≡x ) = ?
+    pair→ x y t (case2 t≡y ) = ?
+The type of the ? is ( t == x ) ∨ ( t == y ), again it is  data _∨_ .
+    pair→ x y t (case1 t≡x ) = case1 ?
+    pair→ x y t (case2 t≡y ) = case2 ?
+The ? in case1 is t == x, so we have to create this from t≡x, which is a name of a variable
+which type is 
+    t≡x : od→ord t ≡ od→ord x
+which is shown by an Agda command (C-C C-E : agda2-show-context ).
+But we haven't defined == yet.
+--Equality of OD and Axiom of Extensionality 
+OD is defined by a predicates, if we compares normal form of the predicates, even if
+it contains the same elements, it may be different, which is no good as an equality of
+Axiom of Extensionality requires sets having the same elements are handled in the same way
+each other.
+    ∀ z ( z ∈ x ⇔ z ∈ y ) ⇒ ∀ w ( x ∈ w ⇔ y ∈ w )
+We can write this axiom in Agda as follows.
+     extensionality :  { A B w : ZFSet  } → ( (z : ZFSet) → ( A ∋ z ) ⇔ (B ∋ z)  ) → ( A ∈ w ⇔ B ∈ w )
+So we use ( A ∋ z ) ⇔ (B ∋ z) as an equality (_==_) of our model. We have to show
+A ∈ w ⇔ B ∈ w from A == B.
+x ==  y can be defined in this way.
+    record _==_  ( a b :  OD  ) : Set n where
+      field
+         eq→ : ∀ { x : Ordinal  } → def a x → def b x
+         eq← : ∀ { x : Ordinal  } → def b x → def a x
+Actually, (z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z) implies A == B.
+    extensionality0 : {A B : OD } → ((z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z)) → A == B
+    eq→ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = ?
+    eq← (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = ?
+? are def B x and def A x and these are generated from  eq : (z : OD) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z) .
+Actual proof is rather complicated.
+   eq→ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = def-iso  {A} {B} (sym diso) (proj1 (eq (ord→od x))) d
+   eq← (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq ) {x} d = def-iso  {B} {A} (sym diso) (proj2 (eq (ord→od x))) d
+   def-iso : {A B : OD } {x y : Ordinal } → x ≡ y  → (def A y → def B y)  → def A x → def B x
+   def-iso refl t = t
+--Validity of Axiom of Extensionality
+If we can derive (w ∋ A) ⇔ (w ∋ B) from A == B, the axiom becomes valid, but it seems impossible, 
+so we assumes
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+Using this, we have
+    extensionality : {A B w : OD  } → ((z : OD ) → (A ∋ z) ⇔ (B ∋ z)) → (w ∋ A) ⇔ (w ∋ B)
+    proj1 (extensionality {A} {B} {w} eq ) d = subst (λ k → w ∋ k) ( ==→o≡ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq) ) d
+    proj2 (extensionality {A} {B} {w} eq ) d = subst (λ k → w ∋ k) (sym ( ==→o≡ (extensionality0 {A} {B} eq) )) d
+This assumption means we may have an equivalence set on any predicates.
+--Non constructive assumptions so far
+We have correspondence between OD and Ordinals and one directional order preserving.
+We also have equality assumption.
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+  c<→o<  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o< od→ord y
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+--Axiom which have negation form
+   Union, Selection
+These axioms contains ∃ x as a logical relation, which can be described in ¬ ( ∀ x ( ¬ p )).
+Axiom of replacement uses upper bound of function on Ordinals, which makes it non-constructive.
+Power Set axiom requires double negation, 
+     power→ : ∀( A t : ZFSet  ) → Power A ∋ t → ∀ {x}  →  t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ ( A ∋ x ) 
+     power← : ∀( A t : ZFSet  ) → t ⊆_ A → Power A ∋ t 
+If we have an assumption of law of exclude middle, we can recover the original A ∋ x form.
+The original form of the Axiom of Union is
+     ∀ x ∃ y ∀ z (z ∈ y ⇔ ∃ u ∈ x  ∧ (z ∈ u))
+Union requires the existence of b in  a ⊇ ∃ b ∋ x . We will use negation form of ∃.
+     union→ : ( X z u : ZFSet ) → ( X ∋ u ) ∧ (u ∋ z ) → Union X ∋ z
+     union← : ( X z : ZFSet ) → (X∋z : Union X ∋ z ) →  ¬  ( (u : ZFSet ) → ¬ ((X ∋  u) ∧ (u ∋ z )))
+The definition of Union in OD is like this.
+    Union : OD  → OD   
+    Union U = record { def = λ x → ¬ (∀ (u : Ordinal ) → ¬ ((def U u) ∧ (def (ord→od u) x)))  }
+Proof of validity is straight forward.
+         union→ :  (X z u : OD) → (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z) → Union X ∋ z
+         union→ X z u xx not = ⊥-elim ( not (od→ord u) ( record { proj1 = proj1 xx
+              ; proj2 = subst ( λ k → def k (od→ord z)) (sym oiso) (proj2 xx) } ))
+         union← :  (X z : OD) (X∋z : Union X ∋ z) →  ¬  ( (u : OD ) → ¬ ((X ∋  u) ∧ (u ∋ z )))
+         union← X z UX∋z =  FExists _ lemma UX∋z where
+              lemma : {y : Ordinal} → def X y ∧ def (ord→od y) (od→ord z) → ¬ ((u : OD) → ¬ (X ∋ u) ∧ (u ∋ z))
+              lemma {y} xx not = not (ord→od y) record { proj1 = subst ( λ k → def X k ) (sym diso) (proj1 xx ) ; proj2 = proj2 xx }
+        FExists : {m l : Level} → ( ψ : Ordinal  → Set m )
+          → {p : Set l} ( P : { y : Ordinal  } →  ψ y → ¬ p )
+          → (exists : ¬ (∀ y → ¬ ( ψ y ) ))
+          → ¬ p
+        FExists  {m} {l} ψ {p} P = contra-position ( λ p y ψy → P {y} ψy p )
+which checks existence using contra-position.
+--Axiom of replacement
+We can replace the elements of a set by a function and it becomes a set. From the book, 
+     ∀ x ∀ y ∀ z ( ( ψ ( x , y ) ∧ ψ ( x , z ) ) → y = z ) → ∀ X ∃ A ∀ y ( y ∈ A ↔ ∃ x ∈ X ψ ( x , y ) )
+The existential quantifier can be related by a function, 
+     Replace : OD  → (OD  → OD  ) → OD
+The axioms becomes as follows.
+     replacement← : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ X → ψ x ∈  Replace X ψ
+     replacement→ : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) →  ( lt : x ∈  Replace X ψ ) → ¬ ( ∀ (y : ZFSet)  →  ¬ ( x ≈ ψ y ) )
+In the axiom, the existence of the original elements is necessary. In order to do that we use OD which has
+negation form of existential quantifier in the definition.
+    in-codomain : (X : OD  ) → ( ψ : OD  → OD  ) → OD 
+    in-codomain  X ψ = record { def = λ x → ¬ ( (y : Ordinal ) → ¬ ( def X y ∧  ( x ≡ od→ord (ψ (ord→od y )))))  }
+Besides this upper bounds is required.
+    Replace : OD  → (OD  → OD  ) → OD 
+    Replace X ψ = record { def = λ x → (x o< sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord (ψ (ord→od x )))) ∧ def (in-codomain X ψ) x }
+We omit the proof of the validity, but it is rather straight forward.
+--Validity of Power Set Axiom
+The original Power Set Axiom is this.
+     ∀ X ∃ A ∀ t ( t ∈ A ↔ t ⊆ X ) )
+The existential quantifier is replaced by a function
+    Power : ( A : OD  ) → OD
+t ⊆ X is a  record like this.
+    record _⊆_ ( A B : OD   ) : Set (suc n) where
+      field
+         incl : { x : OD } → A ∋ x →  B ∋ x
+Axiom becomes likes this.
+    power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
+    power← :  (A t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → A ∋ x)) → Power A ∋ t
+The validity of the axioms are slight complicated, we have to define set of all subset. We define
+subset in a different form.
+    ZFSubset : (A x : OD  ) → OD 
+    ZFSubset A x =  record { def = λ y → def A y ∧  def x y }  
+We can prove, 
+    ( {y : OD } → x ∋ y → ZFSubset A x ∋  y ) ⇔  ( x ⊆ A  ) 
+We only have upper bound as an ordinal, but we have an obvious OD based on the order of Ordinals,
+which is an Ordinals with our Model.
+    Ord : ( a : Ordinal  ) → OD 
+    Ord  a = record { def = λ y → y o< a }  
+    Def :  (A :  OD ) → OD 
+    Def  A = Ord ( sup-o  ( λ x → od→ord ( ZFSubset A (ord→od x )) ) )   
+This is slight larger than Power A, so we replace all elements x by A ∩ x (some of them may empty).
+    Power : OD  → OD 
+    Power A = Replace (Def (Ord (od→ord A))) ( λ x → A ∩ x )
+Creating Power Set of Ordinals is rather easy, then we use replacement axiom on A ∩ x since we have this.
+     ∩-≡ :  { a b : OD  } → ({x : OD  } → (a ∋ x → b ∋ x)) → a == ( b ∩ a )
+In case of Ord a  intro of Power Set axiom becomes valid.
+    ord-power← : (a : Ordinal ) (t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → (Ord a) ∋ x)) → Def (Ord a) ∋ t
+Using this, we can prove,
+         power→ :  ( A t : OD) → Power A ∋ t → {x : OD} → t ∋ x → ¬ ¬ (A ∋ x)
+         power← :  (A t : OD) → ({x : OD} → (t ∋ x → A ∋ x)) → Power A ∋ t
+--Axiom of regularity, Axiom of choice, ε-induction
+Axiom of regularity requires non self intersectable elements (which is called minimum), if we
+replace it by a function, it becomes a choice function. It makes axiom of choice valid.
+This means we cannot prove axiom regularity form our model, and if we postulate this, axiom of
+choice also becomes valid.
+  minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD
+  x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+  minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+We can avoid this using ε-induction (a predicate is valid on all set if the predicate is true on some element of set).
+Assuming law of exclude middle, they say axiom of regularity will be proved, but we haven't check it yet.
+    ε-induction : { ψ : OD  → Set (suc n)}
+       → ( {x : OD } → ({ y : OD } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+       → (x : OD ) → ψ x
+In our model, we assumes the mapping between Ordinals and OD, this is actually the TransFinite induction in Ordinals.
+The axiom of choice in the book is complicated using any pair in a set, so we use use a form in the Wikipedia.
+     ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ]
+We can formulate like this.
+     choice-func : (X : ZFSet ) → {x : ZFSet } → ¬ ( x ≈ ∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → ZFSet
+     choice : (X : ZFSet  ) → {A : ZFSet } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A ≈ ∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A
+It does not requires ∅ ∉ X .
+--Axiom of choice and Law of Excluded Middle
+In our model, since OD has a mapping to Ordinals, it has evident order, which means well ordering theorem is valid,
+but it don't have correct form of the axiom yet. They say well ordering axiom is equivalent to the axiom of choice,
+but it requires law of the exclude middle.
+Actually, it is well known to prove law of the exclude middle from axiom of choice in intuitionistic logic, and we can
+perform the proof in our mode. Using the definition like this, predicates and ODs are related and we can ask the
+set is empty or not if we have an axiom of choice, so we have the law of the exclude middle  p ∨ ( ¬ p ) .
+    ppp :  { p : Set n } { a : OD  } → record { def = λ x → p } ∋ a → p
+    ppp  {p} {a} d = d
+We can prove axiom of choice from law excluded middle since we have TransFinite induction. So Axiom of choice
+and Law of Excluded Middle is equivalent in our mode.
+--Relation-ship among ZF axiom
+<center><img src="fig/axiom-dependency.svg"></center>
+--Non constructive assumption in our model
+mapping between OD and Ordinals
+  od→ord : OD  → Ordinal
+  ord→od : Ordinal  → OD
+  oiso   :  {x : OD }      → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
+  diso   :  {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
+  c<→o<  :  {x y : OD  }   → def y ( od→ord x ) → od→ord x o< od→ord y
+Equivalence on OD
+  ==→o≡ : { x y : OD  } → (x == y) → x ≡ y
+Upper bound
+  sup-o  :  ( Ordinal  → Ordinal ) →  Ordinal
+  sup-o< :  { ψ : Ordinal  →  Ordinal } → ∀ {x : Ordinal } → ψ x  o<  sup-o ψ
+Axiom of choice and strong axiom of regularity.
+  minimal : (x : OD  ) → ¬ (x == od∅ )→ OD
+  x∋minimal : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → def x ( od→ord ( minimal x ne ) )
+  minimal-1 : (x : OD  ) → ( ne : ¬ (x == od∅ ) ) → (y : OD ) → ¬ ( def (minimal x ne) (od→ord y)) ∧ (def x (od→ord  y) )
+--So it this correct?
+Our axiom are syntactically the same in the text book, but negations are slightly different.
+If we assumes excluded middle, these are exactly same.
+Even if we assumes excluded middle, intuitionistic logic itself remains consistent, but we cannot prove it.
+Except the upper bound, axioms are simple logical relation.
+Proof of existence of mapping between OD and Ordinals are not obvious. We don't know we prove it or not.
+Existence of the Upper bounds is a pure assumption, if we have not limit on Ordinals, it may contradicts,
+but we don't have explicit upper limit on Ordinals.
+Several inference on our model or our axioms are basically parallel to the set theory text book, so it looks like correct.
+--How to use Agda Set Theory
+Assuming record ZF, classical set theory can be developed. If necessary, axiom of choice can be
+postulated or assuming law of excluded middle.
+Instead, simply assumes non constructive assumption, various theory can be developed. We haven't check
+these assumptions are proved in record ZF, so we are not sure, these development is a result of ZF Set theory.
+ZF record itself is not necessary, for example, topology theory without ZF can be possible.
+--Topos and Set Theory
+Topos is a mathematical structure in Category Theory, which is a Cartesian closed category which has a
+sub-object classifier. 
+Topos itself is model of intuitionistic logic. 
+Transitive Sets are objects of Cartesian closed category.
+It is possible to introduce Power Set Functor on it
+We can use replacement A ∩ x for each element in Transitive Set,
+in the similar way of our power set axiom. I
+A model of ZF Set theory can be constructed on top of the Topos which is shown in Oisus. 
+Our Agda model is a proof theoretic version of it.
+--Cardinal number and Continuum hypothesis
+Axiom of choice is required to define cardinal number
+definition of cardinal number is not yet done
+definition of filter is not yet done
+we may have a model without axiom of choice or without continuum hypothesis
+Possible representation of continuum hypothesis is this.
+     continuum-hyphotheis : (a : Ordinal) → Power (Ord a) ⊆ Ord (osuc a)
+filter is a dual of ideal on boolean algebra or lattice. Existence on natural number
+is depends on axiom of choice.
+    record Filter  ( L : OD  ) : Set (suc n) where
+       field
+           filter : OD
+           proper : ¬ ( filter ∋ od∅ )
+           inL :  filter ⊆ L 
+           filter1 : { p q : OD } →  q ⊆ L  → filter ∋ p →  p ⊆ q  → filter ∋ q
+           filter2 : { p q : OD } → filter ∋ p →  filter ∋ q  → filter ∋ (p ∩ q)
+We may construct a model of non standard analysis or set theory.
+This may be simpler than classical forcing theory ( not yet done).
+--Programming Mathematics
+Mathematics is a functional programming in Agda where proof is a value of a variable. The mathematical
+structure are
+   record and data
+Proof is check by type consistency not by the computation, but it may include some normalization.
+Type inference and termination is not so clear in multi recursions.
+Defining Agda record is a good way to understand mathematical theory, for examples,
+    Category theory ( Yoneda lemma, Floyd Adjunction functor theorem, Applicative functor )
+    Automaton ( Subset construction、Language containment)
+are proved in Agda.
+Summer school of foundation of mathematics (in Japanese)
+<br> <a href="">
+Foundation of axiomatic set theory (in Japanese)
+<br> <a href="">
+<br> <a href="">
+ZF-in-Agda source
+<br> <a href="">
+Category theory in Agda source
+<br> <a href="">
--- a/zf.agda	Thu Aug 29 16:18:37 2019 +0900
+++ b/zf.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
      (Select :  (X : ZFSet  ) → ( ψ : (x : ZFSet ) → Set m ) → ZFSet ) 
      (Replace : ZFSet → ( ZFSet → ZFSet ) → ZFSet )
      (infinite : ZFSet)
-       : Set (suc (n ⊔ m)) where
+       : Set (suc (n ⊔ suc m)) where
      isEquivalence : IsEquivalence {n} {m} {ZFSet} _≈_ 
      -- ∀ x ∀ y ∃ z ∀ t ( z ∋ t → t ≈ x ∨ t  ≈ y)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   _∩_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
   A ∩ B = Select A (  λ x → ( A ∋ x ) ∧ ( B ∋ x )  )
   _∪_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
-  A ∪ B = Union (A , B)    -- Select A (  λ x → ( A ∋ x ) ∨ ( B ∋ x )  ) is easier
+  A ∪ B = Union (A , B)    
   {_} : ZFSet → ZFSet
   { x } = ( x ,  x )
   infixr  200 _∈_
@@ -48,14 +48,10 @@
      power← : ∀( A t : ZFSet  ) → ( ∀ {x}  →  _⊆_ t A {x})  → Power A ∋ t 
      -- extensionality : ∀ z ( z ∈ x ⇔ z ∈ y ) ⇒ ∀ w ( x ∈ w ⇔ y ∈ w )
      extensionality :  { A B w : ZFSet  } → ( (z : ZFSet) → ( A ∋ z ) ⇔ (B ∋ z)  ) → ( A ∈ w ⇔ B ∈ w )
-     -- This form of regurality forces choice function
-     -- regularity : ∀ x ( x ≠ ∅ → ∃ y ∈ x ( y ∩ x = ∅ ) )
-     -- minimul : (x : ZFSet ) → ¬ (x ≈ ∅) → ZFSet 
-     -- regularity : ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → (not : ¬ (x ≈ ∅)) → (  minimul x not  ∈ x ∧  (  minimul x not  ∩ x  ≈ ∅ ) )
-     -- another form of regularity
-     -- ε-induction : { ψ : ZFSet → Set m}
-     --         → ( {x : ZFSet } → ({ y : ZFSet } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
-     --         → (x : ZFSet ) → ψ x
+     -- regularity without minimum
+     ε-induction : { ψ : ZFSet → Set (suc m)}
+              → ( {x : ZFSet } → ({ y : ZFSet } →  x ∋ y → ψ y ) → ψ x )
+              → (x : ZFSet ) → ψ x
      -- infinity : ∃ A ( ∅ ∈ A ∧ ∀ x ∈ A ( x ∪ { x } ∈ A ) )
      infinity∅ :  ∅ ∈ infinite
      infinity :  ∀( x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ infinite →  ( x ∪ { x }) ∈ infinite 
@@ -63,11 +59,8 @@
      -- replacement : ∀ x ∀ y ∀ z ( ( ψ ( x , y ) ∧ ψ ( x , z ) ) → y = z ) → ∀ X ∃ A ∀ y ( y ∈ A ↔ ∃ x ∈ X ψ ( x , y ) )
      replacement← : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) → x ∈ X → ψ x ∈  Replace X ψ 
      replacement→ : {ψ : ZFSet → ZFSet} → ∀ ( X x : ZFSet  ) →  ( lt : x ∈  Replace X ψ ) → ¬ ( ∀ (y : ZFSet)  →  ¬ ( x ≈ ψ y ) )
-     -- ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ]
-     choice-func : (X : ZFSet ) → {x : ZFSet } → ¬ ( x ≈ ∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → ZFSet
-     choice : (X : ZFSet  ) → {A : ZFSet } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A ≈ ∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A
-record ZF {n m : Level } : Set (suc (n ⊔ m)) where
+record ZF {n m : Level } : Set (suc (n ⊔ suc m)) where
   infixr  210 _,_
   infixl  200 _∋_ 
   infixr  220 _≈_
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zfc.agda	Sun Jun 07 20:31:30 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module zfc where
+open import Level
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Nullary
+open import logic
+record IsZFC {n m : Level }
+     (ZFSet : Set n)
+     (_∋_ : ( A x : ZFSet  ) → Set m)
+     (_≈_ : Rel ZFSet m)
+     (∅  : ZFSet)
+     (Select :  (X : ZFSet  ) → ( ψ : (x : ZFSet ) → Set m ) → ZFSet ) 
+       : Set (suc (n ⊔ suc m)) where
+  field
+     -- ∀ X [ ∅ ∉ X → (∃ f : X → ⋃ X ) → ∀ A ∈ X ( f ( A ) ∈ A ) ]
+     choice-func : (X : ZFSet ) → {x : ZFSet } → ¬ ( x ≈ ∅ ) → ( X ∋ x ) → ZFSet
+     choice : (X : ZFSet  ) → {A : ZFSet } → ( X∋A : X ∋ A ) → (not : ¬ ( A ≈ ∅ )) → A ∋ choice-func X not X∋A
+  infixr  200 _∈_
+  infixr  230 _∩_ 
+  _∈_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → Set m
+  A ∈ B = B ∋ A
+  _∩_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → ZFSet
+  A ∩ B = Select A (  λ x → ( A ∋ x ) ∧ ( B ∋ x )  )
+record ZFC {n m : Level } : Set (suc (n ⊔ suc m)) where
+  field
+     ZFSet : Set n
+     _∋_ : ( A x : ZFSet  ) → Set m 
+     _≈_ : ( A B : ZFSet  ) → Set m
+     ∅  : ZFSet
+     Select :  (X : ZFSet  ) → ( ψ : (x : ZFSet ) → Set m ) → ZFSet 
+     isZFC : IsZFC ZFSet _∋_ _≈_ ∅ Select