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view agda/regular-concat.agda @ 146:6663205ed308
author | Shinji KONO <> |
date | Wed, 30 Dec 2020 12:07:07 +0900 |
parents | b3f05cd08d24 |
children | 26407ce19d66 |
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module regular-concat where open import Level renaming ( suc to Suc ; zero to Zero ) open import Data.List open import Data.Nat hiding ( _≟_ ) open import Data.Fin hiding ( _+_ ) open import Data.Empty open import Data.Unit open import Data.Product -- open import Data.Maybe open import Relation.Nullary open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] ) open import logic open import nat open import automaton open import regular-language open import nfa open import sbconst2 open RegularLanguage open Automaton Concat-NFA : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ((x y : states A )→ Dec (x ≡ y)) → ((x y : states B )→ Dec (x ≡ y)) → NAutomaton (states A ∨ states B) Σ Concat-NFA {Σ} A B equal?A equal?B = record { Nδ = δnfa ; Nend = nend } module Concat-NFA where δnfa : states A ∨ states B → Σ → states A ∨ states B → Bool δnfa (case1 q) i (case1 q₁) with equal?A (δ (automaton A) q i) q₁ ... | yes _ = true ... | no _ = false δnfa (case1 qa) i (case2 qb) with equal?B qb (δ (automaton B) (astart B) i) ... | yes _ = aend (automaton A) qa ... | no _ = false δnfa (case2 q) i (case2 q₁) with equal?B (δ (automaton B) q i) q₁ ... | yes _ = true ... | no _ = false δnfa _ i _ = false nend : states A ∨ states B → Bool nend (case2 q) = aend (automaton B) q nend (case1 q) = aend (automaton A) q /\ aend (automaton B) (astart B) -- empty B case Concat-NFA-start : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → states A ∨ states B → ((x y : states A )→ Dec (x ≡ y)) → Bool Concat-NFA-start A B (case1 a) equal?A with equal?A a (astart A) ... | yes _ = true ... | no _ = false Concat-NFA-start A B (case2 b) equal?A = false M-Concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ((states A → Bool) → Bool) → ((states B → Bool) → Bool) → RegularLanguage Σ M-Concat {Σ} A B existsA existsB = record { states = states A ∨ states B → Bool ; astart = λ ab → Concat-NFA-start A B ab {!!} ; automaton = subset-construction sbexists (Concat-NFA A B {!!} {!!} ) } where sbexists : (states A ∨ states B → Bool) → Bool sbexists P = existsA ( λ a → existsB ( λ b → P (case1 a) \/ P (case2 b))) record Split {Σ : Set} (A : List Σ → Bool ) ( B : List Σ → Bool ) (x : List Σ ) : Set where field sp0 : List Σ sp1 : List Σ sp-concat : sp0 ++ sp1 ≡ x prop0 : A sp0 ≡ true prop1 : B sp1 ≡ true open Split list-empty++ : {Σ : Set} → (x y : List Σ) → x ++ y ≡ [] → (x ≡ [] ) ∧ (y ≡ [] ) list-empty++ [] [] refl = record { proj1 = refl ; proj2 = refl } list-empty++ [] (x ∷ y) () list-empty++ (x ∷ x₁) y () open _∧_ open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] ) c-split-lemma : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → (h : Σ) → ( t : List Σ ) → split A B (h ∷ t ) ≡ true → ( ¬ (A [] ≡ true )) ∨ ( ¬ (B ( h ∷ t ) ≡ true) ) → split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ≡ true c-split-lemma {Σ} A B h t eq p = sym ( begin true ≡⟨ sym eq ⟩ split A B (h ∷ t ) ≡⟨⟩ A [] /\ B (h ∷ t) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → k \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ) (lemma-p p ) ⟩ false \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ≡⟨ bool-or-1 refl ⟩ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ∎ ) where open ≡-Reasoning lemma-p : ( ¬ (A [] ≡ true )) ∨ ( ¬ (B ( h ∷ t ) ≡ true) ) → A [] /\ B (h ∷ t) ≡ false lemma-p (case1 ¬A ) = bool-and-1 ( ¬-bool-t ¬A ) lemma-p (case2 ¬B ) = bool-and-2 ( ¬-bool-t ¬B ) split→AB : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → ( x : List Σ ) → split A B x ≡ true → Split A B x split→AB {Σ} A B [] eq with bool-≡-? (A []) true | bool-≡-? (B []) true split→AB {Σ} A B [] eq | yes eqa | yes eqb = record { sp0 = [] ; sp1 = [] ; sp-concat = refl ; prop0 = eqa ; prop1 = eqb } split→AB {Σ} A B [] eq | yes p | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (lemma-∧-1 eq (¬-bool-t ¬p )) split→AB {Σ} A B [] eq | no ¬p | t = ⊥-elim (lemma-∧-0 eq (¬-bool-t ¬p )) split→AB {Σ} A B (h ∷ t ) eq with bool-≡-? (A []) true | bool-≡-? (B (h ∷ t )) true ... | yes px | yes py = record { sp0 = [] ; sp1 = h ∷ t ; sp-concat = refl ; prop0 = px ; prop1 = py } ... | no px | _ with split→AB (λ t1 → A ( h ∷ t1 )) B t (c-split-lemma A B h t eq (case1 px) ) ... | S = record { sp0 = h ∷ sp0 S ; sp1 = sp1 S ; sp-concat = cong ( λ k → h ∷ k) (sp-concat S) ; prop0 = prop0 S ; prop1 = prop1 S } split→AB {Σ} A B (h ∷ t ) eq | _ | no px with split→AB (λ t1 → A ( h ∷ t1 )) B t (c-split-lemma A B h t eq (case2 px) ) ... | S = record { sp0 = h ∷ sp0 S ; sp1 = sp1 S ; sp-concat = cong ( λ k → h ∷ k) (sp-concat S) ; prop0 = prop0 S ; prop1 = prop1 S } AB→split : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → ( x y : List Σ ) → A x ≡ true → B y ≡ true → split A B (x ++ y ) ≡ true AB→split {Σ} A B [] [] eqa eqb = begin split A B [] ≡⟨⟩ A [] /\ B [] ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → j /\ k ) eqa eqb ⟩ true ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning AB→split {Σ} A B [] (h ∷ y ) eqa eqb = begin split A B (h ∷ y ) ≡⟨⟩ A [] /\ B (h ∷ y) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → j /\ k \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y ) eqa eqb ⟩ true /\ true \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y ≡⟨⟩ true \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y ≡⟨⟩ true ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning AB→split {Σ} A B (h ∷ t) y eqa eqb = begin split A B ((h ∷ t) ++ y) ≡⟨⟩ A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B (t ++ y) ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ k ) (AB→split {Σ} (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t y eqa eqb ) ⟩ A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ true ≡⟨ bool-or-3 ⟩ true ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning open NAutomaton open import Data.List.Properties closed-in-concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ( x : List Σ ) → isRegular (Concat (contain A) (contain B)) x ( M-Concat A B {!!} {!!} ) closed-in-concat {Σ} A B x = ≡-Bool-func closed-in-concat→ closed-in-concat← where finab = {!!} -- (fin-∨ (afin A) (afin B)) NFA = (Concat-NFA A B {!!} {!!} ) abmove : (q : states A ∨ states B) → (h : Σ ) → states A ∨ states B abmove (case1 q) h = case1 (δ (automaton A) q h) abmove (case2 q) h = case2 (δ (automaton B) q h) lemma-nmove-ab : (q : states A ∨ states B) → (h : Σ ) → Nδ NFA q h (abmove q h) ≡ true lemma-nmove-ab (case1 q) _ = {!!} -- equal?-refl (afin A) lemma-nmove-ab (case2 q) _ = {!!} -- equal?-refl (afin B) nmove : (q : states A ∨ states B) (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq q ≡ true) → ( h : Σ ) → {!!} -- exists finab (λ qn → nq qn /\ Nδ NFA qn h (abmove q h)) ≡ true nmove (case1 q) nq nqt h = {!!} -- found finab (case1 q) ( bool-and-tt nqt (lemma-nmove-ab (case1 q) h) ) nmove (case2 q) nq nqt h = {!!} -- found finab (case2 q) ( bool-and-tt nqt (lemma-nmove-ab (case2 q) h) ) acceptB : (z : List Σ) → (q : states B) → (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq (case2 q) ≡ true) → ( accept (automaton B) q z ≡ true ) → Naccept NFA finab nq z ≡ true acceptB [] q nq nqt fb = lemma8 where lemma8 : {!!} -- exists finab ( λ q → nq q /\ Nend NFA q ) ≡ true lemma8 = {!!} -- found finab (case2 q) ( bool-and-tt nqt fb ) acceptB (h ∷ t ) q nq nq=q fb = acceptB t (δ (automaton B) q h) (Nmoves NFA finab nq h) (nmove (case2 q) nq nq=q h) fb acceptA : (y z : List Σ) → (q : states A) → (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq (case1 q) ≡ true) → ( accept (automaton A) q y ≡ true ) → ( accept (automaton B) (astart B) z ≡ true ) → Naccept NFA finab nq (y ++ z) ≡ true acceptA [] [] q nq nqt fa fb = {!!} -- found finab (case1 q) (bool-and-tt nqt (bool-and-tt fa fb )) acceptA [] (h ∷ z) q nq nq=q fa fb = acceptB z nextb (Nmoves NFA finab nq h) lemma70 fb where nextb : states B nextb = δ (automaton B) (astart B) h lemma70 : {!!} -- exists finab (λ qn → nq qn /\ Nδ NFA qn h (case2 nextb)) ≡ true lemma70 = {!!} -- found finab (case1 q) ( bool-and-tt nq=q (bool-and-tt fa (lemma-nmove-ab (case2 (astart B)) h) )) acceptA (h ∷ t) z q nq nq=q fa fb = acceptA t z (δ (automaton A) q h) (Nmoves NFA finab nq h) (nmove (case1 q) nq nq=q h) fa fb where acceptAB : Split (contain A) (contain B) x → {!!} -- Naccept NFA finab (equal? finab (case1 (astart A))) x ≡ true acceptAB S = {!!} -- subst ( λ k → Naccept NFA finab (equal? finab (case1 (astart A))) k ≡ true ) ( sp-concat S ) -- (acceptA (sp0 S) (sp1 S) (astart A) (equal? finab (case1 (astart A))) (equal?-refl finab) (prop0 S) (prop1 S) ) closed-in-concat→ : Concat (contain A) (contain B) x ≡ true → contain (M-Concat A B {!!} {!!} ) x ≡ true closed-in-concat→ concat = {!!} ab-case : (q : states A ∨ states B ) → (qa : states A ) → (x : List Σ ) → Set ab-case (case1 qa') qa x = qa' ≡ qa ab-case (case2 qb) qa x = ¬ ( accept (automaton B) qb x ≡ true ) contain-A : (x : List Σ) → (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (fn : Naccept NFA finab nq x ≡ true ) → (qa : states A ) → ( (q : states A ∨ states B) → nq q ≡ true → ab-case q qa x ) → split (accept (automaton A) qa ) (contain B) x ≡ true contain-A [] nq fn qa cond = {!!} lemma10 : Naccept NFA finab {!!} x ≡ true → split (contain A) (contain B) x ≡ true lemma10 CC = contain-A x {!!} CC (astart A) lemma15 where lemma15 : (q : states A ∨ states B) → Concat-NFA-start A B q {!!} ≡ true → ab-case q (astart A) x lemma15 q nq=t = {!!} closed-in-concat← : contain (M-Concat A B {!!} {!!}) x ≡ true → Concat (contain A) (contain B) x ≡ true closed-in-concat← C with subset-construction-lemma← finab NFA ... | CC = {!!}