1 open import Category -- https://github.com/konn/category-agda
2 open import Level
3 open import HomReasoning
4 open import cat-utility
6 module list-monoid-cat (c : Level ) where
8 infixr 40 _::_
9 data List (A : Set ) : Set where
10 [] : List A
11 _::_ : A -> List A -> List A
14 infixl 30 _++_
15 _++_ : {A : Set } -> List A -> List A -> List A
16 [] ++ ys = ys
17 (x :: xs) ++ ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)
19 data ListObj : Set where
20 * : ListObj
22 open import Relation.Binary.Core
23 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
25 ≡-cong = Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.cong
27 isListCategory : (A : Set) -> IsCategory ListObj (\a b -> List A) _≡_ _++_ []
28 isListCategory A = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence1 {A}
29 ; identityL = list-id-l
30 ; identityR = list-id-r
31 ; o-resp-≈ = o-resp-≈ {A}
32 ; associative = \{a} {b} {c} {d} {x} {y} {z} -> list-assoc {A} {x} {y} {z}
33 }
34 where
35 list-id-l : { A : Set } -> { x : List A } -> [] ++ x ≡ x
36 list-id-l {_} {_} = refl
37 list-id-r : { A : Set } -> { x : List A } -> x ++ [] ≡ x
38 list-id-r {_} {[]} = refl
39 list-id-r {A} {x :: xs} = ≡-cong ( \y -> x :: y ) ( list-id-r {A} {xs} )
40 list-assoc : {A : Set} -> { xs ys zs : List A } ->
41 ( xs ++ ( ys ++ zs ) ) ≡ ( ( xs ++ ys ) ++ zs )
42 list-assoc {_} {[]} {_} {_} = refl
43 list-assoc {A} {x :: xs} {ys} {zs} = ≡-cong ( \y -> x :: y )
44 ( list-assoc {A} {xs} {ys} {zs} )
45 o-resp-≈ : {A : Set} -> {f g : List A } → {h i : List A } →
46 f ≡ g → h ≡ i → (h ++ f) ≡ (i ++ g)
47 o-resp-≈ {A} refl refl = refl
48 isEquivalence1 : {A : Set} -> IsEquivalence {_} {_} {List A } _≡_
49 isEquivalence1 {A} = -- this is the same function as A's equivalence but has different types
50 record { refl = refl
51 ; sym = sym
52 ; trans = trans
53 }
54 ListCategory : (A : Set) -> Category _ _ _
55 ListCategory A =
56 record { Obj = ListObj
57 ; Hom = \a b -> List A
58 ; _o_ = _++_
59 ; _≈_ = _≡_
60 ; Id = []
61 ; isCategory = ( isListCategory A )
62 }
64 open import Algebra.Structures
65 open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₁; Op₂)
67 data MonoidObj : Set c where
68 ! : MonoidObj
70 record ≡-Monoid c : Set (suc c) where
71 infixl 7 _∙_
72 field
73 Carrier : Set c
74 _∙_ : Op₂ Carrier
75 ε : Carrier
76 isMonoid : IsMonoid _≡_ _∙_ ε
78 open ≡-Monoid
79 open import Data.Product
81 isMonoidCategory : (M : ≡-Monoid c) -> IsCategory MonoidObj (\a b -> Carrier M ) _≡_ (_∙_ M) (ε M)
82 isMonoidCategory M = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence1 {M}
83 ; identityL = \{_} {_} {x} -> (( proj₁ ( IsMonoid.identity ( isMonoid M )) ) x )
84 ; identityR = \{_} {_} {x} -> (( proj₂ ( IsMonoid.identity ( isMonoid M )) ) x )
85 ; associative = \{a} {b} {c} {d} {x} {y} {z} -> sym ( (IsMonoid.assoc ( isMonoid M )) x y z )
86 ; o-resp-≈ = o-resp-≈ {M}
87 }
88 where
89 o-resp-≈ : {M : ≡-Monoid c} -> {f g : Carrier M } → {h i : Carrier M } →
90 f ≡ g → h ≡ i → (_∙_ M h f) ≡ (_∙_ M i g)
91 o-resp-≈ {A} refl refl = refl
92 isEquivalence1 : {M : ≡-Monoid c} -> IsEquivalence {_} {_} {Carrier M } _≡_
93 isEquivalence1 {A} = -- this is the same function as A's equivalence but has different types
94 record { refl = refl
95 ; sym = sym
96 ; trans = trans
97 }
98 MonoidCategory : (M : ≡-Monoid c) -> Category _ _ _
99 MonoidCategory M =
100 record { Obj = MonoidObj
101 ; Hom = \a b -> Carrier M
102 ; _o_ = _∙_ M
103 ; _≈_ = _≡_
104 ; Id = ε M
105 ; isCategory = ( isMonoidCategory M )
106 }