view doc/test.tex @ 811:2de0358ea10a

author Shinji KONO <>
date Sat, 27 Apr 2019 07:09:35 +0900
parents 4c686e19db60
line wrap: on
line source



\title{{\bf Commutative Diagram Exmamples}}

The tikz package
This is a general purpose graphics package. To load it for this document, I used:

A \arrow{r}{a} \arrow{d}{b}
               &B \arrow{d}{c}\\
C \arrow{r}{d} &D

\node (A) at (0,1) {$A$};
\node (B) at (1,1) {$B$};
\node (C) at (0,0) {$C$};
\node (D) at (1,0) {$D$};
\path[->,font=\scriptsize,>=angle 90]
(A) edge node[above]{$a$} (B)
(A) edge node[right]{$b$} (C)
(B) edge node[right]{$c$} (D)
(C) edge node[above]{$d$} (D);

This is part of: Guide to Commutative Diagrams, Last revised October 30, 2012

ABC A \arrow[hook]{r}\arrow[two heads]{rd}
                          &B \arrow[dotted]{d}\arrow[hookleftarrow]{r}
&C \arrow[two heads]{ld}\\ D &D

A \arrow[hook]{r}{u}[swap]{b}
Aub Bub C \arrow[two heads]{rd}{u}[swap]{b}
&B \arrow[dotted]{d}{r}[swap]{l}
D &C \arrow[two heads]{ld}{b}[swap]{u}\\ &D

                        &B\arrow{r}{\text{very long label}}\arrow{d}
DEF D\arrow{r}&E\arrow{r}&F 

% \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large]
% A\arrow{r}\arrow{d}

A B A\arrow[bend left]{r}\arrow[bend right]{r}&B

T\arrow[bend left]{drr}{x}
\arrow[bend right]{ddr}[swap]{y}
\arrow[dotted]{dr}[description]{(x,y)} & & \\
& X \times_Z Y \arrow{r}{p} \arrow{d}{q} & X \arrow{d}{f} \\
& Y \arrow{r}{g} & Z

\node (A) at (-1,0) {$A$};
\node (B) at (1,0) {$B$};
\node at (0,0) {\rotatebox{270}{$\Rightarrow$}};
\path[->,font=\scriptsize,>=angle 90]
 (A) edge [bend left] node[above] {$\alpha$} (B)
     edge [bend right] node[below] {$\beta$} (B);

\node (P0) at (90:2.8cm) {$X\otimes (Y\otimes (Z\otimes T))$};
\node (P1) at (90+72:2.5cm) {$X\otimes ((Y\otimes Z)\otimes T))$} ;
\node (P2) at (90+2*72:2.5cm) {${(X\otimes (Y\otimes Z))}\otimes T$};
\node (P3) at (90+3*72:2.5cm) {$((X\otimes Y){\otimes Z)\otimes T}$};
\node (P4) at (90+4*72:2.5cm) {$(X\otimes Y)\otimes (Z\otimes T)$};
(P0) edge[->,>=angle 90] node[left] {$1\otimes\phi$} (P1)
(P1) edge[->,>=angle 90] node[left] {$\phi$} (P2)
(P2) edge[->,>=angle 90] node[above] {$\phi\otimes 1$} (P3)
(P4) edge[->,>=angle 90] node[right] {$\phi$} (P3)
(P0) edge[->,>=angle 90] node[right] {$\phi$} (P4);

\node (a) at (0,0) {$Y\times_X Y$};
\node (b) at (2,0) {$Y$};
\node (c) at (3.5,0) {$X$};
\path[->,font=\scriptsize,>=angle 90]
([yshift= 2pt]a.east) edge node[above] {$p_1$} ([yshift= 2pt]b.west)
([yshift= -2pt]a.east) edge node[below] {$p_2$} ([yshift= -2pt]b.west)
(b) edge (c);

\begin{tikzpicture}[descr/.style={fill=white},text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
\node (a) at (0,0) {$\mathsf{S}(Z)$};
\node (b) at (2.5,0) {$\mathsf{S}(X)$};
\node (c) at (5,0) {$\mathsf{S}(U).$};
\path[->,font=\scriptsize,>=angle 90]
([yshift= 9pt]b.west) edge node[above] {$i^{\ast}$} ([yshift= 9pt]a.east)
(a.east) edge node[descr] {$i_{\ast}$} (b.west)
([yshift= -9pt]b.west) edge node[below] {$i^!$} ([yshift= -9pt]a.east)
([yshift= 9pt]c.west) edge node[above] {$j_!$} ([yshift= 9pt]b.east)
(b.east) edge node[descr] {$j^{\ast}$} (c.west)
([yshift= -9pt]c.west) edge node[below] {$j_*$} ([yshift= -9pt]b.east);

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=angle 90,scale=2.2,text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
%%First place the nodes
\node (k-1) at (0,3) {$0$};
\node (k0) [right=of k-1] {$Ker f$};
\node (k1) [right=of k0] {$Ker a$};
\node (k2) [right=of k1] {$Ker b$};
\node (k3) [right=of k2] {$Ker c$};
\node (a1) [below=of k1] {$A$};
\node (a2) [below=of k2] {$B$};
\node (a3) [below=of k3] {$C$};
\node (a4) [right=of a3] {$0$};
\node (b1) [below=of a1] {$A’$};
\node (b0) [left=of b1] {$0$};
\node (b2) [below=of a2] {$B’$};
\node (b3) [below=of a3] {$C’$};
\node (c1) [below=of b1] {$Coker a$};
\node (c2) [below=of b2] {$Coker b$};
\node (c3) [below=of b3] {$Coker c$};
\node (c4) [right=of c3] {$Coker g’$};
\node (c5) [right=of c4] {$0$};
%%Draw the red arrows
(k-1) edge (k0)
(k0)  edge (k1)
(k1)  edge (k2)
(k2)  edge (k3)
(c1)  edge (c2)
(c2)  edge (c3)
(c3)  edge (c4)
(c4)  edge (c5);
%%Draw the curvy red arrow
%(k3) edge[out=0,in=180,red] node[pos=0.55,yshift=5pt] {$d$} (c1);
%%Draw the black arrows
(k1) edge (a1)
(k2) edge (a2)
(k3) edge (a3)
(b1) edge (c1)
(b2) edge (c2)
(b3) edge (c3);
%%Draw the thick blue arrows
(a1) edge node[auto] {$f$} (a2)
(a2) edge node[auto] {$g$} (a3)
(a3) edge (a4)
(a1) edge node[auto] {$a$} (b1)
(a2) edge node[auto] {$b$} (b2)
(a3) edge node[auto] {$c$} (b3)
(b0) edge (b1)
(b1) edge node[below] {$f’$} (b2)
(b2) edge node[below] {$g’$} (b3);
