# HG changeset patch # User Shinji KONO # Date 1458786674 -32400 # Node ID 3e44951b9bdbbc103a8aae8821330c3aab33efa7 # Parent 8919c162b8949eed5f47f29a1ab272fd942d5a38 refl in free-monoid trouble diff -r 8919c162b894 -r 3e44951b9bdb HomReasoning.agda --- a/HomReasoning.agda Thu Mar 24 02:53:25 2016 +0900 +++ b/HomReasoning.agda Thu Mar 24 11:31:14 2016 +0900 @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ -- ≈-≡ : {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } → (x≈y : x ≈ y ) → x ≡ y -- ≈-≡ x≈y = irr x≈y ≡-cong : { c₁′ c₂′ ℓ′ : Level} {B : Category c₁′ c₂′ ℓ′} {x y : Obj B } { a b : Hom B x y } {x' y' : Obj A } → - a ≡ b → (f : Hom B x y → Hom A x' y' ) → f a ≈ f b - ≡-cong refl f = ≡-≈ refl + (f : Hom B x y → Hom A x' y' ) → a ≡ b → f a ≈ f b + ≡-cong f refl = ≡-≈ refl -- cong-≈ : { c₁′ c₂′ ℓ′ : Level} {B : Category c₁′ c₂′ ℓ′} {x y : Obj B } { a b : Hom B x y } {x' y' : Obj A } → -- B [ a ≈ b ] → (f : Hom B x y → Hom A x' y' ) → f a ≈ f b diff -r 8919c162b894 -r 3e44951b9bdb free-monoid.agda --- a/free-monoid.agda Thu Mar 24 02:53:25 2016 +0900 +++ b/free-monoid.agda Thu Mar 24 11:31:14 2016 +0900 @@ -118,15 +118,16 @@ ; o-resp-≈ = λ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} → o-resp-≈ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} } where - o-resp-≈ : {a b c : ≡-Monoid } {f g : Monomorph a b } → {h i : Monomorph b c } → - f == g → h == i → (h + f) == (i + g) - o-resp-≈ {A} refl refl = refl isEquivalence1 : { a b : ≡-Monoid } → IsEquivalence {_} {_} {Monomorph a b} _==_ isEquivalence1 = -- this is the same function as A's equivalence but has different types record { refl = refl ; sym = sym ; trans = trans } + o-resp-≈ : {a b c : ≡-Monoid } {f g : Monomorph a b } → {h i : Monomorph b c } → + f == g → h == i → (h + f) == (i + g) + o-resp-≈ refl refl = refl + Monoids : Category _ _ _ Monoids = record { Obj = ≡-Monoid diff -r 8919c162b894 -r 3e44951b9bdb limit-to.agda --- a/limit-to.agda Thu Mar 24 02:53:25 2016 +0900 +++ b/limit-to.agda Thu Mar 24 11:31:14 2016 +0900 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ open TwoHom -hom : ∀{ c₁ c₂ } { a b : TwoObject {c₁} } -> +hom : ∀{ c₁ c₂ } { a b : TwoObject {c₁} } -> ∀ (f : TwoHom {c₁} {c₂ } a b ) → Maybe ( Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b ) hom {_} {_} {a} {b} f with RawHom f hom {_} {_} {t0} {t0} _ | just id-t0 = just id-t0 @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ==refl {_} {_} {_} {_} {just x} = just refl ==refl {_} {_} {_} {_} {nothing} = nothing -==sym : ∀{ c₁ c₂ a b } -> ∀ {x y : Maybe (Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b )} → _==_ x y → _==_ y x +==sym : ∀{ c₁ c₂ a b } -> ∀ {x y : Maybe (Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b )} → x == y → y == x ==sym (just x≈y) = just (≡-sym x≈y) ==sym nothing = nothing @@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ ==trans (just x≈y) (just y≈z) = just (≡-trans x≈y y≈z) ==trans nothing nothing = nothing +==cong : ∀{ c₁ c₂ a b } -> ∀ {x y : Maybe (Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b )} → + (f : Maybe (Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b ) -> Maybe (Arrow {c₁} {c₂} t0 t1 a b ) ) -> x ≡ y → f x == f y +==cong f refl = ==refl + module ==-Reasoning {c₁ c₂ : Level} where @@ -130,6 +134,8 @@ -- f g h -- d <- c <- b <- a +-- +-- It can be proved without Arrow constraints assoc-× : {c₁ c₂ : Level } {a b c d : TwoObject {c₁} } {f : (TwoHom {c₁} {c₂ } c d )} → @@ -270,7 +276,79 @@ identityR {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {_} | just arrow-g = ==refl o-resp-≈ : {c₁ c₂ : Level } {A B C : TwoObject {c₁} } {f g : ( TwoHom {c₁} {c₂ } A B)} {h i : ( TwoHom B C)} → hom f == hom g → hom h == hom i → hom ( h × f ) == hom ( i × g ) - o-resp-≈ {_} {_} {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i with hom f | hom g | hom h | hom i + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g (just refl) | nothing | just _ | just jh | just .jh = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g (just refl) | just _ | nothing | just jh | just .jh = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) h≡i | just jf | just .jf | nothing | just _ = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) h≡i | just jf | just .jf | just _ | nothing = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | just id-t0 | nothing | just id-t0 | nothing = ? + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | just _ | nothing | just _ | nothing = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | nothing | just _ | just _ | nothing = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | nothing | just _ | nothing | just _ = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | just _ | nothing | nothing | just _ = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | nothing | just _ = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} nothing h≡i | nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | nothing | just _ | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | nothing | just _ | nothing | nothing = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g nothing | just _ | nothing | nothing | nothing = nothing + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} {i} f≡g h≡i | just _ | nothing | nothing | nothing = {!!} + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just id-t0 | just id-t0 | just id-t0 | just id-t0 = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just id-t1 | just id-t1 | just id-t1 | just id-t1 = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just arrow-f | just arrow-f | just id-t1 | just id-t1 = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just arrow-g | just arrow-g | just id-t1 | just id-t1 = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just id-t0 | just id-t0 | just arrow-f | just arrow-f = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just id-t0 | just id-t0 | just arrow-g | just arrow-g = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just id-t1 | just id-t1 | just inv-f | just inv-f = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just inv-f | just inv-f | just id-t0 | just id-t0 = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just inv-f | just inv-f | just arrow-f | just arrow-f = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t1} {t0} {t1} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just inv-f | just inv-f | just arrow-g | just arrow-g = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just arrow-f | just arrow-f | just inv-f | just inv-f = ==refl + o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {t0} {t1} {t0} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just arrow-g | just arrow-g | just inv-f | just inv-f = ==refl +-- o-resp-≈ {c₁} {c₂} {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} (just refl) (just refl) | just jf | just .jf | just jh | just .jh = +-- let open ==-Reasoning {c₁} {c₂ } in begin +-- {!!} +-- ==⟨ {!!} ⟩ +-- {!!} +-- ∎ + indexFunctor : {c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} (A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ) ( a b : Obj (MaybeCat A )) ( f g : Hom A a b ) -> Functor (TwoCat {c₁} {c₂} {c₂} ) (MaybeCat A ) @@ -299,7 +377,7 @@ identity : {x : Obj I} → MA [ fmap ( id1 I x ) ≈ id1 MA (fobj x) ] identity {t0} = refl-hom identity {t1} = refl-hom - distr1 : {a₁ : Obj I} {b₁ : Obj I} {c : Obj I} {f₁ : Hom I a₁ b₁} {g₁ : Hom I b₁ c} → + distr1 : {a₁ : Obj I} {b₁ : Obj I} {c : Obj I} {f₁ : Hom I a₁ b₁} {g₁ : Hom I b₁ c} → MA [ fmap (I [ g₁ o f₁ ]) ≈ MA [ fmap g₁ o fmap f₁ ] ] distr1 {a1} {b1} {c1} {f1} {g1} with hom g1 | hom f1 distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1} | nothing | nothing = nothing @@ -366,7 +444,7 @@ ≈-cong {t1} {t0} {f1} {g1} f≈g | just inv-f | just inv-f = refl-hom ≈-cong {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1} f≈g | just arrow-f | just arrow-g = begin {!!} - ≈⟨ {!!} ⟩ + ≈⟨ {!!} ⟩ {!!} ∎