changeset 1034:40c39d3e6a75

author Shinji KONO <>
date Wed, 31 Mar 2021 15:58:02 +0900
parents a59c51b541a2
children b6dbec7e535b
files src/CCC.agda src/CCCGraph.agda src/CCCSets.agda src/SetsCompleteness.agda src/ToposEx.agda src/cat-utility.agda src/free-monoid.agda src/freyd2.agda src/maybe-monad.agda src/monoid-monad.agda src/monoidal.agda src/stdalone-kleisli.agda src/system-f.agda src/yoneda.agda
diffstat 14 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/CCC.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/CCC.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -193,6 +193,10 @@
 --  + ------→ a -----------→ Ω        m = Equalizer (char m mono)  (⊤ ∙ ○ a )
 --     ker h        h
+--  if m is an equalizer, there is an iso between e and b as k, and if we have the iso, m becomes an equalizer.
+--    equalizer.equalizerIso : {a b c : Obj A} → (f g : Hom A a b ) → (equ : Equalizer A f g )
+--      → (m :  Hom A c a) → ( ker-iso : IsoL A m (equalizer equ) ) → IsEqualizer A m f g
 open Equalizer
 open import equalizer
--- a/src/CCCGraph.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/CCCGraph.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 open import Category.Sets
-import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality  c₂ c₂
+-- import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
+-- postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality  c₂ c₂
 open import CCCSets
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
        c-map {g} {c} {atom x} {atom b} f y = {!!}  where
             cmpa1 : ((y₁ : vertex g) → C g y₁ x ) → {!!}
             cmpa1 = {!!}
-       c-map {g} {c} {⊤} {atom b} f y with y OneObj b
+       c-map {g} {c} {⊤} {atom b} f y with y ! b
        ... | id .b = {!!}
        ... | next x t = (cat c) [ emap f x o c-map f {!!} ]
        c-map {g} {c} {a ∧ a₁} {atom b} f y = {!!}
--- a/src/CCCSets.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/CCCSets.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@
     case1 : a → a ∨ b
     case2 : b → a ∨ b
+-- a binary Topos of Sets
 -- m : b → a determins a subset of a as an image
 -- b and m-image in a has one to one correspondence with an equalizer (x : b) → (y : a) ≡ m x.
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@
       ;  char = λ m mono → tchar m mono
       ;  isTopos = record {
                  char-uniqueness  = λ {a} {b} {h} m mono →  extensionality Sets ( λ x → uniq h m mono x )
-              ;  ker-m =  imequ
+              ;  ker-m = λ m mono → equalizerIso _ _ (tker (tchar m mono)) m (isol m mono) 
     } where
@@ -143,10 +146,10 @@
 --     elem : (x : A ) → (eq : f x ≡ g x) → sequ A B f g
 -- m have to be isomorphic to ker (char m).
---                   i          ○ b
+--                  b→s         ○ b
 --   ker (char m)  ----→ b -----------→ 1
 --       |         ←---- |              |
---       |           j   |m             | ⊤   char m : a → Ω = {true,false}
+--       |          b←s  |m             | ⊤   char m : a → Ω = {true,false}
 --       |   e           ↓    char m    ↓     if y : a ≡ m (∃ x : b) → true  ( data char )
 --       +-------------→ a -----------→ Ω     else         false
 --                             h
@@ -160,7 +163,17 @@
         tchar {a} {b} m mono y with lem (image m y )
         ... | case1 t = true
         ... | case2 f = false
+        -- imequ   : {a b : Obj Sets} (m : Hom Sets b a) (mono : Mono Sets m) → IsEqualizer Sets m (tchar m mono) (Sets [ (λ _ → true ) o CCC.○ sets a ])
+        -- imequ {a} {b} m mono = equalizerIso _ _ (tker (tchar m mono)) m (isol m mono)
+        uniq : {a : Obj (Sets {c})} {b : Obj Sets} (h : Hom Sets a Bool) (m : Hom Sets b a) (mono : Mono Sets m) (y : a) →
+               tchar (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) (record { isMono = λ f g → monic (tker h) }) y ≡ h y
+        uniq {a} {b} h m mono y with h y  | inspect h y | lem (image (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) y ) | inspect (tchar (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) (record { isMono = λ f g → monic (tker h) })) y
+        ... | true  | record { eq = eqhy } | case1 x | record { eq = eq1 } = eq1 
+        ... | true  | record { eq = eqhy } | case2 x | record { eq = eq1 } = ⊥-elim (x (isImage (elem y eqhy)))
+        ... | false | record { eq = eqhy } | case1 (isImage (elem x eq)) | record { eq = eq1 } = ⊥-elim ( ¬x≡t∧x≡f record {fst = eqhy ; snd = eq })
+        ... | false | record { eq = eqhy } | case2 x | record { eq = eq1 } = eq1
+        -- technical detail of equalizer-image isomorphism (isol) below
         open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE using (_≅_ ) 
         img-cong : {a b : Obj (Sets {c}) } (m : Hom Sets b a) → (mono : Mono Sets m ) → (y y' : a) → y ≡ y' → (s : image m y ) (t : image m y') → s ≅ t
         img-cong {a} {b} m mono .(m x) .(m x₁) eq (isImage x) (isImage x₁)
@@ -227,16 +240,6 @@
                ... | true | record {eq = eq1} = refl
                ... | false | record { eq = eq1 } with tchar¬Img m mono (m x) eq1
                ... | t = ⊥-elim (t (isImage x)) 
-        imequ   : {a b : Obj Sets} (m : Hom Sets b a) (mono : Mono Sets m) → IsEqualizer Sets m (tchar m mono) (Sets [ (λ _ → true ) o CCC.○ sets a ])
-        imequ {a} {b} m mono = equalizerIso _ _ (tker (tchar m mono)) m (isol m mono)
-        uniq : {a : Obj (Sets {c})} {b : Obj Sets} (h : Hom Sets a Bool) (m : Hom Sets b a) (mono : Mono Sets m) (y : a) →
-               tchar (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) (record { isMono = λ f g → monic (tker h) }) y ≡ h y
-        uniq {a} {b} h m mono y with h y  | inspect h y | lem (image (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) y ) | inspect (tchar (Equalizer.equalizer (tker h)) (record { isMono = λ f g → monic (tker h) })) y
-        ... | true  | record { eq = eqhy } | case1 x | record { eq = eq1 } = eq1 
-        ... | true  | record { eq = eqhy } | case2 x | record { eq = eq1 } = ⊥-elim (x (isImage (elem y eqhy)))
-        ... | false | record { eq = eqhy } | case1 (isImage (elem x eq)) | record { eq = eq1 } = ⊥-elim ( ¬x≡t∧x≡f record {fst = eqhy ; snd = eq })
-        ... | false | record { eq = eqhy } | case2 x | record { eq = eq1 } = eq1
 open import graph
 module ccc-from-graph {c₁ c₂ : Level }  (G : Graph {c₁} {c₂})  where
--- a/src/SetsCompleteness.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/SetsCompleteness.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 open import Function
 import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
 -- Extensionality a b = {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → ( λ x → f x ≡ λ x → g x )
-import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
+-- import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
+-- postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 -- Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 ≡cong = Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.cong
--- a/src/ToposEx.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/ToposEx.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
   N : Obj A
   N = Nat iNat 
+  --  if h : Hom A (N  ∧ a) a is π', A is a constant
   record prop33   {a : Obj A} (f : Hom A 1 a ) ( h : Hom A (N  ∧ a) a )  : Set  ( suc c₁  ⊔  suc c₂ ⊔ suc ℓ ) where
@@ -318,3 +319,38 @@
                      < (nsuc iNat) o π ,  g' o π > o initialNat (prop33.xnat (p f' (g' o π))) ≈⟨ car ( IsCCC.π-cong isCCC refl-hom (car (sym g=g')) ) ⟩
                      < (nsuc iNat) o π ,  g  o π > o initialNat (prop33.xnat (p f' (g' o π))) ≈⟨⟩
                      nsuc (prop33.xnat (p f (g o π))) o initialNat (prop33.xnat (p f' (g' o π))) ∎
+--    open Functor
+--    open import Category.Sets
+--    open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] ; sym)
+--    record SubObjectFuntor : Set  ( suc (suc c₁ ) ⊔  suc (suc c₂) ⊔ suc ℓ )  where
+--       field
+--          Sub    : Functor A  (Sets {c₂})
+--          smonic : Mono A {!!}
+--    open SubObjectFuntor
+--    postulate  ≡←≈ :   {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } →  (x≈y : A [ x ≈ y  ]) → x ≡ y
+--    sub→topos : (Ω : Obj A) → (S : SubObjectFuntor) → Representable A ≡←≈ (Sub S) Ω → Topos A c
+--    sub→topos Ω S R = record {
+--           Ω =  Ω
+--        ;  ⊤ = {!!}
+--        ;  Ker = {!!}
+--        ;  char = λ m mono → {!!} 
+--        ;  isTopos = record {
+--           char-uniqueness  = {!!}
+--        ;  ker-m = {!!}
+--           } }
+--    topos→sub : (t : Topos A c ) → SubObjectFuntor
+--    topos→sub t = record {
+--           Sub = record {
+--              FObj = {!!}
+--            ; FMap = {!!}
+--            ; isFunctor = {!!}
+--         } ; smonic = {!!}
+--       }
+--    topos→rep : (t : Topos A c ) → Representable A ≡←≈ (Sub (topos→sub t)) (Topos.Ω t)
+--    topos→rep t = {!!}
--- a/src/cat-utility.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/cat-utility.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -529,3 +529,43 @@
              initialObject :  Obj A 
              hasInitialObject :  HasInitialObject A initialObject
+        open import Category.Sets
+        import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
+        postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
+        Yoneda : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) ( ≡←≈ :   {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } →  (x≈y : A [ x ≈ y  ]) → x ≡ y )
+           (a : Obj A) → Functor A (Sets {c₂})
+        Yoneda  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A ≡←≈ a = record {
+            FObj = λ b → Hom A a b
+          ; FMap = λ {x} {y} (f : Hom A x y ) → λ ( g : Hom A a x ) → A [ f o g ]    --   f : Hom A x y  → Hom Sets (Hom A a x ) (Hom A a y)
+          ; isFunctor = record {
+                     identity =  λ {b} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj1 {b} x ) ;
+                     distr = λ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj2 a b c f g x ) ;
+                     ≈-cong = λ eq → extensionality A ( λ x →  lemma-y-obj3 x eq ) 
+                } 
+            }  where
+                lemma-y-obj1 : {b : Obj A } → (x : Hom A a b) →  A [ id1 A b o x ] ≡ x
+                lemma-y-obj1 {b} x = let open ≈-Reasoning A  in ≡←≈ idL
+                lemma-y-obj2 :  (a₁ b c : Obj A) (f : Hom A a₁ b) (g : Hom A b c ) → (x : Hom A a a₁ )→ 
+                       A [ A [ g o f ] o x ] ≡ (Sets [ _[_o_] A g o _[_o_] A f ]) x
+                lemma-y-obj2 a₁ b c f g x = let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ ( sym assoc )
+                lemma-y-obj3 :  {b c : Obj A} {f g : Hom A b c } → (x : Hom A a b ) → A [ f ≈ g ] →   A [ f o x ] ≡ A [ g o x ]
+                lemma-y-obj3 {_} {_} {f} {g} x eq =  let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ ( resp refl-hom eq )
+        -- Representable  U  ≈ Hom(A,-)
+        record Representable  { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ )
+              ( ≡←≈ :   {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } →  (x≈y : A [ x ≈ y  ]) → x ≡ y )
+              ( U : Functor A (Sets {c₂}) ) (a : Obj A) : Set  (suc ℓ ⊔ (suc (suc c₂) ⊔ suc c₁ ))  where
+           field
+                 -- FObj U x  :  A  → Set
+                 -- FMap U f  =  Set → Set (locally small)
+                 -- λ b → Hom (a,b) :  A → Set
+                 -- λ f → Hom (a,-) = λ b → Hom  a b    
+                 repr→ : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) U (Yoneda A  ≡←≈  a )
+                 repr← : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) (Yoneda A  ≡←≈  a)  U
+                 reprId→  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr→ x  o  TMap repr← x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj (Yoneda A  ≡←≈  a) x )]
+                 reprId←  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr← x  o  TMap repr→ x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj U x)]
--- a/src/free-monoid.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/free-monoid.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 open import Category.Cat
 open import HomReasoning
 open import cat-utility
-open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import Relation.Binary.Structures
 open import universal-mapping 
 open import  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality 
 -- from
-open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₁; Op₂)
+open import Algebra.Definitions -- using (Op₁; Op₂)
+open import Algebra.Core
 open import Algebra.Structures
 open import Data.Product
 record ≡-Monoid : Set (suc c) where
   infixr 9 _∙_
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 -- Functional Extensionality Axiom (We cannot prove this in Agda / Coq, just assumming )
 -- postulate extensionality : { a b : Obj A } {f g : Hom A a b } → (∀ {x} → (f x ≡ g x))  → ( f ≡ g ) 
-postulate extensionality : Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c c 
+-- postulate extensionality : Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c c 
 isMonoids : IsCategory ≡-Monoid Monomorph _==_  _+_  (M-id)
 isMonoids  = record  { isEquivalence =  isEquivalence1 
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
                           f ==  g → h ==  i → (h + f) ==  (i + g)
         o-resp-≈ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i} f==g h==i =  let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
              morph ( h + f )
-         ≡⟨ ≡-cong ( λ  g → ( ( λ (x : Carrier a ) →  g x ) )) (extensionality {Carrier a} lemma11) ⟩
+         ≡⟨ ≡-cong ( λ  g → ( ( λ (x : Carrier a ) →  g x ) )) (extensionality (Sets ) {Carrier a} lemma11) ⟩
              morph ( i + g )

@@ -184,15 +184,12 @@
     Carrier    =  List a
     ;  _∙_ = _++_
     ; ε        = []
-    ; isMonoid = record {
-          identity = ( ( λ x → list-id-l {a}  ) , ( λ x → list-id-r {a} ) ) ;
-          isSemigroup = record {
-               assoc =  λ x → λ y → λ z → sym ( list-assoc {a} {x} {y} {z} )
-             ; isEquivalence = list-isEquivalence
-             ; ∙-cong = λ x → λ y →  list-o-resp-≈ y x
-          }
-      }
-    }
+    ;  isMonoid  = record { isSemigroup = record { isMagma = record {
+       isEquivalence =  list-isEquivalence
+       ; ∙-cong =  λ x → λ y →  list-o-resp-≈ y x }
+       ; assoc = λ x → λ y → λ z → sym ( list-assoc {a} {x} {y} {z} ) }
+       ; identity =  ( ( λ x → list-id-l {a}  ) , ( λ x → list-id-r {a} ) )
+      } }
 Generator : Obj A → Obj B
 Generator s =  list s
@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@
                          ( λ (x : a ) →  b < ( f x ) ∙ (Φ {a} {b} f [] ) > )
                          ( λ (x : a ) →  b <    ( f x ) ∙ ( ε b ) > )
-                     ≡⟨ ≡-cong ( λ  g → ( ( λ (x : a ) →  g x ) )) (extensionality {a} lemma-ext1) ⟩
+                     ≡⟨ ≡-cong ( λ  g → ( ( λ (x : a ) →  g x ) )) (extensionality A {a} lemma-ext1) ⟩
                          ( λ (x : a ) →  f x  )
@@ -267,7 +264,7 @@
         uniquness :  {a : Obj A } {b : Obj B} { f : Hom A a (FObj U b) } →
              { g :  Hom B (Generator a) b } → (FMap U g) o (eta a )  ≡ f  → B [ solution a b f ≈ g ]
         uniquness {a} {b} {f} {g} eq =  
-                     extensionality  lemma-ext2 where
+                     extensionality  A lemma-ext2 where
                         lemma-ext2 : ( ∀( x : List a ) → (morph ( solution a b f)) x  ≡ (morph g) x  )
                         -- (morph ( solution a b f)) []  ≡ (morph g) []  )
                         lemma-ext2 [] = let open ≡-Reasoning in
@@ -288,7 +285,7 @@
                              ≡⟨  ≡-cong ( λ k → ( b <   ( k x ) ∙ ((morph g) ( xs )) >  )) (
                                      ( λ x → (morph ( solution a b f)) ( x :: [] ) )
-                                 ≡⟨ extensionality {a} lemma-ext3 ⟩
+                                 ≡⟨ extensionality A {a} lemma-ext3 ⟩
                                      ( λ x → (morph g) ( x :: [] ) )

                              ) ⟩
--- a/src/freyd2.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/freyd2.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 open import HomReasoning
-open import cat-utility
+open import cat-utility hiding (Yoneda)
 open import Relation.Binary.Core
 open import Function
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
 -- A is localy small
 postulate ≡←≈ :  { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ )  {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } →  (x≈y : A [ x ≈ y  ]) → x ≡ y
+Yoneda : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) (a : Obj A) → Functor A (Sets {c₂})
+Yoneda  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A a = cat-utility.Yoneda A (≡←≈ A) a
 import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
 -- Extensionality a b = {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g → ( λ x → f x ≡ λ x → g x )
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
+-- postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
@@ -40,47 +44,47 @@
 open IsLimit
 open import Category.Cat
-Yoneda : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) (a : Obj A) → Functor A (Sets {c₂})
-Yoneda  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A a = record {
-    FObj = λ b → Hom A a b
-  ; FMap = λ {x} {y} (f : Hom A x y ) → λ ( g : Hom A a x ) → A [ f o g ]    --   f : Hom A x y  → Hom Sets (Hom A a x ) (Hom A a y)
-  ; isFunctor = record {
-             identity =  λ {b} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj1 {b} x ) ;
-             distr = λ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj2 a b c f g x ) ;
-             ≈-cong = λ eq → extensionality A ( λ x →  lemma-y-obj3 x eq ) 
-        } 
-    }  where
-        lemma-y-obj1 : {b : Obj A } → (x : Hom A a b) →  A [ id1 A b o x ] ≡ x
-        lemma-y-obj1 {b} x = let open ≈-Reasoning A  in ≡←≈ A idL
-        lemma-y-obj2 :  (a₁ b c : Obj A) (f : Hom A a₁ b) (g : Hom A b c ) → (x : Hom A a a₁ )→ 
-               A [ A [ g o f ] o x ] ≡ (Sets [ _[_o_] A g o _[_o_] A f ]) x
-        lemma-y-obj2 a₁ b c f g x = let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ A ( begin
-               A [ A [ g o f ] o x ]
-             ≈↑⟨ assoc ⟩
-               A [ g o A [ f o x ] ]
-             ≈⟨⟩
-               ( λ x →  A [ g o x  ]  ) ( ( λ x → A [ f o x ] ) x )
-             ∎ )
-        lemma-y-obj3 :  {b c : Obj A} {f g : Hom A b c } → (x : Hom A a b ) → A [ f ≈ g ] →   A [ f o x ] ≡ A [ g o x ]
-        lemma-y-obj3 {_} {_} {f} {g} x eq =  let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ A ( begin
-                A [ f o x ]
-             ≈⟨ resp refl-hom eq ⟩
-                A [ g o x ]
-             ∎ )
+-- Yoneda : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) (a : Obj A) → Functor A (Sets {c₂})
+-- Yoneda  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A a = record {
+--     FObj = λ b → Hom A a b
+--   ; FMap = λ {x} {y} (f : Hom A x y ) → λ ( g : Hom A a x ) → A [ f o g ]    --   f : Hom A x y  → Hom Sets (Hom A a x ) (Hom A a y)
+--   ; isFunctor = record {
+--              identity =  λ {b} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj1 {b} x ) ;
+--              distr = λ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} → extensionality A ( λ x → lemma-y-obj2 a b c f g x ) ;
+--              ≈-cong = λ eq → extensionality A ( λ x →  lemma-y-obj3 x eq ) 
+--         } 
+--     }  where
+--         lemma-y-obj1 : {b : Obj A } → (x : Hom A a b) →  A [ id1 A b o x ] ≡ x
+--         lemma-y-obj1 {b} x = let open ≈-Reasoning A  in ≡←≈ A idL
+--         lemma-y-obj2 :  (a₁ b c : Obj A) (f : Hom A a₁ b) (g : Hom A b c ) → (x : Hom A a a₁ )→ 
+--                A [ A [ g o f ] o x ] ≡ (Sets [ _[_o_] A g o _[_o_] A f ]) x
+--         lemma-y-obj2 a₁ b c f g x = let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ A ( begin
+--                A [ A [ g o f ] o x ]
+--              ≈↑⟨ assoc ⟩
+--                A [ g o A [ f o x ] ]
+--              ≈⟨⟩
+--                ( λ x →  A [ g o x  ]  ) ( ( λ x → A [ f o x ] ) x )
+--              ∎ )
+--         lemma-y-obj3 :  {b c : Obj A} {f g : Hom A b c } → (x : Hom A a b ) → A [ f ≈ g ] →   A [ f o x ] ≡ A [ g o x ]
+--         lemma-y-obj3 {_} {_} {f} {g} x eq =  let open ≈-Reasoning A in ≡←≈ A ( begin
+--                 A [ f o x ]
+--              ≈⟨ resp refl-hom eq ⟩
+--                 A [ g o x ]
+--              ∎ )
--- Representable  U  ≈ Hom(A,-)
+-- -- Representable  U  ≈ Hom(A,-)
-record Representable  { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) ( U : Functor A (Sets {c₂}) ) (a : Obj A) : Set  (suc ℓ ⊔ (suc (suc c₂) ⊔ suc c₁ ))  where
-   field
-         -- FObj U x  :  A  → Set
-         -- FMap U f  =  Set → Set (locally small)
-         -- λ b → Hom (a,b) :  A → Set
-         -- λ f → Hom (a,-) = λ b → Hom  a b    
+-- record Representable  { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) ( U : Functor A (Sets {c₂}) ) (a : Obj A) : Set  (suc ℓ ⊔ (suc (suc c₂) ⊔ suc c₁ ))  where
+--    field
+--          -- FObj U x  :  A  → Set
+--          -- FMap U f  =  Set → Set (locally small)
+--          -- λ b → Hom (a,b) :  A → Set
+--          -- λ f → Hom (a,-) = λ b → Hom  a b    
-         repr→ : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) U (Yoneda A a )
-         repr← : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) (Yoneda A a)  U
-         reprId→  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr→ x  o  TMap repr← x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj (Yoneda A a) x )]
-         reprId←  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr← x  o  TMap repr→ x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj U x)]
+--          repr→ : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) U (Yoneda A a )
+--          repr← : NTrans A (Sets {c₂}) (Yoneda A a)  U
+--          reprId→  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr→ x  o  TMap repr← x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj (Yoneda A a) x )]
+--          reprId←  :  {x : Obj A} →  Sets [ Sets [ TMap repr← x  o  TMap repr→ x ] ≈ id1 (Sets {c₂}) (FObj U x)]
 open Representable
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@
 YonedaFpreserveLimit0 : {c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} (A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ) (I : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ)
       (b : Obj A ) 
       (Γ : Functor I A) (limita : Limit I A Γ) →
-        IsLimit I Sets (Yoneda A b ○ Γ) (FObj (Yoneda A b) (a0 limita)) (LimitNat I A Sets Γ (a0 limita) (t0 limita) (Yoneda A b))
+        IsLimit I Sets (Yoneda A  b ○ Γ) (FObj (Yoneda A  b) (a0 limita)) (LimitNat I A Sets Γ (a0 limita) (t0 limita) (Yoneda A b))
 YonedaFpreserveLimit0 {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A I b Γ lim = record {
          limit = λ a t → ψ a t
        ; t0f=t = λ {a t i} → t0f=t0 a t i
@@ -281,7 +285,7 @@
      (U : Functor A (Sets {c₂}) )
      ( i : Obj ( K A Sets * ↓ U) )
      (In : HasInitialObject ( K A Sets * ↓ U) i ) 
-       → Representable A U (obj i)
+       → Representable A (≡←≈ A) U (obj i)
 UisRepresentable A U i In = record {
         repr→ = record { TMap = tmap1 ; isNTrans = record { commute = comm1 } }
         ; repr← = record { TMap = tmap2 ; isNTrans = record { commute = comm2 } }
--- a/src/maybe-monad.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/maybe-monad.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 open import Relation.Binary.Core
 open import Category.Cat
-import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
 -- Extensionality a b = {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g → ( λ x → f x ≡ λ x → g x )
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c₂ c₂
+-- postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 data maybe  (A : Set c) :  Set c where
     just :  A → maybe A
@@ -87,9 +87,12 @@
         A [ A [ FMap Maybe f o tmap a ] ≈ A [ tmap b o FMap (Maybe ○ Maybe) f ] ]
      comm {a} {b} {f} = extensionality A ( λ x → comm1 a b f x )
-MaybeMonad : Monad A Maybe Maybe-η Maybe-μ 
+MaybeMonad : Monad A 
 MaybeMonad = record {
-       isMonad = record {
+       T = Maybe
+     ; η = Maybe-η
+     ; μ = Maybe-μ
+     ; isMonad = record {
            unity1 = unity1
            ; unity2 = unity2
            ; assoc  = assoc
--- a/src/monoid-monad.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/monoid-monad.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -111,11 +111,6 @@
 Lemma-MM36  x y z = ( IsMonoid.assoc ( isMonoid M ))  x y z
 import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
--- postulate extensionality : { a b : Obj A } {f g : Hom A a b } →  Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c c
--- postulate extensionality : Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c c
-import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality  c₂ c₂
 -- Multi Arguments Functional Extensionality
 extensionality30 : {f g : Carrier M → Carrier M → Carrier M → Carrier M } → 
--- a/src/monoidal.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/monoidal.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -21,6 +21,14 @@
 --          iso←  :  C [ C [ ≅→ o ≅←  ] ≈  id1 C y ]
 -- Monoidal Category
+--                       αA□BCD                        αAB□CD
+--   (((a □ b) □ c ) □ d)   →    ((a □ (b □ c)) □ d)     →  (a □ ((b □ c ) □ d))
+--     ↓ αA□BCD                1A□BCD      ↓                      ↓  αAB□CD   
+--   ((a □ b ) □ (c □ d))   ←   (a □ (b □ ( c □ d) ))    ← -------+
+--                       αABC□D
 record IsMonoidal  {c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} (C : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ) (I : Obj C) ( BI : Functor ( C × C ) C )
         : Set ( suc  (c₁ ⊔ c₂ ⊔ ℓ ⊔ c₁)) where
@@ -267,8 +275,6 @@
 open import Category.Sets
 import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
--- Extensionality a b = {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g → ( λ x → f x ≡ λ x → g x )
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 -- Data.Product as a Tensor Product for Monoidal Category
--- a/src/stdalone-kleisli.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/stdalone-kleisli.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@

-import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
-postulate extensionality : {  c₂  : Level} ( A : Category  {c₂} ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
+-- import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
+-- postulate extensionality : {  c₂  : Level} ( A : Category  {c₂} ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 --            t a 
--- a/src/system-f.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/system-f.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 lemma21 : {l : Level} {X : Set l} ( x y : Int X ) → add x Zero  ≡ x
 lemma21 x y = refl
-postulate extensionality : {l : Level } → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality l l
+-- postulate extensionality : {l : Level } → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality l l
 --lemma23 : {l : Level} {X : Set l} ( x y : Int X ) → add x (S y)  ≡ S ( add x y )
 --lemma23 x y = extensionality ( λ z → {!!} )
--- a/src/yoneda.agda	Tue Mar 30 23:31:10 2021 +0900
+++ b/src/yoneda.agda	Wed Mar 31 15:58:02 2021 +0900
@@ -79,10 +79,6 @@
 -- A is Locally small
 postulate ≈-≡ :  { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ )  {a b : Obj A } { x y : Hom A a b } →  (x≈y : A [ x ≈ y  ]) → x ≡ y
-import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
--- Extensionality a b = {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g → ( λ x → f x ≡ λ x → g x )
-postulate extensionality : { c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level} ( A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ ) → Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional.Extensionality c₂ c₂
 --  Object mapping in Yoneda Functor