view FLComm.agda @ 196:ca656da4d484

author Shinji KONO <>
date Sun, 29 Nov 2020 22:24:50 +0900
parents af2428b97f60
children 57188c35ea1a
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{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Data.Nat -- using (ℕ; suc; zero; s≤s ; z≤n )
module FLComm (n : ℕ) where

open import Level renaming ( suc to Suc ; zero to Zero ) hiding (lift)
open import Data.Fin hiding ( _<_  ; _≤_ ; _-_ ; _+_ ; _≟_)
open import Data.Fin.Properties hiding ( <-trans ; ≤-refl ; ≤-trans ; ≤-irrelevant ; _≟_ ) renaming ( <-cmp to <-fcmp )
open import Data.Fin.Permutation  
open import Data.Nat.Properties 
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] ) renaming ( sym to ≡-sym )
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_ ; length ; _++_ ; tail ) renaming (reverse to rev )
open import Data.Product hiding (_,_ )
open import Relation.Nullary 
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import  Relation.Binary.Core 
open import  Relation.Binary.Definitions hiding (Symmetric )
open import logic
open import nat

open import FLutil
open import Putil
import Solvable 
open import Symmetric

-- infixr  100 _::_

open import Relation.Nary using (⌊_⌋)
open import Data.List.Fresh hiding ([_])
open import Data.List.Fresh.Relation.Unary.Any

open Solvable (Symmetric n) 

tl3 : (FL n) → ( z : FList n) → FList n → FList n
tl3 h [] w = w
tl3 h (x ∷# z) w = tl3 h z (FLinsert ( perm→FL [ FL→perm h , FL→perm x ] ) w )
tl2 : ( x z : FList n) → FList n →  FList n
tl2 [] _ x = x
tl2 (h ∷# x) z w = tl2 x z (tl3 h z w)

CommFList  :  FList n →  FList n
CommFList x =  tl2 x x [] 

CommFListN  : ℕ  →  FList n
CommFListN  0 = ∀Flist fmax
CommFListN  (suc i) = CommFList (CommFListN i)

open import Algebra 
open Group (Symmetric n) hiding (refl)

CommStage→ : (i : ℕ) → (x : Permutation n n ) → deriving i x → Any (perm→FL x ≡_) ( CommFListN i )
CommStage→ zero x (Level.lift tt) = AnyFList (perm→FL x)
CommStage→ (suc i) .( [ g , h ] ) (comm {g} {h} p q) = comm2 (CommFListN i) (CommFListN i) (CommStage→ i g p) (CommStage→ i h q) [] where
   G = perm→FL g
   H = perm→FL h
   comm6 : perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ] ≡ perm→FL [ g , h ]
   comm6 = pcong-pF (comm-resp (FL←iso _) (FL←iso _))  
   comm3 : (L1 : FList n) → Any (H ≡_) L1 → (L3 : FList n) → Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl3 G L1 L3)
   comm3 (H ∷# []) (here refl) L3 = subst (λ k → Any (_≡_  k) (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ]) L3 ) )
       comm6 (x∈FLins ( perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ] ) L3 )
   -- Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl3 G (cons H (cons a L1 x) x₁) L3)
   comm3 (cons H L1 x₁) (here refl) L3 = comma L1 L3 where
       commb : (a : FL n) → (L1 L3 : FList n) → (xr : fresh (FL n) ⌊ _f<?_ ⌋ a L1 )
           → Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl3 G L1 (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ]) L3))
           → Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl3 G (cons a L1 xr) (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ]) L3))
       commb a L1 L3 xr wh = {!!}
       comma :  (L1 L3 : FList n)  →  Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl3 G L1 (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ]) L3))
       comma [] L3 = subst (λ k → Any (_≡_  k) (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ]) L3 ) ) comm6 (x∈FLins ( perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm H ] ) L3 )
       comma (cons a L1 xr) L3 = commb a L1 L3 xr (comma L1 L3)
   comm3 (cons a L  _) (there b) L3 = comm3 L b (FLinsert (perm→FL [ FL→perm G , FL→perm a ]) L3)
   comm2 : (L L1 : FList n) → Any (G ≡_) L → Any (H ≡_) L1 → (L3 : FList n) → Any (perm→FL [ g , h ]  ≡_) (tl2 L L1 L3)
   comm2 (cons G L xr) L1 (here refl) b L3 = comm7 L L3 where
       comm7 : (L L3 : FList n) → Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl2 L L1 (tl3 G L1 L3))
       comm8 : (L5 L4 L3 : FList n) → (a : FL n) → Any (_≡_ (perm→FL [ g , h ])) (tl2 L4 L1 (tl3 a L5 (tl3 (perm→FL g) L1 L3)))
       comm8 [] L4 L3 a = comm7 L4 L3
       comm8 (cons a₁ L5 x) L4 L3 a = {!!}
       comm7 [] L3 = comm3 L1 b L3  
       comm7 (cons a L4 x) L3 = comm8 L1 L4 L3 a
   comm2 (cons x L xr) L1 (there a) b L3 = comm2 L L1 a b {!!}
CommStage→ (suc i) x (ccong {f} {x} eq p) = subst (λ k → Any (k ≡_) (tl2 (CommFListN i) (CommFListN i) [])) (comm4 eq) (CommStage→ (suc i) f p ) where
   comm4 : f =p= x →  perm→FL f ≡ perm→FL x
   comm4 = pcong-pF

CommSolved : (x : Permutation n n) → (y : FList n) → y ≡ FL0 ∷# [] → (FL→perm (FL0 {n}) =p= pid ) → Any (perm→FL x ≡_) y → x =p= pid
CommSolved x .(cons FL0 [] (Level.lift tt)) refl eq0 (here eq) = FLpid _ eq eq0