1 ********************************************************************
2 * scbbp.asm - CoCo Bit-Banger Printer Driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Enhanced and re-written by Alan DeKok
7 *
8 * Problems with original:
9 * returns wrong error on Read/SetStt
10 * doesn't block output. The printer is a single-user device!
11 *
12 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
13 * Comment
14 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
15 * 13 2003/01/05 Boisy G. Pitre
16 * Back-ported to OS-9 Level Two.
17 *
18 * 2003/09/04 Boisy G. Pitre
19 * Back-ported to OS-9 Level One.
21 nam scbbp
22 ttl CoCo Bit-Banger Printer Driver
24 ifp1
25 use defsfile
26 endc
28 tylg set Drivr+Objct
29 atrv set ReEnt+Rev
30 rev set $00
31 edition set 13
33 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,Start,Size
35 fcb READ.+WRITE.
37 name fcs /scbbp/
38 fcb edition one more revision level than the stock printer
40 * Device memory area: offset from U
41 org V.SCF V.SCF: free memory for driver to use
42 V.PAR rmb 1 1=space, 2=mark parity
43 V.BIT rmb 1 0=7, 1=8 bits
44 V.STP rmb 1 0=1 stop bit, 1=2 stop bits
45 V.COM rmb 2 Com Status baud/parity (=Y from SS.Comst Set/GetStt
46 V.COL rmb 1 columns
47 V.ROW rmb 1 rows
48 V.WAIT rmb 2 wait count for baud rate?
49 V.TRY rmb 2 number of re-tries if printer is busy
50 V.RTRY rmb 1 low nibble of parity=high byte of number of retries
51 V.BUFF rmb $80 room for 128 blocked processes
52 size equ .
54 * Baud Rate Delay Table
55 BaudDly equ *
56 IFEQ Level-1
57 * OS-9 Level One delay values (0.89MHz)
58 fdb $0482 110 baud
59 fdb $01A2 300 baud
60 fdb $00CD 600 baud
61 fdb $0063 1200 baud
62 fdb $002D 2400 baud
63 fdb $0013 4800 baud
64 fdb $0005 9600 baud
66 IFEQ H6309
67 * OS-9 Level Two delay values (1.78MHz)
68 fdb $090C 110 baud
69 fdb $034C 300 baud
70 fdb $01A2 600 baud
71 fdb $00CE 1200 baud
72 fdb $0062 2400 baud
73 fdb $002E 4800 baud
74 fdb $0012 9600 baud
75 fdb $0003 32000 baud
77 * NitrOS-9 Level Two delay values (1.78MHz)
78 fdb $090C 110 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
79 fdb $03D0 300 baud
80 fdb $01A2 600 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
81 fdb $00F0 1200 baud
82 fdb $0073 2400 baud
83 fdb $0036 4800 baud
84 fdb $0017 9600 baud
85 fdb $0003 32000 baud (Unchanged, unknown)
90 start equ *
91 lbra Init
92 lbra Read
93 lbra Write
94 lbra GetStt
95 lbra SetStt
97 * Term
98 *
99 * Entry:
100 * U = address of device memory area
101 *
102 * Exit:
103 * CC = carry set on error
104 * B = error code
105 *
106 Term equ *
107 clrb
108 rts
110 * Init
111 *
112 * Entry:
113 * Y = address of device descriptor
114 * U = address of device memory area
115 *
116 * Exit:
117 * CC = carry set on error
118 * B = error code
119 *
120 Init orcc #IntMasks
121 ldx #PIA1Base
122 clr $01,x
123 ldd <IT.COL,y get number of columns/rows
124 std <V.COL,u save it in statics
125 lda #$FE
126 sta ,x
127 lda #$36
128 sta $01,x
129 lda ,x
130 andcc #^IntMasks
131 ldd <IT.PAR,y parity and baud rate
132 lbsr L0138 setup parity/baud in device memory
133 lbsr L0104 get low bit of $FF22 into carry
134 lbcs L0100 it's the ready flag
135 * clear out buffer
136 leax V.BUFF,u room for 128 blocked processes
137 ldb #128
138 I010 clr ,x+ we're more concerned with room
139 decb than with speed, so we don't use TFM
140 bne I010
141 rts
143 L005F ldb <PD.BAU,y get baud rate in path desc.
144 andb #$0F keep lower nibble
145 cmpb #$07 compare against highest
146 lbhs Read
147 aslb
148 leax <BaudDly,pc table of delay times
149 ldx b,x get delay counter
150 stx <V.WAIT,u save it off
151 clrb
152 rts
154 Bit_2 ldb #$02
155 L007D stb >PIA1Base
156 L0080 pshs d
157 ldd <V.WAIT,u get wait count for baud rate
158 L0085 equ *
159 IFNE H6309
160 decd count down by one
161 ELSE
162 subd #$0001
163 ENDC
164 bne L0085
165 puls pc,d
167 * Write
168 *
169 * Entry:
170 * A = character to write
171 * Y = address of path descriptor
172 * U = address of device memory area
173 *
174 * Exit:
175 * CC = carry set on error
176 * B = error code
177 *
178 Write equ *
179 leax V.BUFF,u point to the buffer
180 ldb V.BUSY,u get my process number
181 tst ,x get allowed process number
182 bne W010 if not zero, else
183 stb ,x I'm the only one allowed to use it
185 W010 cmpb ,x am I allowed to use /p?
186 beq W030 if yes, go write a character
188 ***************************************************************
189 * WARNING: If more than 128 processes try to use the printer,
190 * this will CRASH BADLY. Since Level II on the Coco is limited
191 * to 32 processes, I don't think it's a problem.
192 ***************************************************************
194 W020 tst ,x+ if not, find the first non-zero entry
195 bne W020
196 stb -1,x and save my process number at the first zero
197 pshs a
198 lda V.BUFF,u process that's allowed to use /p
199 sta V.BUSY,u make it the busy one
200 ldb #S$Wake wake it up
201 os9 F$Send send a signal to wake it
202 IFNE H6309
203 tfr 0,x
204 ELSE
205 ldx #$0000
206 ENDC
207 os9 F$Sleep and go to sleep forever
208 puls a restore character to be sent, and continue
210 W030 bsr L005F set up baud rate, etc in memory
211 bcs L00CA
212 pshs a
213 bsr L00CB make sure that the device is ready
214 puls a
215 bcs L00CA if the device is not ready
216 IFNE H6309
217 lde #$09 9 bits to send out
218 ELSE
219 pshs b,a
220 lda #$09
221 sta 1,s
222 puls a
223 ENDC
224 orcc #IntMasks turn off interrupts
225 tst <V.BIT,u number of bits
226 beq L00AC if 7 bits, count down by one
227 IFNE H6309
228 dece initially send out start bit
229 ELSE
230 dec ,s
231 ENDC
233 L00AC bsr L007D write B to $FF20 and wait
234 clrb
235 lsra move A into carry
236 rolb
237 rolb
238 IFNE H6309
239 dece count down on the number of bits to send
240 ELSE
241 dec ,s
242 ENDC
243 bne L00AC
244 IFEQ H6309
245 puls b
246 ENDC
247 ldb <V.PAR,u space/mark parity
248 beq L00BC 0=no parity
249 andb #$FE 1=space, 0=mark parity
250 * should be andb #$FD I think...
251 bsr L007D dump out parity
252 L00BC bsr Bit_2 and a stop bit
253 tst <V.STP,u do another one?
254 beq L00C9
255 bsr Bit_2 yes, dump out another stop bit
256 L00C9 andcc #^IntMasks
257 L00CA rts
259 L0104 pshs b
260 ldb >PIA1Base+$02 get a byte
261 lsrb
262 puls pc,b
264 L00CB equ *
265 IFNE H6309
266 clrd
267 ELSE
268 clra
269 clrb
270 ENDC
271 std <V.TRY,u
272 L00D0 ldd #$0303
273 L00D3 bsr L0104 get device ready status
274 bcs L00DE if not ready, wait for a bit
275 IFNE H6309
276 bsr L0080 wait
277 ELSE
278 lbsr L0080 wait
279 ENDC
280 decb
281 bne L00D3 try again
282 clrb
283 rts
285 L00DE lbsr L0080 wait for a while
286 deca try 3 times,
287 bne L00D3
288 pshs x
289 ldx #$0001
290 os9 F$Sleep sleep for the rest of this tick
291 puls x
292 ldd <V.TRY,u
293 IFNE H6309
294 incd we've tried once more and failed...
295 ELSE
296 addd #$0001
297 ENDC
298 std <V.TRY,u
299 ldb <V.RTRY,u number of retries to do
300 beq L00D0 if unspecified, keep retrying
301 cmpb <V.TRY,u if exceeded number of retries,
302 bhi L00D0 then we crap out
304 L0100 comb
305 ldb #E$NotRdy
306 rts
308 * GetStat
309 *
310 * Entry:
311 * A = function code
312 * Y = address of path descriptor
313 * U = address of device memory area
314 *
315 * Exit:
316 * CC = carry set on error
317 * B = error code
318 *
319 GetStt cmpa #SS.EOF end of file?
320 bne L0112
321 clrb if so, exit with no error
322 rts
324 L0112 ldx PD.RGS,y
325 cmpa #SS.ScSiz
326 beq L0123
327 cmpa #SS.ComSt
328 bne L0173
329 ldd <V.COM,u get Com status
330 std R$Y,x
331 clrb
332 rts
334 * get screen size GetStt
335 L0123 clra
336 ldb <V.COL,u
337 std R$X,x
338 ldb <V.ROW,u
339 std R$Y,x
340 clrb
341 rts
343 * SetStat
344 *
345 * Entry:
346 * A = function code
347 * Y = address of path descriptor
348 * U = address of device memory area
349 *
350 * Exit:
351 * CC = carry set on error
352 * B = error code
353 *
354 SetStt cmpa #SS.ComSt
355 bne Close if not, check if it's a close
356 ldx PD.RGS,y
357 ldd R$Y,x
358 * A = Parity byte
359 * B = baud rate
360 L0138 std <V.COM,u save parity, baud rate in com status
361 IFNE H6309
362 clrd
363 ELSE
364 clra
365 clrb
366 ENDC
367 std <V.PAR,u
368 sta <V.STP,u
369 ldd <V.COM,u
370 tstb
371 bpl L014C
372 inc <V.STP,u do 2 stop bits
373 L014C bitb #$40 make sure the bit is zero
374 bne Read
375 bitb #$20 0=8, 1=7 bits
376 beq L0157
377 inc <V.BIT,u
378 L0157 bita #$20
379 beq L0169 if=0, no parity
380 bita #$80
381 beq Read if high bit set (only for ACIA devices), error out
382 inc <V.PAR,u parity
383 bita #$40
384 bne L0169 1=space,
385 inc <V.PAR,u 2=mark parity
386 L0169 anda #$0F
387 sta <V.RTRY,u
388 rts
390 Read comb
391 ldb #E$BMode
392 rts
394 L0173 comb
395 ldb #E$UnkSVc
396 rts
398 Close cmpa #SS.Close close the device?
399 bne L0173
400 leax V.BUFF,u point to blocked process buffer
402 C010 lda 1,x get next process number
403 sta ,x+
404 bne C010 do until we have a zero byte
406 lda V.BUFF,u get the first process in the queue
407 beq C020 if none left
408 ldb #S$Wake wake up signal
409 os9 F$Send re-start the blocked process
411 C020 clrb
412 rts
414 emod
415 eom equ *
416 end