1 ********************************************************************
2 * Cobbler - Boot generation utility
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 7 Reworked AD
9 * 8 Fixed error where $40+C$CR should have been BGP 98/10/20
10 * $40*256+C$CR
12 nam Cobbler
13 ttl Boot generation utility
15 * Disassembled 94/10/23 11:19:48 by Alan DeKok
17 * WARNING: This is a LEVEL II Cobbler only!
19 ifp1
20 use os9defs
21 use scfdefs
22 use rbfdefs
23 endc
25 tylg set Prgrm+Objct
26 atrv set ReEnt+rev
27 rev set $01
28 edition set 8
30 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
31 u0000 rmb 3
32 u0003 rmb 1
33 u0004 rmb 12
34 u0010 rmb 5
36 u0015 rmb 1
37 u0016 rmb 2
38 u0018 rmb 2
39 * Everything before here is the DD.foo equivalent
40 PathO rmb 1 path output to OS9boot file
41 Path rmb 3 path to /DEVICE@
42 KernelF rmb 1 0=write kernel track, 1= don't
43 BootF rmb 1 0=write boot track, 1=don't
44 FileNm rmb 20 /DEVICE/OS9Boot memory
45 rmb 16
46 SysDAT rmb 16 copy of the system DAT image
47 FileDesc rmb $20 room for first bit of file descriptor
48 AllMap rmb 1024 allocation map is entirely too large...
49 Buffer rmb $2000 only copy 8k at a time
50 rmb 200 room for the stack
51 size equ .
53 name fcs /Cobbler/
54 fcb edition my version of cobbler
56 L0015 fdb $0000 minimal DAT image for checking out the system.
58 OS9Boot fcs '/OS9Boot'
59 Rel fcc /Rel/
61 start clr <KernelF force a write of the kernel track
62 clr <BootF force a write of the boot track
63 skip ldd ,x+
64 cmpa #C$SPAC space?
65 beq skip
66 cmpa #'- hyphen?
67 bne s.001
69 andb #$DF make it uppercase
70 cmpb #'K force no write of kernel track?
71 bne check.b no, check for the boot track stuff
72 stb <KernelF save the kernel flag
73 bra s.000
75 check.b cmpb #'B don't write boot?
76 bne go.help no, print out help message
77 stb <BootF save the boot flag
79 s.000 leax 1,x skip the character
80 lda ,x++ get the next character, and point to the next one
81 cmpa #$20 space?
82 bne go.help no, print out a help message
84 s.001 leax -1,x
85 lda #'/
86 cmpa ,x is the first character a slash?
87 Go.help lbne Help not a device name, error out
88 os9 F$PrsNam parse the name
89 lbcs Exit exit on error
90 lda #'/ is the next character a slash?
91 cmpa ,y check it
92 lbeq Help yes, dump out a help message
93 ldy #FileNm point to the filename buffer
94 L013C sta ,y+ make first character a slash
95 lda ,x+ copy the name over
96 decb
97 bpl L013C
98 ldd #$40*256+C$CR '@+CR'
99 std ,y save in the buffer
100 ldx #FileNm point to the filename again
101 lda #UPDAT.
102 os9 I$Open open /DEVICE@
103 sta <Path save the path to the file
104 lbcs Exit dump out help on an error
105 leax ,y point to end of '/DEVICE' name
106 leay >OS9Boot,pcr point to the OS9Boot name
107 L0162 lda ,y+ get a byte from the name
108 sta ,x+ save in my buffer
109 bpl L0162 copy it over
111 leax ,u both are zero in a level II system
112 lda <Path
113 os9 I$Seek seek to LSN0
114 lbcs Exit dump out error if encountered
116 * X is implicitely zero from the call above
117 ldy #DD.BSZ+2 read everything up to the boot size
118 lda <Path
119 os9 I$Read get it
120 lbcs Exit
122 tst <BootF replace OS9Boot?
123 lbne no.boot no, go write the kernel track
125 ldd <DD.BSZ get the boot size
126 lbeq L019F if non-existent, don't delete it
127 ldx #FileNm point to /DEVICE/OS9boot
128 os9 I$Delete delete it, if it exists
129 clra
130 clrb
131 sta <DD.BT NO OS9boot file on this disk
132 std <DD.BT+1
133 std <DD.BSZ
134 lbsr L045A dump out LSN0 information again
136 L019F ldd #(UPDAT.*256)+UPDAT.
137 ldx #FileNm create a /DEVICE/OS9Boot file
138 os9 I$Create
139 lbcs Exit
140 sta <PathO
142 leax >L0015,pcr temporary DAT image
143 tfr x,d
144 ldx #$0000 get copy of direct page
145 ldy #$0090 first $90 bytes
146 ldu #Buffer to a buffer
147 os9 F$CpyMem copy memory
148 lbcs Exit
150 leax >L0015,pcr
151 tfr x,d use it as temporary DAT image
152 ldx >Buffer+D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT image
153 ldy #$0010 get a copy of it
154 ldu #SysDAT point to room for the system DAT image
155 os9 F$CpyMem get the system DAT image
156 lbcs Exit
157 ldx #Buffer
158 ldd <D.BtPtr,x address of boot in system memory
159 pshs d save a copy of it
160 ldd <D.BtSz,x size of the OS9Boot file in system memory
161 std <DD.BSZ save in the boot size info for LSN0
162 pshs d save the size
163 L01F7 ldy #$2000 only do 8k at a time
164 cmpy ,s default to one block???
165 bls L0203
166 ldy ,s get the actual boot size
167 L0203 pshs y save a copy of it
168 ldx #SysDAT get dat image
169 tfr x,d save it
170 ldx $04,s get start of boot in memory
171 ldu #Buffer
172 os9 F$CpyMem copy one block at a time
173 lbcs Exit
174 ldy ,s get how much we're copying
175 ldx #Buffer point to the buffer
176 lda <PathO dump it to /DEVICE/OS9Boot file
177 os9 I$Write
178 lbcs Exit
179 puls d get size of what we're copying
180 ldy $02,s get start address of boot file in system memory
181 leay d,y go to the next group of data
182 sty $02,s save new start a address
183 nega
184 negb
185 sbca #$00
186 ldy ,s get size of boot file left
187 leay d,y take out what we've done
188 sty ,s save it
189 bne L01F7 if not done, continue
190 leas $04,s remove start,size from the stack
192 lda <PathO path to OS9Boot
193 ldb #SS.FD get FD information
194 ldx #FileDesc read the file descriptor sector
195 ldy #$0020 only get the first 32 bytes of it
196 os9 I$GetStt
197 lbcs Exit
199 os9 I$Close close the path
200 lbcs Exit
202 ldd <FD.SEG+3+2+3,x get size of SECOND segment in file
203 lbne L0488 if not zero, the file is fragmented
204 ldb <FD.SEG,x get first byte of address
205 stb <DD.BT save starting sector of the bootstrap file
206 ldd <FD.SEG+1,x
207 std <DD.BT+1 save the rest of the LSN#
208 lbsr L045A seek to LSN0 and dump out this information, too
210 lda <KernelF do we do a kernel track?
211 bne ClnExit no, don't even check for floppy stuff
213 lda <DD.FMT is it a HD? (Bit 7 set)
214 bpl Floppy if bit 7 is clear, go do track 34 stuff.
216 ClnExit clrb no error
217 Exit1 OS9 F$Exit and exit
219 no.boot lda <DD.FMT is it a HD? (bit 7 set)
220 bpl Floppy if OK, go write it
221 coma set carry
222 ldb #E$BTyp bad media type
223 bra Exit1
225 Floppy ldd #$0001 track 0, sector 1: LSN 1
226 lbsr L0440 seek to it
228 ldx #AllMap point to the allocation map buffer
229 ldy <DD.MAP get the size of the map
230 lda <Path
231 os9 I$Read read in the allocation map
232 bcs Exit1
234 ldd <DD.MAP get number of bytes in the map
235 leau d,x point to the END of the map
236 ldd #$2200 track 34, sector 0
237 lbsr Tk2LSN get LSN of this in D
238 pshs d save it for later
239 ldy #0018 force the boot track to be 18 sectors long
240 OS9 F$SchBit search for 18 free sectors at D,X: ending at U
241 cmpd ,s++ did we find bits at the starting bit number?
242 bne Check no, check for REL on the disk
243 cmpy #0018 if found at the right spot, did we find 18 bits?
244 beq AllClr if so, go allocate them
246 Check ldd #$2200 track 34, sector 0
247 lbsr L0440 seek to it
249 ldx #Buffer
250 ldy #$0100 read one sector
251 lda <Path
252 os9 I$Read get the first sector of the boot track
253 lbcs Exit
255 ldd ,x++ get the first 2 bytes
256 cmpd #$4F53 is it 'OS'?
257 lbne L0496 files present on track 34, give error
258 ldd ,x++
259 cmpa #$20 is it a BRA?
260 lbne L0496
261 ldd ,x get some bytes from the sector
262 cmpd #M$ID12 is it a module header?
263 beq map.blk yes, go write out the kernel track
264 leax 2,x skip the $1205 sync bytes
265 ldd ,x grab the header
266 cmpd #M$ID12 is there a module here?
267 lbne L0496 no, error out
268 bra map.blk don't allocate track 34, REL already exists on it
270 * We've found 18 bytes at D,X in the allocation bit map
271 * D,X,Y are set up from above
272 AllClr OS9 F$AllBit allocate the bits in the bitmap
274 * possible problems here, as the r/w of the allocation bitmap is NOT atomic.
275 * some other process may come along and grab the sectors we want.
276 L0315 ldd #$0001 track 0, sector 1
277 bsr L0440 seek to it
278 ldx #AllMap
279 ldy <DD.MAP
280 lda <Path
281 os9 I$Write dump out the allocation map again
282 lbcs Exit
284 * Do a F$Link to REL?
285 map.blk ldx #$003F the boot track is in block 63
286 ldb #1 one block
287 OS9 F$MapBlk map the block in
288 lbcs L049D error finding boot track in memory
290 ldd #$2200 track 34, sector 0
291 bsr L0440 seek to it
292 lda <Path
293 leax $0D00,u the boot track starts out at $ED00
294 ldy #$1200 dump out 18 sectors
295 os9 I$Write dump out REL, Boot, OS9p1
296 pshs cc,b
297 ldb #1
298 OS9 F$ClrBlk un-map block $3F
299 puls cc,b restore possible error code
300 bcs L048F if there was an error, print it out and exit
301 os9 I$Close close the path
302 clrb no erros
303 bra Exit
305 ******************************
306 * Convert track,sector to LSN
307 *
308 * Entry: A = track number
309 * B = sector number
310 * Exit : D = LSN# of that sector
311 Tk2LSN pshs b
312 ldb <DD.FMT
313 andb #$01
314 beq L037F
315 ldb #$02 disk is 2-sided
316 bra L0381
318 L037F ldb #$01 disk is 1-sided
319 L0381 mul multiply sides by tracks
320 lda <DD.TKS track size in sectors
321 mul get LSN of the track
322 addb ,s add in the sector
323 adca #$00 make it 16-bit
324 leas $01,s dumb dumb dumb people...
325 rts
327 L0440 pshs u,y,x,d
328 bsr Tk2LSN convert track,sector to LSN
329 pshs a
330 tfr b,a
331 clrb shuffle so 16-bit LSN goes to
332 tfr d,u 32-bit address, with the lower
333 puls b 16 bits all zero
334 clra
335 tfr d,x
336 lda <Path
337 os9 I$Seek seek to it
338 bcs L048F
339 puls pc,u,y,x,d
341 L045A clra
342 clrb
343 tfr d,x
344 tfr d,u go to LSN0
346 lda <Path
347 os9 I$Seek seek to LSN0
349 ldy #DD.DAT X=$0000 already...
350 lda <Path
351 os9 I$Write dump it out
352 bcs Exit
353 rts
355 Help leax <HelpMsg,pcr
356 clrb
358 Print pshs b,cc
359 lda #$02
360 ldy #$0200
361 os9 I$WritLn
362 comb
363 puls b,cc
365 Exit os9 F$Exit
367 L0488 leax >L00D1,pcr
368 clrb
369 bra Print
371 L048F leax >L0051,pcr
372 clrb
373 bra Print
375 L0496 leax >L008E,pcr
376 clrb
377 bra Print
379 L049D leax >L00F2,pcr
380 bra Print
382 HelpMsg fcb C$LF
383 fcc 'Use: COBBLER [-k] [-b] </devname>'
384 fcb C$LF
385 fcc / to create a new system disk by writing an OS9Boot file/
386 fcb C$LF
387 fcc / and a boot (kernel) track to the specified drive./
388 fcb C$LF,C$LF
389 fcc / -k = don't write the kernel track/
390 fcb C$LF
391 fcc / Hard disk drives never have the kernel track written./
392 fcb C$LF
393 fcc / -b = don't write the OS9Boot file/
394 fcb C$CR
396 L0051 fcb C$LF
397 fcc /Error writing kernel track or LSN0./
398 fcb C$CR
400 L008E fcb C$LF
401 fcc /Warning - file(s) present on track 34/
402 fcb C$LF
403 fcc / - this track not rewritten./
404 fcb C$CR
406 L00D1 fcb C$LF
407 fcc /Error - OS9boot file fragmented/
408 fcb C$CR
410 L00F2 fcb C$LF
411 fcc /Error - can't find boot track in memory/
412 fcb C$CR
414 emod
415 eom equ *
416 end