4 ********************************************************************
5 * VTIODefs - Video Terminal I/O Definitions for CoCo 1/2
6 *
7 * $Id$
8 *
9 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
10 * Comment
11 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * 2004/11/29 P.Harvey-Smith.
13 * Added symbolic defines for bits in V.CoLoad.
14 *
15 * 2004/12/02 P.Harvey-Smith.
16 * Moved over all variables from co51.asm
17 *
18 * 2005/04/09 P.Harvey-Smith.
19 * Decoded rest of the CoHR memory locations.
20 *
21 * 2005/04/24 P.Harvey-Smith.
22 * Added variables for cursor flash, currently only implemented in co51
23 *
25 TTL Video Terminal I/O Definitions for CoCo 1/2
27 ********************
28 * VTIO Static Memory
29 *
31 V.ScrnA RMB 2 (2) screen start address in system memory
32 V.ScrnE RMB 2 (2) address of end of screen
33 V.CrsrA RMB 1 (2) cursor address
34 V.CrsAL RMB 1 cursor address low
35 V.CChar RMB 1 value of character under cursor
36 V.Mode RMB 1 mode: 0=256x192 x2, 1=128x192 x4
37 V.NGChr RMB 1 number of additional characters to get
38 V.RTAdd RMB 2 (2) return address after getting characters
39 V.NChar RMB 1 character to process
40 V.NChr2 RMB 1 and the next one
41 RMB 1
42 V.Chr1 RMB 1 same as under cursor character
43 V.CColr RMB 1 cursor color
44 V.Col RMB 1 number of columns for this screen
45 V.Row RMB 1 number of rows
46 V.Alpha RMB 1 0 when in alpha mode
47 V.PIA1 RMB 1 PIA1Base value
48 V.Rdy RMB 1 device ready (see SS.DStat 0=not ready)
49 V.CFlg1 RMB 1 VDG display code values
50 V.SBAdd RMB 2 (2) address of block screen is in
51 V.GBuff RMB 2 allocation for graphics buffers (block#)
52 V.AGBuf RMB 4 (2) additional graphics buffer
53 V.FFMem RMB 2 Flood fill alloc'ed mem
54 V.FFSPt RMB 2 Flood fill current stack pointer
55 V.FFSTp RMB 1 Flood fill stack top
56 V.FF6 RMB 1 flood fill flag
57 V.FFFlag RMB 1 ??
58 V.MTabl RMB 2 (2) address of mask table for pixels in byte
59 V.PixBt RMB 1 bit mask for modes (0=$07, 1=$03 )#pixels/byte
60 V.GCrsX RMB 1 graphics cursor X value
61 V.GCrsY RMB 1 graphics cursor Y
62 V.Msk1 RMB 1 mask byte 1
63 V.Msk2 RMB 1 mask byte 2 (00,55,AA,FF)
64 V.MCol RMB 1 color? (C003,8001)
65 V.4A RMB 1
66 V.PMask RMB 1 pixel mask for colors (i.e. $55, $CC etc)
67 V.4C RMB 1
68 V.4D RMB 1
69 V.4E RMB 1
70 V.4F RMB 1
71 V.Caps RMB 1 caps lock info: $00=lower $FF=upper
72 V.ClkCnt RMB 1 clock count ??
73 V.WrChr RMB 1 character to write
74 V.CurCo RMB 1 current CO-module in use
75 * start of CoWP-specific static memory
76 V.Co80X RMB 1 V.54
77 V.Co80Y RMB 1 V.55
78 V.ColPtr RMB 1 V.56
79 V.RowPtr RMB 1 V.57
80 V.C80X RMB 1 CoWP X position
81 V.C80Y RMB 1 CoWP Y position
82 V.Invers RMB 1
83 * end of CoWP-specific static memory
84 V.DspVct RMB 2 vector to display screen
85 V.CnvVct RMB 2 vector to X/Y to address conversion
86 V.LKeyCd RMB 1 last key code
87 V.2Key1 RMB 1 2nd Key 1
88 V.2Key2 RMB 1 2nd Key 2
89 V.2Key3 RMB 1 2nd Key 3
90 V.Key1 RMB 1 Key 1
91 V.Key2 RMB 1 Key 2
92 V.Key3 RMB 1 Key 3
93 V.ShftDn RMB 1 SHIFT/CTRL state
94 V.CtrlDn RMB 1 CTRL key down
95 V.KeyFlg RMB 1 key flag
96 V.AltDwn RMB 1 ALT key down
97 V.KySns RMB 1 key sense flags
98 V.KySame RMB 1 key same as last flag
99 V.KySnsF RMB 1 key sense flag
100 V.Spcl RMB 1
101 V.KTblLC RMB 1 key table entry #
102 V.6F RMB 1 ???
103 V.COLoad RMB 1 CO-module loaded flags
104 V.CFlag RMB 1 true lowercase flag $10=true, $00=false
105 V.GrfDrvE RMB 2 GrfDrv entry point
106 V.CoVDGE RMB 2 CoVDG entry point
107 V.CoWPE RMB 2 CoWP entry point
108 V.CoHRE RMB 2 CoHR entry point
110 V.Flash RMB 2 Cursor flash routine address.
111 v.FlashCount RMB 1 Cursor flash count
112 V.NoFlash RMB 1 When this is non-zero do not flash cursor
114 * CoHR vars
116 V.51ScrnA RMB 2 * Screen address.
117 V.51XPos RMB 1 * X co-ordinate
118 V.51YPos RMB 1 * Y co-ordinate
119 V.51EscSeq RMB 1 * In escape sequence
120 V.51ReverseFlag RMB 1 * Reverse video flag
121 V.51UnderlineFlag RMB 1 * Underline flag
122 V.51CtrlDispatch RMB 2 * Ctrl char dispatch address, currently processing
123 V.51BytePixOffset RMB 1 * byte offset in screen line, of character X position
124 V.51OldCursorPosX RMB 1 * Position of old cursor before update
125 V.51OldCursorPosY RMB 1
126 V.51CursorChanged RMB 1 * Has cursor position changed ? 1=yes,0=no
127 V.51CursorOn RMB 1 * Is cursor on ? 1=yes 0=no
128 V.51XORFlag RMB 1 * and data to screen (0) or Xor (1)
129 V.51ScreenMask1 RMB 1 * screen masks for drawing characters on screen
130 V.51ScreenMask2 RMB 1
131 * End of CoHR vars
132 **** Note these have to come at the end of the defs, or the keyboard ****
133 **** code can clobber variables defined after these ! ****
134 V.IBufH RMB 1 input buffer head
135 V.IBufT RMB 1 input buffer tail
136 V.InBuf RMB 1 input buffer ptr
137 V.51End RMB 1
138 RMB 250-.
139 V.Last EQU .
142 * Unknown for now
143 *VD.FFMem rmb 2 (2) bottom of stack for flood fill
144 *VD.FFSPt rmb 2 (2) flood fill stack pointer
145 *VD.FFSTp rmb 2 (2) flood fill stack top pointer
146 *VD.FF6 rmb 1 flood fill flag
147 *VD.MCol2 rmb 1 color
148 *VD.FF1 rmb 1 data for flood fill
149 *VD.FF2 rmb 1 data for flood fill
150 *VD.FFMsk rmb 1 flood fill mask
151 *VD.FFFlg rmb 1 flood fill flag
152 *VD.Palet rmb 16 (16) current palette values
153 *VD.PlFlg rmb 1 initialized to $08 by L00DB, and then unused!
155 *
156 * Defs for V.COLoad flags.
157 *
159 ModCoVDG EQU %00000010 CoVDG, Built-in VDG 32x16.
160 ModCoWP EQU %00000100 CoWP, WordPak, 80x25
161 ModCoHR EQU %00001000 CoHR, PMODE 4 51x25 text
163 *
164 * Defs for cursor flash counter
165 *
167 CFlash50hz EQU 25 * 50Hz flash counter
168 CFlash60Hz EQU 30 * 60Hz flash counter
170 ENDC