1 *
2 * Graphics support routines for "view"
3 *
4 * Global DP variables:
5 * numscreens: Total number of graphics screens in use.
6 * curscreen: Number of currently selected screen
7 * screenpaths: array of path numbers for open screens
8 * Global subroutines:
9 * setscreen: Set a screen to correct type, open new one if appropriate
10 * setborder: Set border of current screen to palette A.
11 * select: Select StdOut.
12 * flipscreen: Select next screen.
13 * flipback: Select previous screen.
14 * echooff: Turn off echo to current screen
15 * saveopts: Get StdOut options packet and save it.
16 * cleanup: Select StdOut, turn on cursor, restore StdOut.
17 * newscreen: open a new screen, put path num in "outpath" var.
18 * killscreen: DWEnd current screen.
19 * killbuffs: Kill all of our buffers.
20 * setbuffer: Create one-line buffer for putting stuff on screen.
21 * Returns number of bytes/line in D.
22 * putline: Put data in linebuff onto screen line D.
23 * fetchline: Get screen line D into linebuff
24 *
25 ifp1
26 use os9defs.d
27 endc
29 check macro
30 pshs b,cc
31 ldb #\1
32 os9 F$PErr
33 puls b,cc
34 endm
36 StdOut equ 1
38 psect view_gfx_a,0,0,0,0,0
40 vsect dp
41 numscreens: rmb 1 Total number of screens allocated.
42 curscreen: rmb 1 Current screen
44 buffadd rmb 2 Address of Get/Put buffer.
45 buffsiz rmb 1 Size of Get/Put buffer.
46 endsect
48 vsect
49 screenpaths: rmb 16
50 endsect
52 ********************************
53 *
54 * Create appropriate screen
55 *
56 *******************************
59 vsect
60 setscCom
61 fdb $1b20 DWSet
62 fcb 8 type
63 fcb 0,0
64 fcb 40 screen width
65 fcb 24 screen length
66 fcb 1,0,0 palettes
67 fcb $1b,$21 Select code
68 fcb $05,$20 Cursor off
69 endsect
71 setscreen:
72 pshs a,b,x,u,y
73 tst <numscreens
74 bne setSame0 If we already have 1 screen, we _must_ create a new one.
75 tst <Samescreen
76 bne setSame1
77 setSame0
78 lbsr newscreen Open a new screen.
79 lda <outpath Store path number to paths array
80 leax screenpaths,y
81 ldb <numscreens
82 sta b,x
83 bra setSame2
84 setSame1
85 lbsr killscreen Kill this screen, so we can re-open with correct type.
86 lda #1 This screen is StdOut
87 sta screenpaths,y Set first path.
88 setSame2
89 ldb <numscreens
90 stb <curscreen Set current screen to most recent one.
91 incb
92 stb <numscreens We now have one more screen.
93 lda <type type from header interp
94 sta setscCom+2,y
95 anda #1
96 nega
97 anda #40
98 adda #40
99 sta setscCom+5,y bottom corner
100 leax setscCom,y Now output this string.
101 lda <outpath
102 pshs y
103 ldy #14
104 os9 I$Write
105 lbcs _error
106 puls y
108 lbsr echooff Turn off echo on screen.
109 lbsr setmouse Turn on mouse signal everywhere.
110 puls a,b,x,u,y,pc
112 selectCom
113 fdb $1b21 Select screen
115 select:
116 pshs a,b,x,y
117 leax selectCom,pcr
118 ldy #2
119 lda #StdOut
120 os9 I$Write
121 puls a,b,x,y,pc
123 flipscreen:
124 pshs a,b,x,y
125 ldb <curscreen
126 incb
127 cmpb <numscreens
128 blo flip1
129 clrb
130 flip1
131 bra doflip
132 flipback:
133 pshs a,b,x,y
134 ldb <curscreen
135 bne flip2
136 ldb <numscreens
137 flip2
138 decb
139 * Send the select code to the new screen.
140 doflip
141 stb curscreen
142 leax screenpaths,y
143 lda b,x
144 sta <outpath
145 leax selectCom,pcr
146 ldy #2
147 os9 I$Write
148 lbcs _error
149 puls a,b,x,y,pc
151 vsect
152 borderCom fcb $1b,$34,00,$1b,$33,00,$0c Set border, set background, cls
153 endsect
155 setborder:
156 pshs a,b,x,y
157 leax borderCom,y
158 sta 2,x
159 sta 5,x
160 ldy #7
161 lda <outpath
162 os9 I$Write
163 lbcs _error
164 puls a,b,x,y,pc
166 *
167 * Set screen modes on outpath
168 *
169 vsect dp
170 optvalid rmb 1 T = options packet is valid.
171 endsect
173 vsect
174 options rmb 32
175 newopts rmb 32
176 endsect
178 saveopts:
179 pshs a,b,x
180 lda #StdOut Get options for StdOut, and save them.
181 ldb #SS.Opt
182 leax options,y
183 os9 I$GetStt
184 lbcs _error
185 com optvalid
186 puls a,b,x,pc
188 echooff:
189 pshs a,b,x
190 lda <outpath
191 ldb #SS.Opt
192 leax newopts,y
193 os9 I$GetStt
194 lbcs _error
195 clr 4,x Turn off echo.
196 os9 I$SetStt
197 lbcs _error
198 puls a,b,x,pc
201 cleanCom
202 fdb $0521 Turn on cursor.
203 fdb $1b21 Select screen
205 cleanup:
206 pshs a,b,x,y
207 leax cleanCom,pcr
208 lda #StdOut
209 pshs y
210 ldy #4
211 os9 I$Write Select StdOut and turn on cursor.
212 puls y
214 tst optvalid If options is valid,
215 beq echoend
216 ldb #SS.Opt
217 leax options,y
218 os9 I$SetStt then restore the initial options.
219 lbcc echoend
220 os9 F$Exit
221 echoend
222 puls a,b,x,y,pc
224 *
225 * Open new window
226 *
227 Winname fcc "/w"
228 fcb $0d
230 newscreen:
231 pshs a,b,x
232 leax Winname,pcr
233 lda #3 Update mode
234 os9 I$Open
235 lbcs _error
236 sta <outpath
237 puls a,b,x,pc
239 killCom fdb $1b24
241 killscreen:
242 pshs a,b,x,y
243 leax killCom,pcr
244 lda <outpath
245 ldy #2
246 os9 I$Write
247 bcc killscrend
248 cmpb #E$WUndef Was it window undefined?? That we can ignore.
249 lbne _error No, abort.
250 killscrend
251 puls a,b,x,y,pc
253 vsect
254 killbcom fcb $1b,$2a,0,0
255 endsect
257 killbuffs:
258 pshs a,b,x,y
259 lda <PID
260 leax killbcom,y
261 sta 2,x
262 ldy #4
263 lda <outpath
264 os9 I$Write
265 puls a,b,x,y,pc
267 **************************************************************
268 *
269 * Create get/put buffer for horizontal imaging
270 *
271 **************************************************************
273 vsect dp
274 buflegit rmb 1 True= buffer already allocated and mapped
275 endsect
277 vsect
278 setbufCom
279 fdb $1b2c
280 fdb 0001 Group/buffer
281 fdb 0000
282 fdb 0000
283 fdb 320
284 fdb 1
285 endsect
287 setbuffer:
288 pshs x,y
289 tst buflegit If buffer already created/mapped, then don't do it again.
290 bne setbufend
291 com buflegit
293 lda <PID
294 sta setbufCom+2,y
295 leax setbufCom,y
296 lda <outpath
297 pshs y
298 ldy #12
299 OS9 I$Write
300 lbcs _error
301 puls y
303 lda <PID
304 ldb #1
305 tfr d,x
306 lda #1
307 ldb #SS.MpGPB map in buffer
308 pshs y
309 ldy #1
310 os9 I$SetStt Now try to map it.
311 lbcs _error
312 tfr y,d
313 puls y
314 stx buffadd
316 lda <type
317 ldb #40
318 cmpa #7
319 beq setbuf8
320 cmpa #8
321 bne setbuf9
322 setbuf8
323 addb #40
324 setbuf9
325 stb buffsiz
327 setbufend
328 ldb buffsiz
329 clra
330 lsla
331 rolb
332 puls x,y,pc
335 *
336 * Putline: expects number of row in D
337 *
338 vsect
339 putCom fdb $1b2d
340 fcb 0,1 Grp/Buf
341 fdb 0 Xloc
342 fdb 0 Yloc
343 endsect
346 putline:
347 pshs a,b,x,y,u
348 std putCom+6,y Set up PUT buffer command
349 lda <PID
350 sta putCom+2,y
351 ldd #0 First X value is zero.
352 std putCom+4,y
354 leax linebuff,y
355 ldu buffadd
356 ldb buffsiz
358 put1
359 lda ,x+
360 sta ,u+
361 decb
362 bne put1
364 pshs x,y
365 leax putCom,y
366 lda <outpath
367 ldy #8
368 OS9 I$Write
369 lbcs _error
370 puls x,y
372 ldd #320 Second X value is 320= 1/2 screen.
373 std putCom+4,y
375 ldb buffsiz
376 ldu buffadd
377 put2
378 lda ,x+
379 sta ,u+
380 decb
381 bne put2
383 leax putCom,y
384 lda <outpath
385 ldy #8
386 OS9 I$Write
387 lbcs _error
389 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
391 *
392 * fetchline: expects number of row in D
393 *
394 vsect
395 fetchCom fdb $1b2c
396 fcb 0,1 Grp/Buf
397 fdb 0 Xloc
398 fdb 0 Yloc
399 fdb 320 XSize
400 fdb 1 YSize
401 endsect
404 fetchline:
405 pshs a,b,x,y,u
406 std fetchCom+6,y Set up GET buffer command
407 lda <PID
408 sta fetchCom+2,y
409 ldd #0 First X value is zero.
410 std fetchCom+4,y
412 pshs x,y
413 leax fetchCom,y
414 lda <outpath
415 ldy #12
416 OS9 I$Write
417 lbcs _error
418 puls x,y
420 leax linebuff,y
421 ldu buffadd
422 ldb buffsiz
424 fetch1
425 lda ,u+
426 sta ,x+
427 decb
428 bne fetch1
430 ldd #320 Second X value is 320= 1/2 screen.
431 std fetchCom+4,y
433 pshs x,y
434 leax fetchCom,y
435 lda <outpath
436 ldy #12
437 OS9 I$Write
438 lbcs _error
439 puls x,y
441 ldb buffsiz
442 ldu buffadd
443 fetch2
444 lda ,u+
445 sta ,x+
446 decb
447 bne fetch2
450 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
452 endsect