5 ********************************************************************
6 * RBFDefs - Random Block File Manager Definitions
7 *
8 * $Id$
9 *
10 * RBF stands for 'Random Block Filemanager' and is a package of subroutines
11 * that define the logical structure of a disk and allows access to the files
12 * in that structure.
13 *
14 * The data structures in this file give RBF its 'personality' and are used
15 * by RBF itself, as well as applications that will require disk I/O.
16 *
17 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
18 * Comment
19 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
20 * 1982/07/13 Robert F. Doggett
21 * PD.Exten added to path descriptor and PE Entries defined.
22 *
23 * 1982/07/15 Robert F. Doggett
24 * V.FileHd inserted in driver static storage.
25 *
26 * 1982/09/10 WGP
27 * Level One/Level Two condionals added.
28 *
29 * 1982/09/17 WGP
30 *
31 * 1982/09/17 Robert F. Doggett
32 * PD.SLE renamed to PD.Creat.
33 *
34 * 1982/09/17 Robert F. Doggett
35 * V.DiskID, V.BMapSz, V.MapSct added for smart multi-sector bitmap searching.
36 *
37 * 1982/09/20 Robert F. Doggett
38 * Reserved areas added in static storage.
40 * 1983/06/07 Robert F. Doggett
41 * Added InDriver flag in PD.SMF.
42 *
43 * 1983/06/13 Robert F. Doggett
44 * Added PE.Req tmp save for PE.Lock.
45 *
46 * 1983/08/08 Robert F. Doggett
47 * Reserved PD.SToff for Japanese.
48 *
49 * 1983/11/19 Robert F. Doggett
50 * Added V.ResBit in drive tables.
51 *
52 * 1983/12/12 Robert F. Doggett
53 * Added PE.Prior to save process priority.
54 *
55 * 1983/12/13 Robert F. Doggett
56 * Added BufBusy bit in state flag (PD.SMF).
57 *
58 * 1984/07/06 Mark G. Hawkins
59 * Added Bit Definitions for DD.FMT.
60 *
61 * 1987/06/23 Kevin K. Darling
62 * Updated with Dev Desc Info
63 *
64 * 2003/06/02 Boisy G. Pitre
65 * Updated comments for clarity.
66 * Added TYP.256-TYP.2048 definitions for future expansion.
67 *
68 * 2004/04/14 Boisy G. Pitre
69 * Added new entries to device descriptor as per OS-9 Level One V2.00.00
70 * addendum. Pointed out by Rodney Hamilton.
71 *
72 * 2005/05/31 P.Harvey-Smith.
73 * Added defines for bit 2 of IT.DNS, which the format command uses to
74 * determine if a drive should have it's track 0 as single or double density
75 *
76 * 2005/11/23 Robert Gault
77 * Added IT.MPI giving it duplicate location with IT.TFM. This will not be
78 * transferred to the path descriptor, thus the equ * rahter than rmb 1.
79 *
80 * 2005/12/11 Boisy G. Pitre
81 * Added IT.SOFF1-ITSOFF3 and IT.LLDRV for SuperDrivers.
83 NAM RBFDefs
84 TTL Random Block File Manager Definitions
86 PAG
87 *******************************
88 * RBF Device Descriptor Offsets
89 *
90 * These definitions are for RBF device descriptors.
92 ORG M$DTyp
93 RMB 1 Device type (DT.RBF)
94 IT.DRV RMB 1 Drive number
95 IT.STP RMB 1 Step rate
96 IT.TYP RMB 1 Disk device type information
97 IT.DNS RMB 1 Density capability
98 IT.CYL RMB 2 Number of cylinders
99 IT.SID RMB 1 Number of surfaces
100 IT.VFY RMB 1 Verify disk writes (0 = verify, 1 = don't)
101 IT.SCT RMB 2 Default sectors/track
102 IT.T0S RMB 2 Default sectors/track for track 0 sector 0
103 IT.ILV RMB 1 Sector interleave offset
104 IT.SAS RMB 1 Segment allocation size
105 * The following fields are from the OS-9 Level One V2.00.00 Addendum
106 IT.TFM RMB 1 DMA Transfer Mode
107 IT.Exten RMB 2 Path Extension (PE) for record locking
108 IT.SToff RMB 1 Sector/Track offsets (for "foreign" disk formats)
109 * The following fields are not copied to the path descriptor
110 IT.WPC RMB 1 Write precomp cyl/4 (HD)
111 IT.OFS RMB 2 Starting cylinder offset (HD)
112 IT.RWC RMB 2 Reduced write current cylinder (HD)
113 * These fields have been added because of SuperDriver. They probably
114 * can be used in other drivers
116 IT.SOFF1 RMB 1
117 IT.SOFF2 RMB 1
118 IT.SOFF3 RMB 1
120 IT.MPI RMB 1
123 * IT.TYP Definitions
124 *
125 TYP.HARD EQU %10000000 Hard disk
126 TYP.FLP EQU %00000000 Floppy disk
127 TYP.NSF EQU %01000000 Non-standard format
128 TYP.SOF EQU %00000000 Standard NitrOS-9 format
130 * IT.TYP bit definitions if bit 7 of IT.TYP is set (hard disk)
131 TYPH.256 EQU %00000000 256 byte sector media
132 TYPH.512 EQU %00000001 512 byte sector media
133 TYPH.1024 EQU %00000010 1024 byte sector media
134 TYPH.2048 EQU %00000011 2048 byte sector media
135 TYPH.SSM EQU %00000011 Sector size mask
136 TYPH.DRSV EQU %00001100 Driver-reserved bits
137 TYPH.DSQ EQU %00010000 Drive size query flag
139 * IT.TYP bit definitions if bit 7 of IT.TYP is clear (floppy disk)
140 TYP.5 EQU %00000000 5" media
141 TYP.3 EQU %00000001 3.5" media
142 TYP.SBO EQU %00000010 Sector base offset (clear = 0; sect = 1)
143 TYP.256 EQU %00000000 256 byte sector media
144 TYP.512 EQU %00000100 512 byte sector media
145 TYP.CCF EQU %00100000 CoCo format
146 TYP.NCCF EQU %00000000 Non-CoCo format
148 * IT.DNS Definitions
149 *
151 * If bit 7 of IT.TYP is set, IT.DNS is driver-dependent
153 * IT.DNS bit definitions if bit 7 of IT.TYP is clear (floppy disk)
154 DNS.FM EQU %00000000 Single-density (FM)
155 DNS.MFM EQU %00000001 Double-density (MFM)
156 DNS.STD EQU %00000000 Single track distance (48/135 tpi)
157 DNS.DTD EQU %00000010 Double track distance (96 tpi)
159 * Added PHS,2005-05-31, as format seems to use these
160 DNS.FM0 EQU %00000000 Single density track 0
161 DNS.MFM0 EQU %00000100 Double density track 0
163 * Floppy disk step rate definitions
164 STP.30ms EQU 0 30ms step rate
165 STP.20ms EQU 1 20ms step rate
166 STP.12ms EQU 2 12ms step rate
167 STP.6ms EQU 3 6ms step rate
169 PAG
170 *************************************
171 * Random Block Path Descriptor Format
172 *
173 * A path descriptor is created for every new path that is open
174 * via the I$Open system call (processed by IOMan). Process
175 * descriptors track state information of a path.
176 *
178 PD.SMF RMB 1 State flags
179 PD.CP RMB 4 Current logical byte position
180 PD.SIZ RMB 4 File size
181 PD.SBL RMB 3 Segment beginning lsn
182 PD.SBP RMB 3 Segment beginning psn
183 PD.SSZ RMB 3 Segment size
184 PD.DSK RMB 2 Disk id
185 PD.DTB RMB 2 Drive table ptr
187 RMB 1 Device type
188 PD.DRV RMB 1 Drive number
189 PD.STP RMB 1 Step rate
190 PD.TYP RMB 1 Disk device type (5" 8" other)
191 PD.DNS RMB 1 Density capability
192 PD.CYL RMB 2 Number of cylinders
193 PD.SID RMB 1 Number of surfaces
194 PD.VFY RMB 1 0=verify disk writes
195 PD.SCT RMB 2 Default sectors/track
196 PD.T0S RMB 2 Default sectors/track tr00,s0
197 PD.ILV RMB 1 Sector interleave offset
198 PD.SAS RMB 1 Segment allocation size
199 PD.TFM RMB 1 DMA Transfer Mode
200 PD.Exten RMB 2 Path Extension (PE) for record locking
201 PD.SToff RMB 1 Sector/Track offsets (for "foreign" disk formats)
202 PD.ATT RMB 1 File attributes
203 PD.FD RMB 3 File descriptor psn
204 PD.DFD RMB 3 Directory file descriptor psn
205 PD.DCP RMB 4 File directory entry ptr
206 PD.DVT RMB 2 User readable dev tbl ptr
208 * State Flags
209 BUFMOD EQU $01 Buffer modified
210 SINBUF EQU $02 Sector in buffer
211 FDBUF EQU $04 File descriptor in buffer
212 *EOFSEC equ $08 End of file sector
213 *EOF equ $10 End of file
214 InDriver EQU $20 Currently in Disk Driver, or queued
215 BufBusy EQU $40 Buffer is currently busy
217 IFNE Level-1
218 ************************************
219 * Random Block Path Extension Format
220 *
221 * RBF paths under Level Two have additional information that
222 * is referenced by the path extension area.
223 *
224 ORG 0
225 PE.PE RMB 1 PE path number
226 PE.PDptr RMB 2 Back ptr to this PE's Path Descriptor
227 PE.NxFil RMB 2 Drive Open-File list ptr
228 PE.Confl RMB 2 Circular File Conflict list
229 PE.Lock RMB 1 Path lockout status
230 PE.LoLck RMB 4 Low Locked Logical addr
231 PE.HiLck RMB 4 High Locked Logical addr
232 PE.Wait RMB 2 PE ptr to (next) locked-out PE
233 PE.TmOut RMB 2 Max ticks to wait for locked segment
234 PE.Owner RMB 1 Process ID of owner of locked segment
235 PE.Req RMB 1 Temp for PE.Lock in GAIN when LockSeg fails
236 PE.Prior RMB 1 Temp for process priority while in driver
237 PE.SigSg RMB 1 Signal code to send
238 PE.SigID RMB 1 Process ID to send the signal to
239 RMB 32-. Reserved
240 PE.FilNm RMB 32 Temp for filename during directory search
242 * PE.Lock status codes
243 Unlocked EQU 0 No portion of file is locked
244 RcdLock EQU 1 Record from LoLck to HiLck locked
245 FileLock EQU 2 Entire file locked
246 EofLock EQU 4 End of file is locked
247 ENDC
250 PAG
251 ***********************
252 * LSN0 Disk Data Format
253 *
254 * Logical Sector Number 0 is the first sector on an RBF formatted device
255 * and contains information about the device's size and format.
256 *
257 ORG 0
258 DD.TOT RMB 3 Total number of sectors
259 DD.TKS RMB 1 Track size in sectors
260 DD.MAP RMB 2 Number of bytes in allocation bit map
261 DD.BIT RMB 2 Number of sectors/bit
262 DD.DIR RMB 3 Address of root directory fd
263 DD.OWN RMB 2 Owner
264 DD.ATT RMB 1 Attributes
265 DD.DSK RMB 2 Disk ID
266 DD.FMT RMB 1 Disk format; density/sides
267 DD.SPT RMB 2 Sectors/track
268 DD.RES RMB 2 Reserved for future use
269 DD.SIZ EQU . Device descriptor minimum size
270 DD.BT RMB 3 System bootstrap sector
271 DD.BSZ RMB 2 Size of system bootstrap
272 DD.DAT RMB 5 Creation date
273 DD.NAM RMB 32 Volume name
274 DD.OPT RMB 32 Option area
276 * DD.FMT Bit Definitions - valid only if device is a floppy disk
277 FMT.SIDE EQU %00000001 Single Sided=0, Double Sided=1
278 FMT.DNS EQU %00000010 Single Density=0, Double Density=1
279 FMT.TDNS EQU %00000100 Track Density: 48/135 TPI=0, 96 TPI=1
280 FMT.T0DN EQU %00100000 Track 0 Density, see FMT.DNS
283 PAG
284 ************************
285 * File Descriptor Format
286 *
287 * The file descriptor is a sector that is present for every file
288 * on an RBF device. It contains attributes, modification dates,
289 * and segment information on a file.
290 *
291 ORG 0
292 FD.ATT RMB 1 Attributes
293 FD.OWN RMB 2 Owner
294 FD.DAT RMB 5 Date last modified
295 FD.LNK RMB 1 Link count
296 FD.SIZ RMB 4 File size
297 FD.Creat RMB 3 File creation date (YY/MM/DD)
298 FD.SEG EQU . Beginning of segment list
299 * Segment List Entry Format
300 ORG 0
301 FDSL.A RMB 3 Segment beginning physical sector number
302 FDSL.B RMB 2 Segment size
303 FDSL.S EQU . Segment list entry size
305 FD.LS2 EQU (256/FDSL.S-1)*FDSL.S
309 PAG
310 ************************
311 * Directory Entry Format
312 *
313 * Directory entries are part of a directory and define the name
314 * of the file, as well as a pointer to its file descriptor.
315 *
316 ORG 0
317 DIR.NM RMB 29 File name
318 DIR.FD RMB 3 File descriptor physical sector number
319 DIR.SZ EQU . Directory record size
322 PAG
323 ********************
324 * RBF Static Storage
325 *
326 * Overall Disk Static Storage
327 *
328 * Note: This does not reserve any memory for drive tables. Each
329 * driver is responsible for reserving sufficient memory for
330 * the appropriate number of tables.
331 *
332 ORG V.USER Reserve required ($06)
333 V.NDRV RMB 1 Number of drives ($07)
334 RMB 8 reserved ($08)
335 DRVBEG EQU . Beginning of drive tables ($10)
338 PAG
339 ****************
340 * Global Storage For Disk Drive Tables
341 *
342 * Each table contains the first 'DD.SIZ' bytes from
343 * LSN 0, and the current track, stepping rate,
344 * bitmap use flag, and disk type.
345 *
346 ORG 0
347 RMB DD.SIZ Device descriptor, LSN 0
348 V.TRAK RMB 2 Current track
349 V.BMB RMB 1 Bit-map use flag
350 V.FileHd RMB 2 Open file list for this drive
351 V.DiskID RMB 2 Disk ID
352 V.BMapSz RMB 1 Bitmap Size
353 V.MapSct RMB 1 Lowest reasonable bitmap sector
354 V.ResBit RMB 1 Reserved bitmap sector (for compaction)
355 V.ScTkOf RMB 1 Sector/Track byte (Combined from descriptor)
356 V.ScOfst RMB 1 Sector offset split from byte above
357 V.TkOfst RMB 1 Track offset split from byte above
358 RMB 4 Reserved
361 ENDC